Monday October 14th, 2019

We stand in the harvest cycle of the year with the sun in Libra. Many count their gains but some count their blessings. Many look to the outer seeking but not finding happiness. Others look within to their God Reality in Libra and commune with the Holy Spirit to fulfill their goals to bring to conclusion this fall their hearts desire to serve others and alleviate their suffering. Some serve their fellow man in organizations and government while others serve to exalt their egos and to place themselves in positions to weather the coming storms, they fear are coming.

On the one hand there are those whose hearts burn with a fire to finish the works of their hands knowing that cycles are coming to an end, uncertain what the future holds. Others count and calculate how to be in the best possible position as these cycles close.

This is Libra in the fall of 2019.

See the latest article, “The Name of God, Your Armor and Defense” on the Current Year 2019 page.

Traditional astrology looks at the planets through a filtered lens. These filters are of the souls psychology and or her karma and reincarnation. At its best astrology guides the soul through the dark night of her karma to achieve the best possible outcome for the soul.

Esoteric or cosmic astrology is an inner astrology as taught by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of Saint Germain, we call Uncle Sam. Jesus prophesied 2000 years ago that he would send his messengers at the end of the age to deliver the Everlasting Gospel. He delivered through John the Revelator that the Seventh Angel when he shall sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants, the prophets. REV 10:7

Cosmic astrology has as a different perspective. It sees clearly through the eyes of God the soul who has come apart from the masses and walks the homeward path, back to God from whence she departed long ago. It is a road map, some call the Message of the Stars. The Ascended Masters call it the Cosmic Clock. Esoteric Astrology calls it the Clock of Destiny.

How does this help us?

Traditionally, astrology looks at the planets gathered and gathering in Capricorn and they see a Great Transformation of civilization. This is a two edge sword. It has multiple meanings and not all are good. Traditional astrology looks at the cycles of the planets and sees the cycle of Jupiter and sees the strength of expansion, a symbol of authority and knowledge. Jupiter is the king of the gods who has taken the wealth of the people, the working people to themselves, now Billionaires, and rule under the economic law of scarcity, the hording of the wealth of the people by the few, some say less than 1 % of the population ruling over the 99% of humanity.

Jupiter is viewed or exploited by the few as a twelve year cycle. Jupiter is paired with Saturn to take control of the economic sine wave of the markets, the Bull and the Bear. It is the cornerstone to the New Economic Order of the One World Governance that the Power Elite (Jupiter) launched in the 1990’s under the NEOCONS in America. This is Jupiter seen from the eyes of opportunity and from the eyes of opportunists.

Jupiter is something different entirely. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is known to give off more light than it absorbs from the Sun. Jupiter is known to the Masters as the Guru, the Teacher of the higher mind, the Christ Mind. It is the focus of evolution on Terra for the Christ mind so that man may know the consciousness of God that was in Christ Jesus.

Jupiter is a twelve year cycle for the initiation of the Heart chakra, twelve petals on the twelve lines of the Cosmic Clock under the Twelve Solar Hierarchs who teach and initiate mankind under the Twelve Solar Hierarchies , we call the constellations. Jupiter resonates with our Hearts NOT our minds. This is the initial difference with the world , interested primarily in outer attachments.

So what does it mean when seen from the EYE of God as Jupiter enters Capricorn? Jupiter will be the last to gather, following the gathering in Capricorn of the Watchers we call psyche or cupido; the Satans we call Satan and his seed; The Dragon, we call the Dragon’s Tail; and Pluto that the Masters call the personal and planetary dweller on the threshold of mankind’s consciousness.

Jupiter enters Capricorn at zero degrees on the 12 o’clock line at midnight on the cosmic clock. Jupiter enters as the promised return of the Teacher, in the Second Coming of Christ…in man and in Jesus. He is come Christ told us for the Judgment. He will come we were told after 2000 years of the Pisces Fish, the fishermen on men when all on earth will have heard of his glad tidings of salvation and chosen to the left or to the right. Jupiter begins a new cycle of twelves. Each twelve on each of the twelve lines of the clock or a 144 year cycle. The last time was in 1877, the opening of the mystery schools to mankind in a period known as America’s golden age. He comes and we are told will divide father from son and mother from daughter because some will choose to follow him and others choose to follow the fallen angels and their civilizations of the four Beasts seen by Daniel being spewed out of the Mouth of the Red Dragon, Satan, Greece, Rome, Babylon, and Persia. The fourth and dominant beast in Revelations at this time is Rome.

What does this mean for America and the I AM Race today?

Jupiter comes to end our cycles of soul evolution of the last 144 years. We see this as the changing backdrop on the stage, the scene and we see it as the evolved soul then and now. Jupiter heralds the end of a physical cycle that entered the physical when Jupiter entered the physical plane at 0 Libra, three Jupiter cycles ago, 36 years ago on Jan 19th, 1984. The judgment of evil in the matter universe. This was the year of the 33 years of the ascension flame preparing mankind to follow Jesus in the Ascension at the end of this lifetime.

Jupiter is come to seal our victory of our souls harvest of the oil in our lamps, the fruit on our vines, our talents garnered by service to God and man and our wedding garment for the wedding to our Christ Self in the Second Coming. Some have walked this inner path of astrology and are prepared for and anticipating what is coming upon the Earth.

Jupiter represents the promise of the ages, the second coming; the Once and Future King, the return of Merlin; the return of Elizabeth Clare Prophet we call Guru Ma. What will be their welcome?

Who will even know? How will we know? It is foretold that we will see him come because we are like him. It is a matter of Heart. It is a matter of the soul’s bond to the heart of the Guru, Jupiter, the twelve petaled chakra. It is a matter of clearing the heart of its hardness of heart in the Age of Aquarius. It is the ability of the soul as a lamb to lie down with Lions, it will take the purity of heart and soul having cast out fear to lie down on the six o’clock line on the North Gate of the City Four Square with the authority of the sons and daughters of God in the Office of the Lion in Cancer. To defend the birth of Christ in You by raising up the Divine Feminine that has been torn down by the Nephilim and their Olympian gods of the Greeks pantheon we call today, Apollyon and in Hebrew Abaddon.

Jupiter will deliver his judgment starting in December this year, 2019. What will we see? At first you will see happiness, a relief claiming God is not real. Nothing has happened or is going to happen. This is the prophecy of Revelations, that when the judgment is delivered to begin cycling through the planes of matter into the physical, they will not repent.

What will they do, then? They will celebrate as they did in the 1920’s. Mighty Victory tells us to study the 1920’s to see the degradation of society. You will see a worsening of the state of consciousness of the people and their power elite, their rulers.

You will see a great out pouring of the hatred of their hearts towards God and his faithful. You will see a great flooding of consciousness of the hatred of America and Uncle Sam.

You will also see, a great out pouring of gratitude towards God and Uncle Sam and it will manifest in these coming elections as the population divides between those who are preparing for the second coming and those who now fear it, by one last final celebration, the roaring 20’s.

Now you will see a rallying to Uncle Sam and Saint Germain, the hierarch of the Age of Aquarius. You will see in the second coming Jesus and his Mother appear to uphold Saint Germain and initiate his own to be born again in Christ that was in Christ Jesus to stand in the earth in the full stature of their personal Christhood to rally to Saint Germain to fulfill prophecy, all that is written.