Astrology is a language of the stars. It is rooted in symbology and the esoteric teachings of the ancient mystery schools. To the initiate it is a mathematics and a language of God’s creation, his word and his movements through events and people. It is the navigation system the initiate uses to guide his journey on his soul’s Odyssey on his journey home.
Astrology is many things to many people. There is a new wine and it comes in a new wine skin. This astrology is a new approach that is explained within this site. It is simply called Sun Star Lunar Dragon. It begins with the teachings delivered by the seventh angel through his messengers the prophets as promised in Revelations 10:7. See
This application of astrology takes up where we left off long ago on Atlantis and Lemuria. It translates God’s cosmic cycles of initiation that we have come to know as evolution, the soul’s evolution; as taught by Lord Maitreya, the evolutionary path of the soul. It takes God’s cycles as the Ascended Masters teach them and charts them on the Cosmic Clock, measured in time and space by mankind using astrology, the clock of destiny. This astrology applies the Ascended Masters teachings to translate and understand the meaning of our souls clock of initiation and testing on the evolutionary path of the soul’s journey home.
This site provides a daily/weekly BLOG where God manifests himself to daily accomplish his will, through events and individuals. This site also provides the Current Year where you will find the year when taken as a whole reveals God’s purpose as he cycles through the four planes of consciousness into the physical in the fall of each year and the Year at a Glance. where you will find all the charts for the current year.
Ascended Master concepts are explained using the “References” tab to provide excerpts and references to the Ascended Masters teachings that are fundamental to this science of the Cosmic Clock and the science of cosmic astrology.
It must be stated that all who come to the path eventually will begin to bear the fruits of assimilating the teachings and the Teacher as the practice begins to transform the soul…as promised. This is Gnosis, as the soul is God taught, as she sits under her own vine and fig tree, her Holy Christ Self and sponsoring Masters. This is the chela making practical the teachings on the way home.
This site is provided to you as a contemplation, for your souls application of the science, that you may know that it is given you as a science to navigate your journey and to derive meaning from and give meaning to our daily challenges. It is provided that you will always know that you are one with all who have gone before and are victorious. It is provided that you should come to know that you are Gods, made in his image and with the genes of Elohim and have but to make the call, “Command you Me, said Jesus of his Father.
There is a time and place for the soul to seek counseling whether psychological, astrological, or ministerial. But the daily journey of the soul is to the victors. When the night darkens for the soul or her spirit then seek help, get back on the path and invoke the light to illumine the darkness and keep on keeping on. Keep your attention on the light at the end of the tunnel. The dark night of the judgment ends with the dawn. And remember the moment of greatest darkness is just before the dawn.