Summer Solstice 2024

The Soul’s Seat of Authority. The Soul’s Redemption. The Soul’s Destiny.

There is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the crest, brings man to his destiny (in this embodiment)…you know how the rest goes. 2024 is that crest and the destiny is of the I AM Race, a very ancient people, that the Goddess of Liberty teaches us is called AMERICA, a very ancient name. The Luciferians hate this people as they do the people of Chin on Taiwan and the Chinese mainland and the people of Afra in America and on their mainland, Africa.

The Mother of Earth’s children, Cancer has been called many names. Her radiance shines on all her children, both of Cain and of Seth (Abel). She loves both equally. She has taught both the causes and the effects, i.e. the consequences of their actions, feelings and thoughts. She has taught them the the laws of their Father of Creation. They were taught the lessons that they would bear the fruit of their harvest, in time. She told them the inter-relationship between the laws governing man and those that govern creation (nature). The mirror of the Moon Mother reflects back upon man his works. That man will reap whatsoever he has sown. The Mother taught her man-child that their works would be tried by water and nurtured and multiplied or they will be tried by fire and consumed.

The Mother taught all people through time that the time would come when the Mother of life would become the judge of all life. She taught man through the ages that the Mother (MU) would return to Earth as the Woman Clothed with the Sun with her Man-child (the 2nd coming). She taught that this will be the trial by Fire of every man’s works.

Man has chosen for the most part to revolve around the Moon. Meaning to say, Man has chosen to evolve around (by) the moon, while some of mankind have chosen to (r)evolve around the Sun, the one God. Knowing full well that the Son revolves around his Father the Sun of our Galaxy. The ancients knew that our Father revolves around the Greater Central Sun of the 12 Superclusters of Galaxies in an infinite spiral back to the Great Central Sun of Alpha and Omega.

This means that the harvest that nurtures life is infinite as our good works are stored in heaven, the casual body of the evolving soul. While souls that hate d-evolve as their DNA/genes mutate and die. This latter group have been in an age old struggle to wrest eternal youth from God to create an independent kingdom of man in the mater universe free from the Spirit Universe from which we originally came. The evolution of death is rather short when measured against the Spirit of Man in the mater universe. Hence, they measure the history of Cain as only 6000 or so years . Ironic isn’t it, because the Mayans measured this cycle of the rise and fall on man on a billion year calendar. These cycles of the coming and going of the Mother are the cause behind this rising and falling of man. As she comes to rise up the Mother light in her sons and daughters every 10,000 years to higher octaves. Thus the Mother came in 1952-59, known as the Ashram of the World Mother riding the Relentless Wave of light that began in 1959. She announced that we had 66 years until 2024 to prepare to transcend the octaves. She told us that beginning in 1975 our Solar Sun and its system of worlds (schools) would enter the Galactic Rift, as She gave birth to Christ in Man. We were given the period 1975-2020 to balance our accounting of works of good and evil. We were told to come apart from the evil generation of reprobate ones and be elect unto God. Now the Tribulation, the trial by fire is coming upon the world.

We are entering a new 10,000 year cycle of great light that will try every man’s work. Those without Spirit talents, without Spirit oil, and those without Spirit Fruit upon their vines will be consumed by death, the Pale Horse, in the coming Spiritual fires from Heaven.

Man is Spiritual, having fallen from grace he was cast down to the Mater density equal to the vibration and frequency of the gravity of their karma. From here begins the Lost Teachings of Father Enoch upon the mountain in the Garden of Eden. You can trace the rest of the story with the seventh angel and his prophets from the 1950’s until now. This latter period is your story. All future generations will read these individual stories and the aggregate story of this people, America (Chin) (Afra) the victors of the coming of the Mother whose sons and daughters ran to meet her and her manchild on the way. They determined to follow wheresoever she goeth.

