Time of the Gentiles

They Came Declaring Its Our Turn; Our Way

Matthew has warned us for 2000 years that they would come, these agents of change. They are called Antichrist and they are many. Arnold Toynbee tells us that they come to every creative activity of mankind that creates a new civilization and culture of the Mother to tear them down and to destroy these civilizations. Yet Enoch and the Ancient of Days tell us that it is because God’s people have broken his covenant with Him, falling as Lucifer fell into pride of intellect, the personality (moon ) of the ego that leads to ambition and greed, possessive love, the love of money and materialism, dialectic materialism, the total domination of the soul. They extinguish love, the Holy Spirit in Man.

History tells us that all creative efforts on Terra have been corrupted by soul’s evolving (devolving) dominating over creative efforts. Nicola Tesla tells us that is because of the Cabal (Illuminati) having rejected the Sun and celestial influences that raise up mankind in creative efforts to raise the Mother light within man (the soul). They ( the Cabal) conspire to pull down the consciousness of mankind to dominate the creative spirit of man to enslave mankind to the tyranny of material workers in the machinery of the wars of the gods to keep populations at manageable levels. This they do through viruses. Abaddon is called the god of plagues and he uses Neptune to spread their contagious diseases. These viruses come from level 5 laboratories, such as they did in 2019 in Wuhan, China where the 19th stage of the virus was tested upon an unsuspecting public, worldwide. It has been the agenda of the Club of Rome, since the mid-forties during WWII. They call it today, the great ReSET. Woke are organized anarchists. Their goal is to destroy faith in Christ and his Church corrupted by the Scarlet Woman, the Harlot, the anti-church of false religion with Luciferianism as their stated aim. War (WWIII) is the means to this end as stated by the illuminati themselves. See “Revelations” chapter 6 by Xavier Reyes-Ayral. Find it on Amazon.

Jesus taught us in Revelations (by John) that the opening of the first seal, Rev chapter 4 released the White Horse, the False Christ (s) that rides the land, represented in Cosmic Astrology as the planet Uranus as taught by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Astrology of the Four Horsemen”, Summit University Press. Cosmic Astrology also teaches us that Uranus’ casual body, as the ruler of Aquarius, God’s Love of our soul that He made in His image and with His DNA> represents the highest Love, the Love of God for the Soul and the Soul for our God. This Love is built into both his image and DNA that is the original reality of our soul. The right hand of the Air trine standing in Aquarius. This is the Image and DNA within the soul’s origin, her feminine principle in man that the Nephilim Pantheon , Abaddon, destroyed as told in Ancient Greece mythology, the Matriarchal Civilizations that existed upon Terra from Lemuria on MU to ancient Greeks. This was life on Terra before the Fall and casting down of Lucifer into the Earth as described in the Books of Enoch and in Revelations chapter 12.

We are seeing play out in 2024, the denial of God, his spirit in both the Church and the Nation. These two terms church and nation, represent every religion, every nation. What it says is that these generations alive today, for the most part have forsaken their God for the illuminati’s (Freemason’s) dialectic materialism with its sensuality and idolatry of Cain. They are falling into the trap, of forsaking everything then filling the vacuum created by destroying 2000 years of western civilization of the elevation of woman to become the Woman clothed with the Sun. This stated purpose and vacuum is Luciferianism. See the excerpted letter of the Grand Luciferian Mason, Pike to his opposite in Europe, Mazzini, in the 1870’s. This letter is excerpt in chapter 6 in the book by Xavier Reyes-Ayral, “Revelations”. Get it on Amazon. Today they call it, the Great Reset. You see it in the New World Order and the allegiance of the Democrats and Rhinos in Congress. It has been forming and transforming America and the nations for 200 years. Since 1990 it began to take its current form under the leadership of the three horns , the three dynasties uprooted by the little horn, the elect of God as prophesied by Daniel. Their agenda is an illusion. It is a well planned and orchestrated Rebellion against the second coming of Christ and our Father. It is God’s instrument (Rev 17:17) the Mother of God tells us in her continual appearances since 1846 in France , ongoing today in Medjugorje, to bring God’s people back to him through the intercession and redemption of our souls during the coming battle between absolute Good and absolute evil (Luciferians, the seed of Lucifer)