Tomorrow, Oct 8th at 10:05 am ET
The Sun enters the emotional plane to inspire the soul to declare their independent stance in the second decant of the 11th house in the community and with their elected Representatives of the people who are taking a strong ideological stance against America’s destiny among the family of nations as the Christ Nation, called to bring forth God Government of the people , for the people, and by the people.
Americans stand at the Y in the road at the apex of the YOD formed by Chiron at 3 Aries in the 1st decant of the 5th house, to determine who rules this nation, Christ in her people under the rule of law or the extremes in Congress that the people have elected in their out picturing of anti-Christ rebellion against the law of our Father. The Nation stands in the Fall cycle of the year and is separating out the wheat from the tares. The soul declares her independence in the second decant of Libra in the 1st decant of the 11th house conjunct Mars opposing the apex of the YOD conjoined Chiron. Many souls are standing in their Mars in polarity to Chiron on the Libra Aries axis of the heart and are angry, surfeited in their pride that goeth before the fall as they have chosen once again to follow Lucifer. They are angry against the Holy Spirit in Libra and the Christ in Aries. These are the tares.
Others stand on the point opposite the apex of the YOD at the Y in the road and they choose to take the right-handed path of their soul’s destiny in the second coming of Christ in man, within their own souls. They stand in God Reality in Libra at 1 Libra, the solution point of the YOD, the point opposite the apex and declare their independence from the policies of Congress and the stand being taken in the House of Representatives, ruled by the 11th house. They stand in Christ at 1 Libra conjoined the Central Sun around which our Galaxy revolves and they cast their anchor in God Reality of our Cosmos and arc the light of God Reality (Libra) into America to counter the darkness spreading in this government and in the House of the Peoples Representatives. This darkness represents the black hearts of the Tares and their Representatives in Congress. Light consumes darkness. One with God is a majority. Therefore, The second coming of Christ in the people is the manifestation of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.
This Revolution in Higher Consciousness is the final phase of the Great Enlightenment and Great Awakening that gave birth to America. And now in her third century, the flame of love, the love of Aquarius, the threefold flame of the Heart, the Fleur de Lis, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Man. This is the beginning of the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, in his second coming. That we will see him coming because we are like him. We are standing in the flame of love. The love of the Holy Spirit in Man in Libra, on the Libra Aries axis of the heart chakra. We stand in America in the fall of 2019 in the heart chakra of the planet, America. The planet is a God Identity. She has consciousness we call her Mother. She has been called by other names, Gaia, Terra but she in Mother. The Mother of Christ who gives birth to Christ in you that you may walk in Christ Jesus’ footsteps for the Turning of Worlds to counter the Fourth Turning of the fallen ones who have given birth to those they call the Millennials. They are the population explosion of the 1990s and these last two decades, ending with the end of the Galactic Alignment next year and the end of the first Jupiter Saturn cycle of this century and the beginning of a new cycle of the fulfillment of the promise and the hope of Christ’s coming, in man.
The Enlightenment began with the discovery of the planet Uranus and the birth of a Nation, America for the Renaissance Man. The 12 tribes were called to come out of the nations of Babylon The Great and be a separate and chosen people, one nation, one people , one God. Uranus’ casual body gave birth to America and the Enlightenment of Man to the idea of Freedom and Liberty from the tyranny of mans greed and lust for power, the dark ages.
But with Uranus came her electronic belt, and all its anarchy , terrorism and ideological rebellion against all that is good in Man. Uranus’ electronic belt was embodied in the British Empire and its Capitalist Revolution (Industrial) with its International Bankers that controlled the governments and the British Empire built on trade and International finance and central banking. On the night of May 1, 1776, the first Illuminati met to found the order in a forest the Rothschild as a funder and member of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Rothchild dynasty starting out in a Frankfurt banking house, Mayer and his sons became international bankers, establishing branches in London, Paris, Vienna, and Naples by the 1820s.
This conspiracy of the wealthy against the common man has been the story of man since the fall in the Garden of Eden. God sent his Son to free us and tell us who we are, mankind made in the image of God. To prepare for his second coming in the judgment of these the wealthy and powerful. We were he told us given 2000 years to the end of the age of the Fish, Pisces to internalize Christ and to come out of her the Great Harlot, the economic materialist church and the materialist (dialectical) mechanized socio-economic political institutions of central governments of Babylon The Great. The sin of man is against the second commandment. We idolize these false gods whom we sympathize with so we continually elect them to represent us in Government.
These are the Princes of this world, the wealthy and powerful descendants from the Nephilim and the Anunaki who are the embodied Luciferians and the Satans and the Watchers who fell for their daughters who have told us that they created man, from Homo Erectus and their own DNA, creating Homo Sapiens, Humans., See Zacharia Sitchin, the Twelth Planet, The Earth Chronicles.
We have little time left before God sends Jupiter into Capricorn to deliver his judgment. This will play out starting in December and the faithful will be sealed in their foreheads, Aries and their 3rd Eyes in Scorpio, both ruled by Mars, the unredeemed man. Mans desires are what ties us to them because they promise that we can be like them, at the cost of your soul. Their empires are on the verge of collapse beginning with their global economy based on trade and transportation of goods across the planet. We are still dealing with the Red Dragon and its Red Coats as we did in 1776. Even the same families and their dynasties and their conspiracy of Antichrist revolution of world Communism. It was the Barons of Industry in England who funded Karl Marx to create a paradigm to replace Christianity as the religion of the worker class. Communism is not about distributing the wealth of the Wealthy. No, it is about taking the wealth of the middle class whom Marx calls the Bourgeoisie. England in Marx’s day was at the height of the Enlightenment and free market economics and lassiez faire government, meaning the government stays out of the economy. In other words a government of freedon of the people for the people and by the people, not the wealthy families and their hording economics of scarcity using fiscal and monetary policies in the 1st decant of Libra to horde the wealth of the people and remove the money supply from circulation based on the gold standard then having removed Gold, print money to dilute the wealth and the light of the people to control them under central banks and central governments. Their silent revolution.
God is not mocked. He has been patient waiting for his people, mankind to assimilate Jesus Christ in Communion these last 2000 years and for them to come out and be a seperate and chosen people elect unto God. Well his patience is come to an end. He is coming and those with oil in their lamps will be received, those with fruit on the vine will be harvested and the Tares will be cast in to the flame.
This flame is the fire of the Sun, Helios. Revelations tells us that with the second coming there will be seven last plagues. That those who come apart standing at the YOD, the Y in the Road and take the right-handed path of love and light will inherit the earth. They will be sealed in their foreheads. Their third eye will be sealed for the coming three days of darkness spoken of by Gregg Braden, Padrio Pio, and by Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ taught us how to pray, in the Sermon on The Mount, the Our Father. Command Ye Me! You are made judges with Christ of angels, the fallen angels.