Current Year 2021 begins at Winter Solstice 2020.
All documents published in 2020 are now in the archive named 2020.
There are two types of postings on this site. the BLOGs are what is happening on that date or more likely that week. The other type of post is a document and is downloadable on the CURRENT YEAR Page, as of yesterday, winter solstice on Current Year 2021 page. These documents are in depth studies of what is occurring in longer cycles of time, usually monthly and quarterly. We look through the lense of Cosmic Astrology and the Cosmic Clock that delineates the Star Maps of the cycles and seasons using the prophesied Everlasting Gospel as the truth of what is occurring. Students of the Stars and of Elohim, who use the Stars to step through the veil to deliver Cosmic Cycles according to the Cosmic Clock, are able to read the cycles of the Ruby Ray to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Although the focus is primarily America. All documents are discussed as planetary wide. This is because America is the heart of the planet, India the crown. America is the wilderness that the woman and her seed were taken to escape from the Serpent. America is the place prophesied for the gathering together of the remnant of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Hence the worlds hatred and their enmity.
All 2020 published documents can be found on the 2020 page, the 2020 archive page.