Coming Solar Eclipse and The Devil’s Comet
If we extend our consciousness from our immediate surroundings, i.e.. street level to say 100 miles up, we will have a spatial view of earth from space. From here we have a front row seat to witness the sowing this spring of the seed in the earth.
We have seen the hope of the world at the same time we have witnessed those who would be king unleash their war against God and his people as described in the Bible.
Now, beginning in 2024 we are about to witness God’s end game strategy. Man and his religion has re-made God in their image, an anthropomorphism. This is orthodox religion. Today, they have taken the final step. Revelations chapter 17 tells us in verse 14 that they have declared war on the Lamb and his called and chosen and (in 2024) “Still” Faithful. Verse 14 tells us that The Lamb and his own will defeat these 10 kings without crowns and the 8-headed Beast. God tells us throughout history that this is by Divine Intervention. In American history we call it Divine Providence.
It is the seed of Lucifer cast down into the earth and the sons of man followed them when they left the garden of Eden to follow the Serpent and his reasoning mind. All have comingled and intermarried here on earth in disobedience to the God of Israel and our father the seventh from Adam, Enoch. Our Father who art in heaven sent his Son Jesus to call us out from among the Nephilim nations to Unite in the 50 American States, we call the United States of America. Jesus taught us, what Enoch taught us, the modus operandi of these Luciferians, the Watchers and their seed. The Ancient of Days taught the prophet Daniel how this Dragon spewed out of its mouth 4 world empires or Beasts that have 10 horns or kings desiring empires or crowns. These are the illuminati and they resurface throughout history to revive their kingdoms. Today we see the face of the Illuminati described in the Book of Revelations as donkeys, elephants, and now Rhinos. George Washington identified them as the American Illuminati and their party system, designed by the globalists to divide and conqueror Americans, God’s people and return them to slavery under Antichrist and his prophet.
God, our Father loves his people, but not unconditionally. His love is predicated upon our obedience to his laws and his will as Jesus the Christ taught us. The fallen angels stand judged by our Father in Heaven as taught us by our father Enoch. The fallen angels strategy since Enoch’s day is to intermingle with God’s people to hide in plain sight, to be protected by the laws of God over men from the laws of God (Divine Justice in Virgo). They have murdered through genocide, God born in the womb. As when Jesus was born so today since WWII and the Club of Rome, abortion was the key to “zero population” not for the Nephilim, the sons of Belial who have increased to 8 billion on Earth today but God’s people of the Light.
This murder of God and his sons and daughters in the womb has brought the judgment of God to their doorsteps. This is the end game, for the Watchers and their children, the Luciferians, sometimes called the Satans.
The second Coming of Christ comes first in the people that they may recognize His coming and rise to meet Him in the AIR element, the Christ mind in the people of God who are awakening as our fore fathers did in the Rennainance. He is called the Rennainance Man for a reason and it was called then the coming in man of the Age of Reason through the cosmic and solar forces of God’s coming in man we called Divine Providence then, as now.
It is called the Great Awakening as the mind of awakened man is enlightened by God’s Cosmic-Solar rays of Illumination, by the Holy Spirit in man that we called then as today, the Spirit of 1776.
Where do these Cosmic-Solar rays come from? These rays come into the matter universe as Dark Matter or Dark Energy of which most of the mater universe in made up of. Solid matter makes up very little of the entire mass or volume of the matter universe. These rays then come form spirit into matter as dark energy or dark matter. Nasa monitors this as dark matter appears in space, at will. Meaning to say that it appears by divine will according to God’s WORD, his judgment. Dark energy has appeared between the Sun and Earth’s energy field and is of great concern to science and military space technologies, because they are vulnerable.
Understand, it is not only man and his technologies that are threatened but the aliens and their solar bases and their technologies that are concerned. They are the source of the falling stars that the bible records fall to earth. What makes them fall to be earthbound or imprisoned here on earth, Dante’s’ Inferno. It is God’s word manifest in matter as his energy in motion. We describe it by the term LIGHT SPEED. This no play on words. God works. This is the study of science. And it is the work of the Mystics in every religion that we in the west call saints.
So where is this all going? Man has studied the stars and their relationship to God’s will, his plan for Earth, for LIFE itself and for Death i.e.. the fallen angels, since earth began. Genesis is no imagination of some fertile minds as the fallen angels and their hatred of God or their denial of God, would have you believe. God has periodically throughout man’s history intervened in men’s and angel’s affairs. So he is today. It is recorded by George Washington, that he was told, “Son of the Republic, Watch and Learn”. So today, we are entering a Cosmic-Solar period of great transformation of man and life on earth as God has promised Israel, His People called today America.
