The Battle For America.
The battle being fought is for the minds and spirits of the people. The Princes of the air, control the minds and consciousness of the people. This begins in the child’s early environment and home. Here is where the child is conditioned by Chiron to comply with family mackerels and the ancestral tree, it’s totems. The child’s mind is considered a blank slate during the child’s first seven years.
The Solar eclipse on April 8th will occur during the Sun’s cycle of peak solar activity. The Creator works through his creation to give and support life. On planets like Earth he has placed his people who have gone down the Mountain (Garden) of God in their rebellion under the seduction of the minds of the archetypes of man and woman, Adam and Eve. Man has been cast down to the same Earth quadrant that the fallen angels were cast down into. Man ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, forsaking the fruit of the Tree of Life and its twelve manner of fruit. They chose blindly to partake of the karma of good and evil. We became the lost sheep.
Our Father promised by his covenants (seven in number) to redeem man, by sending to us his son. By his Son’s blood, the covenant with man was renewed and opened the door to heaven once again for the lost sheep to regain heaven, if and only if, by free will they obeyed His Law. Taurus disobedience is the sign and signal that the soul is ruled by his own creation, the bull, the personality of fallen woman, ruled by the Moon. Man is called to walk in Jesus footsteps and put the Moon beneath her heel as taught by Archangel Michael. Jesus teaches us that this personality created by the soul since her fall is called the dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness. Its is this inner darkness of the heart combined with early childhood conditioning that traumatizes the soul into abdicating her divine origin as the man-child, the bride of Christ and her destiny to become the Son of Man, Emmanuel with us.
The solar activity this year began with winter solstice. Winter solstice is the beginning of a new solar year while simultaneously ending of the previous year’s solar cycle of increasing solar activities that are reaching a peak this year, of initiating the souls of man. Americans are familiar with the term, “these are times that try men’s soul“. We were warned on winter solstice by the messenger of the Sun (our Father’s Son) Sun and Mercury in the 4th house at 0 and 1 degree Capricorn respectively that our homeland and our people would face the choice of “choose life or choose death“. As Mars Pluto midpoint conjoins the 5th house cusp, declaring that we will either be ruled by Christ as a people and a nation or we will be ruled by Antichrist. Mars conjoined Pluto on Valentines Day, Venus followed three days latter. Mercury at 1 degree Capricorn conjoined the galactic center wherein lies both the central sun of our galaxy and a blackhole wherein is imprisoned one of the wicked ones, a fallen angel. The battle on Earth is a microcosm to a far greater battle, called Armageddon, that has as yet not reached to our physical world. As Christ has held back the tide of darkness in the galaxy from reaching the physical quadrant of Earth. It is still only playing out in the astral plane, the astral sea, the sea of samsara. This is solely due to Christ, the Prince of Peace.
A great cosmic war is underway for the judgment of evil in the matter universe. And Earth is at the cross roads. This is the end times of evil and the lost sheep cast out of the Garden of Eden are awakening from their sleep of death to who they really are. They are awakening (2021-2024) to the unreality of that olde dragon, the serpent who deceived them into believing his lies saying “surely you will not die“.
So far this year, we have seen the Sun conjunct Pluto on 1/20/24 at 29 Capricorn 59 minutes to bind it and reduce its power before it entered Aquarius, 11 hours later.
On Valentines day 2/14/24, Mars conjoined Pluto, on 2/17 Venus conjunct Pluto. All were given the choice in 2024 to choose life or to choose death. Mars represents those who follow the fallen men (Watchers) and angels (Luciferians, the Satans, and the Serpents children). Mars triggers childhood conditioning, emotions and desires as activities that cause us to follow in the footsteps of fallen angels among men. While Venus represents the Woman and the remnant of her seed who follow the Lamb where so ever he goeth. Pluto represents that force within man that must be defeated, the enemy within of Pisces and the 12th house. The apostles named it the dweller on the threshold. Deified evil, it is the energy veil that clouds the mind, blinds us to his Holy Spirit and to our origin in God and our destiny to reunite with God, to become immortals. It makes us so dense that eventually we die, ignorant that we are Gods as Moses told us. Mars is the Red Horse of war. Man is choosing his future that he is creating. 2024 is the turning point, what Greg Braden calls zero point, the point of no return for many. the avalanche is nearing a critical mass.
