The Prophets Warning to the Nation

The Warning of Current Solar Activities 2024

All solar activities are Our Father’s works. While my Father works, I work hither to, Jesus taught us this. He taught us that the works he did, greater the works we would do, because he goeth to Our Father.

The works that Our Father is doing today through the current peak solar activities (that have only just begun) is to set us free. The Message of the Stars, to the leaders of the church and the Nation (s) is , “To Let My People Go

What is to follow is the Wrath of God. Seven bowls of his wrath are to be poured out upon the Nation(s) and the unrighteous.

As Our Father worketh throughout this year and for years to come, we awaken and watch. We know that now is the hour and power of OUR GOD with us. Now, you and I can be free. Therefore I work and the work that I, the people do (1x1x1 is always 1), is the work Jesus prophesied to us we would do, defend Truth and Liberty. Our work is our final declaration of Independence from these antichrist leaders in church and state, the Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast of Revelations chapter 17 coming to play out in This Our Land, given us by Our Father who art in Heaven.

This is the New Israel, America’s 3rd century. Our Father is come in the ongoing Cosmic-Galactic-Solar activities to lead his people in the Battle for America (North and Southern Hemispheres). He is come to seal his people in their homeland, Motherlands and in their homes, who believe today that they are free. Those who affirm their freedom by word and action, loudly as the actions of the heart. God, Ezekiel tells us, will intercede in our defense if we shout it to the heavens as we did before the walls of Jericho. We shout seven times until heaven hears and answers. This is the faith of our people and their trust in our God.

The solar eclipse of April 8th over (North) America was exactly conjunct Chiron at 19 Aries 24 minutes in the 9th house 2nd decant. Our Father has forgiven us all that has been the effects on our soul from all our childhood traumas and conditioning under the influence of Chiron through our family mackerels and our (genetic) ancestral tree, our roots. Our roots are our behaviors that forged our beliefs and our egos possessive and selfish love that pays lip service to Jesus Christ and his way, yet causes the soul to walk in her own way that Ezekiel tells us is unclean in the eyes of Our Father.

Our Father’s solar activities will continue (five solar total eclipses 2017 – 2052) till all Israel knows that these works (of the Sun) are his works and all the nations know that what is coming upon the nations is his work. This is the message of the Prophets to the people and the Nation(s). It is the Message of the Stars, today.

This is the final battle. The battle for your soul and the heart of America, the heart of the planet. This can be seen in the symbol left behind bt the three solar eclipses, Aug 2017, Oct 2023, and April 8th, 2024. The symbol over America is an ancient Hebrew letter and it encompasses around, the Heartland of America, her people. It is a sign and a signal to her people to awaken, to your ancient origin in God, prior to the coming of the Serpent to the Garden of Eden. You are born in Christ and destined to be ruled by our King, Jesus Christ as the Ancient of Days prophesied to the new Israel in the new land. This final battle begins in 2024 with a free election, an election sure, by the people, for the people, elect unto God, to be ruled by Christ and as Mother Mary in her message of Medjugorje their chosen “actors” whom she and her Son Jesus have chosen to be actors in their strategy to take back America and make her great again. This race to win back control of America and our destiny as Individuals, as a People and as a Nation will be run in a SACKCLOTH race. This final battle will wash us all clean by our blood and the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus says to us today, as he said to the Pharisees who would stone the woman at the well. “He who has no sin let him cast the first stone”.

God is moving in the land as seen during these three eclipses and the ones to come, five total eclipses in America 2017-2052. These are the sign and the signals that Our Father (Our God of Israel) is with us. Now is the time for God once again to be with us in the affairs of the Nation. Our God works through men, women and children to affect events. God declares to the Nation, to the Sons and Daughters of the Republic I would work through and in you, work while you have the light. The day cometh when no man may work, my Son has told you this, believe it! God will work through you. God in you will do it, believe it? Hold fast the nation, the land I have given you. This land is Our Father’s and Our Mother’s Land. It is sacred, take off your shoes, ye wicked generation, I will cast you out, sayeth the Lord through his prophets.

Fulfill His word and his works in you, take dominion and meet his Son coming in the Air (Sun in Aries) to cast out these princes of the darkness over America (North and South), today. Cast out this Dragon over America. With God all things are possible. Until now, without God nothing was or is ever possible.

Come out of her (Revelation 18:4) or receive her karma.

Solar Activities are peaking in 2024-2025

The Prophets Deliver God’s Word.

