Message of The Stars, a Prophecy

An Open Letter to President Donald Trump

Nations are a people. Founded upon cosmic principles and sacred geometry, our nation is a Covenant between Our Father in Heaven and We the People, his people. We are America, we are ancient. God chooses who will rule us.

He, the Ancient of Days has chosen you, Mr President, long ago. He told us of this day, long ago when he sent his Prophet Daniel to warn us of our actions that would return to bite us in a distant future when he would reunite us in the New Israel, in the new world, Daniel chapter 7.

He named you then as the leader who would unite his People, devoured and scattered by the gentiles as he taught us in John’s book of Revelation, Isaiah and Ezekiel’s books chapters 34 to the end.

This letter is to you Mr President and to the American People, his people, the new Israel. The year 2024 is the year of the beginning of Divine Intervention in America. We the People know this as Divine Providence in the life of our nation, our people.

This year is the election year when we elect to rule ourselves and to stand with our God and to run this coming race with Our Father in Heaven and his Son, Jesus Christ in the final battle between the forces of Light (Heaven) and the forces of Darkness (Hell). This is the final battle between Our Father in Heaven and his Archangel Michael and Lucifer, the Dragon cast down into the earth on April 20th, 2024 to fulfill the prophecy of his word, Revelations chapter 13. This prophecy of his Revelations is the subject of the apparitions of the Mother of God, Blessed Mother Mary, the Lady of Medjugorje to her daughters, to her devotees. The detailed playing out of the last stand of Lucifer and Satan on Terra before they are cast off the planet in their 3 final days of DARKNESS before the dawn of the Great Day of Our Lord. See Xavier Reyes-Ayral’s Book Revelations, get it on Amazon. Also, see Big Q Little q by the Friends of Medjugorje, in Arkansas.

This year, 2024 is the year we the people, his people are sorely tested. It is the year we the people, put our trust solely in God. It is the year when we the people determine that we will be ruled by Our God, His Christ and His Chosen One to lead us in the coming Administration, that is our last opportunity to prepare America, the people for the final battle. This is the sign and signet, the signal to the American People that this is the hour of America’s destiny when we the people seize the day, in God’s name, under his banner and flaming sword.

America has been betrayed by the Dragon over America. The Dragon is described by John the Revelator in chapters 12 and 13. It is described by Mother Mary in her apparitions since 1846 to the present as the Freemasons, the illuminati, see Xavier Reyes-Ayral’s book. Nicolas Tesla describes it as the beast, he calls the Cabal. George Washington describes it through the beast he names, the American Illuminati. Jesus describes it to John in Revelations as the Time of the Gentiles in chapter 11 and Daniel describes the smiting stone that suddenly destroys the Reign of the Gentile’s world power.

Heaven has sent the sign and signal to his People that this is the end of the Time of their Reign. The Solar eclipse in April was the final stroke of the pen signaling the prophecy of Revelations chapter 11 verse 19. This is the sign and the signal of the ARK, our call to Shelter from the coming Storm. Herein is the light of the World, the Eye of the Coming Storm. Leave the details to God in whom we the people are called to Trust. We are not alone. With God all things are possible, without him nothing is possible. Sons of the Republic, Daughters of the Republic rise up and in one voice choose to elect, the Elect of God, Donald Trump as President to lead us, to unite us, His People, a minority in our own country, for the Gentiles have forsaken our God and the destiny our God gave them …to lead us into the Golden Age of Aquarius, the Kingdom, when the love of God for man must become the love between men, the second coming, the second commandment. They have chosen to follow instead, Lucifer and his captain, Satan against Our Father and his captain Archangel Michael. See Mother Mary’s Apparitions by Xavier Reyes-Ayral.

America is the heart of the planet and the heart of a great people, Israel. God is calling his people, they who still remember him, to the New Israel America (see Ezekiel and Isaiah chapters 34). For now the torch is passed and world’s are turning for that olde Dragon (P12) called the Mother of Dragons, the Devil is cast down prophesied by Jesus to John in Revelations chapter 20 verse 2, the Dragon that olde Serpent called the Devil.

