Saturday August 17th,

The final document in the series on Summer Solstice 2019 called “The Coming Changes, The Omega Cycle” has been added to the Site page, “Current Year 2019”.

Venus stands on US conceptual Sun conjoined transiting Sirius at 14° Cancer to hold the balance for the birth of Christ in the American people and the I AM Race, worldwide. These are those who stand between 29 Gemini and 6° Cancer to form the six-pointed star that Mother tells us is always the sign and signal of the incarnation of the word. The six-pointed star is made up of those in America and the world whose astrology (returning good karma) occupies between 29 Gemini and 6 Cancer, with Uranus, the Black Moon Lilith, the Watchers [Cupid], the Moon and Apollyon at 1° Scorpio, and Transpluto at 1° Virgo.  Venus keeps the vigil through the dark night of the spirit for the birth of Christ in the American people and the I AM Race by standing on the mountain and casting down Satan, the Dragon, the Serpent on the East Gate, and the planetary dweller of all who are tied to the Wicked One through Apollyon, who are the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray on the North Gate.  Venus upholds the arms of the Guru in the third house in the judgment, as the 12 tribes of Israel meet the challenge of the illuminati, the planetary dweller on the threshold who would destroy the church and the nation.

Pluto stands in the second decant of the ninth house, as the challenge that we face in 2019 on the Odyssey of our souls, as we stand with Maitreya to pass our initiation on the mountain (of God Consciousness or of our karma).  Maitreya teaches us to call upon the sword of the Cosmic Virgin to slay all that assails the birth of Christ within you and the American people and the I AM Race worldwide. We are called to slay the dweller in the third Decant of Capricorn, the true ideal, the ultimate goal of the path, the price to be paid for the resurrection and the ascension.

The current cycles began in 1990 when the dark cycle entered the physical plane.  This is when karma we created began returning immediately into the physical. Since 1990 we have seen a drastic increase in world population, an increase in the national debt, an increase in technology and the control of the people. We have seen an increase in the power of world communism and its threat despite all appearance of its defeat in the late 1980’s. We have seen the dismantling of America, from space to Main Street and Wall Street and of the US military. We have seen the transfer of industry and manufacturing, banking and finance from America to the Third World.

The Guru Jupiter is in Sagittarius.  Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019 for five days at 0° Capricorn. Jupiter leaves Capricorn on December 19th, 2020. Jupiter conjuncts the Watchers on December 4th, 2019. Jupiter conjunct’s the Dragon’s tail on January 6th, 2020. Jupiter conjunct’s Pluto on April 4th, June 30, and November 12th of 2020. Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at winter solstice December 21st, 2020.

The soul stands facing the greatest challenge on the journey home.  The challenge on the mountain with Maitreya at the conclusion of the 20-year journey of self-mastery over the lesser self (dweller) having submitted in Taurus to be governed by Christ on May 28th in the year 2000. We stand in the summer of 2019 watering the crop of Christ Mastery over the Antichrist, the lesser self (our dweller) that declares its independence from God, the doer. We are called in the next 17 months to slay the lesser self and cast the soul upon the rock of Christ in the Transfiguration. We are called to slay the Black Moon Lilith, the soul that rejects the Christ and the love of the Divine Mother. This great drama of the next 17 months will play out as Jupiter transits Capricorn. Come to wage the final battle of Armageddon within the souls of the called-out ones chosen to be the first fruits, in the church, and in America.

These are just a few excerpts from the document, “The Coming Changes”. Major challenges lay ahead, but our God has not left us to face them alone. God stands with his people to meet these coming challenges. He taught us how to call upon him in times of need. He gave us his name , given to Moses, for all time to come, “I AM THAT I AM“. Call upon the Lord in the hour of need. Call upon the Lord in gratitude and strength. Call upon the Lord any hour of the day. And he will send his heavenly legions of angels to defend you and America. CALL UPON THE LORD!

August 15th, 2019

The Woman Clothed with the Sun and Her Man-child Parts 1 through 4 have been added to the Current Year 2019 page.

God is gathering by the six-pointed star of the incarnate Word, those who are prepared to this hour to demonstrate publicly the mastery of the law. God is sending his sons to free his people and to gather the 1 million to his heart, “to sacrifice unto me” and to gather and lead the people through the seven last plagues. Helios has come at summer solstice 2019 to deliver these seven initiations to the Sons of God and the seven plagues to the sons of Belial, the fallen angels.

