Category Archives: Fall Quarter

Fall Equinox begins the harvest cycle of the year. This corresponds with Michealmas. A spiritually significant time of the year. In the planetary cycles we reap what we have sown. Moreover we harvest the seed that will multiply our works that will carry on in the following spring, for good or ill.

Wednesday Sept 18th, 2019


Virgo moves from the 3rd to the 4th ray in our physical worlds. Virgo nurtures the soul to renunciate the deep origins of our anger and hatred, our excuse to cry injustice at another for our projections that return multiplied. Virgo is the law of cause and effect.

We face a choice early Sunday motivated by higher solar rays to fulfill our responsibilities using wise dominion, the higher mind and its ideals or we can choose to follow the animal base nature that humanity is prone to, instinct for self preservation.

World karma is the cross we bear if we choose the higher road to soul evolution as we bear the cross of the lower nature of the human race. It is always the few who lead the destiny and evolution of the multitudes to leave off following masses and the collective consciousness of the herd, or put another way, the hive consciousness of the animal nature of humanity. This is the separating out that we have been urged through the ages by religion and the great lights sent to lead us from the darkness of humanity to the light of mankind, made in the image and likeness on God.

We are called to pray, to call upon the Lord, to command heaven as Jesus Christ taught us to pray to “Our Father”. We are called to pray that God over-shadow , to place himself and his will over The President of the United States to counter Chiron at 18 Gemini in the US natal chart the chart for the correct US natal is on April 30th 1789. We are called to do this to offset the orbit of Chiron over the White House in the 10th house in the US natal chart’s influence on President Trump.

God is Greater than Chiron and the President’s ego being conditioned by Chiron opposing Jupiter, Uncle Sam’s best interests at this time. The Watchers, fallen angels are at 29 Sagittarius adversely affecting nature of America’s conception, her destiny and true nature. Now is the time to influence positively the American people on the ascendant at 17 Scorpio. The perception of the American people can be affected positively, RIGHT now buy your prayers. Now mankind’s higher nature can be awakened on the ascendant affecting whom they choose to follow, the God who gave us birth and gave us our Christ nature or the Watchers who looked upon the daughters of Man and came down taking them as many as they will for their wives . Who subsequently gave birth to the Giants, the Titans, and the Demons that continue today to plague our planet, even if today they are reduced to whited sepulchers.

American patriots, keepers of the flame of the liberty tree, the flame of liberty, are called to stand at the Part of Fortune, in Harmony and Joy at 3 Gemini in the second decant of the seventh house. We are called to declare our Independence from the mass conscious of this generation and hold the torch of Liberty high. We are called to stand with Master Morya El and those Keepers of the Flame who uphold the mantle of the President of the United States of America. Americans are called in this hour of the Sun in Virgo to be Americans, the I AM Race and separate out from the human race , created Zacharia Sitchin tells us by the Nephilim, the missing link. 3 Gemini is the US true natal midheaven.

American Patriots and Patriarchs, our priests and prophets and the people are called to stand with Mercury at 2 Libra as Venus, the Star of Love at 1 Libra conjunct the Central Sun around which our GALAXY revolves to affect the Turning of Worlds IN THIS HOUR.

The alternate choice is to stand in opposition to America’s destiny in this hour as YOU did in Russia in 1917 and with Abraham and Moses and countless civilizations these last 12,000 years. Many plead ignorance and deny reincarnation, but it is the law of God and HIS creation. Humanity denies God, accepting him only as their anthropomorphic god, one made in their image, that of the Nephilim co-mingled with animals, homo sapiens. They do not hide this, they condemn mankind as an animal. It is a lie. Come out, be a separate and chosen people, elect unto God> You can continue to stand in opposition to the Sun’s purpose in Aries where Lucifer fell on his ego, refusing to bend the knee in Aries as Chiron Moon opposed Mercury Venus in Libra within the heart chakra Aries Libra, the heart of America, the heart of the planet.

These latter are at war with America’s destiny, the Christ to the family of Nations, the 12 Tribes of Israel. The 12 brothers are still divided against Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) leaving them in Gemini to be conquered in Sagittarius by the Watchers at 29 SAG.

