Little understood is the US natal chart. Why? Because 1776 was not the birth time of America, it was the time of conception and it foretells the destiny and the karmic debt that the colonists were called to fight for and to defend, with vigilance.
America’s birth time was on April 30th, 1789 in New York City at 1:30 pm LMT. This time has been given us by Morya El. Why does it matter? The 1776 conception chart shows the destiny of every American, to come prepared with oil in their lamps to the second coming of Christ in man. It shows her destiny to bring God Government to America, US conceptual Sun is conjunct the God Star Sirius. The US conceptual ascendant is at 13 Sagittarius inconjunct the conceptual Sun. Indicating that the American people are destined to give birth to Christ who will rule them with a rod of iron. The iron will of the diamond heart disciplined in Cancer to embody the Father in the Son. America is called to defend the freedom and liberty of all nations and people on Terra. The barons of industry and their bankers and financiers conspired against America by dedicating the Illuminati, to defeat God’s plan for both America and the second coming of Christ in man. They hired Karl Marx whose dialectic materialism is the catechism of the religion of Capitalism (Materialism) they called it communism and its socialist policies. America is Atlantis rising once again to raise up the Christ in her people and to defend freedom and liberty in the hearts of the I AM Race worldwide.
Americans have a debt of destiny that must be paid in Scorpio where those who are called to America may receive her inheritance. It is this inheritance the Illuminati and the people of the lie have conspired to steal or swindle from the people of God. They do this primarily by destroying all that is pure in the hearts of this people. It begins in the home in early childhood by affecting the child’s early environment. US natal ascendant is 7 Virgo and her natal sun is 10 Taurus in the 1st decant of the 9th house conjunct Venus, the faithful remnant of the seven states of consciousness to which Jesus delivered the Book of Revelation to John. He saw the ending from the beginning.
In 2020, Uranus enters the 10th degree of Taurus to conjunct the US natal Sun on July 4th, 2020. It will be in the 10th degree for the initiation of this people through April 18, 2021 when it will transit into the 11th degree going back and forth until it moves on, leaving behind the Vestal Virgins without oil in their lamps on February 7th, 2022. This is the defining period for America. Many would see and have even gone so far as to invest in her failure. They have already sold their inheritance.
This period July 4th 2020 to Feb 7th, 2022 will define for the entire planet how the Tribulation will play out and for how long. Daniel describes this coming cycle in chapters 8 through 12. This is the period of the next 12 years. This is the first 12 year cycle of the cosmic clock as the Sun of our Solar System leads us into the great unknown as we emerge from the Galactic Alignment. The Mayans saw this in their cosmic clock they called the Mayan Calendar. It was a BILLION year cycle. Still believe it was a calendar?
What does Uranus foretell? It is the hope of the world, it is the love of Aquarius, the love of God for man. It is foretold as the second coming of Christ in man. The Kingdom Age that we call a Golden Age, ruled by Christ in Leo.
Uranus is also the harbinger of great hatred and the repression of God in Man, the Father in the Son. This is the rebellion that began in heaven as Lucifer in his pride fell under the spell of Peshu Alga. Cast down, the Serpent made war against the Woman and her seed as they came to earth in the Mediterranean basin and the middle east. They entered the Mediterranean, as Greek mythology tells us, that was the Motherland, a matriarchal civilization and caused the fall of the feminine principal in man. They trained us to be MARS, destroying the dominance of VENUS in man, both male and female.
Uranus rules the realm of fire, the etheric memory of the planet and devaschan, the Elysian fields. It was here that our souls learned to hate and were taught witchcraft. We have been descending in evolution, devolving ever since. Many more continue to de-evolve on the path of rebellion against Jesus Christ and his Father, who are come with our personal Christ into our temples, as is manifest in the hatred of America by this generation who have incarnated since 1939 as the gates of Hades were opened as taught in Revelations. They came launching a population explosion, all the while killing the child in the womb who is the incarnation of Christ in man. Millions have been sacrificed on their altars of lust. As they incarnate increasing the planetary population by 5 billion since 1939. Explain zero population growth and abortion in the light of the rapidly increasing locusts from Hades whose king is Apollyon at 2 Scorpio. He is the Scorpion King and the locusts are the Boomers and the Millennials, but not all. God’s faithful people are now as they were then (1776) , 10 percent of the population. As in the beginning so in the ending. These are the remnant of the faithful within the seven states of mind, the seven churches of the Book of Revelation.
The next BLOG will take a look at Uranus, the White Horse in the Book of Revelation and examine what is the karma of this nation and her people descending upon the planet in the summer of 2020. America is the heart of the planet. As America goes, so goes the planet. Or it is stated as America ‘s people stands with Uncle Sam , our God, the God of Israel, the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, so will go the planet.
It will look at what is this karma descending upon the I AM Race. As God always chastises his people first before he chastises the children of the fallen angels. What is this karma of the 12 Tribes that sold Joseph into slavery instead of killing him outright. How has this karma continued to play out these last 2000 years, these last 200 years, especially these last 20 years. 2020 is a year of accounting as the Saturn Jupiter 20 year cycle comes to a close on the New Economic Order of the One World Governance of the American Illuminati. God sent the Little Horn to up root these three horns amongst the Group of 10. Well I guess you have your homework to do, if you want to know what is required of the law in this hour.
What is the karma of squandering our inheritance these last 20 years in America and the I AM Race these last 20 years, these last 200 years, these last 2000 years? It is Revelations chapter 20 verse 5, because we fail to bend the knee in Capricorn on the mountain with the Serpent, called the Dragon as we stand at the Y in the road and fail to take the hand (YOD) of our God and receive our personal Christ in our temple, to rise up on wings of an Eagle to meet Jesus and his Father Maitreya in the Air, thus the three Emmanuel with us. For the remnant of the faithful this is happening as we speak and will TRANSFORM the world as is being foretold. The difference is it is God’s Kingdom that is coming not the Great Transformation of a one world materialist civilization back to the world as it was before Jesus Christ was sent into the world.
The Mayans, saw it, they prepared to meet the returning Serpent and leave with him in their spaceships as their prophecy foretells. But first, they will destroy God’s people and the planet . They refuse to give it back. These are the Modrids and Vivian and her like sorceresses. They plan to destroy Camelot before they will leave it to the Once and Future King and his Knights and Ladies who are foretold to return to Camelot and cast out these Black Magicians. So we see two futures, two plans, and two peoples.
Who are you betting on winning, why yourself of course. This is the battle of Armageddon and this is the Tribulation. This is the great darkness just before the coming dawn. This is the next 12 years. Are you ready? Start now. Cycles are turning and now is the start of new cycles. Catch the wave, ride it to your destiny. God has forgiven you before you even ask. This is the cycle of the prodigal son and daughter. Wash your karma in the violet flame of freedom and let go and let God, do what he will do. He is come for the judgment of these fallen angels and all who take the mark of the Beast in the hand or forehead.