Astrology teaches us who is Aquarian and what initiations and tests we must all face as we move into the Aquarian Age under its hierarch Saint Germain. Aquarians are ruled by Saturn and Uranus. In cosmic astrology and in the cosmic clock Aquarius is God love, altruistic love, the love of the guru for the chela and the chela for the guru.  Saturn rules the forms and structures that must make way for those of Aquarius. Saturn reveals the pain and suffering we will undergo if we resist or if we fail to give expression to these changes.  The cosmic clock teaches us that Scorpio the 10 o’clock line is ruled by Cyclopea and the Lords of form. This is in contrast to Akshobhya (Virgo) whose wisdom consumes the component of personality, its form.  We know this as the synthetic self of the Antichrist and its poison of anger and hatred of the guru. Saturn rules the form or structure, the organization of society, its organizations, nations, our governments and our economy. Saturn represents the father and the law, the setting of boundaries and limitations. Uranus rules love, the highest level, Aquarian love in esoteric astrology this love is the causal body of Uranus. It is a higher octave of Venus the love of the chela, the divine feminine principle. It is in contrast to self-love, the love of the synthetic self, vanity. Uranus represents the idea and the flame of freedom. The flame that breaks the bonds that imprisons the soul and keeps her earthbound by the grave cloth that embalms the soul keeping her earthbound by attachment to material substance and Kuthumi teaches us that the substance of self is vanity. 

We are standing on the mountain with the mountain goats, the Satans, and the Watchers at 1° Capricorn in the fifth house with the guru Jupiter. Jupiter is in the first decant and the Watchers in the second decant. The sun is engaged in a four-year window for the judgment of the Watchers. This window began at winter solstice 2016 through winter solstice 2019 to carry out the divine plan for the judgment of evil in the matter universe beginning in 2017 throughout 2020, a four-year period of the conjunction of the Sun and the Watchers at winter solstice. There is one and ½ years left. The fourth-year begins at winter solstice 2019 when the Sun of Helios and Vesta is conjunct the Watchers at 0° Capricorn on winter solstice. {cycle 1}

This window of time converges with the YOD formed by the apex at 2° Aries conjunct Chiron conjunct Mother’s midheaven to Transpluto 1° Virgo and Apollyon at 1° of Scorpio. At this YOD we stand at the Y in the road with the guru and must confront our dweller by taking the right-hand path. (See Kuthumi chapter one, The Enemy Within.)  The window standing at the Y in the road began as the Sun entered Taurus in 2018 and lasts until the sun enters Pisces in 2020. This window has two primary phases, the first in 2018, the second beginning in 2019 and ending in 2020 {cycle 2}. This cycle corresponds with the astrological cycle of Neptune at 18° Pisces conjunct the solar eclipse at 18° Pisces, that opened a window from March 8, 2016 through March 2020. {cycle 3}

These three cycles all converge for the greatest testing of our souls probably since the departure from the original mystery school. The cycles will lay the foundation for what will play out beginning in 2021 when we emerge from the galactic equator. This emergence corresponds to the final 3 ½ years of the mission of the Summit Lighthouse.

During this eclipse window conjunct Neptune, from 2016 to 2020 we are being tested by all that is hidden that will be revealed and made plain, but first in our own lives and organization.  It is God’s way, the Elohim have told us, it is the fairness of the law. Abaddon called Apollyon at 1° Scorpio conjunct the nadir represents the return of karma and the playing out of the final drama of Abaddon who Revelations tells us is the king of the locusts that came out of the bottomless pit {Rev 9:11}. The problem astrology reveals is that of avoiding this returning karma, heads buried in the sand as the final drama plays out between absolute good and absolute evil. It was this state of mind that resulted in this destruction of the planets Hedron and Maldek and of the continents of Mu and Atlantis and of the first attempt to bring in the golden age, in Russia in 1917.

August 6th, 2019 and beyond, What You need to know

Mars is at the apex of the YOD to Neptune, 18° Pisces and the ascendant 18° Capricorn, the midpoint between Pluto and Saturn. Mars is conjunct the ghost of the solar eclipse from August 11, 2018 come back to haunt Mars while Neptune is conjunct the solar eclipse of March 2016. This solar eclipse at 18° Pisces opened a window that lasts until the winter of 2020. Neptune at 18° Pisces is testing the soul who stands under the eclipse of their sun, their God presence.

