2019 Winter Solstice

In 2019, the cycle of tens tells us that we are at the completion of an era, it is telling us that a finality will occur this year. This is the final stage of the period for which the current generations alive today have endeavored during the opportunity given to them. This is the ending that precedes a new beginning for the called-out ones upon the planet.  Cycles must be completed this year; the lessor self must be emptied so that the soul is ready for the new cycles that will begin in 2020. Between this year of endings and next year (2020) of new beginnings (24 months), mankind especially the 13th Tribe, will begin to pass through a transformation of civilization while they themselves are undergoing a period of self-transformation, the First Resurrection.

            Transformation is anticipated by all. In fact, it is eagerly being anticipated. But like adrenaline or too much caffeine it is often deceptive and misleading. One hundred years ago, in 1919 we stood on the cusp of a new century that promised much. But the self-proclaimed beautiful people became swallowed up in their self indulgence and the hedonism of the roaring twenties which when it crashed (1929) led to poverty, starvation, disease and war that began a genocide that took well over 100 million in an unprecedented, we thought holocaust.

            This last century was itself an ending, an ending of an age (Piscean), a millennium, a century and more.  It was the 10th stage of a greater cycle. While this century is the beginning of a new cycle (Aquarius) of personal freedom that our cosmology laid down for us by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that tells us is of our personal Christhood and of God Government in the new land, America. This is the place prepared through the ages for the fulfillment of the promise of the Ages, the renaissance nation for the renaissance man as promised by the God of Abraham to his people….to come apart and be a separate and chosen people. The Nephilim, with us today as the Illuminati in the Church and the nations are determined to stop this cycle of the mass exodus from the current, modern Egypt called Babylon The Great and the church age (while Pluto is in Capricorn, 2009-2024). This cosmology and the Everlasting Gospel tell us that the Dragon revives the Beast of Rome.

Jesus the Christ the Son of God left us a record, sealed by a judgment so it could not be altered like the rest of his cosmology and teachings by the Illuminati within the Church. This record is the Book of Revelations that tells us that this is the transition from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age that Jesus said would occur at the end of the 2000-year dispensation of the Age of Pisces (Revelations 20:4, the First Resurrection or Transformation). Revelations also tells us that at this time, at the end of the 2000 years, (in the 1990s) that the Fifth Angel would sound (the fifth trumpet judgment), it was then that John saw (in the 1990s) a star fall from heaven unto earth to whom was given the key to the bottomless pit which he opened (at Summer Solstice, June 1997), in Revelations chapter 9:2.  Here it is written, “There arose a smoke out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace. The sun and the air were darkened and there came out of the pit locusts upon the earth”. That is to say, that they came into embodiment in the 1990s; the Illuminati call them the Millennials, whom they are programming within their education institutions, by their mass media and information technologies to be revolutionaries, the long-sought Hitler youth and communist youth. They are programmed to bring in the Illuminati’s brave new world and new economic order of world totalitarianism and the next great holocaust.   

            You can verify this by doing a Google search on world population.  You will find that in 1800 the world population was 1 billion. In 1900 it was1.6 billion and by 1990it was 5.288 billion.  By way of co-measurement in 1940 the population is estimated to be 2.3 billion but with what has been called the Baby Boom it jumps in 50 years, in the span of less than two generations to 5.288 billion.  Beginning in 1990 to November 2018, in the span of one generation the population increased to 7.7 billion, an increase of 2.4 billion.  The United States went from 2.6 million in 1776 to 300 million in 2016.

            We see two great influxes of population.

            First, in the 50 years from 1940 to 1990, world population growth of 3 billion.

            Second, in last 28 years since 1990, world growth has been 2.4 billion

            Who are they, these 5.5 billion?  It is important to note that by the cosmology of the followers of the Law of the One God, the first group was the incarnation of the laggard evolutions and their Atlantean scientists who were responsible for the destruction of the continents of MU and Atlantis. They have gathered in the Middle East and are spread across the nations of the planet for the testing of the Sons of the Law of the One. Whether they will follow Christ and be governed by Christ as their Representatives in the Democracy of God Government as created in the Renaissance Land (America). Or whether they would choose to follow the false gods of materialism of world Capitalism and its religion Communism (dialectical materialism…secular humanism, the doctrine of the church of Satan).  Arnold Toynbee teaches that the populations of every civilization at one point, either spiritualize or they materialize and collapse at its peak, seemingly overnight because they all choose to follow the dominant minority (the first group). See Arnold Toynbee and his studies of the civilizations on the planet.

            Revelations also tells us who the second growth spurt are. They are the locusts, out of the bottomless pit (Revelations 9:3, July 1997).  They include those who are the bottom 10% of the evilest of the evil. They are the four angels loosed from the Euphrates river, come to lead the army of 200 million referred to in Revelations 9:16 (August 21, 1998). They are the legions of Gog and Magog.  They call them the Millennials.

this excerpt can be read in its entirety on the Current Year 2019 page winter quarter Titled “The Calm Before The Storm”.