2020 God’s Perspective

Capricorn each year and particularly this year describes what is in store for the year. It tells the soul what Gods plan is and provides us with divine direction for the soul’s journey through all four quadrants or elements. This provides the soul meaningful guidance as she travels through each, within her four lower bodies. The goal is to balance and to expand the three fold flame of the heart in each quadrant or plane of existence.

We recognize and interact on these planes through our corresponding “lower body”. Capricorn is on the 12 o’clock line, the blue or power flame of the heart that provides the soul God’s plan and direction for the year. It is how God communicates with the soul. It resides in the etheric plane that we access through our memory body, that is made of the fire element that makes up our fire or etheric body. Here is where Jesus Christ declared, Lo I am come to do my Father’s will.” “It is not I who doeth the work, it is the Father in me who worketh, I work hitherto.”

The Sun enters Capricorn to begin the new year, a new page in the soul’s journey on life’s way. This is winter solstice, 0 degrees Capricorn. Here is where God’s Power is experienced as a new thrust or investment of light /life to sustain life on the planet for the year. It enters Capricorn as the Sun’s purpose written in the heavens as the message of the stars. It provides life on earth the evolutionary path and divine plan for the civilization of the Mother and her children that gets anchored in Cancer and Leo to guide and direct the souls of the sons and daughters of God.

God’s light and his will plays out in the earth in our desire bodies on the water or astral plane as our feelings and emotions. These are driven by our desires, the ancients have taught as the source of all suffering on earth. This is where Armageddon has been playing out until now. In the battle for man’s soul and heart as man’s will (personality, ruled by the lunar forces) is set against the Father in the Son, the Sun and Solar Forces, called the hierarchies of the Sun, the Hidden Hand that has been operating behind the Nation since its foundation. These are the forces Jesus taught us, “It is the Father in me who doeth the work.”

If you and we collectively are to have our victory in this year of great change and converging of energies, of light and darkness we must understand what God’s plan for 2020 is to ensure we are not looking through the glass darkly. We must see with 2020 vision the plan for our individual soul and that of the nation; if we are to have our election sure. After all we are all aware now that Great Change is underway. The question is who is driving it? God’s will through his Son in the second coming. Or is it of human origin, the rebellion in the earth against the Coming of the Son. What is the meaning of all these planets being gathered in Capricorn in the final few years of the Galactic Alignment, that is ending this year? What is the inner spiritual meaning of the Galactic Alignment?

2020 is the foundation year for this new decade and for the next round of Cosmic Cycles or Divine Plan for Earth and Man that plays out over the next 12 years of the Cosmic Clock. What does it portend? How will the second coming of Christ play on this stage that is now set in 2020? How does the return of the Serpent prophesied by the ancient Mayans to the mystery school that is written as the wilderness to which the Woman and her child-man flee on the wings of a great eagle, America play out in all this that we are seeing in America in 2020?

Mankind is looking for answers. This predicates knowing what questions to ask then to have the Grail chalice within the inner heart to receive the answers. That is to say that the soul must have oil in the grail chalice to receive the flame, the fire from heaven. These answers to your questions are delivered to you in Capricorn, entering the etheric plane, your fire body wherein lies your memories and records of the answers. Your ability to listen by grace and to receive his message is directly proportionate to your ability to receive the Sun and the Son behind the Sun. This is the Second Coming. This is the measure of the Temple now being taken as described by John in Revelations. The measure taken this fall will determine on the outer, the 2020 election results. The latter will determine what is written as our future as we align with Heaven and Hell (Hades, its legions and their king, Abaddon we call Apollyon, in the western civilization with its Greek origins). See Revelations chapter 9 verse 11.

2020 Heaven's Perspective- The Light of Winter Solstice The Divine Plan for 2020 About to Conclude


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Owner: Sun Star Lunar Dragon

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 28-11-2020 15:12

2020 Heaven's Perspective- The Light of Winter Solstice The Divine Plan for 2020 About to Conclude.pdf

Sagittarius’ Message of the sun

Sagittarius, I SEE rules the throat chakra with its polarity Gemini. The test of our souls in this harvest season of 2020 is where is our sight. Is it on the inner or fixed on the outer? Who sees clearly through the glass darkly?

Who sees the HIDDEN HAND of God working behind the scenes playing out in America and the earth in 2020? Who receives Christ and his Father in their hearts in the fall of 2020? Who sees only the outer battle for America between Biden vs Trump?

Those who see the inner hand of God playing out in events this fall receive Christ and his Father or Guru and work the works of the Ages. Those who see only what is playing out with their two eyes see what they perceive with their intellect or what they believe to be, standing in the sea of the mass conscious of the lower mind (Gemini). Transpluto, representing the 12th planet and its pantheon of gods is in Virgo in the 5th house 2nd decant, the reformation of America, that we see playing out in this election year.

The Sagittarius Sun is measuring each soul’s devotion to the higher mind of Christ against the polarity of Gemini’s lower mind and the serpent’s reasoning and logic of those standing in the astral sea of the mass consciousness whose minds are programmed by the computers and generators of Transpluto, false hierarchy or pantheon of gods. These are referred to in the Book of Daniel as the four beasts or kings, the 4th beast having 10 horns or kings out of which comes the little horn. These are waging war against the second coming of Christ in your heart and his Kingdom come in the earth, in America.