Now is the time to act in the Great Drama playing out of the fruit,the first fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the drama of Christ and Antichrist….for America. The Watchers enter Capricorn on the return pass on November 17th, 2019. Jupiter, the Guru, Uncle Sam follows into Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019. That’s when the confrontation must be met as a challenge by those called to give birth in America to Christ as a people and a Nation. This is the beginning of the end of the Watchers and the Nephilim America, Babylon the Great. This is the beginning of the end of the Reign of the Gentiles and the Dragon Over America. It is time for the money changers to be cast out of the Temple.

Jupiter enters Capricorn to deliver the judgment. It is delivered to the Solar Hierarchies of the Sun who govern the 12 solar signs, the Twelve Solar Houses. Jupiter, the Guru, is assigned the task to deliver the judgment to the fallen angels and their mechanization man and the laggard evolution from Maldek, the asteroid belt.

Jupiter represents Saint Germain , hierarch of Aquarius as Jesus was of Pisces. Saint Germain is referred to in the Book of Revelations as the Seventh Angel, Rev 10:7. He is the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius. He is coming in what has been phrased as the “Coming Revolution In Higher Consciousness”. His time is come.

Americans are being called to stand on the Lunar North Node at 13 Cancer conjunct the US conceptual Sun in the third decant of the 8th house, their Christ Attainment. We have been given 2000 years to assimilate Christ, the Son of Man or to believe the lie and ignore the law of love and repentance. Many have chosen to believe the lies taught from childhood, that he died from our sins and all the records infamy their enslavement of their fellow man, their genocide of belief, color, ideas and their debauchery of children has been erased and forgiven. So the price is paid so continue what you are doing. Well forgiven you certainly are, but erased NO! You must correct every jot and tittle, Jesus said. You can believe the wolves in sheeps clothing who do continue today as they have done since their war in heaven and their being bound in the earth in answer to man’s prayer, the antediluvian prehistory, only to be released since 1940 and 1990.

We stand at 13 Cancer by our attainment in Christ and our bond the the Heart of America Saint Germain, Uncle Sam. We can cast our anchor, the anchor of our individual ship into his heart of God Love to the planet and be steadfast in our calling upon the Lord, calling upon Heaven to defend in Cancer America’s destiny to be the Christ Nation to raise up Christ in the American people, and the Holy Family to raise these Christs and the Communities of the Holy Family to nurture and educate these children. This is why you are embodied in America or have come to America in this life. The lines are drawn as the Ancient of Days has said, and they cannot be broken, he has promised us. The law is your protection.

Saint Germain is come with his Sons and Daughters Christ in man to lead the people and the nation in and following these elections. Leading up to the 2024 elections when Saint Germain and the American people will put Christ, a Son of Man, chosen from among the people into the Office of the President. This is the final battle of the Revolutionary War, that has never ended but has been made perpetual by world Capitalism, known then as the Red Coats and their English King and now as the Dragon over America, Babylon The Great and the Harlot who rides the Beast.

The 13th Tribe of the Priests of the Levites are called to stand with Morya, the Once and Future King and uphold the mantle and Office of the President of These United States and overshadow this President whom Jesus told John the Revelator in Rev 17:17 that he would put into their hearts to do his will, until all that is written comes to pass.

The Seventy Elders of the people are called to to stand with Morya and Saint Germain in this hour, then the American people and the I AM Race will take their stand with Uncle Sam. And we will see the Turning of Worlds.

We are called in this hour to exalt the God Flame within our hearts. In doing so we will ignite a world in the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. This will see the binding of Pluto, the Power Elite at 27 Scorpio on the cusp of the second decant in the first house. This represents the exaltation of the Individualization of the God Flame within our hearts, the exalting of Christ within the Temple of the soul’s dominion, her four lower bodies.

Pluto represents the ghost at 27 Scorpio from January 11th, 1994 the mega-conjunction of seven planets in Capricorn with Pluto at 27 Scorpio square Saturn at 27 Aquarius. This config will influence the planet’s evolutions for centuries to come, such is its long lasting influence. Until it is bound and transmuted and taken from the planet by the Initiates of the Ruby Ray sometime in our future.

