Category Archives: Spring Quarter

Spring Quarter of the year begins at Spring Equinox beginning the season of planting that which we anchored in our etheric fire bodies as memory of the plan, the divine blueprint of our Father’s will. We provided the seed for last years harvest and from previous years harvests. We prepared the soil for spring season. We have come prepared to plant the seed of a new spiral of attainment in Christ. We cast our seed (soul) upon the rock of Christ and prepare to fasten the soul to the cross. As we face those who come unprepared and cast their seed upon fertile soil of the human self. These latter are fruitless vines as they have accommodated their God and the cycles of opportunity provided the soul in challenges of previous years. These are the indulgent ones. And the past now comes back to haunt them. Fear paralyzes them in their hatred and anger so prevalent today.

America Today

May 17th, 2020 Sun in Taurus Affecting Our Physical Well-being And Our Comfort-ability.

A new document has been added to Current Year 2020 Page and on the Documents Page.

This covers the current period May 12th to May 20th, 2020. The potential of winter solstice and New Years has been sown, falling upon the rock of Christ or the fertile soil of rebellion.

What is sown will now sprout to be watered this summer under the two lunar eclipses of June 5th and July 5th, as well as the solar eclipse on summer solstice. As those who have received the light in rebellion in 2020 are eclipsed to play out their rebellion and by their words and their works they are judged.

The judgment begins as the Sun enters Virgo in August, as the Seven Last Plagues descend upon this wicked generation who have rejected the love of the Divine Mother ,who having come to take her children to her heart now returns to harvest the chaff that has been separated from the wheat.

This is an auspicious hour. The hour of the marriage of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife. The Holy Spirit comes on May 31st, 2020 to anoint those who have been sealed in their homes, in the upper rooms being God taught in preparation for this anointing. Just as Saint Paul was on the road to Damascus.

The Great Drama is about to change Acts. Now the the final drama between the protagonists and the antagonists as the creative minority emerge from the upper rooms anointed to carry out their destinies opposed by those antagonists that follow a different path, marching to a different tune as we enter the roaring 2020s. Mighty Victory warned us to prepare for this eventuality. Now it is upon us.

Spring Equinox 2020

What we have reaped in 2019 will be sown in 2020. Springtime is the time of seeding our world by our winter consciousness. By free will we can choose the way of Christ love or we can continue as we were last year. We are what we think and we become what we thought. So change what you think.

Start a new habit, North Node in Cancer. Change the future ruled by Hades in Cancer. Cast off old outdated ways . Complete your soul’s assignment of this 20 year cycle of Jupiter Saturn this year. Set your goals. Write them down. Create an altar, your private Holy of Holies where only you may go. Affirm your goals daily before the altar. Call to Jesus Christ and his Saints to guide and protect you and to send his angels to guide you to his promised Everlasting Gospel, delivered he tells us by the Seventh Angel through his prophets, Revelations chapter 10.

Christ is not the way of man. He walks the solitary path to the center of the circle. Man walks in circles on the circumference of life with their gods of mammon. We have been told , “come apart and be a separate and chosen people, elect unto God; one nation, one people, one God.

Spring time is a new beginning, new life, renewal. It is the mystery of life. One is taken another is left.

These are the choices mankind is faced with upon the mountain on mankind’s karma in Capricorn. We stand at the fork in the road at 2 Aries on the midheaven of the Guru who has delivered the everlasting gospel and the people are choosing. Leave off, come apart and walk in his footsteps, call to Him, he will guide you. This is the age of miracles. His heart is the heart center, the eye in the storm, Cosmic Christ Peace. From this point in Virgo Pisces, the karmic axis, of the solar plexus chakra, leap into the heart of the Guru.

Revelations tells you that Heaven is more than man has admitted. There are many characters in heaven that only the the solitary soul who takes comes apart and walks in His footsteps will know. We have called them collectively, Saints and Angels, but they are each one a unique Individualization of the God Flame as you are to become, are becoming. Only by walking in his footsteps can you realize your God Identity, your God Reality.

This is why Jesus came. This is why he has sent his Messengers to deliver the everlasting gospel.

Sun in Gemini, 5th Moon cycle Pentecost

Pentecost is a planetary milestone each year in the cycle measuring the evolutionary progress of the individual soul midst earth’s evolution. This is the saint factor. It is a true measure of of light vs darkness on the planet. For most soul’s evolving on planet earth it is meaningless. Most of the seed of Abraham, Judeans, Christians, and Muslims know little about this milestone. Most know about Spring Equinox and the celebration of Passover and Easter Holy Week but when it comes to Wesak and Pentecost when the Sun enters Taurus and Gemini, respectively, it is not on their radar. Why is this?

