FALL 2018 SAFE PASSAGE OF YE ALL click on the link to download the whole document.
This is an extract.
The Three fold Flame of the Heart.
All this is occurring in the year 2018 at the conclusion of a lifetime of service to God and country in the concluding months of the Galactic Alignment of Helios to the Sun behind the Sun back to the center of the Galaxy to the center of the Great Central Sun around which our Galaxy revolves, at 1ÒLibra. This is occurring at the conclusion of the 33 years that were given to all in embodiment to play out the prophecies of the Book of Revelations. This followed the 33 years given all our souls to walk the Path of the Ascension back home in the Odyssey of our souls journey on the Path of initiation.
2018 all are being tested. All are bringing the harvest of the last 33 years of our personal Christhood to the altar of Maitreya to be measured at winter solstice (2018) whether each soul will have sufficient light to survive the coming famine or whether when the greatest darkness of the dark night of the spirit comes they will be in outer darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth as they stand at winter solstice as Pluto conjunct Mother’s descendant.
We stand on the cusp of the Turning of Worlds and of the Fourth Turning as the counter revolution of the fallen as prophesied by Mother. This is the counter revolution (communism and the Millenniums) to the Coming Revolution of Higher Consciousness. This is the wave upon which the third antichrists will ride to lead the revolution and which will be harnessed by the return of Genghis Khan, prophesied by Nostradamus.
All are choosing in the fall of 2018 which turning will be their future.