The Way of the Piscean Conqueror

Dominion of the Soul Over The Domination Over Her By Those Who Seek To Control Her

The soul walks in the footsteps of the one who is her Redeemer. She fears not, she walks in love for the one in whom she puts her faith and her trust, Jesus Christ and Our Father, who art in heaven… This is the Way of all religion, of all life on Earth.

The soul who loves (in Spring 2024) walks in the footsteps of the Piscean Conqueror. The soul attains to the God Mastery of which Jesus foretold when he went to Our Father. The soul achieves to Christ Mastery of the water element by the mastery of the fire element to create the solar garment to master the etheric plane by wisdom, as taught by Mother. The mastery of fire within the nucleus of water atoms and molecules transmutes all records and their substance by the love of the heart’s flame, the love of the Holy Spirit for the soul, the 7th ray. The ray closest to the physical, therefore the most direct effector of change in the world of the soul.

This is the way and means whereby the soul journeys through her Odyssey to return to the Kingdom (Rev 20:4). As she purifies the water of life she has misqualified as she faces the rising Astral Sea of desires, that she created by her early childhood conditioning of her early environment ,to return to her roots. The Ancestral Tree that is the perversion of her Tree of Life and its waters. The soul comes to earth to fulfill her divine destiny but is instead conditioned to the fate of her early childhood conditioning to the family tree.

The solar eclipse over America, the third in a sequence forming the ancient Hebrew letter A, has been given many meanings. To these, I add her true spiritual significance. The letter A over the Heartland of America indicates America’s true Origin and her Destiny, denied by man and religion but affirmed by nature and elemental life. America is the New Israel, the place prepared for His People, Israel, all twelve tribes, including Judah, not exclusive as the Illuminati Pike and Mazzini would have us believe.

The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024 opened a window that will remain open nearly 2 1/2 years to eclipse all opposition to the soul and Our Father who art in Heaven, the I AM Presences of each one’s soul. Practically speaking this Solar activity of the Sun during its period of Peak solar activity eclipsed all opposition to our soul, including the records of all early childhood experiences that formed the child and broke the trust and the faith, shattering all hope that the infant Christ child bore to the earth. The Sun eclipsed Chiron and the Moon and all records and memory cause and effect of the souls subjection to our Ancestral Tree, down to Tribal Totems and Family Mackerels, especially in 2024 our current ties to those who we have allowed to become “Familiars” as taught to us by Archangel Raphael. All this is eclipsed. Moreover, the Sun Helios eclipsed the Comet P12, whom the Illuminati call the Mother of Dragons and the Devil. This is one of the interstellar forces behind Chiron and the Lunar forces that has shaped the life of each ones soul upon Terra. It is eclipsed. The Dragon and the Devil is cast down onto the Earth. Now is the end time. Now is their final binding and judgment. Now evolution of life of Earth will move on in its journey.

The forces of Darkness, the Princes of the Air, and the Power Elite called the Illuminati are eclipsed by the Hand of God in the Celestial and Solar activities now underway.

Now the Hand of God is eclipsing the effects of the Comet, the wandering star upon Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20th 2024 conjunct P12. It is eclipsing Chiron Moon and P12. It is eclipsing the Alignment of the seven planets in the solar system in 2024, 2025. It is eclipsing the opening of the unconsciousness flooding the water and air elements and planes that began on April 23rd, 2024 and will continue during the Sun’s transit of Scorpio in October-November 2024.

The Sun is eclipsing the forces within the planet and without that have rejected the Son of God, these forces are the Luciferians. This is the Alpha Thrust of 2024. It concludes on Wednesday this week, followed by Summer solstice on Thursday and the Omega Return, the Helios cycle of the year. Omega rising is fulfilled in the prophesies of Rev 11:11-13, and 11:15-19. The safety is in the Ark, of the Covenant, the New Covenant and its Gospel of Sacrifice. See Sanat Kumara, The Opening of the Seventh Seal, Seven Initiations of the Ruby Ray. Published by the Summit Lighthouse.