Ever since the fulfillment of the prophecy of the coming of Christ 2000 years ago, earth has been measured each year as to the evolutionary progress of the souls of mankind.

Gemini Warring in The Members

Gemini Sun

Where is America in 2019?  What is prophesied and what does our karma say?  How much time is left to this generation who have been given so much?

Go to Current Year 2019 to download full document “Warring in the Members  The Battle For America.” The following are excerpts.

Today, America is waking up to the God given realization that Saint Germain and the armies of heaven, under the banner of Elohim, are engaged in the American Revolution, now in its third century that beginning in 1976.  We are at the cusp of Aquarius, the Age of Divine Love, come in the Kingdom that Jesus Christ said would come at the end of the Age.  This is the third century, completing the threefold flame for the birth of Christ in the second coming in the people as foretold by Jesus.

We are come full circle in 2019, in America, with the Sun in Gemini to determine who are the just stewards? Who have multiplied their talents?   Which vines bear fruit?  Who has come apart to be a separate and chosen people; one people, one nation, one God?

The soul chooses in Gemini which line of Gemini the soul will follow, to be trained as Teacher by God or in lines of Power by the Nephilim, the Princes of the Air who rule the earth through the False Hierarchies of the Ruby Ray as taught by Lord Sanat Kumara.   Hence be trained as warrior under the centaurs in Sagittarius. This is the test of every soul as described in Phylos the Tibetan and in a Man for All Seasons (Thomas More).  The latter, Thomas More, who died the king’s good servant but who obeyed a higher law of God above Man, the common law. A law that states that man, the king (government) is subject to the law; it is embedded in the American Constitution.  All must choose in the culmination of the Vesta cycle of the year in Gemini, what line they will take that will end in Sagittarius, this December (Nov 21st – Dec 21st) as the God Victory of Life over Death, in 2019?

Gemini is nearing its end.  Summer Solstice is this Friday.  Are you ready for the coming of Helios?  He is returning to begin the 36th year of his judgement of evil in the Matter Universe (1984).  He is returning to begin the 29th year and the Saturn Return of the judgement of the power elite (1991) and to JUDGE all opposing Saint Germain and the Summit Lighthouse in 2019.  He is coming to bind all that opposes the mission of the Summit Lighthouse.  What do you need to know?

Many on the path are now in their fifth decade having entered the path in the 1970’s, others who may have entered the path post Jan/1 1997 are now in their 22nd year knowing the teachings from books and videos, knowing only the members of the church in physical relationships.

We internalize the guru and the teachings or we accommodate them. This is the soul’s odyssey that has been underway with the messengers and the Great White Brotherhood for 100,000s of years of the soul’s journey with the chelas of the white cube of the church. We have our karma with them that now interferes with our service.

The soul is being initiated to choose between Helios and the twelve Solar Hierarchies of the Sun, initiating Earth’s evolutions and the chelas of the white fire core and the white cube at the nucleus or to choose the Watchers (Psyche, Cupido, the seduction of the soul by the watchers who took the daughters of men as wives). This began at winter solstice 2016 through to winter solstice 2020 thereby governing the divine plan for the years 1017, 2018, 2019, 2020.  This represents the last four years of the galactic alignment, for the birth of Christ in you.  You who are called to stand before the Guru in 2021 that begins at winter solstice 2020, on the line of Libra in the 34th year on the path in the initiation of our hearts to bear the fruits of Christ mastery and to begin your mission.

El Morya prophesied that the economy would crash (2000 Year Ride of the Four Horsemen lecture by Mother; Nostradamus prophesied the economy would crash and gave the astrological triggers.   Mother writes in Saint Germain on Prophecy that while the American economy looks rosy it is in fact in a pre-catastrophe syndrome and that was in the mid-1980’s.   In a lecture, The Ride of the Black Horse, Mother states that this is the returning karma of a people who have not challenged these spoilers, in the name of God!   Mother writes, “At the end of the ride of the Black Horse” (Saturn in Capricorn) is the full weight of mankind’s karma of non-accountability of the light of God, in the church and in the nation. Saturn enters Aquarius on March 22nd, 2020 during which there is a 6-pointed star which Mother teaches always indicates the incarnation of the word. Also, the sun is at 2 Aries conjoined Mother’s Sun.  This follows Saturn conjunct Pluto on January 12, 2020, heralding chaos in the economy. El Morya says the economic collapse is the trigger that leads to war, WWIII.  Nostradamus says the astrological trigger is the year that Mars and Saturn are equally fiery.