Divine Justice is descending upon America, Mr. President. It is come to separate out the Chaff from the Wheat. God will move Heaven and Earth during these elections. He will anoint once again his Patriots and cast out the Loyalists during the next Administration, 2025-2028. This will be the final opportunity to build the ARK to shelter his people and to defend the Nation from the coming Storm of War, 2029-2032. From one who has served, I am delivering the Message of the Stars to you for your focused attention during your coming Administration and the one thereafter.

God will work through coming events and people to cast them out and seal this continent. Uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the Common Law of Treason, God will do the rest. Establish the sphere of the Western Hemisphere by rebuilding a free market economy. Build a sure defense for the continent and the hemisphere. Build the Shelter God has called you to defend. Build the sure defense over America while you still have time to defend the space over America. Review the prophecies and call home our troops and military where it is appropriate, to defend the Hemisphere and the continent, finally the ARK. Do not make the mistake France has made! Gather your Team, sweep wide to mobilize the individual hearts of Our People, for We the People stand with you in this hour, in Our God We Trust.

America’s destiny is greater than the imagination of the heart. It is the fulfillment of the prophecy, the promise, the word, until all the word is fulfilled Revelation chapter 17 verse 17.

The cosmic clock of the destiny of America rings out. To the people and her leaders is sent the message of the stars, the nation America must awaken by winter solstice. When all will have awakened from their drugged sleep (Neptune) by Divine Intervention. Some to salvation, many more to eternal damnation. The latter have forsaken their God, to follow Lucifer in their Great Rebellion once again at the second coming of Christ, now in the Earth, in America, in the Nativity Mystery of the Stellar Spirit of Sirius (14 Cancer), under the Galactic Alignment (1975-2020). Today, they the Power Elite, the Illuminati call their rebellion, described by Mother Mary and Jesus in Xavier’s book Revelations (Amazon), the Great Reset and Woke.

Their Final Rebellion will last three and a half years when Revelations chapter 13 will be fulfilled and they crucify the Church and God’s people (Nations), but will hold power over them for only ONE HOUR.

Mr. President, God’s word (Prophecy) will be fulfilled as will his promises. We have but to ACT. Your coming Administration must unite His People to defend and to protect the Christ born in this his people, America. As Saint Joseph carried the Holy Family to Egypt so America must withdraw from the international world of the Satans as defined by the This Nation has the next 4 years to prepare to SHELTER from the coming Storm. Rally the Nation and her forces, bring many home including her industry and commerce. Withdraw America from carrying out the agenda of the NEOCON’S (Rhinos, Democrats) worldwide New World Order of One World Governance and its New Economic Order described in Xavier’s Revelations and in John’s Revelation chapter 13.

Mobilize the Nation to cast out the Tares for Treason, re-establish the Four Sacred Pillars of America, Freedom of the Press, Assembly, Speech and Religion. Restore this nation to SANITY by tolerance and uphold Justice and the COMMON LAW.

Treason is defined as any who betray America, her Constitution and Rule of Divine Law (Common) by serving any external cause, click, society, association, or Cabal (Illuminati), including secret societies and associations designed to overthrow America’s Constitution of Common Law. This includes most within the political parties and members of the three Branches of the Government and within all Three levels of Government , Federal State, and Local. Treason must be eliminated. Enforce the Law. God will take it from there. The Exodus of the betrayers will be a sudden wave, lasting as little as twenty four hours, as God cast’s out the Power Elite, one million from North America. Organize your government, the military, then organize the People. Arm the Nation for the coming Storm. Seal our borders and legalize legit immigration. Empower the State National Guards and Arm Local and State Militias under Homeland Security (NORTHCOM and DHS). Prepare the Nations medical for WMD.

