Contact us if you have questions or have something to share with others that is a testimony to the practical application and victory of your soul. There are many cosmic cycles or dispensations that are applicable and are relevant to understanding what is playing out on the streets of our nations that is God’s hand in the affairs of men. Let us know.
Let us know about your efforts to apply this science or if you wish to help or collaborate in preparing this New Age Science and technology. I would like to create open source software to automate these techniques and to render many of the concepts graphically even using CGI animation tools.
There is a revolution afoot. The Masters call it the “Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness”. It must be clear to all, the significance of the fact that it is Coming and that we have a part to play in it.
Contact us if you are an astrologer and want to know more or if your purpose is the salvation of an Age and of the Remnant. Or if you share the vision of the New Age Astrologer Scientist Priest.