What is occurring today began with the Rennainance, the great awakening ended the reign of terror, called the Dark Ages, by the Roman church. Not the church Christ founded, the Church Universal that cannot be destroyed but the Romans (the Beast of Rome of Daniel). The outer church the Tetrarchy founded that wiped out Jesus teachings and the early Christion communities that believed his word and followed the Lamb wherever he went. They were gifted by his Holy Spirit and they walked with God.
The Rennainance engendered in the Church the great Rebellion, the Protestant Rebellion and the Catholic Reformation and their Inquisition, then religious wars. God led his people to find his promised land that even native American tribes and the Aztecs had prophesies that this people was coming. In the 1700s man discovered once again, the planet Uranus, representing both the enlightened mind of God’s people only possible through universal brotherly love and the serpent mind of the illuminati’s children and their selfish love of Capitalism. It was the enlightened minds of the educated common mind that Alex De Tocqueville discovered as one of the key factors in the common man overthrowing the Nephilim Empire of the Capitalist Communist Conspiracy of the Illuminati, the fallen angels, the watchers of Jesus and Enoch’s teachings. So Uranus the White Horse of the Biblical Four Horsemen, the four angels out of the Euphrates River and the Four Tetra Moons of 2014-2015 represent the opposition in Earth to Divine love of Uranus between brothers, have declared war against the Lamb and his called , chosen and faithful. Uranus rules Aquarius Universal Love, the hope of the world, the law of love of God and man in juxtaposition to the anarchy and chaos of anger and hate, brother against brother.. This we will see is exploding in Uranus fashion as Pluto has entered Aquarius. We see these two extremes in Uranus’ two arms as what begins in spirit, fire from heaven at war with fire from hell that plays out in AIR Aquarius then plays out in the Air in the hearts and minds of men, in the AIR Gemini.
What followed the discovery of Uranus was the explosion of science and its harnessing by the Illuminati to limit the mind and its expansion amongst the people. This was exposed by Nicola Tesla who wrote in a Cincinnati magazine in 1900 that what he called the Cabal (Illuminati) was opposing the expansion of man’s consciousness under the influence of the SUN, by pulling down their consciousness by scientific means , the very vibration, frequency and velocity of man’s mind and consciousness.
This is we shall see is the battle for the mind and consciousness that occurs in the sign Aries and in the first house in early childhood. It is the nature and function of Chiron that in early upbringing and education of the child, the the man-child within, the spirit of man can be murdered, leaving a sort of mech-man. The fallen angels believe that by controlling the Air element and all it rules in man’s society they can control man as Nicolas Tesla witnessed to us.
There followed shortly after the discovery of Uranus (1700s) the discovery of Neptune in the 1800s. Neptune is known as the Christ mind in juxtaposition to its base mind of an animal nature as debauchery, deception, illusion and delusion, to name just a few. It rules drugs, escapism, and it rules Hollywood and the mind trapped in electronic unreality and its fantasy. It also, rules election fraud so prevalent today as a tool of the power elite to control America today. The outer planets exert a very powerful force on the four elements that form the planes of matter and man’s four bodies (his memories-every trauma of childhood programming, his thoughts, his logic, his reasoning and the hidden motives of his heart’s imagination of denied desires (it’s always greener….), it represents his feelings and emotion tied to his desires that blind the soul). Neptune rules disease of man’s psyche and rules how contagious these feelings are to his body and between the body of men. It rules therefore copycat actions, mass murders, suicides, and abortion, naming a few social diseases in society today. It also rules the collective mind, the hive mind, the mass conscious and it rules communism which is the fruit of the collective-mind. A mech-mind is no threat to the power elite by the masses.
In the 1900s (1930s) Pluto was discovered. It rules Nuclear power and the breaking not only the ATOM but the genetic code of the atom. The building blocks of creation. The illuminati are attempting to quote, “Take Heaven by Storm… “. Pluto represents Total War, the elimination of man and planet as prophesied by the Mayan gods to their people, aka, the Mayan Prophecy (2012).
So we see in recent decades and centuries that planet Earth has as did the Mayans and in truth every civilization of the last Grand Sidereal year, the last 25,800 years, the last twelve Ages, two cosmologies, Absolute Good and Absolute Evil.
These two cosmologies are playing out in our time, the end of time as the Mayan calendar foretold. And as the Illuminati and world Communism foretells.
