Category Archives: Spring Quarter

Spring Quarter of the year begins at Spring Equinox beginning the season of planting that which we anchored in our etheric fire bodies as memory of the plan, the divine blueprint of our Father’s will. We provided the seed for last years harvest and from previous years harvests. We prepared the soil for spring season. We have come prepared to plant the seed of a new spiral of attainment in Christ. We cast our seed (soul) upon the rock of Christ and prepare to fasten the soul to the cross. As we face those who come unprepared and cast their seed upon fertile soil of the human self. These latter are fruitless vines as they have accommodated their God and the cycles of opportunity provided the soul in challenges of previous years. These are the indulgent ones. And the past now comes back to haunt them. Fear paralyzes them in their hatred and anger so prevalent today.

The Way of the Piscean Conqueror

Dominion of the Soul Over The Domination Over Her By Those Who Seek To Control Her

The soul walks in the footsteps of the one who is her Redeemer. She fears not, she walks in love for the one in whom she puts her faith and her trust, Jesus Christ and Our Father, who art in heaven… This is the Way of all religion, of all life on Earth.

The soul who loves (in Spring 2024) walks in the footsteps of the Piscean Conqueror. The soul attains to the God Mastery of which Jesus foretold when he went to Our Father. The soul achieves to Christ Mastery of the water element by the mastery of the fire element to create the solar garment to master the etheric plane by wisdom, as taught by Mother. The mastery of fire within the nucleus of water atoms and molecules transmutes all records and their substance by the love of the heart’s flame, the love of the Holy Spirit for the soul, the 7th ray. The ray closest to the physical, therefore the most direct effector of change in the world of the soul.

This is the way and means whereby the soul journeys through her Odyssey to return to the Kingdom (Rev 20:4). As she purifies the water of life she has misqualified as she faces the rising Astral Sea of desires, that she created by her early childhood conditioning of her early environment ,to return to her roots. The Ancestral Tree that is the perversion of her Tree of Life and its waters. The soul comes to earth to fulfill her divine destiny but is instead conditioned to the fate of her early childhood conditioning to the family tree.

The solar eclipse over America, the third in a sequence forming the ancient Hebrew letter A, has been given many meanings. To these, I add her true spiritual significance. The letter A over the Heartland of America indicates America’s true Origin and her Destiny, denied by man and religion but affirmed by nature and elemental life. America is the New Israel, the place prepared for His People, Israel, all twelve tribes, including Judah, not exclusive as the Illuminati Pike and Mazzini would have us believe.

The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024 opened a window that will remain open nearly 2 1/2 years to eclipse all opposition to the soul and Our Father who art in Heaven, the I AM Presences of each one’s soul. Practically speaking this Solar activity of the Sun during its period of Peak solar activity eclipsed all opposition to our soul, including the records of all early childhood experiences that formed the child and broke the trust and the faith, shattering all hope that the infant Christ child bore to the earth. The Sun eclipsed Chiron and the Moon and all records and memory cause and effect of the souls subjection to our Ancestral Tree, down to Tribal Totems and Family Mackerels, especially in 2024 our current ties to those who we have allowed to become “Familiars” as taught to us by Archangel Raphael. All this is eclipsed. Moreover, the Sun Helios eclipsed the Comet P12, whom the Illuminati call the Mother of Dragons and the Devil. This is one of the interstellar forces behind Chiron and the Lunar forces that has shaped the life of each ones soul upon Terra. It is eclipsed. The Dragon and the Devil is cast down onto the Earth. Now is the end time. Now is their final binding and judgment. Now evolution of life of Earth will move on in its journey.

The forces of Darkness, the Princes of the Air, and the Power Elite called the Illuminati are eclipsed by the Hand of God in the Celestial and Solar activities now underway.

Now the Hand of God is eclipsing the effects of the Comet, the wandering star upon Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20th 2024 conjunct P12. It is eclipsing Chiron Moon and P12. It is eclipsing the Alignment of the seven planets in the solar system in 2024, 2025. It is eclipsing the opening of the unconsciousness flooding the water and air elements and planes that began on April 23rd, 2024 and will continue during the Sun’s transit of Scorpio in October-November 2024.

The Sun is eclipsing the forces within the planet and without that have rejected the Son of God, these forces are the Luciferians. This is the Alpha Thrust of 2024. It concludes on Wednesday this week, followed by Summer solstice on Thursday and the Omega Return, the Helios cycle of the year. Omega rising is fulfilled in the prophesies of Rev 11:11-13, and 11:15-19. The safety is in the Ark, of the Covenant, the New Covenant and its Gospel of Sacrifice. See Sanat Kumara, The Opening of the Seventh Seal, Seven Initiations of the Ruby Ray. Published by the Summit Lighthouse.

The celestial Sun is eclipsing all life on Earth, which is death, all life that is not immortal, eternal.. It is eclipsing all life on earth that has refused the Love of the Mother in her Son and instead are seeking to break the genetic code of the Son of Man, his DNA to attain immortal life, renewing life eternally without accountability to God and his law. This genetic engineering and mapping is eclipsed. Their attempts to take Heaven by Storm will fail and has now become their final judgment. The edicts given to our Father Enoch are now being carried out by Celestial decree through Solar peak activity underway in this Helios cycle of the terrestrial year 2024.

The forces of darkness on the planet and over America have been gathering, as we have seen Mars, Saturn and Neptune conjoin in Pisces as they and the Inner planets clashed then went their way into Aries and Taurus now about to leave Gemini. The Four Horsemen gathered closely in Pisces as the P12 comet, Earth, Jupiter and Uranus aligned in Taurus. These Solar events are of great Celestial magnitude heralding the playing out of many of the Prophesies of Revelations chapters 11, 12, 13, and 17. The eclipse at 19 degrees 24 minutes Aries and subsequent Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus and the opening of the unconscious during the full moon in Scorpio, a two week window beginning April 23rd, flooding the subconsciousness and consciousness, fulfilled the prophesies of Revelations chapter 12 as the Earth (Taurus) opens its mouth and swallows the flood out of the mouth of the Serpent, that old Dragon that is called the Devil in Rev 20:2. The earth swallows the records of our soul’s domination by historical planetary forces that have sought to control the souls of God’s people since the mystery school Eden when our souls were cast down into the earth, if we will it so.

