Capricorn each year and particularly this year describes what is in store for the year. It tells the soul what Gods plan is and provides us with divine direction for the soul’s journey through all four quadrants or elements. This provides the soul meaningful guidance as she travels through each, within her four lower bodies. The goal is to balance and to expand the three fold flame of the heart in each quadrant or plane of existence.
We recognize and interact on these planes through our corresponding “lower body”. Capricorn is on the 12 o’clock line, the blue or power flame of the heart that provides the soul God’s plan and direction for the year. It is how God communicates with the soul. It resides in the etheric plane that we access through our memory body, that is made of the fire element that makes up our fire or etheric body. Here is where Jesus Christ declared, Lo I am come to do my Father’s will.” “It is not I who doeth the work, it is the Father in me who worketh, I work hitherto.”
The Sun enters Capricorn to begin the new year, a new page in the soul’s journey on life’s way. This is winter solstice, 0 degrees Capricorn. Here is where God’s Power is experienced as a new thrust or investment of light /life to sustain life on the planet for the year. It enters Capricorn as the Sun’s purpose written in the heavens as the message of the stars. It provides life on earth the evolutionary path and divine plan for the civilization of the Mother and her children that gets anchored in Cancer and Leo to guide and direct the souls of the sons and daughters of God.
God’s light and his will plays out in the earth in our desire bodies on the water or astral plane as our feelings and emotions. These are driven by our desires, the ancients have taught as the source of all suffering on earth. This is where Armageddon has been playing out until now. In the battle for man’s soul and heart as man’s will (personality, ruled by the lunar forces) is set against the Father in the Son, the Sun and Solar Forces, called the hierarchies of the Sun, the Hidden Hand that has been operating behind the Nation since its foundation. These are the forces Jesus taught us, “It is the Father in me who doeth the work.”
If you and we collectively are to have our victory in this year of great change and converging of energies, of light and darkness we must understand what God’s plan for 2020 is to ensure we are not looking through the glass darkly. We must see with 2020 vision the plan for our individual soul and that of the nation; if we are to have our election sure. After all we are all aware now that Great Change is underway. The question is who is driving it? God’s will through his Son in the second coming. Or is it of human origin, the rebellion in the earth against the Coming of the Son. What is the meaning of all these planets being gathered in Capricorn in the final few years of the Galactic Alignment, that is ending this year? What is the inner spiritual meaning of the Galactic Alignment?
2020 is the foundation year for this new decade and for the next round of Cosmic Cycles or Divine Plan for Earth and Man that plays out over the next 12 years of the Cosmic Clock. What does it portend? How will the second coming of Christ play on this stage that is now set in 2020? How does the return of the Serpent prophesied by the ancient Mayans to the mystery school that is written as the wilderness to which the Woman and her child-man flee on the wings of a great eagle, America play out in all this that we are seeing in America in 2020?
Mankind is looking for answers. This predicates knowing what questions to ask then to have the Grail chalice within the inner heart to receive the answers. That is to say that the soul must have oil in the grail chalice to receive the flame, the fire from heaven. These answers to your questions are delivered to you in Capricorn, entering the etheric plane, your fire body wherein lies your memories and records of the answers. Your ability to listen by grace and to receive his message is directly proportionate to your ability to receive the Sun and the Son behind the Sun. This is the Second Coming. This is the measure of the Temple now being taken as described by John in Revelations. The measure taken this fall will determine on the outer, the 2020 election results. The latter will determine what is written as our future as we align with Heaven and Hell (Hades, its legions and their king, Abaddon we call Apollyon, in the western civilization with its Greek origins). See Revelations chapter 9 verse 11.