The soul stands on Mars at 18° Leo, the apex of the YOD, the Y in the road and must choose which way to go. The soul stands under the ghost of the eclipse of the sun of August 11, 2018. Furthermore the soul stands in the Martian energies in Leo that is intercepted in the seventh house with Aquarius intercept in the first house. This Leo Aquarius axis is the soul chakra. So the soul stands intercepted in the first and seventh houses under the eclipse of the sun of last summer and must choose which way to go. Shall she choose Neptune at 18° Pisces conjunct an active solar eclipse window that is active until March 2020 with Neptune in the second house second the decant of the soul struggling between material gain and the Martian male ego or does the soul choose to stand on the ascendant at 18° Capricorn midpoint between Saturn and Pluto. In other words does the soul choose to stand in the middle of the entire planetary forces that are congregating in Capricorn to play out what is being described as the great transformation of civilization, as we know it.

The soul is faced with the choice as she stands under the eclipse of the sun haunted by the choices made in the summer and fall of 2018 that now come back to haunt her as she stands in the Martian energies on the apex of a YOD and is forced to make a choice while standing on the mountain with the mountain goats in Capricorn that are gathering for the great confrontation and challenge to the status quo. How will the soul resolve this?

The soul has free will. The soul can choose to stand in the center of her astrology, or on the circumference to face the challenge, the dilemma of the ascendant in the midst of the approaching conjunction between Saturn and Pluto while Saturn conjuncts the Dragon’s tail of the counterfeit self known today as the dweller on the threshold of consciousness that has been hiding in the unconscious [Pluto]. This is the proverbial beast out of the bottomless pit referred to in the book of Revelations and the book of Daniel.

The Nadir of the chart is at 11° Taurus, the midheaven 11° Scorpio. This is the karmic axis of personal karma. The dilemma that the soul faces is how does she perceive what is occurring. Standing on the midheaven in Scorpio in the 11th degree which is revelation, here the soul sees through the glass clearly in God’s vision in Scorpio or does the soul stand in her Mars and perceive the passions of Neptune in Pisces. In esoteric astrology energy is neutral – it can be a healing or a poison just like herbs. Energies can be perceived to create the poisons of passion or the energies can be seen clearly in God’s vision by the soul who stands in Aquarius in selfless love and sees no evil. This is to say that the soul is wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. Because truly this soul sees evil for what it is and is able to stand not in the lusts of the flesh of the Mars – Neptune relationship. But the soul is able to stand in the higher octave, the causal body of Neptune in the Christ mind on the higher mental plane filled with the higher consciousness of the spirit universe that is the heartbeat of the matter universe in the center of the secret chamber of the heart known as the bundle of hiss.

The key to standing in the eclipse with the soul intercepted in the first and seventh houses is to deal with the ascendant-descendant axis of Capricorn – Cancer. Who rules the soul? Does the soul come to the challenge that is gathering as a great storm in Capricorn as the Watchers [Cupid] gather, as Saturn, the Dragon, and the planetary and personal dwellers gather to confront the coming of Jupiter, the guru. Jupiter represents the teacher in the East called the guru. Here in the West we call him Master. If you stand in the glass darkly on Mars on the apex of the Yod under the eclipse of the sun and intercepted in the seventh house of relationships to the master, to your twin flame, or your soulmate, to your husband or wife, to your best friend and partner you perceive the coming confrontation by or between the power elites who are coming as they rise on the ascendant to overturn the status quo of the western civilization, i.e. its destiny or promise. They have no values save the ego. The book of Revelation begins with the seven messages to the seven churches, the seven states of consciousness on the planet in their rebellion against the God of creation, the God of all creation. The message addresses the rebellion, the great rebellion that began in heaven and is playing out in the end times having been given the opportunity with the coming of Jesus Christ the Son of God who delivered the message that his kingdom will come at the end of the age of Pisces to begin the age of Aquarius and that all who rebelled in heaven and had been imprisoned in and now walk the earth are given the opportunity to repent and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and return home, the grace of God, the gift of his love, soul freedom [Aquarius]. As each message is delivered to one of the seven states of rebellion, and a message is delivered to the faithful of each of the seven churches the seven states of God consciousness or rays of God’s light. It is a message of hope and of promise and of deliverance.

So the soul stands at 18° Leo in the seventh house conjunct Mars, as the boy child and must choose this day whom they will serve and in serving will they be the loving boy child or the unloving boy child. Will the soul reject the love of the Divine Mother and allow the Divine Mother to introduce the soul to the Father? The real question is in the coming days weeks and months will the soul awaken to the confrontation coming in Capricorn and see the coming of the master in the second coming and therefore the second coming of Christ to the soul as the bridegroom. Or will the soul stand with Mars and perceive through the consciousness of the ego in Leo blinded by her karma, insensitive to life, emotionally disturbed. and fearful of what is coming upon the earth. In the latter state of consciousness and perception of the world without God will the soul give in to the passions and unleash in Capricorn the chaos of Pluto, the nuclear option.