Revelations and the Marion Prophesies are intertwined as Mother Mary and her Son Jesus Christ share the same strategy to save our souls from the coming judgment, of the fallen angels and the “power of Satan in the Church and in the Nations.

This Celestial activity behind the Solar eclipse will raise the Mother light in the two Prophets Rev 11:11 and eclipse all opposition to the lost teachings of Jesus Christ delivered through the two Prophets of the Seventh Angel Rev 10:7. The eclipse eclipses all opposition in Chapter 12 to the Remnant of the Woman upon Terra from the Dragon devouring their souls. The eclipse eclipses all opposition in chapter 13 to the Saints, that they may come out of her, the anti-church, the Harlot and to seal them from the Mark of the Beast. It is also come to eclipse the Scarlet Beast in Revelations 17 and to turn the tide against the Beast in Rev 13 that in Chapter 17 goes to war against the Lamb and his called, and chosen, and faithful. Now the tide turns as worlds now begin to turn. The soul stands on the cusp of great change. Her anticipation is rising with the Mother light upon Terra, in the Omega Return of 2024.

With the clearing of the records and the substance of our souls domination, her molestation in early childhood throughout the ages. Two things are now occurring. Frist, the soul is now awakening to take dominion over her own origin and destiny. She is infilled by Emmanuel with us, becoming the Bride of Christ, in the second coming that is as much within her as it is her rising in the Air to meet Jesus Christ, coming to take dominion over the whole Earth. Secondly, with the clearing of these records freeing our souls it has a secondary effect of cutting our ties to these fallen angels whom we have been conditioned to idolize and emulate. This will have the effect of electing to be ruled by Christ and the ruler chosen by our Father in Heaven as defined in the Book of Daniel, chapter seven.

The effect this will have upon the fallen angels and their children is described by our God through his prophets, seven judgments, seven bowls of his wrath as their karma of the ages returns to them, called the Tribulation. Study the prophets, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Revelations and Mother Mary’s Revelations that are currently underway today in Medugorje and unbroken in time since 1846.

The Sun’s message to the soul of mankind is to let go of these traumatic records into the flames of your Sun Presence within your heart and let God consume not just the records but the substance itself. Their very memory is being consumed in many. Souls are now entering into an age of miracles. Change is the order of the day. So much so that, the future is now constantly changing and will not come to rest in this century. We have entered an accelerated period of the evolution of all life on Earth. A new covenant , a new gospel, the everlasting gospel, and it is for all people who come apart to be a separate and chosen people, one people, one nation, one God, infinite in manifestation of the Son’s Sun Presence as is evidence in the matter universe. The matter universe is but the mirror reflection of Mater, of the Spirit Universe.

Gemini Wills The Mind To Control Past Habits And Momentums, The Olde Man Saturn, The Lunar South Node

The Mind of The Gemini Twins in Action

The Gemini Twins, duality and singularity. In the former their actions speak louder than their words, while in the latter their actions are one pointed, their word is backed by action. Gemini is singular in both purpose and vision. Their eye is set on the goal. In this case, the Sun’s purpose in Gemini as it moves into the Earth quadrant in Gemini.

The soul in Gemini with her bridegroom, Sun Venus in the 1st decant of the 7th house, at 22 and 24 degrees respectively, with singular goals and objectives, see eye to eye in Sagittarius on the Ascendant. They stand on the Descendant at 20 Gemini as they emerge from the water quadrant in Gemini into the physical earth with the same desires that are down to earth, practical and achievable.

Venus, Sun, and Mercury are conjunct on the Descendant at 20 Gemini in the 1st decant of the 7th house. They are in close relationship, of singular mind, Mercurian by nature. They are moving fast, keeping up with the Sun’s purpose, as they approach Summer Solstice on Thursday this week, June 20th, 2024.

The soul senses great anticipation in the air. Though she sees the opposition in America and the Church mounting, she no longer feels overwhelmed by the fast pace of evil invading and corrupting the world we once knew (prior to Covid-19 (2019)). The soul senses a mounting anticipation of what is coming as she sees the Hand-of-God moving in the air currents of her mind. The soul intuitively (Gemini) knows (Aquarius) that she is in the hands of the Good Shepherd. She knows intuitively that God stands upon the stage of life, shielding, sealing all who receive Him with an open heart.

The soul knows freedom from conditions that have tied her to the idols she created and empowered to rule her. She intuitively knows by her soul senses, those beyond her outer five senses, her inner senses of her heart that God is moving in the Church and in the new land he sponsored and gave us, the New Israel, as He foretold through his prophets, Ezekiel and Isaiah.

The soul now understands the spiritual significance of events unfolding around us. She understands the inner meaning (through the awakening Heart senses) of the celestial events playing out this spring. She stands on the 12 o’clock line in Capricorn on the 13th station of the Cross in Maitreya’s Mystery school and is aware that she is being taken down from the cross of persecution and repression by the propaganda of those who have stood on the mountain of their karma and have accommodated the journey through the dark cycle, especially through this dark night of her soul on the path of initiation, being initiated in Capricorn to forge the diamond heart by the Holy Spirit. She now stands the victor in the 36th anniversary in anticipation of the fulfillment of the promise of Elohim to move in the bond to the heart of the Messengers to the heart of Maitreya, in fulfillment the promise and the prophecy the return of the Messengers, Rev 11:11 and of the Transcendence of the Summit Lighthouse, Rev 11:13, 15; the fulfillment of the promise of those who will to come out of her, the anti-church, Rev 18:4 and walk these last 66 years to fulfill the promise to each soul of the Kingdom Rev 20: 4. These last 66 years have been the Odyssey of our soul’s journey up the mountain of our karma to Maitreya and some have not left off as Mother taught her chelas in her teachings on the 4-10 axis clearance and in her July 4th addresses in 1993 and 1996. Some have assimilated the teachings, the path, and the Guru-Teacher. The soul stands on the cusp of Summer Solstice and knows, she knows who she is and where she goeth, in 2024.

