We have entered an intense period from February 16th till Easter. The planet Mars is many things to man. It ranges from men of action to men are from mars, to men of war. More importantly, its esoteric or symbolic meaning is what drives us. Here we must deal with Mars as the god of war. Here is where we are driven to want what another has, even at any cost.
Mars is the Red Horse in the Book of Revelations with the power to take peace from the earth. Mars is also the trigger. Amongst, the Four Horsemen, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as the testers while the fourth, Mars is the trigger. Mars triggers the others to action usually in an inflammatory way.
Mars enters Capricorn on February 16th, 2020. Capricorn is the sign of new beginnings, Divine Intervention and Direction. It is the sign of God power in men’s lives as the power of government and law and order. Typically it is the arm of the law, Saturn the status quo. This year Mars has a different function, seen seldom in a century, sometimes even in a millennium.
In 2020 Mars has entered Capricorn, seat of authority and power, come to trigger the great gathering that has been building in Capricorn since Pluto entered in the fall of 2009. This gathering was last seen following the coming of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It manifest as the 10 persecutions of Christ and his followers beginning with Nero who led the first persecution of Christians to the 10th that began in 292 under Diocletian under the influence of Pluto Saturn Jupiter.
Mars is triggering an intolerance and a bigotry in a generation that worships mammon and his dialectic materialism. The Book of Revelations speaks of this in chapter 13, as the Beast out of the Earth and the Beast out of the Sea. These are monopoly or socialist capitalism and world communism, respectively.
Mars entered Capricorn last Saturday. On Monday it conjunct the Galactic Center at 1 Capricorn. I have determined that the galactic center is at 1 Capricorn while others may believe otherwise. Today, Feb 19th, Mars conjuncts the Watchers at 2 Capricorn squaring Chiron at 2 Aries. Chiron is the APEX to the YOD, the Y in the road for the people on planet earth and in America. They will choose in 2020 to take the HAND of GOD or the hand of the Watchers. Many are taking the latter road as we speak. This is the dividing of the way in America and on the planet. For many their is no going back. For God’s people their is the opportunity and the call, “Come out of Her my people that you do not partake of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues”. These are the coming seven bowls of God’s wrath delivered in chapter 16 of the Book of Revelations.
Mars conjuncts the Dragon’s tail next Monday Feb 24th at 5 Capricorn. These are the lies, the propaganda of Babylon the Great, the Great Dragon over America we know as the Illuminati and their councils within councils within councils, that the Power Elite worship having learnt to idolize these gods in the media entertainment industries and in the universities that have raised this generation of Americans to create a Dark Ages. They are cultivating a dark mentality that was seen in the last century but which if unleashed will make the 20th century pale under the ride of the Pale Horse as Hades follows (Rev 6:8).
On March 20th Mars conjuncts Jupiter. Jupiter represents the Teacher, Raboni, Jesus Christ, the Guru. This conjunction is at 22 Capricorn. It is for the sons and daughters of God to demonstrate God’s Power in Virgo the right-handed path of the Earth signs for Capricorns use of Power, Divine Justice. It is at 22, the Master number, the master over the water element, our feelings, emotions, our desires and their attachments we call possessiveness, lusting after the light, the money supply of a God-Free people. This latter is the left-handed path of all gathered in Capricorn, the use of God-Power…its misuses in Taurus, rebellion against the law.
March 23rd, Mars conjuncts Pluto at 24 Capricorn. Pluto represents the dark force in man, Darth Vader that Luke had to slay. In the Judea-Christian tradition of the western civilization we call this the dweller-on-the-threshold. These are the devils we have created that torment man. This is the choice every man, woman, and child must face. Moses told us, choose life not death. Each one must choose in the days ahead to be Doctor Jekyll or Mister Hyde. Revelations is the story of this confrontation within man that Luke Skywalker faced on Tatoowin under his training with Yoda in the cave with Darth Vader.
On March 31st Mars conjuncts Saturn at 0 Aquarius. As Jupiter conjuncts Pluto at 24 Capricorn while Moon conjuncts its North Node at 3 Cancer. The latter is for each soul to decide will he fulfill the promise of Jesus Christ or stand in the final battle foretold by Jesus and bow before the Satans on the Mountain with Jesus’ Father.. Who will walk in Jesus footsteps? These are the ones who will lead his people into the Kingdom Age, the golden age promised for 2000 years.
Finally on April 15th the Dragon wraps its tail around the Watchers at 2 Capricorn. Mankind’s habits and momentums, our possessiveness, our attachments to materialism that threatens to destroy Christianity and America, the spirit in man, the Holy Spirit. It is this configuration that is part of a YOD whose APEX is 3 Gemini, the MC of America’s natal chart for April 30th, 1789. The Ascended Masters teach that July 4th, 1776 is the conceptual chart of America, her destiny. America was born in the garments of the karma of her people. Their Karma with Uncle Sam and their God. This YOD of this conjunction at 2 Capricorn to Apollyon or Abaddon at 3 Scorpio to the Apex 3 Gemini and the point opposite 3 Sagittarius, the USA Ascendant. Tells us that the American people and the I AM Race worldwide, the 12 tribes of Israel, stand at the Y in the road and must choose life, not death because HADES follows. They must take God’s hand going into these elections and choose God’s people to represent then at LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL levels. If they continue to elect fallen angels in embodiment to lead them. God’s people will receive the same karma as is coming upon the fallen angels who rule across the planet with their Laggard evolution from Maldek, the remnants of their planet is the asteroid belt.
What we are seeing here is God’s Timing of His Judgment of the wicked and Salvation from the wicked for HIS People. God is a God of Love and Mercy for his Sons and Daughters made in his image and likeness. The Fallen Angels and their creations, the soulless ones, mechanization man, represented by Psyche (Watchers), Apollyon, Pluto, Chiron, Transpluto, Dragon, Serpent , Satans (Saturn’s electronic belt) and the Black Moon Lilith (castaways, soulless ones) all who have deified evil, known as the separation from God. They dont need or want God. These are out to mark God’s people with the mark of the Beast in the hand or forehead…in order to buy and sell. This is Jesus Christ’s teachings to John the Revelator , Rev 13: 11-18. The punishment for any of God’s people who take the mark of the Beast is Rev 14:11.
We have come to 2020 midst this generation who are rejecting once again, GOD and HIS SON, this time in Man, in His Second Coming, still finding it hard to believe everyone is not like ourselves. We still want to believe in relative good and evil, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Times, times, and a half time is up. Now outplaying triggered by Mars begins the removal of the MASK. Now we will see play out ABSOLUTE GOOD AND EVIL in the decade of the 20s in the final battle for the soul, hearts and spirit of MAN. All are choosing their path in 2020, to the right or to the left AND some are choosing the straight and narrow road to God on the way shown by his Son.