Sun in Pisces in the Physical plane, our physical bodies

Now is a time to purge the grave cloth that binds us to out worn ideas. Winter quarter is in its last 7 days before spring equinox. Spring is upon us shortly. A week today in fact at 5:58 pm ET.

Winter is the time when the divine is en printed on our inner being. It is when we have the urge within ourselves, divinely inspired, to change, to make way, to clear our consciousness to be open to a new spurt of life coming at spring equinox.

These inner changes must be allowed to pass out of our four lower bodies as spring arrives and consciousness wants to burst out with new and re-newed life. Spring arrives with an embrace and and a warmth of heart that brings new life and direction to the soul.

Spring is a time of contrasts where life bursts forth in one, fertile soil while in another the soil was not prepared over the fall and winter and it is full of the rocks of a hardened heart. This heart is not open to the change that is ready to burst out into consciousness. It rejects in fact that pulsating urge in the last week of Pisces. This soul has not found peace in winter only fear of what life will unfold in the spring.

Whereas in one we see the eager embracing of what life has in store, the husband ready for his bride. In the other we see toxins that are boiling inside ready to spring forth as anger and hatred at Equinox and the fields (of endeavor) will produce after their kind. Why is this? It is because whereas man was born equal not all men make their way equally. Some come to the fires of winter and embrace the night side, the Odic force. While others are forced to turn within by the cold snow of winter are left alone with stagnant inner energy. This energy churns and becomes toxic that now in spring becomes a poison.

Spring sees the planting of both kinds of seeds the life sustaining, nurturing seeds and toxic seeds of poison that if not uprooted will poison the land creating a blight. This is the message of the messenger of the Sun that stands with the Sun at 25 Pisces in the physical bodies of the earth and her people having prepared the soil , the fire body of man, the etheric body and filled it with the memory of life itself to bear after its own kind. The difference is the toxic heart is not looking outward in expectancy but is turned in upon herself and is become toxic. This outward springing forth is a cleansing and for many it is embraced as the soul embraces spring cleaning.