Those in America who have accommodated what America has offered their souls and taken the abundance that Jesus Christ showed this people, America, the way thereof, to themselves; now stand in fear, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, in the 3rd house. They also have awakened to the Hand -of-God moving across the land and in the hearts of His people. They have finally awakened to their fate, their returning karma, their final judgment. Now they will begin to shift course from the destruction of the Church and Nation to escape, fulfilling the Mayan prophesy and the Master’s.

The mounting of Providence in the events now beginning to play out in America (from Summer Solstice) and the increasing occurrence of Progressive Revelations now playing out in the lives of countless individuals as the apostles foretold, will now shape events in the life of the Nation and the Church, but more specifically in the individual lives of the people, His People.

What Is Playing Out in 2024

People Are Choosing Light or Darkness. Soon to Produce After Its Kind.

The People, God’s people have been called to America, the land prepared. From out of the people the 13th tribe has been called, to the new covenant. The new covenant of God over men and the abundant life. But ye unjust stewards have taken the Lord’s fields, feeding themselves instead of feeding the flocks. (Ezekiel 24:2). Isaiah’s prophecy to Israel, the Lord’s vineyard (Isa 5:1,8; 10: 1-4 ) is that six woes are coming upon the unfaithful Israel, America.

People are taking upon themselves the roles of their heart’s desires, forsaking their soul’s origin and destiny. So they are repeating, as in the beginning (the Garden of Eden) so in the ending (Maitreya’s mystery school), the betrayal of their God in the Garden, the land of abundance and the land of the free. All this, as the woman Israel gives birth to the male child, Christ. (Rev 12:1-2). Israel stands in Capricorn on the mountain of our God being initiated while the shepherds feed themselves.

God tells the people of Israel that he will take his flock from the Stewards, the Shepherds, the Elders, Congressmen and Senators. God tells us to come out of her the anti-church with its seven heads and ten horns, the Harlot, for (Rev 18:2) Babylon the great (America.Inc) is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit. God tells his people to come out of her, that they not be partakers of her sins, and that they do not receive her coming plagues. Study the prophets for they bring to the forefront of our consciousness the seven covenants, “we the people” have broken under our kings and priesthood. We are told to come out of these (the harlot and the beast) or receive her seven last plagues, the karma of repeating the evils of breaking the first seven covenants, all the while we are breaking the 8th, (8th head of the beast), the New Covenant given to his people, America, the new Israel.

America’s Birthday, Her Solar Return

America’s birthdate was April 30th, 1789, in NYC at 1:30pm LMT. Most people use America’s conception chart of July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. This results in a misconception of America. America was conceived to be the Christ and to balance the heart of the planet and to lead the planet, from slavery to the Nephilim into the light of a golden age. America was born in sackcloth to demonstrate to the world by right behavior and the way of love, taught by Christ to his disciples who were destined to give birth to the promised land following the period of their captivity.

America’s natal sun is at 10 Taurus 46, in the 1st decant of the 9th house. America’s destiny is predicated upon her devotion in the 9th house to Christ and his Father. America is held by God to a higher standard, a higher road. She is held to the New Covenant with the God of Israel and to the way of the Gospel of Love.

America departed from her destiny in the 1930s when the 32nd President, Franklin Roosevelt betrayed the trust God had placed in his hands. Read Helena Roerich, The Secret World Government (Amazon). FDR took America off the gold standard in 1933. This was followed in August 1971 by President Nixon delinking the dollar from gold. These actions remade the global monetary system. It introduced instability into the global economy.

This was the betrayal of America by Vesta at 20 Libra 49 conjoined Neptune 21 Libra 25 in America’s second house at birth, 3rd decant. Americans were called by God to walk in the wisdom of Neptune’s illumination. We were called to walk in the light of our God, his enlightenment. Instead we walked in materialism under the American illuminati’s ignorance that began with the betrayal by Vesta, the laggard evolution on earth, with their creation of the Federal Reserve in December 1913. America was returned to servitude by the international bankers and the global illuminati.

With the Taking of America’s wealth they controlled the light of God in her people. Now they were able to turn the light of America’s destiny to darkness in the 20th century. The light of America was inverted by Satan to Satanism. Here we are in 2024, twenty-four years into the millennial and Americans in vast numbers (Wokism) now worship the Dragon and its Beast, Revelations 13. This is the new world order of the NeoCONs, brain child of Skull and Bones, and their New Economic Order.

This betrayal of America was foreseen. The Ancient of Days prophesied through Ezekiel and his prophet Daniel and his Son Jesus Christ prophesied through his Apostle John, the Book of Revelations. All three prophesied the judgment coming upon America for this betrayal and for their defiling of the new land given to his people (Israel) come again in America. Isaiah prophesied in chapters 34 -66 how God’s grace would save the remnant of the Apostate churches and rebuild America, the promised land. The judgment of the Nephilim and the Watchers (Abaddon called in Greek Apollyon at 5 Scorpio 39 retrograde and the Watchers called Psyche at 8 Capricorn 12 retrograde) and their laggard evolution (from Maldek, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter) represented by the largest asteroid Vesta at 10 Cancer 7 is described as the Tribulation, a seven year window of God’s Seven Last Plagues, the seven bowls of his wrath of which all the major prophets have prophesied. All indications point to the start of the Tribulation beginning 1/1/2026; taking us to winter solstice 2032 and the Saturn Uranus conjunction. This ends the cycle of war upon earth. These seven years represent the seven years of famine coming upon the planet, midst plenty. Why is this, it is because the apostate church has aborted God in Church and State and the womb. They have condemned Christ to death, again by condemning America as the Great Satan, the Dragon over America. They have accrued to America, Israel come again the sins of of the American Illuminati, whom the CIA has defined as an elite among the seed of Satan.