The world bore witness to the sign and the signal in 2024 over North America of the Nativity Mystery of the Woman clothed with the Sun giving birth to Christ in the manger. This sign appeared as the Total Solar Eclipse paths of 2017 and 2024. These are the first of five Total Solar Eclipses over North America during a 35 year period , 2017-2052. 2017 was the first following a 35 year interval without any Total Solar eclipses over America since 1982. The 2017 eclipse is of the series of 1776 and 1918 Spanish Flu. The 2017 eclipse heralded the 2019 outbreak of Covid-19 in response to the election in America of their leader Donald Trump, having rejected the illuminati’s candidate, Hilary Clinton.

The intersecting paths of these two Total Solar Eclipses formed the signet of the Sirius Nativity Mystery that was foretold by the fulfillment of the Mayan Prophecy in 2012 of the intersections (confrontation) of the two Mayan Cosmologies. These eclipses of the Sun, eclipsed all opposition to the I AM Race on Terra from the races of the fallen angels imprisoned on Terra, in answer to their prayers for protection. Mother Mary’s Apparitions since 1846 to the present describe this final confrontation and their time frame. Please read Xavier Reyes-Ayral’s Book Revelations, get it on Amazon on your Kindle for less than $5.00. Also read, Helena Roerich’s book The Secret World Government, also on Amazon.

These two books describe in contemporary language the final battle between the forces of light and darkness in the nations for the soul on man. This signal given in 2024 announces the beginning of this final age old cycle that will swallow up darkness on Terra corresponding with the end of the cycle of war in 2032. We are given 8 years, the next 8 years to choose between Christ and Antichrist of the Luciferians and their church of Satan on Terra. It is solely a matter of HEART. Only LOVE will survive what is NOW coming upon the Earth.

This battle is described by Isaiah beginning in chapter 34. It is prophesied by Ezekiel beginning in chapter 34. The desolation is described to the prophet Daniel by the Ancient of Days. It is described by the prophet Jeremiah, who walks the land of Europe today. This battle for the spirit of Man’s soul is described by Jesus Christ to John the Revelator in the Book of Revelations. The keys to unlocking the mysteries of these descriptions written in a timeless language as a signal and a signet to our age is best understood by reading, The Mysteries of the Holy Grail and The Opening of the Seventh Seal, On the Path of the Ruby Ray by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, published by the Summit Lighthouse, available on Amazon or direct from

Xavier’s book, Revelations provides you with a Time Frame of the coming events that continues to be mitigated by man’s prayers and sacrifices. Man’s prayers have pushed back the coming confrontation since the 1960s. The book was written between 2019 and 2022. The last page gives the websites and Youtube for ongoing Revelations and Prophecies from Mother Mary and her Son, Jesus.

Mother Mary gives very practical things to be doing to prepare you and your families. She gives remedies and protections that you can be doing now to be ready to SHELTER the coming STORM. You must get your soul right with GOD and his Son to be sealed in the SHELTERS as we were in the days of Moses in Egypt.

You are the people of God, you are not humans, the seed of fallen angels from below. Mankind Jesus taught is lost because they go after the ways of the Serpent’s seed and follow in the ways of the Satans, the seed of Satan. Sin separates man from God. Sin is a construct of the Anti-church.. Because you have errored they condemn your hearts as black. Yet, by prayer and fasting, by penance you can be redeemed by Jesus Christ because you are from above and your soul is as white as snow. Jesus came for the lost to restore their purity to show them the way to walk in the earth and be free from tyranny over their souls. He came and showed God’s people how to take dominion over their own seat of authority to be free to make right choices and live in the abundant life, as long as they remain vigilant through the dark night. Until the Great Day of the Lord, when he will come. Read Revelations by Xavier. Enter into the heart’s communion with Mother Mary and Jesus Christ. Begin to dialogue with them directly, ask them to show you practical steps to take to bring you closer together, you and Jesus, you and Mother Mary. They will answer your hearts call. Your practice of their answers to your calls, your dialogue with them will prove to you the God Reality of who you are and who they are. Try them . It is the first step to your salvation. Sin is not real, it is forgiven, it can be washed clean. Prove it.