Gemini Wills The Mind To Control Past Habits And Momentums, The Olde Man Saturn, The Lunar South Node

The Mind of The Gemini Twins in Action

The Gemini Twins, duality and singularity. In the former their actions speak louder than their words, while in the latter their actions are one pointed, their word is backed by action. Gemini is singular in both purpose and vision. Their eye is set on the goal. In this case, the Sun’s purpose in Gemini as it moves into the Earth quadrant in Gemini.

The soul in Gemini with her bridegroom, Sun Venus in the 1st decant of the 7th house, at 22 and 24 degrees respectively, with singular goals and objectives, see eye to eye in Sagittarius on the Ascendant. They stand on the Descendant at 20 Gemini as they emerge from the water quadrant in Gemini into the physical earth with the same desires that are down to earth, practical and achievable.

Venus, Sun, and Mercury are conjunct on the Descendant at 20 Gemini in the 1st decant of the 7th house. They are in close relationship, of singular mind, Mercurian by nature. They are moving fast, keeping up with the Sun’s purpose, as they approach Summer Solstice on Thursday this week, June 20th, 2024.

The soul senses great anticipation in the air. Though she sees the opposition in America and the Church mounting, she no longer feels overwhelmed by the fast pace of evil invading and corrupting the world we once knew (prior to Covid-19 (2019)). The soul senses a mounting anticipation of what is coming as she sees the Hand-of-God moving in the air currents of her mind. The soul intuitively (Gemini) knows (Aquarius) that she is in the hands of the Good Shepherd. She knows intuitively that God stands upon the stage of life, shielding, sealing all who receive Him with an open heart.

The soul knows freedom from conditions that have tied her to the idols she created and empowered to rule her. She intuitively knows by her soul senses, those beyond her outer five senses, her inner senses of her heart that God is moving in the Church and in the new land he sponsored and gave us, the New Israel, as He foretold through his prophets, Ezekiel and Isaiah.

The soul now understands the spiritual significance of events unfolding around us. She understands the inner meaning (through the awakening Heart senses) of the celestial events playing out this spring. She stands on the 12 o’clock line in Capricorn on the 13th station of the Cross in Maitreya’s Mystery school and is aware that she is being taken down from the cross of persecution and repression by the propaganda of those who have stood on the mountain of their karma and have accommodated the journey through the dark cycle, especially through this dark night of her soul on the path of initiation, being initiated in Capricorn to forge the diamond heart by the Holy Spirit. She now stands the victor in the 36th anniversary in anticipation of the fulfillment of the promise of Elohim to move in the bond to the heart of the Messengers to the heart of Maitreya, in fulfillment the promise and the prophecy the return of the Messengers, Rev 11:11 and of the Transcendence of the Summit Lighthouse, Rev 11:13, 15; the fulfillment of the promise of those who will to come out of her, the anti-church, Rev 18:4 and walk these last 66 years to fulfill the promise to each soul of the Kingdom Rev 20: 4. These last 66 years have been the Odyssey of our soul’s journey up the mountain of our karma to Maitreya and some have not left off as Mother taught her chelas in her teachings on the 4-10 axis clearance and in her July 4th addresses in 1993 and 1996. Some have assimilated the teachings, the path, and the Guru-Teacher. The soul stands on the cusp of Summer Solstice and knows, she knows who she is and where she goeth, in 2024.

Those in America who have accommodated what America has offered their souls and taken the abundance that Jesus Christ showed this people, America, the way thereof, to themselves; now stand in fear, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, in the 3rd house. They also have awakened to the Hand -of-God moving across the land and in the hearts of His people. They have finally awakened to their fate, their returning karma, their final judgment. Now they will begin to shift course from the destruction of the Church and Nation to escape, fulfilling the Mayan prophesy and the Master’s.

The mounting of Providence in the events now beginning to play out in America (from Summer Solstice) and the increasing occurrence of Progressive Revelations now playing out in the lives of countless individuals as the apostles foretold, will now shape events in the life of the Nation and the Church, but more specifically in the individual lives of the people, His People.