Tag Archives: fear

VIRGO SUN in Emotional Plane

Virgo Sun Acting on Emotional Body

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The Virgo Sun brings Divine Justice. It is the right hand of Capricorn, God’s Power in the earth trine. Justice will be delivered upon the left handed path of Capricorn, Taurus rebellion against Divine Law.

How does this play out? It plays out as the law of karma; we reap what we sow. The law states that you are what you think and you will become what you think today. You are today what you thought yesterday. That is to say that the past creates our current state, unless we choose to change the past by positive thinking today. This will change your tomorrows. It is cosmic law.

The Sun is in the 2nd decant of the 4th house of the nation and the American people. It also represents the I AM race of planet earth. We call them the 12 tribes of Israel. America has been described by the ascended masters as the heart of the planet.

The Virgo Sun is intercept in the 4th house by the Nadir at 29 Leo. The Moon in its full moon quarter amplifys the fear of the fallen angels in Pisces. They see the hand writing on the wall. They see the hand of Divine Justice descending upon them for their sins against the Woman and her seed, for their rebellion against the Divine Mother and her Christ children. The princes of this world know the cosmic cycles. They served with the Archangels in Heaven before their fall. They are fully aware of the Ruby Ray cycles of Cosmos.

They know this is the cosmic hour of the second coming of Christ, as Emmanuel with us. They know that the Sun of this solar system is now emerging from the galactic equator into an area of the galaxy that contains increasingly more intense light or photons. They know that Christ is come in the second coming, first in man who rises in the AIR quadrant, the Air Plane to the higher mental body to meet Jesus and his Father descending. This occurs in the etheric plane, our fire bodies. We will first become aware of this in our memory body corresponding to the fire element. This will over time decelerate and spiral into our mental bodies then our emotional bodies, finally in time into our physical world as we know it.

This will allow for God’s people on earth to adjust to the great light that is coming. Many now fear this. Fear in the animal kingdom, that they claim to be from, is a dangerous state to be in or to be around. Shun them. Their fear is imperil. It is the manifestation of the Seven Last Plagues. These, Revelations tells us, are sent into the world as Divine Justice, to force the fallen angels and their civilization, of their one world governance and new economic order, their global economy, the Prophets tell us, ” To Let My People Go”.

Divine Justice is come and needs to be ratified by God’s people in America and the World to ensure a free election so that Americans can freely choose in 2020 whom they serve, God or Mammon. It is man’s dominion in the earth that dictates that they MUST RATIFY God’s will, therefore his Divine Justice while the Sun is in Virgo in the emotional, desire body. Silence is consent.

The Sun will enter the the physical plane in Virgo on Sept 14th at 5:13 pm EDT. Divine Justice will enter the hearts of God’s people, intended to be received by a receptive heart, the heart of man’s Holy Christ Self in the second coming for their salvation or it will fall upon their hearts causing then to fail, for fear of God’s wrath. Revelations teaches God’s people that God’s wrath is delivered in seven bowls or vials. Each is designed to deliver the karma made by the fallen angels throughout the ages upon one of the seven rays, karma made with the seven Archangels. This is NOT the karma of God’s people. It will become so, if we do not separate out to become one people, one nation under one God. It will become our karma if we do not come apart and be a separate and chosen people elect unto God. Revelations chapter 18 verse 4 warns us very clearly come out of their global economy or receive HER karma.

Mankind on Terra has been, since 1975, in the Galactic Alignment of the Sun and its Solar System with the Galactic Equator. We are in the 46th and final year. Helios of the Sun is emerging into an area of the Galaxy where the photons are so much greater than our experiences on Earth for the last 10,000 years. The last time this occurred, 10,000 years ago the continents of MU and Atlantis sank beneath the sea and Antarctic sank beneath the Ice. 10,000 years ago Africa and the people of AFRA were united as one country, one people, one God. And India today was then called Suern and their people the Suerni were in a state of rebellion against their God.

The second coming of Christ will change the face of Terra. Jesus Christ told us 2000 years ago that when he comes, he comes bearing the sword of Divine Justice to divide the real from the unreal, the wheat from the Tares, the righteous from the wicked. He is come to remove from Earth the CAIN Civilization whose mark has been removed and whose time is up. We are told to come out of her, that scarlet woman who rides the scarlet beast or receive her karma. Read chapter 18. It describes the one world economy of International Capitalism and its religion or dogma and doctrine of one world Communism. The Barons of Industry hired Karl Marx to create a PARADIGM to replace Christianity. It is an ideology that throughout history has created a state of socio-economic politics, that denies God. It is the philosophy of the fallen angels who were cast out of Heaven with Lucifer and Satan and the Serpent, in their rebellion against the Father and his Son, Christ.