This record and influence affects everyone and everything going on woven as a TAPESTRY with black threads of Pluto woven throughout that requires Cosmic Surgery to extract. This is the proverbial Dragon standing before the Divine Mother giving birth to Christ in the second coming in man to devour that Christ AS SOON AS IT IS BORN. Keep the watch this is the final hours of childbirth by the Divine Mother. We are rapidly coming to the end of the Galactic Alignment of the last 46 years designed by Heaven for the second coming in man. We are also coming to the end of the astrological and the cosmic cycle of the Y on the Path. Pluto represents to mankind their Dweller on the Threshold, their personal dweller and the planetary dweller, the collective unconscious, the Antichrist in man, our own worst enemy. It lurks in the subconscious on the very threshold of our consciousness.

The Y in the road is the astrological YOD. It is the Point of Overcoming or the point of being overcome by the dweller. It is the point the soul must choose to stand as Christ or with Antichrist in this Great Drama. The soul must take their stand in America and be counted with or against Saint Germain as he sends Merlin back to Camelot to cast out the Black Magicians. And he and the Once and Future King, El Morya cast them out of North America, with your help, the American people and the I AM Race.

This cycle at the Y in the road began with the Sun’s entry into Taurus in 2018 and will end with the Suns entry into Pisces in 2020. The apex of this YOD, the Y in the road is 2 Aries and is Conjunct Chiron, the conditioning of mankind to co-habit with Homo Sapiens. The seed of Abraham were warned not to. We are called after 2000 years walking the path with Jesus and the masters, in and out of embodiment we have come to the point Gregg Braden calls the Zero Point, Elizabeth Clare Prophet calls the Y in the Road. We must face this personal and planetary dweller called in the Bible, the Dragon, but not alone. This is the point on our path when we become, Mother teaches, Christ or Antichrist. We have come full circle from the Garden of EDEN when we had not yet attained to this current level we are at on the path of personal Christhood then we were novices yet we believed the lie of the Serpent in the Garden and took of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil without Christ attainment who was created by God to Judge the fallen Angels. We did not have the attainment at that time. Now we have come on the path having assimilated Christ Jesus in Holy Communion these last 2000 years or we have accommodated the Guru – Teacher. We are ready and God is ready for the Harvest of the TARES. So the second coming is come as the Harvest of the Wheat who must now take the initiation with ONLY one of TWO outcomes. This is the initiation on the East Gate.

The good news! The good news is that the solution to every YOD, therefore the Y in the road. The Gordian Knot is which is the Right Handed Path to be taken at the Y? The solution is always the point opposite the APEX. This is 2 Libra, Mother’s Nadir, our karma with the Guru, our hatred of the Guru. The God Reality is that for the Christ on the mountain with Maitreya, Jesus’ Father and Satan he had GOOD karma so he knew the LAW and the PROMISE so he cast out Satan. So with us today. We have good karma with Mother and the Masters, we know the LAW and the PROMISE. Neither to the left nor the right we keep to the straight and narrow, the razors edge in constancy and humility and erase the face of the lesser self seeing in its place the face of the Cosmic Virgin and her Daughter, Guru MA, in the mirror of the Moon Mother. This is the mirror like wisdom of Akshobhya of the perfection of renunciation that is Virgo’s third decant. The placement of the Sun today as the SUN transits the physical plane to initiate our physical bodies in Virgo in preparation for the coming of the Suns entry at Fall equinox of the Physical world having spent the last nine months transiting our fire, air and water bodies preparing for this confrontation that is eminent.

The coaching, the hard training , the preparation is well done. Breath , enter that place in the solar plexus chakra of Cosmic Christ Peace, drink deeply of the Radiant Golden Oil of Peace and leap into the arms of the Guru – Teacher in the Secret Chamber of your Heart and conquer in God’s name. You are in Command. Your are the Captain of your Ship. You are the ruler of your Temple. You are the Logos, the Word Incarnate. Now do what the Word does. Breath and speak in God’s name.

Fall Equinox 2019

Now added to Current Year 2019 for download

We are in the last week of Virgo. Your experiences, including your dreams, a major part of your lifes journey are showing you what is the foreshadowing of what the fall quarter will bring into the physical. We are in the physical quadrant of Virgo and are seeing what is the promise, the hopes and fears of the fall harvest. What can be mitigated.