Mr. President you will have only four years to Prepare the Nation and the People for what is coming. Call on we the people to help. Leadership is a calling and a destiny. It is an evolution of a soul. God has chosen you. In these next four years, YOU will not stand alone. We the People Stand with You. God is moving , as we speak, through his People to affect the coming events.. Use your time alloted you and your people well and Trust in God within you, your family, and within your people.

Prepare the people for what is coming. Arm them with strength of arm and spirit. It is each ones responsibility to be prepared to defend and to protect. It is each ones responsibility to prepare to Shelter in our homes and if called to move to permanent shelters. The Spirit of America and Our God within man will protect the people from coming diseases and coming disasters and cataclysms. This coming age will be known as the age of Miracles, it is up to the individual man to strengthen his or her spirit, our connection to God. This is why it will be called the time of miracles. Faith is the foundation of Truth and it will set you free. It has been said, that, fear is the mind killer. Faith, then is the basis of our Trust in God. God is sending us his Savior. Prepare your hearts and minds for his coming. Without Faith there will be NO Healing, no salvation, no intervention, only fear.

Mr. President, An Action Plan for the Next Four Years.

Defense : Prepare the Nation for War, Revolution, Civil War and Invasion. And the accompanying Disease outbreaks. Allow only a natural reduction in the size of government, for now. Mobilize government agencies to refocus on National goals. Government agencies will undergo a natural shrinkage due to the Divine Justice descending upon America because of the abdication of America’s destiny by the power elite. Use this natural reduction in government to reallocate funds to needed areas of preparation.

A Period of Restoration (2033-2036): will follow the period of Shelter, the second four year period (2029-2032). This period will be known for its healing and wholeness, driving the rebuilding of the nation and its government and its laws.

An Action Plan must be designed that is achievable in the next 4 years. An Action Plan to achieve National Goals.

Defense : Strategic Withdrawal. Strategic Defense (Keep Enemy Forces occupied). Preservation of Maximum American Forces for Shelter Defense, the final battle. National Guard must be strengthened to defend against incitement of Revolution, Anarchy, Treason, and Civil War. Militias’ will help.

Churches : Must be mobilized to defend the nation and our God. They will be in turmoil because of the Treason of the Freemasons, Satanists and Luciferians being cast out of religion. Now they can be united to rally their congregations behind the cause of freedom of Religion, speech, press, and assembly to defend God and his People once again as they did in the 1700s.

Teach the people to pray and fast to protect the President and his government and to protect the nation.

Economy : Mobilize the nation, the people in cooperative civil works to jump start the economy. Direct industry and civilian resources to achieve National goals. Employ free market economists in America. George Mason University is a Mecca of free market economists. Employ them in ALL endeavors. This is your catalyst to create and jump start a new economy based on the continent and the hemispheric trade.

The Press, must be mobilized and re-energized following the mass exodus (casting out) the monopolies must be sold and broken down . Amassing of news outlets must be forbidden by Congress. Media, News must be impartial, objective. There must be oversight by the White House. The Press must be held to a higher standard.

Entertainment and social media Industry : will need redirection and breaking of monopolies. Free of international ideologies and technologies. They must be held to national and civilian norms of Christ Values and Rule.

Education : Must be purged from faculty to school districts. Family values, Christ Rule. Return to 3 Rs. Students must be taught to think for themselves and be accountable for their actions. Discipline taught by martial exercises. The heart must be taught to rule the will which in turn rules the mind. Mobilize the youth to National Service and National Goals. Close the schools to subversion and subversive ideas and ideologies. Extend treason to all teachers and professors. America is not like the Catholic Church prophesied by Mother Mary and Jesus to be overtaken from within by the ideology of Lucifer and to be ruled by Antichrist. The Queen of Heaven’s strategy to overthrow Satan is to first take back America. That job has been given to you President Trump and the American People. Education is the key as the Illuminati has known since sending Alex D’Tocqueville to America in the 1800s.

Food Industry. Chemical Industry, New Meaning must be given to Protecting the Environment and to free the soul from addictions.