Year Ends with Soul Intercept 9th & 3rd House
The seat of the soul is intercept in the 9th and 3rd houses, by 25 Cancer, Capricorn. The soul stands alone to declare who she follows, Christ her bridegroom and demonstrate her mastery of the flame within the heart’s 8 petal chakra or whether she will defer to the soul’s personality that she has created in place of the beloved. We have come to call the latter in the last 2000 years, Antichrist. This is the soul’s own personification of the replacement in the earth of the Son of Heaven, as we have believed the lie, trying to make heaven here on earth. This occurs where the soul has rejected Christ and continues to believe the lie of the Serpent that has evolved to be called the Dragon and the Beasts out of its mouth as described by John the Revelator and the Prophet Daniel.
The soul is intercept to sift the wheat from the tares at harvest 2019. The souls of men are being harvested and bundled as the tares are being separated from the wheat, as prophesied. We are being tested to divide those who have listening grace, a soul sense we call intuition and obeys immediately in love the Christ mind, in the 3rd house. The soul is filled in the 9th house with the consciousness of God’s illumination flame that illumines the law. This is in contrast to the soul come to the harvest of 2019 whose heart is filled with hatred and her hate creation having resulted in, the condition of the hardness of heart in Aquarius. This is in polarity to Leo intercept in the 9th house who stands in the 32nd year on the path of initiation of the heart that began in February 1988 during the mega-conjunction at 0 Capricorn of the Four Horsemen described in the Book of Revelations, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. This soul stands in Leo in the fall of 2019 intercept in the 9th house poisoned by her ignorance of the law of the Father and the teachings of the Son clothed in her insensitivity of the consciousness of the personality of her own creation, her dweller-on-the-threshold -of her consciousness. We see these people everywhere today, poisoned by hatred of Christ and his promised kingdom come in America as the incarnation in the second coming of Christ in the people of America (10% of the present population).
The soul must come to the year end tests with attainment capable of sustained devotion so that the soul meets the challenges she faces without failure, leaving off or avoiding the initiation of the heart and the tests that these challenges of the encounter with those souls who have chosen the way of materialism and the grasping possessiveness of their personality will present the one who has chosen to walk in the way of Christ.
The souls focus is Venus in the 3rd decant of the 2nd house, love’s mastership of listening grace for the beloved that is attained by devotion to the flame within the heart in Leo in the 3rd decant of the 8th house. Here the soul stands having fulfilled her responsibility to pay her debts of destiny on the North Node (to balance her karma) she now stands on the Part of Harmony and Joy in the discipline of the white fire core of her being in the secret chamber, the 8 petal heart chakra in her attainment to sustain her devotion to the flame of Christ through all that is coming upon her. El Morya teaches that when the karma comes, it might hit the soul but will not stick to the soul. In common parlance it is stated, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” to describe the people who have come to be known as, Americans. Not everyone in America today have their names written in the Book of Life. Not everyone qualifies in the all seeing eye of God as “we the people”. Many, God has described through his Son as whited sepulchers.
As the Sun transits the water element of the water body in Sagittarius it is testing our souls to see in Sagittarius who has demonstrated publicly, in the 7th house Christ mastery over their Personality, Pluto, by the secret ray mastery of the 8 petal chakra. The Sun is looking to measure who has the mastery of the water body, energy in motion, to bestow God Power upon the ones who are seen to be “my beloved son, my beloved daughter, in whom I am well pleased”.
God is looking at man to see who has the power to slay the Personality of their dweller, we represent as Pluto. That is to say, who has the attainment of devotion to the flame in the secret chamber of the heart of the 8th ray of the ruby ray to pass their initiations (7) on the path of the ruby ray, the path of personal Christhood, now in the 33rd year in Virgo. Who can slay the form of the personality called the dweller?
God is looking to measure the harvest of 2019 to gather the one and the many who have come prepared to slay their personalities. Subsequently, to fill the vacuum with the alchemical marriage to Christ that the prophecy might be fulfilled that Abaddon (Apollyon) may gather his locusts and go to war against the Lamb and the Lamb’s Wife. This is, we have been taught, Guru Ma and her unascended chelas.