This is the dilemma of the soul standing at the Y in the road on the mountain with the master and Satan. These two are archetypal patterns , i.e. the higher and lower octave of Saturn known as the causal body or the electronic belt of Saturn. It all depends on the soul’s relationship to God as she stands on the cusp of the age of Aquarius in God-love, the love of all mankind, or in the self-love of the hatred of mankind by those who live to serve only themselves, denying the existence of God. In that denial, in that vacuum that they create, they fill it with their hatred of God. This is the root of all cancer and it consumes life. This is the real nature of Pluto, the dweller on the threshold.

For many the key to Cancer is the going within and communing with life, the life giver, the God of life and confessing. This is the repentance of the soul, it is the soul creating a cup, a receptacle for God’s grace and his forgiveness. This is the astrology of the prodigal son and daughter of God. It is their hour.

Opportunity is like the weather its constantly changing. The lesson to the soul is that when the weather is nice and the opportunity is given, take advantage of it. God is the God of love and forgiveness mercy and grace. Humans in their idolatry are filled with the cancer of anger that is the poison of hatred of God. This is the rebellion of angels who have come down midst mankind who are made in the image of God and poison them with their hatred and in the resulting genetic mutation have created humanity. As it has been stated of old the Watchers [Cupid/psyche] looked upon the daughters of men and agreed amongst themselves to take as many as they will to be their wives and they trained them in necromancy, witchcraft ,and black magic, in all manner of the death sciences and of these wives they had children, the Giants in the land and the Titans that went to war against these gods; and the demons. These are the antediluvian civilizations that predate the flood that is recorded in every civilization on the planet.

This question is being answered today as the sun moves into the emotional quadrant, the astral plane of Leo tomorrow and the moon moves into the second phase which is the air quadrant, the mental plane. This is when the energies will have changed and the opportunity given will fade and transition into a new challenge for the soul. The soul has been given the opportunity and has filled her cup with light or darkness. As the cycles change on the morning the soul will drink of that cup and meet the challenges in the consciousness of one that can turn worlds around, or in the consciousness of another who is made powerless having giving all their power, in idolatry and sympathy, to the devils they elect to lead them. Having rejected the love of the Divine Mother and her son whom she has sent to lead them in the choices they make in the circumstances they create.

We are standing on the cusp of great change. It manifests as a great oncoming wave. We are being called to be ready to crest the wave,. We are all Sun surfers.

Summer 2019 Star Update

A new document has been added to Current Year 2019 page. an excerpt

Saturn entered Capricorn on December 19th, 2017 and on December 19th, 2018 Saturn conjoined Mother’s Mars representing her chelas. Then on April 12th, 2019 as the Sun entered the physical plane in Aries, Saturn conjoined Mother’s Descendant , the 7th house of the guru-chela relationship and the relationship of twin flames. This repeated again on May 17th, 2019 as Saturn returned retrograde while conjunct the Dragon (the backlash of the dweller’s tail) our past karma (our bad habits when our dwellers rose to betray the guru) with the Guru. These is our momentum that Master Kuthumi describes as the mood momentum of our residual desires, that are our attachments to material substance and substance of self, our vanity (“I will do it my way, it is our turn”).  To understand the background of our initiation on the Mountain that is occurring as the planets align in Capricorn take a look at the Alpha thrust of the Vesta cycle of the Divine Plan of the year (winter solstice to summer solstice) see the documents covering winter and spring quarters at Sun Star Lunar Dragon ( The Calm Before The Storm Parts I, II, III; The Spirit and Soul of America at War; and Warring in the Members, The Battle for America.

New Document is Titled

Helios Cycle of The Year 2019:   Part 1of 5

This document Summer Solstice 2019 The Woman Clothed with the Sun has been divided into five-parts.  This is Part 1, the first of five Helios Cycle of The Year.

                            Part 2, Summer Solstice

                            Part 3, Sun in Etheric Plane of Cancer

                            Part 4, Sun in Mental Plane of Cancer

                            Part 5, Sun in Emotional & Physical Planes of Cancer

We are standing on the cusp of great change.  It is manifesting as a great wave, oncoming.  We are being called to be ready to ride the crest of this wave {Confucius}.