We are now receiving the just reward of our efforts, the fruits of our labors in 2019. Divine Justice has a number of faces. One seldom understood is the Golden Rule. It is keystone to our soul’s evolution. So what we have sown heaven multiplies and you are co-creator with the Universal Christ of your future…in the final act of the judgment of evil in the Matter universe.

Another face of Divine Justice, is the correction given the soul to correct while the Sun is still in Virgo what the soul has set in motion in 2019 that is not according to the law…do unto others as you would have done to you, the Golden Rule of Law. Virgo brings to our attention who will listen (ruler is the Messenger of the Sun, the Son of Man) what needs fixing. Those who listen without frustration and anxiety, without anger and hatred of the hardness of heart, will act to correct their “mistakes”. They will do this before Fall Equinox when the energies we set in motion by qualifying lights energy ( E=MC2) becomes form, physical substance that returns to us as people and events in our lives.

You are the creators of your life’s journey. You are the captain of your ship, a star ship, your Sun. You are not your outer personality, your outer form, your Moon. You are your SUN when you are the SON, as taught by Jesus and his Saint Francis we call Master Kuthumi. You are the ruler of your soul, made in the image of God, his Son. You can choose to be governed by Christ and walk in his shoes in the sands of time or you can choose to be silent. You can choose to do nothing, to not decide right from wrong, to not discipline oneself to take God-Control of your mind and choose God our Fathers will instead of the gratification of the ego, the outer manifestation of your, “enemy within“, known in astrology as your dweller on the threshold of your subconscious. This is the Antichrist, the red devil on your left shoulder, as it were. The enemy within, your own worst enemy is also the collective unconscious of the planets evolutions. This is Neptune that rules Pisces and the 12th house.

The unconscious is a collective, a hive conscious, depicted in the Movie series “the Matrix”. It is how the Power Elite programs mankind in order to control them and if you have studied psychology, then you are aware of the triggers they use to activate , the programmed behaviors in man according the the cycles of the Moon and the longer term cycles of the outer “unconscious”planets in orbit around you, hence your personal astrology. It is the age old adage, if we don’t learn from history, we are BOUND (chained) to repeat it. You might re-state this as, “If I do not learn from my history, I am bound to repeat it”. Simply stated , you must change your memories, your mental patterns, your beliefs, your feelings and your actions, if you hope to change the future repeating the past. This is the power of God given to his Sons and Daughters, that you are. Take dominion in the earth change the world, America, your community, your family. The cycles have turned the Elohim of God have empowered you, in Jesus Christs name for the Turning of Worlds and to ask in his name for the judgment of the Fourth Turning, the programming of the Millennials. To be the Temple of the living God who works, i.e. walks in the earth through people (you) and events…surrounding you.

This is why we are seeing a counter revolution to the American Revolution today. We see it in the election campaigns of 2016 and the 2020 elections, Socialism, The Road to Serfdom of the American people to a One World civilization of the Fallen Angels, called the Nephilim and Watchers, the Anunnaki, the people of Anu of the Antediluvian Sumerians, and brought to our attention by their messenger to this age, Zackeria Sitchin . This is counter to America’s destiny to be the Christ Nation to free the planet of these evil ones who refuse to live in peace, or to live and let live. They prefer to invert life to evil in their anger and hatred that is now returning to them in Virgo, as Divine Justice.

For more on The Fall Equinox 2019 see the document on the site page, Current Year 2019.

Fall Equinox 2019

The Sun enters Libra in the physical plane  affecting our physical worlds, our environment and our physical bodies.   Conditions in the body , in our workplaces, in our homes and in the nation will now begin to out picture the state of conscious that lies within.  We have come through Virgo and the journey through the Great Gallery of the Pyramid. Some have reached the Place of the Sun, in their microcosm of self, their Solar plexus chakra.  They have passed through the storm of their karma to the eye of the storm.  They have  entered the place of the Sun, Cosmic Christ Peace.  From here they leap into the heart’s chalice, Libra – Aries axis into the arms of their Christ self, the Heart Chakra’s Secret chamber.

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Published: 2019-09-17

The testing of our soul at year end

See the complete document  of the Current Year page: Fall Harvest 2018:  Years Victory   some excerpts follow.

