Divine Love For Our Father and Mother God and our Brothers and our Sisters
Astrology of the New Covenant and of the Everlasting Gospel, is a divine science of God’s timing, his solar-cosmic clock of the timing of his creation, the evolution or initiation of the soul and cosmic-clock of his Word made manifest.
This new science of what has been called Cosmos Conception and the Cosmic Clock delivers to Initiates and Teachers of the New Priesthood of Aquarius, the priest-scientists of Aquarius, the new science of celestial astrology of the Way to Union with God.
It is not related to the astrology of today which has its roots in both the astro science of the early mystery schools and the arcane science of black magic taught the daughters of men (Nephilim) by the Watchers as their wives. New wine cannot be put in old wine skins. Astrology is directly tied to man’s DNA and his genes. It is directly tied to what was once free electrons around the nucleus of the atoms that make up the molecules of man’s four lower bodies and the four elements of nature. Man’s DNA has been mutated. God sent mankind his Son to teach mankind our origin in God and the WAY to fulfill that destiny, re-union with God through the death of the lessor self’s DNA. This is the process of change, of sacrificing the lessor self on the Rock of Christ. And to know once again the birth in man of the lost feminine principle of God in Man. See Mary Magdalene’s Gospel by LeLoup and the Messages of Mother Mary at Medjugorje. See also, Helena Roerich’s Agni Yoga and her teachings from from Master Morya of Shambhala titled, The Secret World Government. Helena Roerich is founder of the Institute of Himalayan Studies, Urusvati in India. Urusvati means The Light of the Morning Star. These can be found on Amazon.
The coming Revolution is not communism or orthodox Christianity revised under a New Roman church. The coming Revolution underway today is the Cosmic Birth in Man of the Omega Return of the feminine principle in man (see the Galactic Alignment 1975-2020) that the Greek Mythology tells us was driven from Terra by the Pantheon of Gods of the Greeks, Olympus. The coming to earth of the fallen Mars people, who are ruled by Mars (the planet) and have taken rule of Earth by casting out the Matriarchal Societies and civilizations of Lemuria on the continent of MU in the Pacific and their worldwide colonies. They came from Mars with their fallen angels and their Patriarch civilization. They came from Olympus Mons. They have intermarried with mankind to destroy and rule the Remnants of the Woman’s Seed and to keep woman down because they KNOW the prophecies of the Coming Revolution of the Awakening within man of their original feminine principle by the Blood of the Lamb and the New Covenant of His Father with Man. The Women clothed with the Sun and her man-child will lead this revolution as taught by Jesus Christ out of the ashes of the end of the Age of Pisces, we are now leaving behind over this next decade.
This Revolution is awakening mankind to its origin in God through the first six stages of the 21st century and a seventh. Each of the first five stages begins with a Total Solar Eclipse over America, the America of Ezekiel and the Ancient of Days. These stages are tied to America as taught by Helena Roerich and Mother Mary at Medjugorje and by the Prophets of the Seventh Angel in Revelations, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The tie is directly connected to the signs and signals of our Star and the twelve Sun signs. A twelve year cycle of the trying of our souls, as Thomas Paine phrased for us. This is a cycle of fours and is tied to America, the heart of the planet, called Terra by the Romans, Gaia by the Ancient Greeks, the Andean Pachamama, the Indian Prithvi. This cycle of fours is imbedded in her Constitution in the election cycle and the related Presidential cycle called the administration cycle beginning in January the following year. This is the Alpha Omega cycle of America’s Cosmic birth and destiny. America was conceived on July 4th 1776 and her birth cycle began on April 30th 1789, New York City 130pm LMT. The distinction between to two is one of promise, the latter being one of the Way to re-UNION with God, one people, one nation, One God. This was the vision Helena Roerich delivered to President Roosevelt in 1934 from her Guru Morya, Master of Shambhala.
This blog will follow this Revolution of Women as the Bride of Christ, the Wife of the Lamb, and finally mankind’s Resurrection as Mother of God, of all children of Earth as they become the Man-child, the Son of Man, Emmanuel with us.