In 2020, we are being tested to see, in Sagittarius, who has 2020 vision and has come to this cycle of initiation having remained faithful and prepared for the coming of Christ in the Temple of their hearts.

Gemini is the test of the soul who lives in the lower mental plane, in her lower mind, in duality of serving both God and Mammon, dual minded, warring in her members, as we see playing out amongst the people in America today. The test is to see in the Sagittarius cycle of 2020 who will meet the challenge of 2020 playing out this fall with single minded vision or with warring in their members, wanting the Kingdom but attached to our possessions, materialism. Still believing the lie of the Serpents Dialectic that caused our fall from the Garden of Eden, in the beginning.

The soul stands in Sagittarius with the SUN in the grand fire trine, the fire from Heaven to face Chiron in Aries, to receive her Holy Christ Self and Jesus and his Father in the second coming of Christ, Emmanuel with us in 2020. Versus those who have chosen at the Y in the road to build the kingdom in this world having believed the lie and opened the mind to the conditioning of Chiron of early childhood throughout the Ages of the soul’s incarnations. This is the dividing of the way of separating the Wheat from the Tares in the harvest of souls. Determining which souls have evolved to become the Brides of Christ in the alchemical marriage in the Wedding ceremony of the marriage of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife. Determining who shall inherit the Kingdom, Revelations chapter 20 verse 4 and 6.

The Messenger of the Sun, Mercury tells us to call upon the Sun, the Solar Hierarchs of Sagittarius on the 11 o’clock line to release the light of Sagittarius to expiate our karmic debts and to wash us seven times, on each of the solar days as the Sun transits our memory body on the etheric plane. To wash us clean of all ties to Chiron and the conditioning of our souls in early childhood throughout the soul’s evolution on earth, especially of all mood momentums and our soul’s attachments to material substance and the substance of the ego and its pride in Leo. So that in 2020 we may choose to elect to be ruled by Christ and not the human personality of the carnal mind and its ego’s pride that poisons the heart so that the soul has no oil in her heart chakra to burn brightly in the dark night of the soul’s return of her karma, in the hour of the soul’s choice between the human personality and its dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness or to receive Christ in the hour of the second coming, declaring their Independence as Christ incarnate in the second coming, in man.

The Election Drama

Sagittarius Testing The Soul of America

America has voted. Patriots and Loyalists alike. Both Antagonists and Protagonists are electing to define and change the future. The reality is that America is a reality and is defined. The election by the Patriots and Patriarchs is to defend the Constitution and our right to rule ourselves under Christ. The Loyalists have reincarnated since 1939 in waves. Hitler and Stalin called them the Hitler and communist youth. The second wave that began in December 1990 are called the Millennials.

The Loyalists are the fulfillment of the Mayan Prophecy and of Karl Marx’s Dialectic Materialism of World Communism. The latter was created as a Paradigm, a shift, within western civilization, from Christianity and the “Way of Jesus Christ”. It is a Capitalist, the Barons of Industry, Paradigm. It represents the conflict between Christ and the Fallen Angels who fell with Lucifer in their rebellion in Heaven against the Father God who created his Sons and Daughters, the Universal Christ who were placed under the protection and education of the Archangels, of whom Lucifer was their Leader. In Lucifer’s pride he rebelled in heaven taking one third of Heaven’s angels with him when he was defeated and cast into the matter universe, including Earth.

Because the fallen angels went to war with the Women and her Man-child, Revelation chapter 12 verse 12 & 13 when they were cast into the Earth; taking out their vengeance and retaliation against the Christ and his Mother. They took wives and had children. These children were the Cain civilization. Today we call them Babylon the Great and the Great Whore. On Atlantis we called them the Sons of Belial. Today they call themselves the Illuminati. The CIA call them the illuminati, the elite of Satan. See www.CIA.gov.

They went to war in the earth against the civilizations of the Mother, on the continent of MU and in the Mediterranean as is recorded in ancient Greek history, now called Greek Mythology. This caused karmic entanglements that trapped the fallen angels in embodiment thereby making them earth bound.

They went to war against the civilizations of the Mother and her Christ across the planet. The Woman and her seed cried out to heaven and Heaven answered. The Father sent his Archangels to bind these Watchers and the Fallen Angels Lucifer and his Lieutenants Satan, Serpent and hundreds of others in Hades, the River Euphrates, Tartarus all of which Christianity and the tribes of Israel call Hell.

Revelations teaches us how, in the end times, the end of the Piscean Age of Jesus Christ they were to be released to test the Sons and Daughters and the 144,000 who came with the Ancient of Days who have long walked the “Way of Christ” to evolve the soul to the attainment of the mastery of Pisces the sum of the 12 signs, the culmination of talents, fruit, oil, and the wedding garment. The souls of Man have come full circle on the Path of Initiation to become the Bride of Christ and meet the challenge of Antichrist and the Serpent which the Mayans prophesied returned during the Precession of the Equinoxes that occurred, according to their calendar, in May and December 2012.

