Sun Enters Air Element, The Mind of Man
The Sun brings to man conscious awareness of his will. Man must choose to align with the Sun (his-her Sun sign), the Son of God in loving obedience in Taurus consciousness now that the soul is awakening.
Man chooses life or death by his free will. Man chooses to obey the divine plan of her soul as taught us by the Son of God, Jesus Christ or to follow the Dragon, that old Serpent called the Devil (Rev 20:2; Rev 12:15-17; Comet P12.).
Man stands in the earth in Taurus (April 27th, 2024, on the eve of America’s Solar Return and Birth cycle) and chooses to be filled with the will of the Father (Sun) and to follow his Son in loving obedience to the souls divine plan or the soul chooses to be influenced by the desires of man now playing out by the planets in the houses.
The attached chart shows the planets in the four quadrants. These represent planetary forces and inter-planetary forces influencing the consciousness of man in each of the twelve houses of our lives.
The meaning and the reading of these influences can be learned by those who seek to take responsibility for their lives, their actions, and their thoughts and feelings. After all we have been taught that a positive mind creates our future. What man thought yesterday, he becomes today and what he thinks today, he becomes tomorrow. This is the law of creation and has become perverted to serve man as the law of man, today. Sensual man has created the delusion of self-idols our mask in 1st house, in their lust for power…once held.. .long ago. Yet, all is illusion. For many, this is the end of time, the end of the line. This is their final rebellion, against God and his sons and daughters.
Previous posts this year tell of the stellar and planetary forces playing out upon our planet in the affairs of man. These forces have been described to us in the West in our Bible, the old and the new Testament books.
God has delivered his Word through his Prophets. He tells us through his prophet Ezekiel, that his Shepherds have betrayed him and his people, his “flock”. God delivered through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Book of Revelations to the Seven Churches, the Apostate Church, his judgment upon them, described in the 22 chapters of the Book of Revelations. He gave his message of salvation, hope and his grace to the faithful remnant within each of the seven religions upon Terra, the seven churches or congregational consciousness and their seven states of mind (Aries, first house) and the seven conditions of their consciousness. The origins of which come from our family mackerels and ancestral tree, our tribal totems and norms in the forming of the child in early childhood homes and environment. This is Chiron and this is its role in separating the soul from her bridegroom and keeping her from returning to God’s Garden in Eden come again in America, see Ezekiel).
Astrology and Prophecy cannot be separated. Yet both can be reduced to the mundane to serve fallen man’s purposes. That is to follow man’s programming and his childhood conditioning.
This website is dedicated to those who choose life not death. Cosmic Astrology is God’s science of navigating the Stars to guide the soul back to God through the external use of God’s Cosmic Clock, to direct the soul by her internal Clock of Destiny, to reconnect the soul to her Bridegroom, her Holy Christ Self to become the Son of Man, one with Jesus the Son of God, together with Our Father who art in Heaven, Emmanuel with us, the light of the World, and the eye in the coming storm. This is where Prophecy intersects divine astrology and guides the soul to fulfill her destiny. After all, Jesus taught us that all he did you will do and more because he goeth to our Father.
The next post will look into the Sun’s message to man as he transits Taurus to prepare man for all that is coming upon the planet and the way that man may choose to go, to the right and life or to the left and death. As many are choosing to follow the Olde Serpent once again, Rev 20:2 as the prophecies of Rev 12: 15-18 and Rev 13 play out in the heavens over America in 2024.
People look to the skies today and see psychic thralldom in its many headed manifestations as the desires of man’s hearts or they see God’s hand come to play out in the affairs of man, as God foretold in the books of his prophets, read them and pray for God to enlighten you. Ask and ye shall receive. It is cosmic law. Prove me, Jesus taught us, ask anything in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. He taught us, that whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. He taught us, “ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me”. He taught us, that we shall pray to him and he shall hear thee. Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee. And the light shall shine upon thy ways. Man, you are come to judge angels. If two of you agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask , it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Jesus taught us, “In my name shall you cast out devils, ye shall speak in new tongues, you shall take up serpents, and if ye drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
This is the true nature of man and of paradise lost. Now is the hour of the second advent. Now is the hour of the 40 days in the upper room. Now is the hour of the coming of the promise, at Pentecost 2024. Believe in God and his Son and walk by Faith. Fulfill the Word of God!