America’s birthdate was April 30th, 1789, in NYC at 1:30pm LMT. Most people use America’s conception chart of July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. This results in a misconception of America. America was conceived to be the Christ and to balance the heart of the planet and to lead the planet, from slavery to the Nephilim into the light of a golden age. America was born in sackcloth to demonstrate to the world by right behavior and the way of love, taught by Christ to his disciples who were destined to give birth to the promised land following the period of their captivity.
America’s natal sun is at 10 Taurus 46, in the 1st decant of the 9th house. America’s destiny is predicated upon her devotion in the 9th house to Christ and his Father. America is held by God to a higher standard, a higher road. She is held to the New Covenant with the God of Israel and to the way of the Gospel of Love.
America departed from her destiny in the 1930s when the 32nd President, Franklin Roosevelt betrayed the trust God had placed in his hands. Read Helena Roerich, The Secret World Government (Amazon). FDR took America off the gold standard in 1933. This was followed in August 1971 by President Nixon delinking the dollar from gold. These actions remade the global monetary system. It introduced instability into the global economy.
This was the betrayal of America by Vesta at 20 Libra 49 conjoined Neptune 21 Libra 25 in America’s second house at birth, 3rd decant. Americans were called by God to walk in the wisdom of Neptune’s illumination. We were called to walk in the light of our God, his enlightenment. Instead we walked in materialism under the American illuminati’s ignorance that began with the betrayal by Vesta, the laggard evolution on earth, with their creation of the Federal Reserve in December 1913. America was returned to servitude by the international bankers and the global illuminati.
With the Taking of America’s wealth they controlled the light of God in her people. Now they were able to turn the light of America’s destiny to darkness in the 20th century. The light of America was inverted by Satan to Satanism. Here we are in 2024, twenty-four years into the millennial and Americans in vast numbers (Wokism) now worship the Dragon and its Beast, Revelations 13. This is the new world order of the NeoCONs, brain child of Skull and Bones, and their New Economic Order.
This betrayal of America was foreseen. The Ancient of Days prophesied through Ezekiel and his prophet Daniel and his Son Jesus Christ prophesied through his Apostle John, the Book of Revelations. All three prophesied the judgment coming upon America for this betrayal and for their defiling of the new land given to his people (Israel) come again in America. Isaiah prophesied in chapters 34 -66 how God’s grace would save the remnant of the Apostate churches and rebuild America, the promised land. The judgment of the Nephilim and the Watchers (Abaddon called in Greek Apollyon at 5 Scorpio 39 retrograde and the Watchers called Psyche at 8 Capricorn 12 retrograde) and their laggard evolution (from Maldek, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter) represented by the largest asteroid Vesta at 10 Cancer 7 is described as the Tribulation, a seven year window of God’s Seven Last Plagues, the seven bowls of his wrath of which all the major prophets have prophesied. All indications point to the start of the Tribulation beginning 1/1/2026; taking us to winter solstice 2032 and the Saturn Uranus conjunction. This ends the cycle of war upon earth. These seven years represent the seven years of famine coming upon the planet, midst plenty. Why is this, it is because the apostate church has aborted God in Church and State and the womb. They have condemned Christ to death, again by condemning America as the Great Satan, the Dragon over America. They have accrued to America, Israel come again the sins of of the American Illuminati, whom the CIA has defined as an elite among the seed of Satan.
What is God’s plan for the remnant of the faithful? How will God and his people triumph in their own land? John tells us in Revelations 17:14 that the Lamb and his called, and chosen, and faithful will triumph. Where do we look for hope and salvation? God delivered his vision of our future in the past, through his prophets so as to guide us in altering the prophesied future, individual by individual. Through his son Isaiah he tells us of his Grace, through David he gave us the Psalms. Study these and pray for the penitent heart. Isaiah tells us that only by his people ‘s repentance shall they know God’s grace and his deliverance. There will be no deliverance from the current worsening situation in America until the people repent. After all, this people have gone after the Nephilim gods and their wares and broken seven previous covenants with our God. This generation living today have broken the New Covenant he has given us with the second coming of Christ in his people. He sent his Seventh Angel (Revelations chapter 10 verse 7) who delivered the Everlasting Gospel through his Prophets to the Seven Apostate Churches and was rejected. Now they must answer to our God of Israel, as he prophesied through his prophets, old and new. This will soon become clear to EVERYONE as he breathes new life into his current Prophets who rise up and preach the coming judgment and the salvation. (Revelations 11:11).