In 2018 we stand in the fall of the completion of cycles of this lifetime and of many lifetimes that prepared for our victory in this life.  As Venus stands conjunct the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray, the pantheon of the gods of the 12th planet represented by Apollyon as the soul stands upon the mountain with Apollyon and Maitreya and chooses whom they will follow from this day forward.  The soul stands at 13° Pisces, Mars conjunct Neptune and chooses to act upon the right-handed path (or the left-handed path) of the individualization of the God flame represented by the causal body of Neptune.  Or the soul chooses the collective consciousness of world communism the electronic belt of Neptune as the soul pursues the material kingdom having forsaken the spiritual.  The latter are the souls who are poisoned by the pride of the ego on the axis of the heart of Libra Aries [Libra is the poison of pride antidote by the wisdom of Ratnasambhava, the pride of ambition.]

Venus stands in the third decant of the second house in the soul’s mastership calling upon her causal body for all resources of the knowledge of the law and the teachings to know the initiation and to put the moon beneath her feet.  With dominion over the moon, the soul stands in her Mars taking action in the Christ mind in the seventh house first decant of her relationship to the guru to carry out the work of the ages, the binding of the personal and planetary dweller on the threshold.  Venus stands in love’s mastership in the third degree of the Sabien symbols [2 to 3 degrees, the Christ] and cuts all ties with the false hierarchies of the Ruby Ray manifest as the 12 planet throughout the ages.  The soul’s choice is to do this or to relive the residual desires of unfulfilled desires amplified and magnified by the new moon that began shortly after the sun’s ingress into the emotional plane with the sun in Sagittarius.

Venus, the faithful, cuts all ties economic and financial to Babylon the Great and its new economic order that began in 1991 when the judgment by Helios of the power elite was delivered upon those who propagate this global economic dominion of the planet.

Mercury the messenger warns the people to come out of her the harlot who rides the Scarlet beast or receive her karma [Rev 18:4].  The soul is called to cut all economic and financial ties and to pursue right livelihood independent of the economy of the Nephilim and their philosophy of the economy, scarcity and hording.  The soul is called to leave off the exploitation of her fellow man for economic gain in exchange of value.  The soul is warned to leave off those who have abandoned the guru whose consciousness of ambition is the poison of pride.  This is a contagious disease, as is the rotten apple in the barrel.

The warning has sounded for the coming judgment of the economy that is founded upon the principles of the Nephilim and the Watchers.  This warning went forth in 1993 to prepare this nation and this church to survive the coming of this cancer of materialism.  The judgment was delivered by Helios upon America and the church in August 2017 during the confrontation of Christ and antichrist.  This played out in 2017 during the 28th degree T square of Pisces Virgo and Sagittarius.  This was the first of five eclipses over the next 35 years.

Maitreya delivers the message of the sun, at 27° Scorpio of the threat to the nation and the church of the mega conjunction of 1994 of the return of the serpent to the mystery school beginning in 2012 with the first of seven Pluto Uranus squares [2012 to 2015] that threatens to destroy the church and the nation at 10° Taurus.  There is a 1° orb between the sun sign of the church and the nation, the nation is 10° 46 minutes Taurus, the church is 10° 47 minutes Taurus. 


Fall 2018 Safe Passage of Ye All

FALL 2018 SAFE PASSAGE OF YE ALL      click on the link to download the whole document.

This is an extract.

The Three fold Flame of the Heart.

All this is occurring in the year 2018 at the conclusion of a lifetime of service to God and country in the concluding months of the Galactic Alignment of Helios to the Sun behind the Sun back to the center of the Galaxy to the center of the Great Central Sun around which our Galaxy revolves, at 1ÒLibra. This is occurring at the conclusion of the 33 years that were given to all in embodiment to play out the prophecies of the Book of Revelations. This followed the 33 years given all our souls to walk the Path of the Ascension back home in the Odyssey of our souls journey on the Path of initiation.

2018 all are being tested. All are bringing the harvest of the last 33 years of our personal Christhood to the altar of Maitreya to be measured at winter solstice (2018) whether each soul will have sufficient light to survive the coming famine or whether when the greatest darkness of the dark night of the spirit comes they will be in outer darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth as they stand at winter solstice as Pluto conjunct Mother’s descendant.