Things will accelerate rapidly once the SUN enters the physical plane in Virgo, tomorrow. This acceleration is heralding the second coming of Christ. You still have time to prepare him room in your TEMPLE, your four lower bodies. He is coming in Virgo to the Vestal Virgins who have lit up their home’s hearth, in the 4th house that rules in esoteric astrology our conditions in old age. Is your house, your temple lit up? Is there a fire burning on the hearth to welcome him? Is your LAMP lit? Do you have oil in your lamp in September 2020? Will he come and find a warn welcome in a well lit home? Or will you still be tied to the fallen angels and their materialist economy and their atheist ways that are Godless and manifesting extreme hatred of the Christ in the child with their sexual perversions and self hatred of Woman as Mother.

This latter applies to MAN also. It is the feminine principle in man that fell in the Garden of Eden. It was this perversion in man that was cast out of heaven’s mystery school called the Garden of Eden. The Greeks captured this in their history now called mythology of the coming of the Greeks and their Pantheon of gods, they called the Olympians, the fallen angels who reside on the 12th Planet as taught by Zachariah Sitchin . The Greeks came and conquered the Mediterranean civilization that was at that time, a Matriarchal civilization, introducing into western civilization the Patriarchal civilization. They tore down woman and even today in the Middle east woman is slave to man, his animal nature introduced into western civilization by the Greeks, servants of the gods, the CAIN civilization, the fallen angels.

History is not what we have been told. It is always written by the victors. Earth has been in constant war since the fallen angels were cast out of heaven into the earth and the Dragon went to war against the Woman and her seed.

The light of the Galaxy we are about to enter, in the days ahead is the light of the Cosmic Virgin. She is come to the harvest of her labors, in giving birth these last 46 years, to the Christ in Man, to separate out the TARES from the Wheat. The Harvest is the second coming. He is come for the JUDGMENT. The judgment is upon all who do not repent and make him welcome. The judgment, Revelations tells us is upon all who take the mark of the Beast in their hand or forehead…to buy and sell.

We are called and chosen to come out and be a separate people, one people, irrespective of race or color, language or creed. We have allowed the Serpent and his seed to divide and conquer us, for far too long. Just look at the state of Christianity…is it still not apparent? Do you still believe the serpent’s lie that you fell for, in the Garden so long ago? That lie was dialectic materialism and it is still rampant today amongst the seed of the wicked. COME OUT OF HER OR RECEIVE HER KARMA.

If you are tied to their global economy, to their fiscal and monetary policies and their paper money, perpetually inflated and without any value……only debt and credit DEBT. If the answer is yes then you are tied and when it collapses as described in chapter 18, hearts will begin to fail, for fear of what is coming upon the Earth. We have entered the roaring 20’s when last here in the 1920’s it ended with the crash in 1929. This will repeat itself in 2029, the 1st of 4 years of the 2nd term of the next President, elected by the people, for the people and most importantly, OF the people, a Christed one. A soul with oil in their lamps, the Lamb’s Wife. One who is come to do God’s will. We have been told by Mother Liberty that the fallen angels will be cast out of North America and that they will flee to Europe to receive their karma. This collapse of their economy will precipitate war across the European – Asiatic continent. God’s people will need to erect a wall of fire across the sub-continents of India and Scandinavia, if they are to remain free.

God has provided his people an alternative path that leads to soul freedom. One people (12 Tribes), one nation, one God. A separate people, united, indivisible, elect unto God. He has called you to come into unity, to come into COMMUNITY. The community of the Holy Spirit and be sealed from what is coming upon the nations. God prepared the wilderness for you, the Woman’s seed. Rise on the wings of the Great Eagle in Scorpio and fly from the Mountain in Capricorn and the office of the Flying Eagle by the authority of the Mother to the Wilderness to be sealed for a time till all that is written comes to pass and we can enter the Dawn of a New Day and the Promise be fulfilled.

This blog can be down loaded as a document from the Current Year page 2020.