What Is Playing Out in 2024

People Are Choosing Light or Darkness. Soon to Produce After Its Kind.

The People, God’s people have been called to America, the land prepared. From out of the people the 13th tribe has been called, to the new covenant. The new covenant of God over men and the abundant life. But ye unjust stewards have taken the Lord’s fields, feeding themselves instead of feeding the flocks. (Ezekiel 24:2). Isaiah’s prophecy to Israel, the Lord’s vineyard (Isa 5:1,8; 10: 1-4 ) is that six woes are coming upon the unfaithful Israel, America.

People are taking upon themselves the roles of their heart’s desires, forsaking their soul’s origin and destiny. So they are repeating, as in the beginning (the Garden of Eden) so in the ending (Maitreya’s mystery school), the betrayal of their God in the Garden, the land of abundance and the land of the free. All this, as the woman Israel gives birth to the male child, Christ. (Rev 12:1-2). Israel stands in Capricorn on the mountain of our God being initiated while the shepherds feed themselves.

God tells the people of Israel that he will take his flock from the Stewards, the Shepherds, the Elders, Congressmen and Senators. God tells us to come out of her the anti-church with its seven heads and ten horns, the Harlot, for (Rev 18:2) Babylon the great (America.Inc) is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit. God tells his people to come out of her, that they not be partakers of her sins, and that they do not receive her coming plagues. Study the prophets for they bring to the forefront of our consciousness the seven covenants, “we the people” have broken under our kings and priesthood. We are told to come out of these (the harlot and the beast) or receive her seven last plagues, the karma of repeating the evils of breaking the first seven covenants, all the while we are breaking the 8th, (8th head of the beast), the New Covenant given to his people, America, the new Israel.