I will be reactivating this site this year. I needed to take a break following my retirement. I apologize for any inconvenience my break to start a new life, after retirement may have caused you.

If you have been following this site you have some idea where the world is headed and hopefully what your role in it will be.

This site Cosmic-Clock.com is named Sun Star Lunar Dragon after the two-main forces (light and darkness) vying for our souls. 2024 is a landmark year, of truly cosmic proportions. We have watched the 21st century threaten, these last 24 years, to undo all that mankind has gained these last 2000 years and the first 200 years of our being called to America, to unite. One people, one nation, one God!

The forces of darkness unleashed upon the earth and her people, as Jesus describes them to us in the Book of Revelations, have committed themselves to the final battle between light and darkness. The people of the world are asleep under the self induced hypnosis of Neptune’s great delusion. God’s people, America, the seed of Abraham, the people of Afra, and the people of Chin have taken a different road to 2024 and everything is about to change for them. Some have called it, a road less travelled, the Great Awakening, the higher road that Neptune illumines. Planets have nodes. The higher vibrations of each planet leads to the evolution of the soul (the north node), whereas the lowest vibrations of a planet that the soul out pictures (south node) leads to in Neptune’s case, death. Revelations teaches us, that following death is hades or hell, the Pale Horse of Revelations chapter 6.

Two tracks, two forces, and two peoples have been diverging for 2000 years, especially these last 236 years (since 1789). This divergence has accelerated beyond reconciliation. A lesson learned under the assault of Covid-19 and its aftermath.

This divergence saw a marked acceleration in 2012. This is the year prophesied by the Mayans that saw the ending of their calendar with the return to Earth of the Feathered Serpent and the final battle between the Mayan (two) Cosmologies. One centered on the God Star Sirius, the other on the Pleiades. This great drama, of cosmic proportions saw the return of the Serpent to the Mystery School, Eden come again, in the garden of Maitreya. The Serpent has come upon us as a thief in the night to strip the disciples of Christ Jesus from the Word, the prophesy, and the promises of Jesus’ Father, Our Father who art in heaven….

This divergence has triggered within mankind’s hearts the Great Rebellion, now playing out in the Earth, foretold by the Mayans. This was triggered by the Pluto Uranus squares that began in June 2012 following the Serpent’s return to the Mystery school under Jesus and his Father on May 20th, 2012 during a Solar eclipse at 0 degrees Gemini. This Great Rebellion underway by the so called, Power Elite is ruled by this Pluto Uranus influence, a potent combination that we are now seeing play out.

This divergence accelerated under the influence of Pluto Uranus which saw seven exact squares between June 2012 and March 2015. They began under the influence of a solar eclipse and they ended under a solar eclipse at spring equinox 2015. Mankind was left to face the karma of the Garden of Eden and the second coming of the Serpent, the choice to follow Christ or as Matthew teaches us the many false Christ’s that have gone out in the earth. These false Christs, Revelations teaches us are the White Horse of the Apocalypse, Uranus. Pluto represents to man his Dweller -on-the-threshold of his consciousness, his very own Personal (Personality(s) of the mask or synthetic self that man has created (in the first house) since being cast out of the Garden of Eden in order to survive and for some thrive, in the footstool kingdom of the Serpent and his seed to whom we are entwined in marriage, now genetically tied, as told in the old Testament.

This final battle is being fought within each soul, as described in the Book of Revelations that Jesus teaches us was given to us, who would be here at the end of the Piscean Age that would divide those of the Light from those of the Darkness. Those from above, the seed of Abraham, Afra, and Chin from those from below, the fallen angels and the fallen Sons of God, the Watchers and their seed, in our very midst, even in some cases in our own families.

The Satanic nature of this Great Divergence or the Great Rebellion in the Earth is in response to the Second coming of Christ in Man (we the people) that was triggered by the Four TETRA MOONS that began in the spring of 2014 under the influence of the May 2012 Solar eclipse at 0 degrees Gemini that covered the period up to and including America’s 2016 elections. The Four Tetra Moons April 2014 to September 2015, heralded the Ride of the Four Horsemen. Deliverance of mankind’s karma of the last Grand Sidereal Year, 12 Ages, the last 25, 800 years.