How much time do we have?  What needs to be done?  What does God expect of each one?

The Sun enters Gemini conjunct Mercury at the apex of a composite YOD. The Y in the road is the sign and signet that we are forced by the Masters to face and conquer our dwellers.  The Y in the road forces the soul to choose between 0 Capricorn conjoined the Watchers conjunct our souls (moon) in the second decant of the ninth house and between 29 Libra…….

We must take our stand while the Sun is in Gemini at 20 Cancer conjoined North Node conjunct Mother’s Ascendant and defend the Guru (Cancer) by receiving our Holy Christ Self and working the works of the Ages. This means stand in polarity to Saturn, the Dragons (Tail), and Pluto in Capricorn and fulfill the prophecy of Revelations and face Abaddon who with his beasts out of the bottomless pit (our dwellers) has gone to war against the Lamb and his faithful.  The Nadir, the point of our returning karma rising from the unconscious into our subconscious is midpoint between our North Node and Mars.  The Nadir is at 10 Cancer signifying that Revelations is playing out as the return of karma delivered by the Four Horsemen.  We must stand in the North Node in Cancer in the fourth house and play our designated role in Revelations. We are to research Mother’s teachings on Revelations in order to know our role and to have our victory over this challenge presented by Saturn, Dragon’s Tail, and Pluto in Capricorn, on Mother’s descendant.

This is the hour for the defeat of your dweller and of those who oppose the Guru.  It is also the hour for defeating the Serpent and moving on in the initiations in Maitreya’s Mystery School.  It is the hour for the defeating of the Serpent and casting him out of the Mystery School at the East Gate on the Path of the Ruby Ray. 

The take away here is that we are witnessing the return of karma prophesied in Revelations.  This is the congruence in Capricorn of the Watchers, the Satans (Saturn), the Dragon (Tail); and of Pluto (personal and planetary dweller) this year and next.  This is worthy of the meditation of your hearts and of your communion with the Masters, for this is the hour of fulfillment of your soul’s destiny. Jesus said, “for judgment I AM come”, this is the hour of the second coming in you.

This drama playing out is the fulfillment of the Book of Revelations.  The prophet Daniel tells us that this is the beginning of the end, the Tribulation.  See Daniel chapters 8 – 12.  What does Saint Germain tell us?

This congruence of planets in Capricorn is the indicator of Heavens intercession in matter as the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray descends as Helios emerges from the Galactic Center to deliver the judgement upon the Watchers at 0 to1 degree Capricorn as the Watchers conjoin the black hole at the Galactic center.  This is the beginning of the final conflagration that is both the trial by fire and also the judgment by fire.  Revelations tells us Rev 18:4, “Come out of her or receive her karma”. So, in 2019 and 2020 on the lines Leo and Virgo (32nd & 33rd years) on the path of personal Christhood in the initiation of our hearts in the Order of the Diamond Heart we will face our dweller (Saturn conjunct Pluto and Dragon conjunct Pluto and Saturn) as the judgement descends upon the Watchers in 2019 at the galactic center.

As Saturn approaches Pluto this year you will see the increase of the intensity of the energy (karma) in some areas, go through the roof as the saying goes.  This is an indication that the chelas are called to the altar by the Guru.  Forsake her not or you will find that you or your family will be caught in the thick of it.

Mother prophesied to every Keeper of the Flame in her July Fourth Address, 1996 that they would stand in the shoes of Hamlet and face his choices in the Dark Night of the Spirit.  Mother also prophesied that we would face his ghosts, our un-transmuted karma and that left un-transmuted of the 2000-year Dark Cycle, come back to haunt our soul as we stand on the mountain with Maitreya and the Satans, the Serpent, and our Dweller. A very bad combination, if left un-transmuted, daily.

The remainder of the lifespan of all in embodiment will witness or participate in the fulfillment of all that is written (Rev 17:17).   Great cosmic events will be written into the annals of this planet, our Sun, and our galaxy.

Nostradamus Prophesied war and economic collapse when Mars and Saturn are equally fiery.  When is this? 

In 1988 Mother gave three very clear indicators of war.  Nostradamus gave three indicators of war.   Why did God’s Son teach us, “What is that to thee, follow thou me.”  How will you make the difference?

at the – Y – in the road

Apollyon and Transpluto form a fork in the road to Mother’s mid-heaven. The soul stands at the Y in the road and must choose in 2019, which way she will go. The soul has journeyed here with Mother. Many have been with her for decades for some, three or four decades. Now for the second year in a row we find ourselves standing at the apex of the YOD with Mother and Chiron, (at 2 Aries).

