Winter Solstice Begins a New Quarter of the Year.

What was very physical in the fall, our struggles, our challenges, our strivings and our longings will now appear to lay fallow for a period. But, be not complacent. Instead, be vigilant. Earth’s spiritual elder brothers with Jesus in heaven teach us that the new year begins as a new blank page, a new cosmic cycle of opportunity on New Year’s Day.

The fallen angels are experts at stealing the victory won by the light bearers, as the Viet Nam war is a testimony, as is Russia in 1917; or the cold war that began with the US assassination of General Patton. Beware your leadership handing the victory YOU, the people paid dearly for and hard won, to the fallen angels. This is historical precedent. Do not trust your Representatives in Church and State. They have a long history of betrayal of the people. You know the adage of politicians and lawyers, it is really far far worse.

As we saw last year, the powers that be, have planted a fall crop that grows over winter. Last winter we saw Covid-19 and a false flag or misdirection in the Middle East. It wasn’t until the spring and the Equinox when they revealed the true nature of the opposition to the people of the light, the lightbearers, and our election sure. It was in March last year that we began to understand the true nature of the opposition to the coming Star of Bethlehem announcing the election sure of the second coming of Christ in the people in the fall of 2020 and the opposition to the people electing a President who is committed to making America Great again.

So, will heaven leave the people of the light to the whims of the Democrats and the Millennials and their extreme left, Communist Anarchy? Will the people of the light, allow all they have worked so hard for, for seven generations now, be overthrown because they do nothing to defend the nation and its Constitutional Rule of Law? Do you think that heaven will measure our effort, a mail in vote, to be sufficient defense of the wilderness God gave his people of the light? Or that your moral support for the President, that the Ancient of Days placed in office in 2016 and again in 2020 to restore America to Greatness that God created it for, will be sufficient in HIS sight?

These are the questions that Winter Solstice 2020 will answer. The answer lies in the Star of Bethlehem, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. God gave mankind and humanity 2020 to sort out whom they will elect to rule them going into 2021, when we will have emerged from the Galactic Alignment of the last 46 years into the Greater Light of the galaxy that our solar system has not encountered for 10,000 years.

This light will be the salvation of the lightbearers and the judgment of the reprobate, one who constantly commits crimes…as in these elections. God gave man the Books of Daniel and Revelations and many more to prepare us for the challenges that lay ahead. He has, never-the-less, not left us comfortless. He has prepared our souls to be the brides of Christ, to form the Diamond Heart of Jesus Christ that together with his Father, we would be made one in the marriage of the Lamb, the Lamb’s Wife. All this to occur in 2020, in preparation for 2021 and the Christ mission that lays before us.

A new cycle of great light and opportunity lies before us, heralded by the Christmas Star appearing on Winter Solstice, Jupiter Saturn conjunction. Many pundits on the web now deny what only a few weeks ago was heralded as the Bethlehem Star. Whose star do you follow, Christ or these comets in the sky that appear then burn out, in Congress and in Hollywood?