Revelations Chapter 13.
Astrology and Prophecy converge. Astrology delivers the message of the stars. Prophecy delivers the word of God. God uses the signs in the heavens, the stars as his messengers to signal his message is to those living under the sign. The Prophets have left us the signs in the heavens as harbingers of the sign and the signal of the fulfillment of the word of God to those living at the time of the signal. Prophecy tells us of future signs in the heavens that will be the fulfillment of his word.
The Mother of Dragons (P12) called the Devil is closest to Earth in her orbit. It is in proximity to earth from April 21st till June 2nd. Revelations 13 warns us that that Great Dragon that falls to the earth giving power to the Beast that rises out of the Sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns 10 crowns. Upon his heads written the name, Blasphemy. This power is given to the Beast for forty-two months, that’s three and one half years the sign and the signal of the start of the Tribulation.
This orbit of P12 is occurring during a peak period of solar activity, including the second total solar eclipse over North America conjunct Chiron, with a message for the Americas. It also is occurring during the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus during the 2 week cycle triggered by the full Moon in Taurus (Wesak 2024).
The message of the stars and God’s word of prophecy to his people is signaled when you see with your eyes the prophesied signs in the heavens. Your soul has to be awake to see the signs and to understand the meaning of the prophetic word of God to his people and to the nation. The great dragon the olde serpent called the devil is judged and cast down into the earth. This is occurring as Pluto goes stationary retrograde. First the serpent sees that he has been cast down. When this occurs he is unaware it has happened because Pluto goes stationary . This period April till October, the period of time Pluto is retrograde is a period when the Dragon is adjusting his awareness of what has changed as he attunes to Earth earthy from his seat of authority from which he is cast down. The serpent will become consciously aware of his changing circumstances by October 2024. This is when he sends forth a flood out of its mouth to sweep the Woman from the wilderness where she has been free for a time from the serpent, Rev 12:15. Then in Rev 12:17 that Great Dragon the olde serpent is angry with the woman because the earth opens its mouth to swallow the flood (of the last four years). The Dragon, verse 17 tells us, goes to war with the remnant of her seed. These are they, verse 17 tells us, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is then in Revelations 13 that the Dragon gives power to the Beast out of the Sea. The people worship the Dragon and the beast during the coming tribulation.
This reaction of the Dragon to earth’s defense of the Woman is concurrent with solar peak activity, that includes the solar eclipse at 19 Aries 24 minutes conjoined Chiron (exactly) during P12s closest approach to our sun on April 8th. Now that great Dragon, P12 is closest to earth during the Wesak full moon at 4 Scorpio 18 minutes in the first decant of the first house while the Teacher and Master represented by Jupiter is exactly conjunct Uranus, the White Horse called the False Christs. Matthew 24 tells us that these false Christs are many and have gone out (in the Apostate Churches). They are wolves in sheeps and shepherds clothing come to scatter the flock (Ezekiel). Matthew 24:14 tells us that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached, then the end shall come. Then Matthew 24:21 tells us that it is then that the great tribulation shall come when false Christs and false prophets shall deceive the very elect. Matthew assures us that the King shall return at the end of the coming tribulation.
The messages of the Stars and of prophecy are many, today. The first message is of the two week window of the Taurus full moon (until the next new moon). When the Sun is in Taurus and the full moon is in Scorpio this is when man’s unconscious is open. This is a dangerous time as both anger and the records of that anger with God flood the soul’s consciousness to sweep her from God. Matthew tells us in 24:12 that this is because iniquity shall abound, and the love of many shall grow cold. Yet, he that shall endure unto the end shall be saved. During this two week window little things will trigger (Mars) our emotions because of attachments that are distractions to our obedience to the laws of God that are our protection as they bond us to our God and his Son. This is occurring during the 4.5 year window of the Solar eclipse conjoined Chiron at 19 Aries in the 2nd decant of the 9th house.
It is important to us now that we understand the meaning of this eclipse, to our soul, during this passage of the Mother of Dragons called the Devil (Rev 20:2) to earth during this perilous full moon, 2 week cycle. Now is when the Cosmic Christ binds the false Christs in the Americas (in church and state) and the world during this critical period of this the 21st century that marks the second coming of Christ in man. This eclipse window marks the redemption in man of the rising Mother light as the soul’s redeemed feminine principle that is come to meet Christ in the Air at his 2nd coming, Emmanuel with us.
The Sirius connection to this peak solar cycle of activity lies in the Spirit of 1776, America’s divine conception. See Ezekiel. Sirius is the seat of God Government of the Galaxies and America is that seat on Terra, physically focused in the White House by the spiritual mantle of the President that must be worn by Christ and his anointed disciples. The seed of the Wicked on Earth hate America because of it. Sirius is opposed by the seat of the fallen angels and their Galactic Federation within which the 12th Planet (Nibiru, also called planet x) and the 13th planet of our solar system play a leading role. This role is as old as civilization and till very recently, forbidden history. Now that they are in OPEN Rebellion once again, here on earth at the 2nd coming of Christ, in man. They have abandoned any pretense of being Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Moslem, Jewish or Hindu or American or even civilized. They have thrown civilization and the rule of law to the four winds, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypses’ and have declared war on the Lamb of God and his sons and daughters (Rev 17:14). Well, be that as it may, that’s their story. It doesn’t end well for them, as you know.
God has his story and its about to be told, in his OWN WORDs and Actions…through man and the events surrounding man, Emmanuel with us, the common man. Everything is about to change.