We stand on the cusp of the Turning of Worlds and of the Fourth Turning as the counter revolution of the fallen as prophesied by Mother. This is the counter revolution (communism and the Millenniums) to the Coming Revolution of Higher Consciousness. This is the wave upon which the third antichrists will ride to lead the revolution and which will be harnessed by the return of Genghis Khan, prophesied by Nostradamus.

All are choosing in the fall of 2018 which turning will be their future.


Harvest Cycle 2018 Timelessness of the Cycles

Fall 2018 The Timelessness of The Cycles

click on the link above to take you to the document on the CURRENT YEAR page.

here are a few excerpts

The sun entered the third solar week in Scorpio on November 7th. America woke up on the morning of November 7th to the results of the midterm elections. America also woke up to the realization of the impact on the elections of Uranus having retrograded from Taurus back into Aries on election day. This Uranus transit had a significant and profound influence on the nation and the people on election day. This was the culmination, in this lifetime for this evolution, of all that has gone before. For the purposes of this discourse we look only at 2018.

This is the harvest cycle of 2018 with the sun in Scorpio in the emotional plane following the elections in America and on November 9th, the third of three Saturn returns of the safe passage of ye all in 2018.   Passage for all who remain bonded by love to the heart of the Guru, the two messengers for the purposes of being bonded to the heart of Maitreya, the great initiator. Maitreya is preparing our souls for the confrontation with our personal dweller and the return of the Serpent to the mystery school (Garden of Eden) prophesied by the Mayan whom they call the Feathered Serpent.  This is the price of passage for all.  All souls are being tested in 2018 to determine who has attained, the safe passage.  Who has received his grace.

Thursday November 8th, 2018 the sun is in the solar cycle in Scorpio in the emotional body of the people on the second ray. The solar hierarchies are initiating our souls on the second ray of illumination on the higher mental plane of the Christ mind.  The moon representing the soul in the sun’s ingress into the emotional plane of Scorpio of the people’s emotional body was at 12° Scorpio conjunct the ascendant at 12° Scorpio conjunct the star, the Southern Cross. The sun will transit the 19th and 20th degree of Scorpio on Saturday and Sunday. It will trigger by conjunction, opposition and square the 20th degree of the pink cross of the threefold flame.

Friday November 9th 2018, the sun is on day three of the solar cycle in Scorpio in the emotional plane initiating the emotional bodies of the people of the planet, to align with God’s desiring. To move with God and to be in alignment for the safe passage of ye all, during the third and final Saturn return on November 9, 2018 of the dispensation released on January 1, 1989 of the mantle for the safe passage of ye all, and the mantle of learning, illumination, and self-knowledge.


Fall Equinox 2018: Guard The Heart of The Harvest

Guard The Heart of the Harvest 2018 

click the link above to download the whole document.  This blog is an extract only.

The soul stands in the Sun to erase the face of the lesser self from the mirror of the moon mother. She maintains her independence in the mystery school by exalting the God flame within and working the works of the ages. She stands in the Sun in the heart and plunges the sword of truth into the propaganda and lies within the community and the nation. She takes her stand to fulfill her responsibility of her attainment of God Obedience as she faces the challenge of defending the idealism of the path in reforming “self”, a pillar in the community, a Son of Solitude. The soul is called to research all who have become a law unto themselves and have taken power to themselves. They interpret the law and by-laws to their meaning in direct violation of the laws of God and Man.

The soul is called to know where the problem lies and to invoke the light of the solar hierarchies into this darkness. Knowing that with God all things are possible and that what you ask in my name (Jesus Christ) will be granted of thee by my Father.

This is the purpose of the Sun through the Son when the soul receives her Holy Christ Self as the Sun transits the emotional body of the planet and people in Libra on the seventh solar day. The sun is bathing all in the seventh ray to transmute all opposition (Aries) and challenges (squares from Capricorn and Cancer) while calling upon the grand trine to Aquarius and Gemini solar hierarchies for help and light. The soul calls on  her own causal body and I AM Presence to discern Gods purpose (of the Sun) to work through you, people and events to fulfill his will and to meet the challenges facing our souls, our activity, Community, and our nation. The challenge of self will manifest as self love and self preservation in Libra.