On February 28th, minutes before the leap year began, the Sun in Pisces conjoined Saturn in Pisces that rules power, people in power, people in government and the church and their use and misuse of power. The Piscean conqueror, Jesus Christ, destined to rule with his disciples who with Venus slays her dweller Pluto, confronts in 2024 (American election year) who will rule the people and the nation, New Israel, America, from 2024 going forward. The Sun behind our Sun bound the dweller of the black hole in our galaxy while it is our Sun’s task to bind the dwellers of the Mother of Dragons and her devil that olde serpent(Rev 20:2). Her and her offspring imprisoned on Comet P12. Bound they are cast down to the earth to play out their final drama on earth beginning with this pass over Earth as seen from America from the eclipse path on April 8th. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Rev 12. This will play out on earth as the Scarlet Woman riding the Scarlet Beast, Revelations chapter 12 , 13 and 17. The Devil is spitting out its mouth as the Comet P12 passes over North America this flood to sweep the Remnant of the Woman’s seed from the wilderness (the New Israel, America) as the Dragon goes to war with her remnant. The Devil that olde dragon is giving the last of his power to the Beast of Revelations 13 , the Beast with seven heads having ten horns and on each ten crowns. This beast rises out of the sea, the astral sea. The dragon giving him power and his throne. The people worshiped the dragon who gave power to the Beast. Then John saw a second Beast coming out of the earth with two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon. In Revelations 17 one of the seven angels shows John the judgment of the great harlot (the anti-church) that sits on many waters with whom the kings of earth have fornicated and the people are drunk with her fornication. John saw a woman sitting on a Beast full of the names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, disciples of Christ and his Father. On her forehead, the name, Mother of Harlots (Mother of Dragons, perhaps) and Abominations of earth. The angel tells John that the ten horns (ten kings) hate the harlot and shall make her desolate, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. This woman, the angel tells John is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, the Beast of Rome. See Daniel chapter seven. See Nostradamus’ prophecy of the Comet.
The comet represents archetypical patterns of the Mother of Dragons and the Devil (that olde Dragon), fallen spirits cast down onto the earth that play out on earth in individuals (as Beasts and the Scarlet Woman) who vibrate at their frequency and velocity of consciousness. They are in effect Liz Green’s spokespersons (Hitler, Stalin, Mao) who rise to lead all of the same vibration and frequency of the lower nature of the outer planets, the Four Horsemen. The four angels released from the river Euphrates gone to the Far East to raise an army led, Nostradamus tells us, by the reincarnated Genghis Khan.
The key point here is that this is the judgment that delivers salvation, the reward (Rev 11:15) to the people of the I AM Race, God’s people while delivering the judgment to the unrighteous, casting them out of North and South AMerica where they will flee to Europe to go to receive their karmic fate.
As Pisces Sun enters the water quadrant and the astral sea (Sun in Pisces 15 degrees – 22 Pisces 30 minutes), the soul’s lunar north node, where she stands and chooses life, not just acknowledging Jesus Christ but follows him and walks in his footsteps. Most people on earth stand on their south node repeating the past, while they recognize him, even acknowledge him they refuse to follow in his footsteps. These latter are ruled by Mars, now conjoined Pluto. Revelations tells us they worship the Dragon. The Sun is come to free the soul, who is standing on her north node conjunct Chiron on March 5th having put the Moon’s south node beneath her heel, during this solar eclipse conjoined Chiron.
On March 17th, Sun conjoined Neptune at 27 Pisces 22minutes in the 12th house 3rd decant.