A study of the prophesy of the major prophets introduces us to the word of our Father Mother God. It also specifically describes to us God’s role in the coming events surrounding the New Israel, America as seen through the eyes of our God.

Cosmic-Solar activities affect our lives and our planet. Climate change is but one (politics aside) that is even now affecting seasonal weather patterns. This intern is having a cascading affect on our ability to grow food, worldwide.

The five major prophets, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John, and Isaiah each were given the word of God to deliver to his people, Israel (the New Israel, in the new land, Ezekiel) America. These prophets were given to deliver the word of God to his people at the end of the age, the new millennial.

The prophets describe how God uses his creation (Sun) to sustain life (choose life) or to deliver death to his people, for their righteousness or their unrighteousness. In fact, Ezekiel delivers God’s judgment upon his people in the New Land to which he called them because they defiled the new land that he called out his people to migrate to.

The Sun’s activities are tied to calamity or earth changes (a broad category affecting changes in the earth) that directly affect people’s lives. These the prophets tell us are in response to God’s word of judgment against his people and those of the neighboring gentiles.

God delivers his word through his prophets that he has raised up to be his servants. A study of the prophets reveals God’s love for his people, Israel called to outpicture, within each of the twelve tribes, an appointed quality or characteristic (within each of the 12 signs) of God.

God has given his people a new land and his law. He has given them (repeatedly) his covenant and his gospel for them to live safely midst the fallen angels cast down onto the earth. Man is given free will to outpicture these God qualities (signs) within their DNA (genes) and to prosper in abundance. Earlier generations of Americans are proof of his word and his promise.

God sends his judgment through time, via his prophets, to the new millennial at the end of the age (of the Piscean Conqueror) (see Ezekiel). A promise of hope of salvation to the remnant of the faithful and a judgment of rebuke to the unrighteous, “wicked generation”. His judgment, as seen in John’s Revelation, given him by Jesus the Christ, is dual in nature. It is a message of his wrath upon the wicked and a message of hope and salvation for the remnant of the faithful. A study of the prophet’s delivery of God’s word (not their own, but God’s words, exactly) divines the real from the unreal. Each prophet delivered God’s judgment to his people Israel in the old testament days and to his people, in a future time to whom he has called out of the nations to establish a new covenant (constitution and declaration of independence from the fallen angels and their princes of the air) and the gospel of love and repentance.

God delivers his judgment through the stars (our sun is a star) and the neighboring nations. God also intercedes in his peoples lives when they are obedient and faithful to his warnings, delivered by his prophets. These warnings are ageless as these five prophets delivered God’s message to America today, to his people even 2000 years ago and far longer. See Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isiah and John the Revelator, they all delivered long ago a prophecy to America today. The apostate church and the rulers (Babylon) of nations, the illuminati have stopped up our ears and blinded our eyes to become blind followers of blind leaders in church and state. Read John and Ezekiel chapter 34 , Predictions of Events to take place at the end of the age (of Pisces, verified by John) when Israel is again in her Land. It is a message to the faithless Shepherds of Israel…that feed themselves (instead of ) feeding “my Flocks” saith the Lord.

In Revelations, Jesus warns us to be watchmen because he tells us in Revelations how fallen angels are cast down onto the earth. He describes them as falling stars. These are wandering stars, or comets. The Devil and the Mother of Dragons imprisoned on P12, I believe will be cast down onto the earth during its passage closest to earth between April 20 and June 2nd, when the planets Jupiter and Uranus align and conjunct. This passage coincides with the window of effects, that the April 8th Solar Eclipse oven North America triggered that will deliver to earth and its people the message of the stars delivered long ago to this age by the (5) prophets of old. Most will ignore the warnings. Yet, some will heed and prepare for what is coming upon America and the world. We have been told that though the truth is hard to bear, the truth will set you free. Those who ignore the truth will perish, as their hearts fail for fear.

Our job today is to study and know the warnings so as to be awake to the warning signs when they appear in the heavens and the skies over the nation. These signs are given to the American people who are awakening today, to their origin in God and their destiny as Christ, the son of man in the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Emmanuel with us. This is the dividing of the way, as Ezekiel describes to us Our Father’s judgment of the House of Israel (America) as they dwell in their own land, where they have defiled it, by their “OWN WAY” and by their doings. “THEIR WAY” was before me (our God, the Ancient of Days (see Daniel)) as the uncleanness of a defiled woman. See Revelations chapter 17, The Scarlet Woman, the Apostate church, the Harlot.