What is God’s plan for the remnant of the faithful? How will God and his people triumph in their own land? John tells us in Revelations 17:14 that the Lamb and his called, and chosen, and faithful will triumph. Where do we look for hope and salvation? God delivered his vision of our future in the past, through his prophets so as to guide us in altering the prophesied future, individual by individual. Through his son Isaiah he tells us of his Grace, through David he gave us the Psalms. Study these and pray for the penitent heart. Isaiah tells us that only by his people ‘s repentance shall they know God’s grace and his deliverance. There will be no deliverance from the current worsening situation in America until the people repent. After all, this people have gone after the Nephilim gods and their wares and broken seven previous covenants with our God. This generation living today have broken the New Covenant he has given us with the second coming of Christ in his people. He sent his Seventh Angel (Revelations chapter 10 verse 7) who delivered the Everlasting Gospel through his Prophets to the Seven Apostate Churches and was rejected. Now they must answer to our God of Israel, as he prophesied through his prophets, old and new. This will soon become clear to EVERYONE as he breathes new life into his current Prophets who rise up and preach the coming judgment and the salvation. (Revelations 11:11).

Sun Transits Taurus. Twenty Eight Solar Days. Seven Days in Each Plane.

Sun Enters Air Element, The Mind of Man

The Sun brings to man conscious awareness of his will. Man must choose to align with the Sun (his-her Sun sign), the Son of God in loving obedience in Taurus consciousness now that the soul is awakening.

Man chooses life or death by his free will. Man chooses to obey the divine plan of her soul as taught us by the Son of God, Jesus Christ or to follow the Dragon, that old Serpent called the Devil (Rev 20:2; Rev 12:15-17; Comet P12.).

Man stands in the earth in Taurus (April 27th, 2024, on the eve of America’s Solar Return and Birth cycle) and chooses to be filled with the will of the Father (Sun) and to follow his Son in loving obedience to the souls divine plan or the soul chooses to be influenced by the desires of man now playing out by the planets in the houses.

The attached chart shows the planets in the four quadrants. These represent planetary forces and inter-planetary forces influencing the consciousness of man in each of the twelve houses of our lives.

The meaning and the reading of these influences can be learned by those who seek to take responsibility for their lives, their actions, and their thoughts and feelings. After all we have been taught that a positive mind creates our future. What man thought yesterday, he becomes today and what he thinks today, he becomes tomorrow. This is the law of creation and has become perverted to serve man as the law of man, today. Sensual man has created the delusion of self-idols our mask in 1st house, in their lust for power…once held.. .long ago. Yet, all is illusion. For many, this is the end of time, the end of the line. This is their final rebellion, against God and his sons and daughters.

Previous posts this year tell of the stellar and planetary forces playing out upon our planet in the affairs of man. These forces have been described to us in the West in our Bible, the old and the new Testament books.

God has delivered his Word through his Prophets. He tells us through his prophet Ezekiel, that his Shepherds have betrayed him and his people, his “flock”. God delivered through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Book of Revelations to the Seven Churches, the Apostate Church, his judgment upon them, described in the 22 chapters of the Book of Revelations. He gave his message of salvation, hope and his grace to the faithful remnant within each of the seven religions upon Terra, the seven churches or congregational consciousness and their seven states of mind (Aries, first house) and the seven conditions of their consciousness. The origins of which come from our family mackerels and ancestral tree, our tribal totems and norms in the forming of the child in early childhood homes and environment. This is Chiron and this is its role in separating the soul from her bridegroom and keeping her from returning to God’s Garden in Eden come again in America, see Ezekiel).

Astrology and Prophecy cannot be separated. Yet both can be reduced to the mundane to serve fallen man’s purposes. That is to follow man’s programming and his childhood conditioning.

This website is dedicated to those who choose life not death. Cosmic Astrology is God’s science of navigating the Stars to guide the soul back to God through the external use of God’s Cosmic Clock, to direct the soul by her internal Clock of Destiny, to reconnect the soul to her Bridegroom, her Holy Christ Self to become the Son of Man, one with Jesus the Son of God, together with Our Father who art in Heaven, Emmanuel with us, the light of the World, and the eye in the coming storm. This is where Prophecy intersects divine astrology and guides the soul to fulfill her destiny. After all, Jesus taught us that all he did you will do and more because he goeth to our Father.

The next post will look into the Sun’s message to man as he transits Taurus to prepare man for all that is coming upon the planet and the way that man may choose to go, to the right and life or to the left and death. As many are choosing to follow the Olde Serpent once again, Rev 20:2 as the prophecies of Rev 12: 15-18 and Rev 13 play out in the heavens over America in 2024.

People look to the skies today and see psychic thralldom in its many headed manifestations as the desires of man’s hearts or they see God’s hand come to play out in the affairs of man, as God foretold in the books of his prophets, read them and pray for God to enlighten you. Ask and ye shall receive. It is cosmic law. Prove me, Jesus taught us, ask anything in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. He taught us, that whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. He taught us, “ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me”. He taught us, that we shall pray to him and he shall hear thee. Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee. And the light shall shine upon thy ways. Man, you are come to judge angels. If two of you agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask , it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Jesus taught us, “In my name shall you cast out devils, ye shall speak in new tongues, you shall take up serpents, and if ye drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.

This is the true nature of man and of paradise lost. Now is the hour of the second advent. Now is the hour of the 40 days in the upper room. Now is the hour of the coming of the promise, at Pentecost 2024. Believe in God and his Son and walk by Faith. Fulfill the Word of God!

Taurus Full Moon. The Mother of Dragons Called the Devil’ Closest to Earth. Jupiter Conjunct Uranus, the White Horse Called the False Christs.

Revelations Chapter 13.

Astrology and Prophecy converge. Astrology delivers the message of the stars. Prophecy delivers the word of God. God uses the signs in the heavens, the stars as his messengers to signal his message is to those living under the sign. The Prophets have left us the signs in the heavens as harbingers of the sign and the signal of the fulfillment of the word of God to those living at the time of the signal. Prophecy tells us of future signs in the heavens that will be the fulfillment of his word.