Well, there is two sides to this history. God has his story, his history is about to be told. In fact, he is about to tell his own story, his way. It is written in the stars as the Bible foretells. It is the message of the stars. The mystery school of the Rose Cross, the Freemasons and the Rosicrucian’s all created by Sir Francis Bacon tells us the message of the stars is the message of the Cosmos Conception.
Today, those of us who care to study the stars understand the paramount nature of the Galactic Alignment 1975 through 2020. It is the birth of Christ in God’s people as he taught them through his Son and carried down to us through his disciples who were with him in the upper room 40 days following his Resurrection. It was their mission to keep Jesus transformation of God’s people alive, their redemption within the heart and spirit of the churches as Jesus taught how the fallen angels infiltrate the churches and take the leadership and corrupt man’s mind and soul.
Cosmology and the nature of energy flow in matter is important to understand the impact and influence of the Constellations upon all life on Earth. It guides and directs evolution upon earth back to God or to the second death.
The Galactic Alignment was prophesied by the Mayans and encoded within their calendar that covered one billion years. The alignment was of our Sun called Helios and his solar system (all within the system is sustained by the Sun as they revolve around the Sun’s elliptic. The Sun also revolves around the central Sun of our Galaxy currently in early Capricorn at approximately 1 degree. Note that our Galaxy revolves around a greater central sun at 1 degree Libra. In 1975 Helios entered the belt within the galaxy , Milky Way, seen at night as the dark band with few visible stars surrounded by untold numbers of stars. This black band is the galactic equator and is called in esoteric circles the womb of the Cosmic Mother. Helios entry heralded the birth of Christ in Man, the second coming of the Son of man. At winter solstice 2020 during the appearance of the Bethlehem Star, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. Helios and the Solar system began to emerge from the rift into the area of the Galaxy and great light. This has caused great consternation and anger and hate amongst the fallen angels and their children, eight and more of every ten people on earth. Gods people are a minority, but God has told us with God all things are possible and one with God is a majority. This is law, cosmic law. This is possible because evil is NOT real and we are told, evil has NO power….only what you allow to be given to them…only what YOU give them. So we are God taught to “COME APART, BE A SEPARATE CHOSEN PEOPLE….” you know the rest.
The Mayans tell us that during this Galactic Alignment 1975-2020, their two cosmologies would confront each other in a final battle during which they would loose to the alignment of the Cosmology of Helios and Sirius, the God Star that the fallen angels, that the Serpent in his hatred calls the dog star. They prophesied that during this confrontation that would occur, by their calendar in 2012 (during a solar eclipse at 0 degrees Gemini) the Feathered Serpent would return to earth, to the Mystery School, the promised Kingdom, Eden come again. This is NOT MYTH. This is playing out among men in America today.
The Mayans prophesied the coming of Cosmic Forces from the God Star recorded in Astrology come down to us from the ancient mystery schools of the Great White Brotherhood who rule GOD’s Kingdom in the Spirit Matter Universe from Sirius. In Astrology Scorpio transforms the soul from the Scorpion kingdom of Abaddon called Apollon or Apollyon, king of the legions from Hades called locusts with scorpion tails with the power to poison man as a scorpion does. Man in Scorpio evolves to escape this kingdom of Babylon by evolving as Eagles, the symbol of The God Star and the Symbol of America the nation on Earth sponsored by Sirius at Birth in 1776 at 13 Cancer conjoined the God Star.
Let us jump ahead to 2024 and the Cosmic Solar eclipse at 19 Aries 24 minutes conjoined exactly Chiron while the Comet called the Devil (P12) rounds the Sun following Spring Equinox and approaches closest to Earth in April to June. And all this while Jupiter makes an exact conjunction with Uranus, the White Horse, Revelations teaches us is the False Christs, the antichrists. They have gone to war against the Lamb and his called (AMericans-I AM Race worldwide) and chosen (sons and daughters-Apostles)) and faithful (Patriots-Actors and their appointed Leader, The President of the United States of America). Mother Mary has a strategy she is releasing through her messages at Medjugorje. Read Revelations chapter 17 verse 14. Because Americans for generations have been taught to keep the vision. That the day would come when the generation living who kept the vision, would know the truth and the truth would set them free. Those who in that generation lost the vision, their hearts would fail them for fear. What is this fear and this truth that is coming upon this generation of the wicked. How will it change everything? It is NOT a questioning of how can it possibly change anything right now. The latter is the boast of the sons of Pride and they will learn to late as their hearts fail. As it did them in the day of Noah’s flood.