The celestial Sun is eclipsing all life on Earth, which is death, all life that is not immortal, eternal.. It is eclipsing all life on earth that has refused the Love of the Mother in her Son and instead are seeking to break the genetic code of the Son of Man, his DNA to attain immortal life, renewing life eternally without accountability to God and his law. This genetic engineering and mapping is eclipsed. Their attempts to take Heaven by Storm will fail and has now become their final judgment. The edicts given to our Father Enoch are now being carried out by Celestial decree through Solar peak activity underway in this Helios cycle of the terrestrial year 2024.

The forces of darkness on the planet and over America have been gathering, as we have seen Mars, Saturn and Neptune conjoin in Pisces as they and the Inner planets clashed then went their way into Aries and Taurus now about to leave Gemini. The Four Horsemen gathered closely in Pisces as the P12 comet, Earth, Jupiter and Uranus aligned in Taurus. These Solar events are of great Celestial magnitude heralding the playing out of many of the Prophesies of Revelations chapters 11, 12, 13, and 17. The eclipse at 19 degrees 24 minutes Aries and subsequent Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus and the opening of the unconscious during the full moon in Scorpio, a two week window beginning April 23rd, flooding the subconsciousness and consciousness, fulfilled the prophesies of Revelations chapter 12 as the Earth (Taurus) opens its mouth and swallows the flood out of the mouth of the Serpent, that old Dragon that is called the Devil in Rev 20:2. The earth swallows the records of our soul’s domination by historical planetary forces that have sought to control the souls of God’s people since the mystery school Eden when our souls were cast down into the earth, if we will it so.

Revelations and the Marion Prophesies are intertwined as Mother Mary and her Son Jesus Christ share the same strategy to save our souls from the coming judgment, of the fallen angels and the “power of Satan in the Church and in the Nations.

This Celestial activity behind the Solar eclipse will raise the Mother light in the two Prophets Rev 11:11 and eclipse all opposition to the lost teachings of Jesus Christ delivered through the two Prophets of the Seventh Angel Rev 10:7. The eclipse eclipses all opposition in Chapter 12 to the Remnant of the Woman upon Terra from the Dragon devouring their souls. The eclipse eclipses all opposition in chapter 13 to the Saints, that they may come out of her, the anti-church, the Harlot and to seal them from the Mark of the Beast. It is also come to eclipse the Scarlet Beast in Revelations 17 and to turn the tide against the Beast in Rev 13 that in Chapter 17 goes to war against the Lamb and his called, and chosen, and faithful. Now the tide turns as worlds now begin to turn. The soul stands on the cusp of great change. Her anticipation is rising with the Mother light upon Terra, in the Omega Return of 2024.

With the clearing of the records and the substance of our souls domination, her molestation in early childhood throughout the ages. Two things are now occurring. Frist, the soul is now awakening to take dominion over her own origin and destiny. She is infilled by Emmanuel with us, becoming the Bride of Christ, in the second coming that is as much within her as it is her rising in the Air to meet Jesus Christ, coming to take dominion over the whole Earth. Secondly, with the clearing of these records freeing our souls it has a secondary effect of cutting our ties to these fallen angels whom we have been conditioned to idolize and emulate. This will have the effect of electing to be ruled by Christ and the ruler chosen by our Father in Heaven as defined in the Book of Daniel, chapter seven.

The effect this will have upon the fallen angels and their children is described by our God through his prophets, seven judgments, seven bowls of his wrath as their karma of the ages returns to them, called the Tribulation. Study the prophets, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Revelations and Mother Mary’s Revelations that are currently underway today in Medugorje and unbroken in time since 1846.

The Sun’s message to the soul of mankind is to let go of these traumatic records into the flames of your Sun Presence within your heart and let God consume not just the records but the substance itself. Their very memory is being consumed in many. Souls are now entering into an age of miracles. Change is the order of the day. So much so that, the future is now constantly changing and will not come to rest in this century. We have entered an accelerated period of the evolution of all life on Earth. A new covenant , a new gospel, the everlasting gospel, and it is for all people who come apart to be a separate and chosen people, one people, one nation, one God, infinite in manifestation of the Son’s Sun Presence as is evidence in the matter universe. The matter universe is but the mirror reflection of Mater, of the Spirit Universe.