Jesus in Revelation’s 22 chapters and the Ancient of Days in Daniel chapters 7 through 12 teaches us, what is coming upon the Earth at these end times, so feared by the Mayans and their gods, the illuminati. They fear the final judgment that the Second Coming foretells, triggering their Great Rebellion under the Serpent and his seed. This influence will last for centuries because of the mega conjunctions in Capricorn, 1988 -2023 and the seven Pluto Uranus squares that were amplified and magnetized by the FOUR TETRA MOONS that launched Hilary Clinton’s run for President, in the fall of 2014.

The question is where is this all taking us. We began this discussion talking about the two tracks people have chosen to take to arrive at this Great Transformation that is under way. This Great Divergence that is occurring in the churches and the nations is a Cosmic process of fragmentation. The separation out of the wheat from the tares, then the uniting of the fragmented people of God. This is Mother Mary tells us in her Medjugorje messages, hers and her Son’s strategy.

One can see his or her life to date, as a journey. Today we stand on the cusp of great change and of a future that has been written by our daily choices that defines whether we, each one stand upon the cusp or the precipice of tomorrow and whether it will bring us the promised salvation or the prophesied judgment. We stand on the cusp of the dawn of the New Day, following the Great Day of Our Lord! Or are we standing in a fog of delusion, at the precipice of the descent of the karma of the Nephilim and the Watchers and their seed. This should have been well known in the hearts of the people after 2000 years of the walk with God and his Son. This 2000 year period was to have provided the soul the divine direction to guide her choices in this lifetime, of the final battle. Instead, the false Christs have gone out in the seven churches to strip the sheep from the Good Shepherds.

God’s plan is greater than that of the harlot of the antichurch, the Beast of the New Rome, the Scarlet Woman. The Beast was healed by the Dragon of the people’s Dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness, Pluto Uranus, their very own Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the idolatry of self, their ego. God’s plan is also greater than Babylon the Great, the anti state of the illuminati’s Scarlet Beast and their Great Rebellion, as taught us in Revelations.

God has called you out from amongst them, the seed of the wicked that you may humble yourself upon his mountain before Him, that he may wash you clean prior to the coming of his Second Mission as he gathers his own into communities of His Holy Spirit. Why, for the transition through the transforming Tribulation that is coming upon the reprobate, the wicked. God is sealing His People and carrying them on the wings of a Great Eagle (Sirius-Helios alignment) on the winds of the Holy Spirit to the Sun Presence of each one. This is the mystery of God hidden in the symbology of Scorpio, the transformation of the soul as his bride into the Phoenix. To begin to understand the mysteries of God I refer you to Mary Magdalene’s, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene by Jean-Yves Leloup. English translation by Joseph Rowe. Find it on Amazon.

God and his people are on this journey into his heart and beyond, together. This journey is the union of hearts as taught us by Jesus. His word, his teachings are written in your hearts as he hold us. For he knew that the Church Councils would remove his teachings, lost in time to their secret archives or destroyed, just as the governments of men have removed Gold as the standard of the exchange of value between men. He knew that love and woman’s role as Mother and teacher of Christ in man (role of Mary Mother of Jesus) would be suppressed on Terra. Jesus is come to launch once again in men’s hearts the revolution of Women as the Devine Feminine, the soul’s redemption. The restoration of the Divine Feminine Principle of the soul is seen in Woman and the Sun (Son) of her soul. The Mother in Mankind is rising once again as the Star of the Divine Mother is racing towards this Solar System and Earth. The Moon will rise again to be the perfect reflection of the Sun, as Omega is to Alpha.

This journey we are taking together is one of uniting his People, once again into one nation, America, under One God. For the false gods have chosen dust, NOT DESTINY. Revelations and Daniel teach us the way of it. And Revelations 18:4 teaches the price of refusing to answer the call to come out of her. But the greater price to be paid comes after the seven years of the Tribulation. Revelations 20:5 tells the soul how long the price will have to be paid.

This site will deliver the Message of the Stars, that describes this great drama, as it unfolds over the next 9 years and beyond. Progressive Revelations known in America as Divine Providence is playing out through individuals, that God has chosen to be his Hand (Actors) in events that have played out in America throughout her history, his Providence. This is captured on the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The hand of God moving through man and more accurately through WOMAN, the feminine nature of the soul of man, to affect the coming events that will shape America, restoring her original plan and her destiny. As God calls the I AM Race, his people, the seed of Elohim to come home, to the Father’s Kingdom.

Solar Cycles stepping down Cosmic Cycles to the Planetary Hierarchies, for the guidance, testing, and evolution of the race, "For The Turning of Worlds. The Torch is Passed". -Mother Astrea