The Sun’s journey through Sagittarius in Cosmic circles is measured by a cosmic clock. It is the measure of the harvest of the divine plan of God’s will for the year. It measures the God Victory of the soul’s integration in the 8th ray of the secret chamber of the heart. The expansion of the flame upon the altar of the heart of the Temple. This is Revelations chapter 11 verse 1. This plays out in our solar system on Earth under the 12 Solar Hierarchs as the initiation of the soul according to the timing of this cosmic clock. Our tests come as the opposition to the light of the heart flame within the individual. It manifests as the soul’s testing as she faces the Moon’s Lunar forces that magnify and amplify our Mars residual desires. The lunar forces cause our karma to rise from the unconscious into our subconscious and even into out physical consciousness each day at sunrise. Now we must face the astrology of our karma and karmic encounters with others who are inundated with their karma. These latter we are taught come as the TESTERS to test and try the soul.
Sagittarius is higher mind and ideas. It is where the soul declares I See. The soul differentiates between her lunar created personality and her solar character, her individuality that God would forge with the soul’s free will, into a diamond mind of the Father’s will instead of her personalities volition. These souls enter advanced initiations to become Teachers, Judges, Priests that hold for mankind a greater aspiration than his lesser desires forged into selfish pursuits instead of the evolved souls who pursue the Greater Good.
Sun entered man’s desire body for 7 solar days beginning Dec 6th through Dec 13, Sunday to Sunday this week. The US nadir is conjunct the ingress MC at 3 SAG. The US MC is conjunct the ingress nadir at 3 GEM. How is this impacting events playing out this week? More importantly, how is it impacting the peoples desires, their feelings and emotions, their mood momentums? We might ask instead how are events, being manipulated behind the scenes, affecting mankind’s feelings and emotions? Are the people behaving this week the way the media have calculated, under their constant propaganda campaign, including the major social media? Meaning how are the people reacting to events playing out this week under these stars, the lunar eclipse and the solar flare on Monday and continuing through Friday, manifesting as the Northern Lights which the northern states can see if you look North.
The Sun’s transit this week is in 3 stages. The first is Sunday through the early hours Wednesday, today. The second stage is Wednesday through early hours on Friday. The third stage is all day Friday through Sunday when the Sun will ingress into the physical at 22 SAG 30. These three stages of the Sun’s journey through the water element on the planet and man’s emotional and desire bodies are the measure of a man. Jesus tells us in Revelations, chapter 11 verse 1, the measure of the Temple, the altar, and them that worship in it.
Stage 1 is over. It ended in the early hours Wednesday AM. The Sun’s journey in SAG from 15 – 17 degrees was through the 2nd decant of SAG, the soul’s exploration of the way to achieve the right (handed) path to achieve within the inner Temple of the Heart’s flame, blazing upon the heart’s altar, by Americans who have remained faithful to this hour.
Stage 1 is the soul’s testing (i.e. the measure) as the Sun transits the 10th house, 2nd decant, Martyrdom. Will the soul bow upon the mountain with Jesus and his Father and with Satan and give up her divine given right to rule ourselves under God, by Christ and his Archangels over the White House? Or will the soul stand unmoved by the propaganda and lies by all in the political machinery and the media who disregarding the vote of the people demand you bend the knee before Tyrants. We stand on the mountain in Capricorn with all gathered there, not seen for 1000s of years. Even with Pluto Jupiter and Saturn alone, this has not been seen for 1800 years. When we experienced the 10th and final persecutions of the followers of Jesus Christ under the TETRARACHY of the four Caesars ending with Constantine who as a PAGAN forced the Church under torture and persecution to accept and adopt the APOSTLES CREED during the NICEAN Council. This threat of MARTYRDOM changed the church for 1800 years.
During stage 1 the soul standing on the North Node at 20 GEM in 4th house 3rd decant is called to research the wheel of the law and the teachings to stand before the Dragon’s tail and its threat of a backlash. They are called to Zero Point to decide to bow upon the mountain before Satan and to accept in the 10th house their “rightful rulers” who have been selected for them. This is Satans call this fall.
The harvest this year is who will answer God’s call to the alchemical marriage of the Divine Mother? Who will stand on the mountain in Capricorn in 2020 and elect to be ruled by Christ, sacrificing the lesser self and selfish love upon the altar on Man’s Temple and prepare for the Second Coming that will return Donald Trump to a second term, to finish what God has given him to do in the fall of 2016. See Daniel chapter 7.
The Sun entered the 2nd stage of its transit of SAG to impact our desire body to plant the seeds of God’s Desire for his children, on Wednesday (today) through the early hours of Friday. The Sun is come to nurture man’s desiring to be ruled by Christ and free herself from the ego tyranny of antichrist that would take all freedom to themselves while reducing FREE Men to Slaves, they call the worker class. Read Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan.
Stage 2 is the souls journey this week through all obstacles thrown in her path by the court rulings and the media crimes covering up the political crimes and foreign involvement in wide ranging acts of treason against the government of the people by the people and for the people and their right to a free election. The soul’s alignment with God desiring within her hearts altar flame within the Temple of her being, calls upon Heaven for intercession. The soul knows that only God’s desiring can navigate the labyrinth of lies and deception being perpetuated by the political parties and the media against the American people. The soul cries to heaven. Not as a beggar but one with her Bridegroom, Christ to his Father in Heaven to bind the TARES at harvest time and burn them.
Stage 3 Friday through the Sun change from the water element to the earth element at 22 degrees 30 minutes SAG on Sunday. In Stage three of the Suns transit in SAG in the astral or emotional plane, Heaven hears the calls of the faithful. Heaven answers our calls. The sun enters the 3rd decant of SAG, illumination’s flame passing through the 3rd decant of the 10th house, idealism. God illumines the way through the labyrinth of obstacles and propaganda and deception.
Is it a wonder that on Monday when the moon entered the physical phase of the 12th lunar cycle of the year, the weakest state of the moon phases over man’s desires and emotions, her mood momentums. Is it a wonder that on Monday a solar flare initiated lunacy, or insanity amongst all opposing God’s people on earth and in America. He has disrupted their minds during a time when the moon’s brainwashing using third house media has little power over man. He has sent instead to his people solar manifestations, the Northern Lights to cause his people to aspire to Christ dominion over America. This will manifest at winter solstice in 2 weeks when Jupiter Saturn enter an exact conjunction that in now being recognized as the Bethlehem Star, the Christmas Star. This Star heralds the Second Coming. Christ is come for the judgment and the salvation. This is the mission of Christ that begins at winter solstice and brings in a new year of salvation to all who will receive Christ in their hearts.
Stage 3 starting Friday brings illumination that consumes the peoples ignorance and imparts wisdom. This allows the people to gain their victory of their harvest of 2020. The right to be ruled by Christ and to elect to rule ourselves, free of voter fraud, which is a crime and in high places, is TREASON. God answers our calls delivering us his Son and the God solution to Earth’s current dilemma and America’s.
The White House, US natal MC at 3 GEM is conjunct the solar ingress nadir, President Trump and the Hidden Hand behind Americas inception and birth which has stayed faithful to his covenant with the American People, keeps their finger in the dike, holding back the returning karma of the astral sea until the American people can rally to him. See Daniel chapter 7.