The Cosmic Clock initiated a new solar year on winter solstice as the Sun entered zero degrees of Capricorn. The seeds of last year were sown by each individual soul at spring equinox 2024. The awakening of the sleeping America people is coming to the end of its appointed cycle, 2021 through 2024.
This year we have seen the inner planets conjunct the Watchers, called Psyche in astrology who took the daughters of men to be their wives and Mars, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune. These laid the foundation for the sowing of the seed on the rock of Christ and the great awakening and the sowing in the fertile soil of the great rebellion that divides the people of Terra, today.
It also prepared the ground for the sowing of mans seed under the Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron and the Sun conjunct P12, the comet called “the Devil” and “The Mother of (the) Dragons” described in the Book of Revelations.
Now we will see, as P12 approaches closest to Earth on April 20th-21st, during the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, referred to in the Book of Revelations as the White Horse of the Four Horsemen. That is to say the karma delivered to earth by the rider on the White Horse. This is the karma of the Scarlet Woman, the Mother of Dragons and the Scarlet Beast, the Devil. This karma will up the stakes in the Battle for America and the souls of God’s people. The very people who are awakening to their destiny as the feminine principle in man awakes to the awareness of Celestial intercession that America has known from her inception or conception in 1776. This is called in America, the Spirit of 1776 and it has its origin in God. See the prophet Ezekiel and the God of New Israel the new land (the New World) to which he called out the twelve tribes.
Everything is about to change. Mankind is awakening to Celestial forces of light come for the prophesied harvest of the Tares amongst the wheat, the fallen angels and their wives and their children, in America and the nations. Mankind is also awakening to salvation. The salvation of the remnant of the faithful who are called to come out of the Apostate church to which the book of Revelations is addressed. God delivered his message through his Son to John the Revelator to his people to come out of Her, the Scarlet Woman who rides the Scarlet Beast or receive her karma, Revelations 18:4. This is being triggered by the approach to earth of the comet P12, the Mother of Dragons, and the Devil. As it passes closest to earth on April 21st during the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, through June 2nd. They will play out their final drama here on earth before their final judgment, described by John the Revelator of Jesus prophesy to the people of his Father that he came to save. This cosmic alignment of stars, comets, and planets will play out in 2024 as the dividing of the Way. Those who awaken to salvation and those awakening to eternal damnation described as the WORD of God by the five major Prophets of our Father in Heaven, the Ancient of Days.
But that is not all. In fact it is the beginning of the end of time for the seed of the Wicked and the unrighteous. We have seen the three antagonists playing out on the stage in America and the world today, Mars, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces this spring. These make up the remaining three of the Four Horsemen described in the Book of Revelations. They herald the end of the Age of Pisces and the coming judgment that the Mayans calculated (the Mayan Calendar) and feared. Placing their hope to escape planet earth in the return of the Feathered Serpent May 20th 2012), come to play out in the earth as the Chinese Dragon foretold in Revelations as the four angels who escape their prison in the Euphrates River, who go immediately to the Far East, (China) to raise an army of 200 million. This is the prophecy of Nostradamus of the return of Genghis Khan.
These three planets Mars, Saturn and Neptune will conjoin in two years, in April 2026 in early Aries, at Spring Equinox for the reaping of mankind’s karma. This is the fulfillment of Nostradamus’ prophesy of Mars and Saturn equally fiery. These two will conjunct Neptune also equally fiery as they herald the beginning of the seven year Tribulation described in the Book of Revelations. This begins the period of seven years of famine through the collapse of the Neocons new economic order built by Capitalism in Communist China, the Black Horse Saturn, that leads to war as China mobilizes its army of conquest gathering conquered peoples to make up the army of the four fallen angels of 200 million on their march to the Middle East as the Wrath of God dries up the Euphrates clearing the way for the kings of the East. The invasion of Europe will begin as prophesied by Nostradamus. But not before the coming comet that some are saying is in 2028 that Nostradamus prophesied would burn Rome and its seven mountains crashing into the Aegean Sea.
Life on Earth is returning to its destiny as Freedom Star. The meek are to inherit the New Earth. They are to rebuild the culture and civilization lost on the continent of Mu, as the Divine Mother and Gaia return to her origin as Mother Earth, as the divine feminine principle of the purity of the soul in man is redeemed by the Son of God and by the Blood of the Lamb and his called and chosen and faithful who defeat the Dragon and its Beasts, Revelations chapters 13 and 17.
These are the prophesies given the people of the New Israel through his prophets.
So what does this mean for Americans and the I AM Race, the original Hebrews now once again called Americans. The Akashic records describe this ancient people called Americans that long long ago came to be called in later history following their sojourn in Atlantis as the ancient Hebrews, the Israelites. The prophet Ezekiel delivers the word of the Ancient of Days (as did the prophet Daniel) to this ancient people of God on Terra whom he called out from the nations as his Son Jesus Christ taught us, to come to the New Land. The early American colonies congregational churches taught this to the early Americans who knew their true identity and so rallied to the Hidden Hand, Providence, to carry out God’s will to claim the new land given them. Thus we saw the revival of the ancient enemy of the Americans (the Israelites), the illuminati of the fallen angels organized to war against heaven once again, for the final battle here on earth, as prophesied by the ancient Mayans, the battle of Light and Darkness.
Edgar Cayce the sleeping prophet and Colonel Churchward describe this people on the ancient continents of Atlantis and Mu respectively. The book Phylos the Thibetan (Tibetan) describes in narrative form the story of the last five thousand years of these two continents before they sank into the oceans.
To this remnant of the people of God in the new land America today, Ezekiel delivered the word of the Ancient of Days. This people in the New World are awakening as our God is walking this land today. The next two years will see the awakened called to rally to his banner, Old Glory. Support the one that God has anointed to lead his people. He is dressed in sack cloth and persecuted by the fallen angels and their seed today. A people get the leaders they deserve by cosmic law. Therefore we the people and God’s anointed leader must work together to pull ourselves up out of the morass to which we the people have allowed this New Land given us by God to fall into (desolation) by our idolatry to these leaders we the people have anointed to lead us, fallen angels. Revelations 18:4 is being fulfilled in 2024 the election year (America’s election sure ) “come out of her or receive her karma”.