2019 The Calm Before The Storm part 2

What follows are a number of excerpts from the document the Calm Before The Storm Part 2. Go to Page The Current Year to download the entire document.

This is part two of The Calm Before the Storm document series.  Part one, The Introduction explained the cosmic cycles providing the backdrop against which the coming events of 2019 will play out as each one decides to be or not to be. This document looks at the overview of the year. What does the year have in store and when.

Now we are come full circle in 2019 in the 36th year of all the cycles given in 1984; the return of Maitreya’s Mystery School (May 31, 1984) and the opportunity given in the 33-year cycle to prepare for the Ascension (April 8th, 1984).  The Maha Chohan told us on February 21st, 1988 during the mega-conjunction at 0 Capricorn that we had begun the initiation of our hearts by the Holy Spirit and that those who assimilate the Guru and the teachings would out picture the cycles of the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter and for some the Christ mastery of the Moon. While those who, under the initiation of their hearts by the Holy Spirit, accommodate the Guru and the teachings would out picture (play out) the Four Horsemen, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The major configurations of the current year are portents of the karma that is come due for transmutation and of the challenges this karma will present the soul in 2019. Taken together with Part Three of the document, the detailed analysis of winter quarter 2019 and we understand the major themes that will play out throughout the seasons as the sun’s ingress of the 12 signs of the zodiac this year.  Understanding what the year portends we are able to apply the law in the initiation of the public demonstration of the law of personal Christhood in Leo in 2019 (11/1/1987).

12/21/2018 – Winter Solstice is at 5:23 pm.  The MC – IC axis of personal karma is at 18 Pisces (M.C.) and Virgo (I.C.). This karmic axis is conjoined the ghosts of our karma made under the eclipse windows of 18 Pisces on 3/8/2016 – a window that lasts till Mar 2020 and the 18 Virgo eclipse of 9/11/2007 – as we faced the opening of the 5th Vial (Rev 16:10) poured out upon the throne of the beast and his kingdom, as the housing boom began to unravel their hold. Add to this the karma of their attack on America on 9/11/2001 with the Sun at 18 Virgo, now we will see the returning karma as their accelerated judgment.

1/5/2019 Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn in 5th house 2nd decant of reformation of our world to accommodate ourselves to give us control or reformation of our inner world and outer world to provide a nurturing environment for the birth of Christ and raising up of women as the feminine principal from which she has fallen. This eclipse is conjoined the star Vega, the Mother and will bring out the divine feminine of the soul or in others the hatred of Mother because her light is intensifying the judgment of evil in the Matter Universe. This coincides with Mars triggering the YOD to Mother’s MC thereby accelerating the usurpation of the Guru and the subverting (reformation) of the Law and the Lawgiver. This is the confrontation with the dweller to become the dweller, or slay the dweller. All mankind is affected. Out of this confrontation will come the 2020 elections to be governed by Christ or America and the church will be ruled by antichrist.  2019 will see the return of our karma with the guru as lawgiver.

1/7/2019 Psyche (the Watchers) enters Capricorn in the 6th house 1st decant.  Now we see the gathering in Capricorn of the leadership of organizations, nations, the status quo and opposition to the status quo, the Law and the Lawgiver…Watchers (0); Mercury (4); Saturn (12); Sun (17); Pluto (20); DSC (25); South Node (27) degrees Capricorn.  Saturn conjuncts Pluto in January 2020 and then Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, followed by Saturn Jupiter conjunction at winter solstice 2020.  We will see a major change in consciousness as we did in the 1920s. All because the Watchers are engaged in Armageddon against the Guru, the Sons of Solitude, today known as the Great White Brotherhood of Light.

3/20/2019 Spring Equinox as the Sun enters Aries in the 7th house second decant.  The faithful declare their independence from the pride and ego of ambition that has driven them in the past and now is driving many to control their environment and livelihoods.  They are willing to sacrifice much to save their live-li-hood.  The Sun enters Aries conjoining Chiron.  Chiron is in the 3rd decant of the 7th house, calling for expiation (balancing) of our karma.  We are called to choose to be in Aries, free from our past conditioning that places on the altar of our hearts the false gods of materialism and its dialectic of lies that are the bricks around the heart that denies the Divine Mother entry to give birth. Allowing the Dragon to send its armies to abort the man-child in the hour of birth (manifest as the current abortion laws being passed, NY, NJ, …). Sun Chiron conjunction