The Mother of Dragons (P12) called the Devil is closest to Earth in her orbit. It is in proximity to earth from April 21st till June 2nd. Revelations 13 warns us that that Great Dragon that falls to the earth giving power to the Beast that rises out of the Sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns 10 crowns. Upon his heads written the name, Blasphemy. This power is given to the Beast for forty-two months, that’s three and one half years the sign and the signal of the start of the Tribulation.

This orbit of P12 is occurring during a peak period of solar activity, including the second total solar eclipse over North America conjunct Chiron, with a message for the Americas. It also is occurring during the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus during the 2 week cycle triggered by the full Moon in Taurus (Wesak 2024).

The message of the stars and God’s word of prophecy to his people is signaled when you see with your eyes the prophesied signs in the heavens. Your soul has to be awake to see the signs and to understand the meaning of the prophetic word of God to his people and to the nation. The great dragon the olde serpent called the devil is judged and cast down into the earth. This is occurring as Pluto goes stationary retrograde. First the serpent sees that he has been cast down. When this occurs he is unaware it has happened because Pluto goes stationary . This period April till October, the period of time Pluto is retrograde is a period when the Dragon is adjusting his awareness of what has changed as he attunes to Earth earthy from his seat of authority from which he is cast down. The serpent will become consciously aware of his changing circumstances by October 2024. This is when he sends forth a flood out of its mouth to sweep the Woman from the wilderness where she has been free for a time from the serpent, Rev 12:15. Then in Rev 12:17 that Great Dragon the olde serpent is angry with the woman because the earth opens its mouth to swallow the flood (of the last four years). The Dragon, verse 17 tells us, goes to war with the remnant of her seed. These are they, verse 17 tells us, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is then in Revelations 13 that the Dragon gives power to the Beast out of the Sea. The people worship the Dragon and the beast during the coming tribulation.

This reaction of the Dragon to earth’s defense of the Woman is concurrent with solar peak activity, that includes the solar eclipse at 19 Aries 24 minutes conjoined Chiron (exactly) during P12s closest approach to our sun on April 8th. Now that great Dragon, P12 is closest to earth during the Wesak full moon at 4 Scorpio 18 minutes in the first decant of the first house while the Teacher and Master represented by Jupiter is exactly conjunct Uranus, the White Horse called the False Christs. Matthew 24 tells us that these false Christs are many and have gone out (in the Apostate Churches). They are wolves in sheeps and shepherds clothing come to scatter the flock (Ezekiel). Matthew 24:14 tells us that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached, then the end shall come. Then Matthew 24:21 tells us that it is then that the great tribulation shall come when false Christs and false prophets shall deceive the very elect. Matthew assures us that the King shall return at the end of the coming tribulation.

The messages of the Stars and of prophecy are many, today. The first message is of the two week window of the Taurus full moon (until the next new moon). When the Sun is in Taurus and the full moon is in Scorpio this is when man’s unconscious is open. This is a dangerous time as both anger and the records of that anger with God flood the soul’s consciousness to sweep her from God. Matthew tells us in 24:12 that this is because iniquity shall abound, and the love of many shall grow cold. Yet, he that shall endure unto the end shall be saved. During this two week window little things will trigger (Mars) our emotions because of attachments that are distractions to our obedience to the laws of God that are our protection as they bond us to our God and his Son. This is occurring during the 4.5 year window of the Solar eclipse conjoined Chiron at 19 Aries in the 2nd decant of the 9th house.

It is important to us now that we understand the meaning of this eclipse, to our soul, during this passage of the Mother of Dragons called the Devil (Rev 20:2) to earth during this perilous full moon, 2 week cycle. Now is when the Cosmic Christ binds the false Christs in the Americas (in church and state) and the world during this critical period of this the 21st century that marks the second coming of Christ in man. This eclipse window marks the redemption in man of the rising Mother light as the soul’s redeemed feminine principle that is come to meet Christ in the Air at his 2nd coming, Emmanuel with us.

The Sirius connection to this peak solar cycle of activity lies in the Spirit of 1776, America’s divine conception. See Ezekiel. Sirius is the seat of God Government of the Galaxies and America is that seat on Terra, physically focused in the White House by the spiritual mantle of the President that must be worn by Christ and his anointed disciples. The seed of the Wicked on Earth hate America because of it. Sirius is opposed by the seat of the fallen angels and their Galactic Federation within which the 12th Planet (Nibiru, also called planet x) and the 13th planet of our solar system play a leading role. This role is as old as civilization and till very recently, forbidden history. Now that they are in OPEN Rebellion once again, here on earth at the 2nd coming of Christ, in man. They have abandoned any pretense of being Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Moslem, Jewish or Hindu or American or even civilized. They have thrown civilization and the rule of law to the four winds, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypses’ and have declared war on the Lamb of God and his sons and daughters (Rev 17:14). Well, be that as it may, that’s their story. It doesn’t end well for them, as you know.

God has his story and its about to be told, in his OWN WORDs and Actions…through man and the events surrounding man, Emmanuel with us, the common man. Everything is about to change.

Astrology’s Portents of Coming Events, the Next Two Years

The Cosmic Clock initiated a new solar year on winter solstice as the Sun entered zero degrees of Capricorn. The seeds of last year were sown by each individual soul at spring equinox 2024. The awakening of the sleeping America people is coming to the end of its appointed cycle, 2021 through 2024.

This year we have seen the inner planets conjunct the Watchers, called Psyche in astrology who took the daughters of men to be their wives and Mars, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune. These laid the foundation for the sowing of the seed on the rock of Christ and the great awakening and the sowing in the fertile soil of the great rebellion that divides the people of Terra, today.

It also prepared the ground for the sowing of mans seed under the Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron and the Sun conjunct P12, the comet called “the Devil” and “The Mother of (the) Dragons” described in the Book of Revelations.

