Capricorn Affecting Emotions in The Middle East
The Sun in Capricorn entered the emotional plane of the planet on Sunday January 5th at 15 Capricorn (through 22 CAP 30′). The Sun in the 2nd decant of Capricorn is playing out through the emotional bodies of mankind. It is especially evident in and around (about) the Middle East. We are witnessing the re-action manifest through Psyche at 1 Capricorn in the 3rd decant of the 6th house. Psyche represents to the Greek – Judea world, the Watchers. This angel band of 200 whose influence on the Middle East, the Greek civilization is enshrined in Greek Mythology as the Pantheon of their gods, with whom Abraham and our Fathers had to contend with. They came down to earth and took the daughters of men (of the Nephilim) as their wives, as many as they desired. They taught their wives the dark occult arts and sciences. They were trained to lure mankind down from the mountain of our abode, with our Father Enoch.
To better understand what is playing out in the Earth in the people through all the planets in Capricorn and what they portend for us in 2020. Please download the full document attached here or on the Current year page and Documents page.
The Watchers at 1 Capricorn have a strong influence on the Mediterranean civilizations. Especially all the Middle Eastern nations. The prophet Daniel tells us of his dreams. He speaks of the Red Dragon, out of whose mouth came Four Beasts
Daniel describes in his dream, the Red Dragon spewing out of his mouth Four Beasts, Greece (Capricorn), Persia (Iran, Taurus), Babylon (Iraq, Virgo), and Rome (Holy, Leo). All empires whose consciousness of civil law has flooded the British Empire (Commonwealth, the Sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim) perverting the Common Law, a marriage of Canon Law and Celtic Tribal Law of the Britons. Common Law, the foundation of all Freedoms, government of the people, for the people, by the people.
Jesus describes to John the Revelator how this flood occurred. He describes the Opening of the Seven Seals.
The chelas of God must invoke the Peace Commanding Presence of Jesus Christ and his Father, Maitreya to anchor his flame of Peace in the Middle East, for the Judgment. Command in his name, Jesus Christ, for war to cease, in the name of God. Let all who persist in war be consumed by the fires of peace. Jesus Christ anchors his flame of peace in the Middle East for the judgment (trumpet judgments). Jesus says, “let those who persist in their warfare, in their hatred (Virgo Iraq), in their darkness receive that warfare, that hatred that darkness upon themselves.
Now you see why the seven trumpet judgments are set upon those whose names are NOT written in the Book of Life. They are receiving the judgment which they have meted out upon themselves by their own actions, by their own misuse of the Law (Taurus, Iran). We are also seeing the fruits of our labors in Taiwan and Tehran as the people act out picturing the PEACE Commanding Presence of Jesus Christ come in the earth in answer to the call.
Now we see coming upon the earth with the gathering in Capricorn, on the mountain of God the final battle. Now we will see coming out of the sea of karma returning the playing out of the Beast out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, upon which are ten crowns. Upon the heads is written “blasphemy” as was seen by Daniel. The Dragon gave him his power for 42 cycles of 14 times 3 of initiating the Sons of God on the 14 stations of the cross as they hold the balance of world karma. This Beast has power over all in the earth who do not have their names in the Book of Life (Rev 13:1).
So, there is coming with the dividing of the way upon the mountain of Capricorn those who will inherit the earth and the Kingdom to re-BUILD the kingdom. in the earth. These latter are separated out and sealed in their foreheads because they have chosen life and their names are written in the book of life. Others are choosing to build the kingdom here , now in this world by transforming this world. These are Antichrist who have the mark of the beats in their foreheads and have taken the mark in their hands to buy and sell. They believe they have prepared for the coming changes having laid away plenty for the days of famine. It will avail them nothing for the wrath of God is upon all who are not sealed in their 3rd Eye from all desire, the evil of men’s hearts.