The final document in the series on Summer Solstice 2019 called “The Coming Changes, The Omega Cycle” has been added to the Site page, “Current Year 2019”.
Venus stands on US conceptual Sun conjoined transiting Sirius at 14° Cancer to hold the balance for the birth of Christ in the American people and the I AM Race, worldwide. These are those who stand between 29 Gemini and 6° Cancer to form the six-pointed star that Mother tells us is always the sign and signal of the incarnation of the word. The six-pointed star is made up of those in America and the world whose astrology (returning good karma) occupies between 29 Gemini and 6 Cancer, with Uranus, the Black Moon Lilith, the Watchers [Cupid], the Moon and Apollyon at 1° Scorpio, and Transpluto at 1° Virgo. Venus keeps the vigil through the dark night of the spirit for the birth of Christ in the American people and the I AM Race by standing on the mountain and casting down Satan, the Dragon, the Serpent on the East Gate, and the planetary dweller of all who are tied to the Wicked One through Apollyon, who are the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray on the North Gate. Venus upholds the arms of the Guru in the third house in the judgment, as the 12 tribes of Israel meet the challenge of the illuminati, the planetary dweller on the threshold who would destroy the church and the nation.
Pluto stands in the second decant of the ninth house, as the challenge that we face in 2019 on the Odyssey of our souls, as we stand with Maitreya to pass our initiation on the mountain (of God Consciousness or of our karma). Maitreya teaches us to call upon the sword of the Cosmic Virgin to slay all that assails the birth of Christ within you and the American people and the I AM Race worldwide. We are called to slay the dweller in the third Decant of Capricorn, the true ideal, the ultimate goal of the path, the price to be paid for the resurrection and the ascension.
The current cycles began in 1990 when the dark cycle entered the physical plane. This is when karma we created began returning immediately into the physical. Since 1990 we have seen a drastic increase in world population, an increase in the national debt, an increase in technology and the control of the people. We have seen an increase in the power of world communism and its threat despite all appearance of its defeat in the late 1980’s. We have seen the dismantling of America, from space to Main Street and Wall Street and of the US military. We have seen the transfer of industry and manufacturing, banking and finance from America to the Third World.
The Guru Jupiter is in Sagittarius. Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019 for five days at 0° Capricorn. Jupiter leaves Capricorn on December 19th, 2020. Jupiter conjuncts the Watchers on December 4th, 2019. Jupiter conjunct’s the Dragon’s tail on January 6th, 2020. Jupiter conjunct’s Pluto on April 4th, June 30, and November 12th of 2020. Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at winter solstice December 21st, 2020.
The soul stands facing the greatest challenge on the journey home. The challenge on the mountain with Maitreya at the conclusion of the 20-year journey of self-mastery over the lesser self (dweller) having submitted in Taurus to be governed by Christ on May 28th in the year 2000. We stand in the summer of 2019 watering the crop of Christ Mastery over the Antichrist, the lesser self (our dweller) that declares its independence from God, the doer. We are called in the next 17 months to slay the lesser self and cast the soul upon the rock of Christ in the Transfiguration. We are called to slay the Black Moon Lilith, the soul that rejects the Christ and the love of the Divine Mother. This great drama of the next 17 months will play out as Jupiter transits Capricorn. Come to wage the final battle of Armageddon within the souls of the called-out ones chosen to be the first fruits, in the church, and in America.
These are just a few excerpts from the document, “The Coming Changes”. Major challenges lay ahead, but our God has not left us to face them alone. God stands with his people to meet these coming challenges. He taught us how to call upon him in times of need. He gave us his name , given to Moses, for all time to come, “I AM THAT I AM“. Call upon the Lord in the hour of need. Call upon the Lord in gratitude and strength. Call upon the Lord any hour of the day. And he will send his heavenly legions of angels to defend you and America. CALL UPON THE LORD!