Now we will see, as P12 approaches closest to Earth on April 20th-21st, during the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, referred to in the Book of Revelations as the White Horse of the Four Horsemen. That is to say the karma delivered to earth by the rider on the White Horse. This is the karma of the Scarlet Woman, the Mother of Dragons and the Scarlet Beast, the Devil. This karma will up the stakes in the Battle for America and the souls of God’s people. The very people who are awakening to their destiny as the feminine principle in man awakes to the awareness of Celestial intercession that America has known from her inception or conception in 1776. This is called in America, the Spirit of 1776 and it has its origin in God. See the prophet Ezekiel and the God of New Israel the new land (the New World) to which he called out the twelve tribes.

Everything is about to change. Mankind is awakening to Celestial forces of light come for the prophesied harvest of the Tares amongst the wheat, the fallen angels and their wives and their children, in America and the nations. Mankind is also awakening to salvation. The salvation of the remnant of the faithful who are called to come out of the Apostate church to which the book of Revelations is addressed. God delivered his message through his Son to John the Revelator to his people to come out of Her, the Scarlet Woman who rides the Scarlet Beast or receive her karma, Revelations 18:4. This is being triggered by the approach to earth of the comet P12, the Mother of Dragons, and the Devil. As it passes closest to earth on April 21st during the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, through June 2nd. They will play out their final drama here on earth before their final judgment, described by John the Revelator of Jesus prophesy to the people of his Father that he came to save. This cosmic alignment of stars, comets, and planets will play out in 2024 as the dividing of the Way. Those who awaken to salvation and those awakening to eternal damnation described as the WORD of God by the five major Prophets of our Father in Heaven, the Ancient of Days.

But that is not all. In fact it is the beginning of the end of time for the seed of the Wicked and the unrighteous. We have seen the three antagonists playing out on the stage in America and the world today, Mars, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces this spring. These make up the remaining three of the Four Horsemen described in the Book of Revelations. They herald the end of the Age of Pisces and the coming judgment that the Mayans calculated (the Mayan Calendar) and feared. Placing their hope to escape planet earth in the return of the Feathered Serpent May 20th 2012), come to play out in the earth as the Chinese Dragon foretold in Revelations as the four angels who escape their prison in the Euphrates River, who go immediately to the Far East, (China) to raise an army of 200 million. This is the prophecy of Nostradamus of the return of Genghis Khan.

These three planets Mars, Saturn and Neptune will conjoin in two years, in April 2026 in early Aries, at Spring Equinox for the reaping of mankind’s karma. This is the fulfillment of Nostradamus’ prophesy of Mars and Saturn equally fiery. These two will conjunct Neptune also equally fiery as they herald the beginning of the seven year Tribulation described in the Book of Revelations. This begins the period of seven years of famine through the collapse of the Neocons new economic order built by Capitalism in Communist China, the Black Horse Saturn, that leads to war as China mobilizes its army of conquest gathering conquered peoples to make up the army of the four fallen angels of 200 million on their march to the Middle East as the Wrath of God dries up the Euphrates clearing the way for the kings of the East. The invasion of Europe will begin as prophesied by Nostradamus. But not before the coming comet that some are saying is in 2028 that Nostradamus prophesied would burn Rome and its seven mountains crashing into the Aegean Sea.

Life on Earth is returning to its destiny as Freedom Star. The meek are to inherit the New Earth. They are to rebuild the culture and civilization lost on the continent of Mu, as the Divine Mother and Gaia return to her origin as Mother Earth, as the divine feminine principle of the purity of the soul in man is redeemed by the Son of God and by the Blood of the Lamb and his called and chosen and faithful who defeat the Dragon and its Beasts, Revelations chapters 13 and 17.

These are the prophesies given the people of the New Israel through his prophets.

So what does this mean for Americans and the I AM Race, the original Hebrews now once again called Americans. The Akashic records describe this ancient people called Americans that long long ago came to be called in later history following their sojourn in Atlantis as the ancient Hebrews, the Israelites. The prophet Ezekiel delivers the word of the Ancient of Days (as did the prophet Daniel) to this ancient people of God on Terra whom he called out from the nations as his Son Jesus Christ taught us, to come to the New Land. The early American colonies congregational churches taught this to the early Americans who knew their true identity and so rallied to the Hidden Hand, Providence, to carry out God’s will to claim the new land given them. Thus we saw the revival of the ancient enemy of the Americans (the Israelites), the illuminati of the fallen angels organized to war against heaven once again, for the final battle here on earth, as prophesied by the ancient Mayans, the battle of Light and Darkness.

Edgar Cayce the sleeping prophet and Colonel Churchward describe this people on the ancient continents of Atlantis and Mu respectively. The book Phylos the Thibetan (Tibetan) describes in narrative form the story of the last five thousand years of these two continents before they sank into the oceans.

To this remnant of the people of God in the new land America today, Ezekiel delivered the word of the Ancient of Days. This people in the New World are awakening as our God is walking this land today. The next two years will see the awakened called to rally to his banner, Old Glory. Support the one that God has anointed to lead his people. He is dressed in sack cloth and persecuted by the fallen angels and their seed today. A people get the leaders they deserve by cosmic law. Therefore we the people and God’s anointed leader must work together to pull ourselves up out of the morass to which we the people have allowed this New Land given us by God to fall into (desolation) by our idolatry to these leaders we the people have anointed to lead us, fallen angels. Revelations 18:4 is being fulfilled in 2024 the election year (America’s election sure ) “come out of her or receive her karma”.

Aquarian Astrology Will Free The Soul of Man

Divine Love For Our Father and Mother God and our Brothers and our Sisters

Astrology of the New Covenant and of the Everlasting Gospel, is a divine science of God’s timing, his solar-cosmic clock of the timing of his creation, the evolution or initiation of the soul and cosmic-clock of his Word made manifest.

This new science of what has been called Cosmos Conception and the Cosmic Clock delivers to Initiates and Teachers of the New Priesthood of Aquarius, the priest-scientists of Aquarius, the new science of celestial astrology of the Way to Union with God.