The soul stands in Leo, the heart, in the 32nd year on the path of personal Christhood in the initiation of the Heart by the Holy Spirit. The later is also in its 32nd year in Leo for the public demonstration of the law, as taught by Mighty Victory. This public demonstration is required of the soul in the 31st, 32nd, and 33rd years of a cycle.

The soul must face her dweller on the threshold of the doorway to the heart’s secret chamber, the eight petaled chakra. Maitreya Buddha teaches the soul at this point in her initiation to call to the masters to stand with her and bind the dweller. Failing to do so results in the soul remaining to be crucified.

This is the test of the soul, who has come so far on the path with Guru Ma, the Mother Teacher, as she stands in 2019 in the third year of the confrontation with the fallen angels that began in 2017 with its T Square. This confrontation with Hamlet’s Uncle did not conclude in the fall of 2017 but carried over into 2018 as Pluto conjoined Mother’s descendant three times and we stood at the YOD on Mother’s Midheaven (2 Aries) with Chiron from May through August and forged the key to the mystic doorway that was before us (the Rectangle). Now in 2019 we came to stand at winter solstice as Saturn conjoined Mother’s Mars, her chelas at 9 Capricorn as we stood on Mother’s Descendant with our Pluto to determine in 2019 at the end of the second decade whether we can cast into the flame our hatred of the Mother and enter her heart in 2019 to stand with the Guru and the masters in the lineage of the Gurus and slay our dweller. We are called to face this challenge as the public demonstration of the law of our being in the 36th year of the Solar Ring and the judgment of evil in the Matter universe. Thereby breaking the tie to the chains that have bound us to Apollyon, Abaddon on the six o’clock line where all the lines of the cosmic clock converge.

We are forced to face our dweller’s hatred of Guru MA on her descendant, the seventh house cusp of the Guru chela relationship. This is the core of all our karma with the Guru, the law and the Lawgiver for the last 25,800 years. Do you know your history? Do you know Mothers history, El Morya’s, Rai of Seurn, Saint Germain’s? We were there, when Mother and Morya stood with Saint Germain through the ages, we were there. This is the karma of our souls’ original sin, disobedience of the law and Lawgiver. The pride of the ego.

Now in 2019, we stand at the Y in the public demonstration of the law, in Leo. We are forced to choose to cast the dweller from the doorway and leap into the arms of the Guru (in Gemini) and enter through the doorway into the heart to commune with the Holy Spirit, to be God Taught, as was Saint Paul. Or to stand out in the cold, filled with fear as was Hamlet who feared the ones who usurped his rightful rule.

All are called in 2019 to face their fear, in Christ mastery of the law as we are called to face our karma with the representative of the Mother, her daughter. We stand on the highest mountain with Maitreya (Saturn) in Capricorn and must face our hatred and anger, the records returning to be consumed or to be played out as the Four Horsemen, as taught us by the Maha Chohan in the initiation of the Heart now in its 32nd year in Leo. We are called to face the records of our sojourn through Suern and as the seed of Abraham.

Mother as Guru and messenger stands at the Y in the road with us as we confront the dweller of self and each other. Does the soul know the law? Has the soul overcome fear? Can the soul walk on the water with Mother, of the rising tide of the astral sea or will she fail to call out to the master, our Guru Mother to bind the tares. This is the message of Mother Durga and Mother Kali to our souls, decades ago. It was foretold, we have been on the path of Christ Hood in the initiation of our hearts for 31 years, now in the 32nd year in Leo. We stand in Leo in the public demonstration of the law at the Y in the road to determine this day if we will be governed by Christ mastery of the law or we will be ruled by Antichrist as we go into the 2020 elections.

Those who have faced their dweller on the mountain, for years, now face the dweller at the Y of our soul’s origin of the core evil , her original sin, the hatred of the guru that opened the soul to the lie of the Serpent in the Mystery School. This karma is returning in 2019 in the 36th year of the return of Maitreya’s Mystery School. We have been dealing with the lies of the Serpent logic since the return of the Serpent to the Garden in 2012, during a solar eclipse at 0 Gemini, on May 20th, 2012.

In 2019, we will slay the dweller or we will fulfill the prophecy of the Book of Revelations and Mother’s prophecy, “to kill a mockingbird: 100 ways to kill the messenger.” That is to say, the soul will be dead to the Guru, having bowed before Satan on the Mountain she becomes her dweller in direct opposition to the Guru, to fulfill the prophecy that the Beast will rise out of the pit to kill the prophets and to establish the reign of the Gentiles (Rev 10:7- 11:7).

