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The soul stands in the Sun to erase the face of the lesser self from the mirror of the moon mother. She maintains her independence in the mystery school by exalting the God flame within and working the works of the ages. She stands in the Sun in the heart and plunges the sword of truth into the propaganda and lies within the community and the nation. She takes her stand to fulfill her responsibility of her attainment of God Obedience as she faces the challenge of defending the idealism of the path in reforming “self”, a pillar in the community, a Son of Solitude. The soul is called to research all who have become a law unto themselves and have taken power to themselves. They interpret the law and by-laws to their meaning in direct violation of the laws of God and Man.
The soul is called to know where the problem lies and to invoke the light of the solar hierarchies into this darkness. Knowing that with God all things are possible and that what you ask in my name (Jesus Christ) will be granted of thee by my Father.
This is the purpose of the Sun through the Son when the soul receives her Holy Christ Self as the Sun transits the emotional body of the planet and people in Libra on the seventh solar day. The sun is bathing all in the seventh ray to transmute all opposition (Aries) and challenges (squares from Capricorn and Cancer) while calling upon the grand trine to Aquarius and Gemini solar hierarchies for help and light. The soul calls on her own causal body and I AM Presence to discern Gods purpose (of the Sun) to work through you, people and events to fulfill his will and to meet the challenges facing our souls, our activity, Community, and our nation. The challenge of self will manifest as self love and self preservation in Libra.
The soul interprets the solar transit through the houses of the solar signs of the solar hierarchies as taught by Maitreya. The soul interprets the Sun’s transit of the degree and minute of the seventh day in the feeling body of the planet and people on the seventh ray to transmute all forces of anti will and anti love and anti wisdom…the logic and reason of the serpent mind to strip the chela and disciple from the Guru and God as Mother. The soul uses the exact degree of the seventh day transit of the conjunction in Libra, opposition in Aries, the squares in Cancer and Capricorn and the trines in Gemini and Aquarius as taught by Kuthumi. Now apply the midpoints and decants and you see the message of the Stars, the message of the Sun (Star) delivered by Mercury to guide the soul.
El Morya teaches us that all lines (Clock) converge at the 6 o’clock line in Cancer, the Mother, the Feminine Principle in mater. The heart center, Libra Aries, converges on Cancer to reveal to the soul that she must stand in mid-October 2018 and face her initiations and challenges by expiating (washing in the seven rays and the seventh today) all for which she is struggling to complete and to achieve to fulfill her Father’s will. The soul is called to center in the heart and recede into the secret chamber to commune with the Holy Spirit for the God Solution to fulfill her responsibilities to challenge the lies and propaganda of those who have rejected the love of the Guru and the seventh angel, the hierarch of the seventh ray, Aquarius. The soul being God centered and counseled by the Masters fulfills her responsibility by researching all breaches of the law and the by-laws by those who have become a law unto themselves. Who having stood upon the mountain with Saturn, her causal body and electronic belt and have chosen the carnal logic of the Serpent mind to rule the activity and the nation in the outer, forsaking the inner walk with God as taught by Mother and Morya in the 4-10 axis clearance. They have gone far enough now its their turn having been given to rule the outer kingdom, by Saturn.
The soul stands in the six pointed star (MC, North Node, Chiron, South Node, Nadir, Moon) to challenge the lie and propaganda of those who justify their beliefs and actions. The soul calls upon Heaven and arcs the light of the Great Central Sun while we still have the light. For the day comes when no man may work. We are coming to the end of cosmic dispensation and cosmic cycles. The galactic alignment which began in 1975 and peaked in 1998, ends in late 2020. The alignment of the Sun behind the Sun. This is the conclusion of 33 years on the path of the ascension (1984-2017) and the 33 years of the playing out of the prophecies of Revelations, the 22 steps of the ascension (1985-2018). This is the conclusion of the Saturn Jupiter conjunction that began in 2000 during the mega conjunction of seven planets in Taurus; and the end of the second 14 year cycle of the 14 tests of the crucifixion, as taught by El Morya. Morya told us that in 2000 on June 27th the third and final 14 year cycle began. It ended on June 27th, 2014.
We are in the 31st year in Cancer of the initiation of the heart by the Holy Spirit and of the Path of Personal Christhood. We are called to the Transfiguration in the 33rd year in Virgo in 2020. All this so that when the alignment with the Great Central Sun is cut off and we stand in the Tribulation at the river Jordan before the Guru in the 34th year in Libra in 2021 we shall be the light of the world. We are called to be the Summit lighthouse of love to a dying world. We are called to turn the tide of darkness, the Tribulation, the final 3 1/2 years of the dark night of the spirit. We are called to uphold the Guru and together sustain the fire of the heart to uphold the Capstone on the Pyramid of America, the contact with the Ascended Masters. All this while all who have left off the path of the heart are forming the clock of betrayers on the North Gate who follow Antichrist who subverts the authority of the Son manifest in the Great White Brotherhood and usurps the office of Man occupied in Spirit by Jesus Christ and the hosts of his hierarchy. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray (Oct 1996) told us to watch for the coming of the Third Antichrist, that we would know him when he came.
We are called to our personal Christhood in 2020 so that some may stand in 2021 to gather the faithful and seal North America as taught by the Goddess of Liberty. And to bring the ascended masters names into every household in America for the fulfillment of the mission of the Summit Lighthouse (33 years beginning in 1991 – 2024). We must come prepared in 2021 to fulfill the mission of our personal Christhood, that of bringing the teachings into the homes of America.