It is not related to the astrology of today which has its roots in both the astro science of the early mystery schools and the arcane science of black magic taught the daughters of men (Nephilim) by the Watchers as their wives. New wine cannot be put in old wine skins. Astrology is directly tied to man’s DNA and his genes. It is directly tied to what was once free electrons around the nucleus of the atoms that make up the molecules of man’s four lower bodies and the four elements of nature. Man’s DNA has been mutated. God sent mankind his Son to teach mankind our origin in God and the WAY to fulfill that destiny, re-union with God through the death of the lessor self’s DNA. This is the process of change, of sacrificing the lessor self on the Rock of Christ. And to know once again the birth in man of the lost feminine principle of God in Man. See Mary Magdalene’s Gospel by LeLoup and the Messages of Mother Mary at Medjugorje. See also, Helena Roerich’s Agni Yoga and her teachings from from Master Morya of Shambhala titled, The Secret World Government. Helena Roerich is founder of the Institute of Himalayan Studies, Urusvati in India. Urusvati means The Light of the Morning Star. These can be found on Amazon.

The coming Revolution is not communism or orthodox Christianity revised under a New Roman church. The coming Revolution underway today is the Cosmic Birth in Man of the Omega Return of the feminine principle in man (see the Galactic Alignment 1975-2020) that the Greek Mythology tells us was driven from Terra by the Pantheon of Gods of the Greeks, Olympus. The coming to earth of the fallen Mars people, who are ruled by Mars (the planet) and have taken rule of Earth by casting out the Matriarchal Societies and civilizations of Lemuria on the continent of MU in the Pacific and their worldwide colonies. They came from Mars with their fallen angels and their Patriarch civilization. They came from Olympus Mons. They have intermarried with mankind to destroy and rule the Remnants of the Woman’s Seed and to keep woman down because they KNOW the prophecies of the Coming Revolution of the Awakening within man of their original feminine principle by the Blood of the Lamb and the New Covenant of His Father with Man. The Women clothed with the Sun and her man-child will lead this revolution as taught by Jesus Christ out of the ashes of the end of the Age of Pisces, we are now leaving behind over this next decade.

This Revolution is awakening mankind to its origin in God through the first six stages of the 21st century and a seventh. Each of the first five stages begins with a Total Solar Eclipse over America, the America of Ezekiel and the Ancient of Days. These stages are tied to America as taught by Helena Roerich and Mother Mary at Medjugorje and by the Prophets of the Seventh Angel in Revelations, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The tie is directly connected to the signs and signals of our Star and the twelve Sun signs. A twelve year cycle of the trying of our souls, as Thomas Paine phrased for us. This is a cycle of fours and is tied to America, the heart of the planet, called Terra by the Romans, Gaia by the Ancient Greeks, the Andean Pachamama, the Indian Prithvi. This cycle of fours is imbedded in her Constitution in the election cycle and the related Presidential cycle called the administration cycle beginning in January the following year. This is the Alpha Omega cycle of America’s Cosmic birth and destiny. America was conceived on July 4th 1776 and her birth cycle began on April 30th 1789, New York City 130pm LMT. The distinction between to two is one of promise, the latter being one of the Way to re-UNION with God, one people, one nation, One God. This was the vision Helena Roerich delivered to President Roosevelt in 1934 from her Guru Morya, Master of Shambhala.

This blog will follow this Revolution of Women as the Bride of Christ, the Wife of the Lamb, and finally mankind’s Resurrection as Mother of God, of all children of Earth as they become the Man-child, the Son of Man, Emmanuel with us.

The Prophets Warning to the Nation

The Warning of Current Solar Activities 2024

All solar activities are Our Father’s works. While my Father works, I work hither to, Jesus taught us this. He taught us that the works he did, greater the works we would do, because he goeth to Our Father.

The works that Our Father is doing today through the current peak solar activities (that have only just begun) is to set us free. The Message of the Stars, to the leaders of the church and the Nation (s) is , “To Let My People Go

What is to follow is the Wrath of God. Seven bowls of his wrath are to be poured out upon the Nation(s) and the unrighteous.

As Our Father worketh throughout this year and for years to come, we awaken and watch. We know that now is the hour and power of OUR GOD with us. Now, you and I can be free. Therefore I work and the work that I, the people do (1x1x1 is always 1), is the work Jesus prophesied to us we would do, defend Truth and Liberty. Our work is our final declaration of Independence from these antichrist leaders in church and state, the Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast of Revelations chapter 17 coming to play out in This Our Land, given us by Our Father who art in Heaven.

This is the New Israel, America’s 3rd century. Our Father is come in the ongoing Cosmic-Galactic-Solar activities to lead his people in the Battle for America (North and Southern Hemispheres). He is come to seal his people in their homeland, Motherlands and in their homes, who believe today that they are free. Those who affirm their freedom by word and action, loudly as the actions of the heart. God, Ezekiel tells us, will intercede in our defense if we shout it to the heavens as we did before the walls of Jericho. We shout seven times until heaven hears and answers. This is the faith of our people and their trust in our God.

The solar eclipse of April 8th over (North) America was exactly conjunct Chiron at 19 Aries 24 minutes in the 9th house 2nd decant. Our Father has forgiven us all that has been the effects on our soul from all our childhood traumas and conditioning under the influence of Chiron through our family mackerels and our (genetic) ancestral tree, our roots. Our roots are our behaviors that forged our beliefs and our egos possessive and selfish love that pays lip service to Jesus Christ and his way, yet causes the soul to walk in her own way that Ezekiel tells us is unclean in the eyes of Our Father.

Our Father’s solar activities will continue (five solar total eclipses 2017 – 2052) till all Israel knows that these works (of the Sun) are his works and all the nations know that what is coming upon the nations is his work. This is the message of the Prophets to the people and the Nation(s). It is the Message of the Stars, today.