The key is who has assimilated through invocation to illuminations flame the five secret rays to meet the challenges on the mountain with Saturn, the casual body and its electronic belt, Maitreya and Satan, at the Y in the road. Who has assimilated the messengers sent by God, promised by Jesus and have born the fruit of their harvest in the fall of 2019 after a lifetime(s) of service and preparation to hold the office and authority of the office of Christ, the Son of Man on the East Gate. Who has come in 2019 to the Safe Passage of Ye All and bears the mantle of Learning, Illumination, and Self-Knowledge, known throughout the ages as gnosis. God is looking for the harvest of who is still bonded to the Guru, in the hour of the confrontation on the mountain in Capricorn with Satan and Jesus’ Father, Maitreya and in the hour of the encounter in the mystery school with the Serpent.
God is looking to separate out the tares who have come to 2019 and do not believe in Christ and America and the Community of the Holy Spirit but only in themselves. Mercury the messenger of the Sun and of the Son to the soul, the faithful who are his bride. Christ comes in the dark night of the soul and takes to his heart those with oil in their lamps, you know the parable.
Mercury comes at 27 Scorpio conjunct the Ghost of Pluto during the 1994 mega conjunction of seven planets in Capricorn. Prophesied to destroy the church and the nation because the people (the chelas) give birth to the personality of the dweller not Christ. Mercury comes to deliver this message to the lost sheep and to the fallen ones, “choose ye this day whom ye serve”.
Mercury delivers the message, receive your Holy Christ Self and the Guru, their office and authority and uphold them as a 24 Elder (1985) and a 70 Elder (1994) and choose to be a teacher of men or to rule over men.
Venus is the key to the intercept of the soul in the 3rd and 9th house. Venus must slay her dweller, Pluto in the 3rd decant of the 10th house, idealism in order to be occupied by Christ the Lamb in the 3rd decant of the 2nd house, master of her ship in the Odyssey of the Soul’s journey home, to the Kingdom of God. Venus must demonstrate her mastery of her water body, her emotions, her solar plexus.
The Watchers (Psyche) at 0 Capricorn is conjunct the midpoint between Sun and Venus at 29 Sagittarius 34 minutes. The soul bonded to Christ, the Son/Sun faces the Watcher’s challenge to their victory, the alchemical marriage having slain their dweller, Pluto. The midpoint between the Watchers (Jupiter) and Pluto is 11 Capricorn 4 minutes. This is revelations that here on the South Gate the soul must choose between the Guru and the Watchers to face their dweller. If she chooses to uphold the Guru she will be victorious but if she chooses the Watchers then must face her dweller and those of many others she shall be lost, even a castaway. In common parlance, “left behind“.
There is surfacing from the unconscious into the subconscious, a symbiotic relationship between the Watchers and Pluto based on the souls past habits and mood momentums (lunar south node) referred to in the Book of Revelations as the Dragon, the Serpents tail. Mother teaches that in Genesis our personality was called the Serpent, our carnal mind, our carnal magnetism but by the time of John on the island of Patmos our personalities had evolved to become the Dragon in the Book of Revelation. Our miscreations are tied to the Watchers. Therefore their is a symbiotic relationship, a sympathetic tie between our lesser selves and the Watchers, enhanced by genetic engineering, their breeding programs which we see today as their horticulture we call today GMO and test tube babies and domesticated animals, including homo sapiens, as some believe they are from the animal kingdom, hence a breed of man, called Antichrist…
This is the fundamental basis of the stellum in Capricorn and what the transits will present to us as they collide in conjunctions throughout the next 365 to 400 or so days. The impact upon soul and spirit will be immense. Great and serious consequence to the soul. This is the coming of the collision of cosmologies as told by the ancient Mayans, carried down by the later Mayans. In the Judea, Muslim, and Christian cosmology it is the collision of absolute Good and Evil. In the terms of the Everlasting Gospel it is called, the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness”. It is the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ in Man and it occurs during the period called, the Tribulation. The latter is the descent of the karma of those who chose the Watchers over the Guru, Teacher, Rabboni.