The soul interprets the solar transit through the houses of the solar signs of the solar hierarchies as taught by Maitreya. The soul interprets the Sun’s transit of the degree and minute of the seventh day in the feeling body of the planet and people on the seventh ray to transmute all forces of anti will and anti love and anti wisdom…the logic and reason of the serpent mind to strip the chela and disciple from the Guru and God as Mother. The soul uses the exact degree of the seventh day transit of the conjunction in Libra, opposition in Aries, the squares in Cancer and Capricorn and the trines in Gemini and Aquarius as taught by Kuthumi. Now apply the midpoints and decants and you see the message of the Stars, the message of the Sun (Star) delivered by Mercury to guide the soul.

El Morya teaches us that all lines (Clock) converge at the 6 o’clock line in Cancer, the Mother, the Feminine Principle in mater. The heart center, Libra Aries, converges on Cancer to reveal to the soul that she must stand in mid-October 2018 and face her initiations and challenges by expiating (washing in the seven rays and the seventh today) all for which she is struggling to complete and to achieve to fulfill her Father’s will. The soul is called to center in the heart and recede into the secret chamber to commune with the Holy Spirit for the God Solution to fulfill her responsibilities to challenge the lies and propaganda of those who have rejected the love of the Guru and the seventh angel, the hierarch of the seventh ray, Aquarius. The soul being God centered and counseled by the Masters fulfills her responsibility by researching all breaches of the law and the by-laws by those who have become a law unto themselves. Who having stood upon the mountain  with Saturn, her causal body and electronic belt and have chosen the carnal logic of the Serpent mind to rule the activity and the nation in the outer, forsaking the inner walk with God as taught by Mother and Morya in the 4-10 axis clearance.  They have gone far enough now its their turn having been given to rule the outer kingdom, by Saturn.

The soul stands in the six pointed star (MC, North Node, Chiron, South Node, Nadir, Moon) to challenge the lie and propaganda of those who justify their beliefs and actions. The soul calls upon Heaven and arcs the light of the Great Central Sun while we still have the light. For the day comes when no man may work. We are coming to the end of cosmic dispensation and cosmic cycles. The galactic alignment which began in 1975 and peaked in 1998,  ends in late 2020. The alignment of the Sun behind the Sun. This is the conclusion of 33 years on the path of the ascension (1984-2017) and the 33 years of the playing out of the prophecies of Revelations, the 22 steps of the ascension (1985-2018). This is the conclusion of the Saturn Jupiter conjunction that began in 2000 during the mega conjunction of seven planets in Taurus; and the end of the second 14 year cycle of the 14 tests of the crucifixion, as taught by El Morya. Morya told us that in 2000 on June 27th  the third and final 14 year cycle began.  It ended on June 27th, 2014.

We are in the 31st year in Cancer of the initiation of the heart by the Holy Spirit and of the Path of Personal Christhood.  We are called to the Transfiguration in the 33rd year in Virgo in 2020. All this so that when the alignment with the Great Central Sun is cut off and we stand in the Tribulation at the river Jordan before the Guru in the 34th year in Libra in 2021 we shall be the light of the world. We are called to be the Summit lighthouse of love to a dying world. We are called to turn the tide of darkness, the Tribulation, the final 3 1/2 years of the dark night of the spirit.  We are called to uphold the Guru and together sustain the fire of the heart to uphold the Capstone on the Pyramid of America, the contact with the Ascended Masters. All this while all who have left off the path of the heart are forming the clock of betrayers on the North Gate who follow Antichrist who subverts the authority of the Son manifest in the Great White Brotherhood and usurps the office of Man occupied in Spirit by Jesus Christ and the hosts of his hierarchy. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray (Oct 1996) told us to watch for the coming of the Third Antichrist, that we would know him when he came.

We are called to our personal Christhood in 2020 so that some may stand in 2021 to gather the faithful and seal North America as taught by the Goddess of Liberty. And to bring the ascended masters names into every household in America for  the fulfillment of the mission of the Summit Lighthouse (33 years beginning in 1991 – 2024).  We must come prepared in 2021 to fulfill the mission of our personal Christhood, that of bringing the teachings into the homes of America.