This is followed in 2020 as Saturn conjuncts Pluto in the third decant of Capricorn. When the Father comes saying, ” I sent you my Son. I sent you my Messengers. Now I come, to up root the tares (Kali). Now I come as Merlin, returned to cast the Black Magicians out of Camelot. Now I come as the Cosmic Christ, manifest as a nuclear first strike, God’s judgement of his own i.e. the return of their karma for their disobedience to him”. Now I say, “Joshua, come in and close the door”. Morya says, you have two priorities, attend the altar and prepare to survive. The light can now be seen at the end of the tunnel. But first, our God will gather his flock by fulfilling the mission of the Summit Lighthouse. God is preparing his chosen to come to the River Jordan, before him to be anointed as Sanat Kumara promised. In two years, we will begin a new page on January first, 2021. We will stand in a new cycle of Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius and we will have emerged from the Galactic Alignment of the last 46 years (1975-2020).

We are called in 2019 to enter into the heart and to stand in the eye of the coming storm, as the Lighthouse of Love and illumine the night that none be lost, that all may see the hand of the Guru and take it. Guided safely to the shores of the Kingdom, come on earth. We are called to the initiations of 2019 so that some may hold the balance for the church and the nation(s). These are the Sons and Daughters of God and the 144,000 and the Remnant who keep the White Cube of The Church Universal and Triumphant. These are they who have entered the 8th ray chakra of the heart who by the magnet of their hearts, one with the Guru and the masters stand on Mothers Midheaven (2 Aries) and arcs the light of the Great Central Sun Magnet (1 Libra) as the Lighthouse of Love Illumines the dark Night of the spirit coming upon the earth as the Tribulation. Thus, for all to see, absolute Good and Absolute evil, and to choose within every household in America to rally to Saint Germain or to hate Saint Germain and the Sons of Solitude.

We are called in this final days of the Sun in Pisces to cast into the flame all the conditioning of our souls down through the ages. This conditioning by the fallen ones of our souls is sealed in Chiron, now transiting Mothers mid-heaven a second time (March 2019 – Feb 2020) and (May 2018 – Sept 2018). Do it now. So that when this karma returns during this window of our soul’s testing, the fallen will come and find NOTHING in us.

The solar ring in its 36th year in Sagittarius of the judgment of evil in the Matter universe is focused on this evil’s tie to our soul. This is our soul’s original sin. The disobedience of the law and Lawgiver through our tie to that Wicked One in the Middle East. This is the YOD to Apollyon/Abaddon and Transpluto to Chiron on Mother’s midheaven. These are the records returning to the soul in 2019. Apollyon represents the Nephilim Hierarchy of Gods….the 12th Planet and in the Ruby Ray teachings of Sanat Kumara, the False Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray. We are called to stand with Maitreya on the Mountain and cast out these Nephilim, to unravel the grave cloth that ties the soul to them by our conditioning and by the programming of the mind by their computers and psychic generators. By the public demonstration of these tests Kuthumi and Archangel Uriel tells us we will see the expansion of the threefold flame in the heart of some. It is these who will be the vessel of Elohim for the Turning of Worlds.

Those who are unprepared because they have accommodated Mother and Saint Germain remain tied and are programmed to attack Mother on her Descendant. Because they stand on the lower mental plane subject to the mass conscious of the collective mind (electronic belt of Neptune), the herd consciousness of the animal nature. This is the product of the genetic engineering of the soul to the missing link, apes to which man had fallen. Thus was created Humans and the clones and carbon copies of the light bearers (El Morya 8/7/1987), mechanization man.

Jupiter transits Psyche (the Watchers), some call Cupido on December 4th, 2019 at 0 Capricorn 25 as the Dragon’s Tail conjoins Mother’s Mars, her chelas in service to the Guru. The Watcher’s symbol is a combination of the Guru Jupiter and Venus, the faithful chela. The Watchers mythology is that of the seduction of the sons and daughters, stripping them from the Guru. Mother prophisied this would happen as the fallen ones changed their strategy following Mother’s court trail when one of her chelas attacked her in the courts (sued Mother). This symbol is the symbol of the servant, the Watchers who would be god without assimilating the Guru. Thus their wives, the daughters of men, the Black Moon Lilith. And their offspring, the Giants and Demons, the Captains of Men, now the Corporate Class, the Barons (captains) of Industry . And the great modern seduction…materialism known today as “Dialectic Materialism”, a religion without the Holy Spirit of our God.

to be continued.