This is the final battle. The battle for your soul and the heart of America, the heart of the planet. This can be seen in the symbol left behind bt the three solar eclipses, Aug 2017, Oct 2023, and April 8th, 2024. The symbol over America is an ancient Hebrew letter and it encompasses around, the Heartland of America, her people. It is a sign and a signal to her people to awaken, to your ancient origin in God, prior to the coming of the Serpent to the Garden of Eden. You are born in Christ and destined to be ruled by our King, Jesus Christ as the Ancient of Days prophesied to the new Israel in the new land. This final battle begins in 2024 with a free election, an election sure, by the people, for the people, elect unto God, to be ruled by Christ and as Mother Mary in her message of Medjugorje their chosen “actors” whom she and her Son Jesus have chosen to be actors in their strategy to take back America and make her great again. This race to win back control of America and our destiny as Individuals, as a People and as a Nation will be run in a SACKCLOTH race. This final battle will wash us all clean by our blood and the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus says to us today, as he said to the Pharisees who would stone the woman at the well. “He who has no sin let him cast the first stone”.

God is moving in the land as seen during these three eclipses and the ones to come, five total eclipses in America 2017-2052. These are the sign and the signals that Our Father (Our God of Israel) is with us. Now is the time for God once again to be with us in the affairs of the Nation. Our God works through men, women and children to affect events. God declares to the Nation, to the Sons and Daughters of the Republic I would work through and in you, work while you have the light. The day cometh when no man may work, my Son has told you this, believe it! God will work through you. God in you will do it, believe it? Hold fast the nation, the land I have given you. This land is Our Father’s and Our Mother’s Land. It is sacred, take off your shoes, ye wicked generation, I will cast you out, sayeth the Lord through his prophets.

Fulfill His word and his works in you, take dominion and meet his Son coming in the Air (Sun in Aries) to cast out these princes of the darkness over America (North and South), today. Cast out this Dragon over America. With God all things are possible. Until now, without God nothing was or is ever possible.

Come out of her (Revelation 18:4) or receive her karma.

Solar Activities are peaking in 2024-2025

The Prophets Deliver God’s Word.

A study of the prophesy of the major prophets introduces us to the word of our Father Mother God. It also specifically describes to us God’s role in the coming events surrounding the New Israel, America as seen through the eyes of our God.

Cosmic-Solar activities affect our lives and our planet. Climate change is but one (politics aside) that is even now affecting seasonal weather patterns. This intern is having a cascading affect on our ability to grow food, worldwide.

The five major prophets, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John, and Isaiah each were given the word of God to deliver to his people, Israel (the New Israel, in the new land, Ezekiel) America. These prophets were given to deliver the word of God to his people at the end of the age, the new millennial.

The prophets describe how God uses his creation (Sun) to sustain life (choose life) or to deliver death to his people, for their righteousness or their unrighteousness. In fact, Ezekiel delivers God’s judgment upon his people in the New Land to which he called them because they defiled the new land that he called out his people to migrate to.

The Sun’s activities are tied to calamity or earth changes (a broad category affecting changes in the earth) that directly affect people’s lives. These the prophets tell us are in response to God’s word of judgment against his people and those of the neighboring gentiles.

God delivers his word through his prophets that he has raised up to be his servants. A study of the prophets reveals God’s love for his people, Israel called to outpicture, within each of the twelve tribes, an appointed quality or characteristic (within each of the 12 signs) of God.

God has given his people a new land and his law. He has given them (repeatedly) his covenant and his gospel for them to live safely midst the fallen angels cast down onto the earth. Man is given free will to outpicture these God qualities (signs) within their DNA (genes) and to prosper in abundance. Earlier generations of Americans are proof of his word and his promise.

God sends his judgment through time, via his prophets, to the new millennial at the end of the age (of the Piscean Conqueror) (see Ezekiel). A promise of hope of salvation to the remnant of the faithful and a judgment of rebuke to the unrighteous, “wicked generation”. His judgment, as seen in John’s Revelation, given him by Jesus the Christ, is dual in nature. It is a message of his wrath upon the wicked and a message of hope and salvation for the remnant of the faithful. A study of the prophet’s delivery of God’s word (not their own, but God’s words, exactly) divines the real from the unreal. Each prophet delivered God’s judgment to his people Israel in the old testament days and to his people, in a future time to whom he has called out of the nations to establish a new covenant (constitution and declaration of independence from the fallen angels and their princes of the air) and the gospel of love and repentance.

God delivers his judgment through the stars (our sun is a star) and the neighboring nations. God also intercedes in his peoples lives when they are obedient and faithful to his warnings, delivered by his prophets. These warnings are ageless as these five prophets delivered God’s message to America today, to his people even 2000 years ago and far longer. See Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isiah and John the Revelator, they all delivered long ago a prophecy to America today. The apostate church and the rulers (Babylon) of nations, the illuminati have stopped up our ears and blinded our eyes to become blind followers of blind leaders in church and state. Read John and Ezekiel chapter 34 , Predictions of Events to take place at the end of the age (of Pisces, verified by John) when Israel is again in her Land. It is a message to the faithless Shepherds of Israel…that feed themselves (instead of ) feeding “my Flocks” saith the Lord.

In Revelations, Jesus warns us to be watchmen because he tells us in Revelations how fallen angels are cast down onto the earth. He describes them as falling stars. These are wandering stars, or comets. The Devil and the Mother of Dragons imprisoned on P12, I believe will be cast down onto the earth during its passage closest to earth between April 20 and June 2nd, when the planets Jupiter and Uranus align and conjunct. This passage coincides with the window of effects, that the April 8th Solar Eclipse oven North America triggered that will deliver to earth and its people the message of the stars delivered long ago to this age by the (5) prophets of old. Most will ignore the warnings. Yet, some will heed and prepare for what is coming upon America and the world. We have been told that though the truth is hard to bear, the truth will set you free. Those who ignore the truth will perish, as their hearts fail for fear.

Our job today is to study and know the warnings so as to be awake to the warning signs when they appear in the heavens and the skies over the nation. These signs are given to the American people who are awakening today, to their origin in God and their destiny as Christ, the son of man in the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Emmanuel with us. This is the dividing of the way, as Ezekiel describes to us Our Father’s judgment of the House of Israel (America) as they dwell in their own land, where they have defiled it, by their “OWN WAY” and by their doings. “THEIR WAY” was before me (our God, the Ancient of Days (see Daniel)) as the uncleanness of a defiled woman. See Revelations chapter 17, The Scarlet Woman, the Apostate church, the Harlot.