Sun Enters Mental Plane in Sagittarius For Seven Solar Days. On Second Solar Day, Lunar Eclipse at 8 Gemini In 8th House.
2020 challenges are the hurdles on the Race Track that are laid out before us. The difference is they continue to pop up. On November 29th the Sun entered the mental plane in Sagittarius. The Sun’s ingress defines the next 7 solar days, 11/29 to 12/6. Each solar day the sun radiates to Earth’s evolutions one of the 7 rays nurturing each of the 7 chakras in turn, clearing the mind and consciousness so the soul can see clearly in the fog of war that has descended upon America and the world by the fallen angels and the Nephilim in 2020.
Revelations describes this battle as between Heaven and Hades, the Bottomless Pit, we are more familiar calling Hell. See document attached here.
The hurdle we face in this race to the finish line in America this fall is the Sun in Sagittarius intercept in the 3rd house. This hurdle states that if you want your victory in 2020, the Sun (SON) that started the race with the soul in Capricorn on winter solstice Dec 21st, 2019 passing through the four planes of consciousness, the four elements, now approaching the finish line at zero Capricorn, must pass through the challenge of the Sun intercept in the mind, the mental plane to test the soul’s bond to Heaven and the promise of the coming Christ and his Kingdom. This is not a idle promise. The alternative is to elect tyrants who do not follow any laws but the law of the ego. They would change history and Christ’s promise to return, take soul’s who have walked in his footsteps and attained oil in their 7 lamps or chakras, as the Lambs Wife, in the hour of the final judgment of these fallen angels who have been allowed to decide to follow Christ in America or to follow Lucifer to the second death. This is the hour that Greg Braden calls Zero Point. 2020 is the dividing of the way.
This makes completing the race the challenge of a lifetime and for those who understand, lifetimes. This is the conclusion at winter solstice 2020 of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction that began in 2000 that signaled the end of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the Kingdom come fulfilling the promise and the prophecy of Jesus Christ. This was when Revelations chapter 11 verse 1 & 2 began to play out. America is called and chosen to run this race. It began in 2000, now it is concluding this fall at winter solstice when a new cycle begins, a new Jupiter Saturn cycle that will deliver the judgment upon the Watchers in Capricorn (Psyche) and all tied to them through their Pluto, representing their Dweller-on-the -Threshold of consciousness. Mankind has tied themselves to the fallen angels through their minds by believing the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. Blaming Eve and Adam for their fall from Heaven. That story was a mythological, symbolical representation of what happened to you that caused you to be cast out of heaven, into the earth. Mankind through their betrayal of Christ and their sympathy and idolatry of the Watchers and their laggard evolution and the proverbial ” love of money ” and their god of lust and greed that is manifest as the Beasts out of the Sea and the Earth, Communism (Wormwood) and Capitalism. This is the harvest of the Wheat and the Tares. Heaven has waited till the harvest of souls as the Brides of Christ so that they could separate out and bundle the Tares, hence why 2020 has played out as it has. So that most are convinced that we can never go back to how it was before 2020.
Winter solstice 2020 during a very close Jupiter Saturn conjunction is being heralded as the “CHRISTMAS Star, the Bethlehem Star. Not seen since 1226 AD. The conjunction in 2020 of Jupiter Saturn Pluto has not occurred for 1800 years. The last heralded the 10th and last persecution of the Christians. So we see in 2020 the message of the stars that Christ and Antichrist is come forth to play out over the next 20 year Jupiter Saturn cycle.
Whom have you elected in 2020 to rule you going forward in 2021? Whom are you following going into the roaring 20s? What will be your ending in 2029 when the second term of the reign of Christ begins that will see the end of the cycle of war in 2032, the next Saturn Uranus conjunction? The cycle of war began with the current Saturn Uranus cycle, the conjunction of Feb 1988. Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Nostradamus both identified 3 Indicators of War associated with Saturn Uranus.
We are entering a new 12 year cycle when we will see many changes and the end of the cycle of war. With the second coming heralded by the Christmas star at winter solstice, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction, now we will see the final confrontation between Good and Evil, between Christ and Antichrist. Many of the prophecies of Revelations, given by Jesus to John the Beloved for our transition from Pisces (Age of the Fishes) into Aquarius, the restoration of the waters of the civilization of Woman as Mans equal partner. An Age when woman is elevated to the purity of the Majestic Cosmic Virgin. No longer subjugated by the Beasts out of the mouth of the Red Dragon, that old Serpent, Greek, Babylon, Persia and Rome, seen by the prophet Daniel.
So, we are in a race to the finish to see who will rule us individually or collectively, Christ or Antichrist. Voter fraud of Neptune in Pisces won’t change that. Whom have you elected to lead you? Whom will you be following into the New Year at winter solstice? Will you be found following the Christmas Star? Or will you be reporting to Herod in 2021?