Elections 2020 are the final testing of the souls of the American Patriots who are the culmination of western civilization Renaissance and the Great Enlightenment that founded the Christ Nation, the Wilderness prepared for Christ to rule themselves once more in the Earth under Christ. The obedience to the law of the Father and the Way of Love and Wisdom.

The Loyalists to Lucifer and his Lieutenants Satan and the Serpent, the Beasts out of the Bottomless Pit, have reincarnated increasing world population from 2 billion in the 1930s to almost 7.5 billion in 2020. They are the Hitler and Stalin Youth. Many were born during PLUTO’s transit of LEO and VIRGO. The second wave beginning in 1990 embodied while PLUTO transited Scorpio entering in 1983-1984 and when it entered Sagittarius in 1995. The previous round of Pluto in Scorpio was in 1490 and 1737 and Sagittarius was in 1740s and in 1503. The judgment of evil began in the matter universe in 1984 when PLUTO, our dwellers on the threshold of consciousness entered Scorpio. This was the beginning of the incarnation of those out of the PIT, called today the Millennials or Americans know them as the LOYALISTS.

The 2020 elections are the battle grounds for control of America. Americans (Patriots) have entered the third century of their Revolution to be governed by Christ in the earth. This began in 1975. The Revolution began with the first shots in 1775. In 1975 we entered the second century of the opening of the mystery schools to mankind with the release of the mystery teachings and the path of initiation. In 1975 the Solar system entered the Galactic Alignment. This path of initiation that began in 1975 under the Sun’s alignment was to last 46 years to give birth to Christ in Man, in you. This concludes in 2020 with the conclusion of the Path of Personal Christhood in Virgo in 2020 for the Second Coming of Christ, the Bridegroom to take his Brides to make them his Wife, the Lamb’s Wife.

The testing under the Sun’s transit of Sagittarius in 2020 is to separate out those who have OIL in their LAMPS. Those who can keep the VISION of Christ’s Victory in these ELECTIONS despite all to the contrary. This is the AGE of MIRACLES and the intercession of the HIDDEN HAND behind America.

Victory of God’s Plan for America and Your Soul in 2020

Sun Enters Sagittarius. Final Test to Determine the God Victory of the Soul in 2020 To Determine Who Will Rule America and the I AM Race in the Coming Cycles of the New Year.

Sagittarius presents to our souls and to America the final tests of 2020. The tests of our individual and collective souls will determine the souls victory and defeat in 2020 to rule herself. This is the testing of the soul to divide those whose self love would rule others by their volition that has become envy and jealousy of those chosen in the ending to be Brides of Christ. God’s plan for 2020 is to separate out the Wheat from the Tares. Who will pass their initiations in 2020 and the years final tests to determine who has elected to be ruled by Christ in 2020 at the end of 33 years on the path of personal Christhood? Who has oil in their lamps as the Sun enters Sagittarius and who of these will pass their final tests when those who do not have oil in their lamps come to take the oil of those who do? This is the SPARTAN test. Who will lay down their Sword and Shield to drink at the watering hole?

Who will be chosen by the Bridegroom to rule with Christ as Priest Scientists, the Kingdom come in the Earth? See Revelations chapter 20 verse 4-5-6.

Who will conqueror over those who would tear America down into chaos in their decision to follow Lucifer to the second death? In a final act of rebellion against our Father Mother God. All because Our Father decided to create his Son, the universal Christ in whom all souls were created to be his Brides, the Lambs Wife.

Their final act is to take out their revenge in envy and jealousy by attacking in Gemini by the Serpents reasoning and the carnality of duality, dual mindedness. This attack plays out in Gemini as the betrayal of Christ, the Bridegroom and those who are faithful in the ending, the Brides of Christ. It plays out in Cancer as the attack on the Home and Land of the People given them by God (see Revelation chapter 12) our HOMELAND. As Revelation chapter 12 teaches us by attempting to sweep the people from the land given them, by a great flood of the astral sea. This is the prophecy given the chelas by Guru Ma in 1985 that the fallen angels would change their strategy from attacking the Guru to attacking the chelas, to strip them from the Guru. This is the initiation and the testing on the Path of the Ruby Ray on the 12 o’clock line in Capricorn of Guru Ma and her unascended chelas who stand with the Woman Clothed-with-the-Sun and her Man-child who keep the mystery school in the Community of the Holy Spirit.

This test and cycle is in its 36th year, in Sagittarius. It is the souls testing to divide those who remain in the ending faithful to the Guru from those who attack the chelas who have oil in their lamps, as good works, now good karma about to descend. A GAME CHANGER. One that is known and feared by those who are being left behind in 2020, the unjust stewards. They know that this is the hour of the coming of the Father in his Sons and Daughters, the second coming of Christ in Man. In God’s Democracy, One with God is a majority . It heralds the Turning of Worlds. It heralds the preparations being made to escape the judgment that comes with the return of Merlin to Camelot.

The attack upon America is based on their envy and jealousy of the second coming of Christ and his anointing by the Father with the God Power in Capricorn over the Princes of the Air and all who have bowed before Satan on the Mountain of Capricorn these last four years, coinciding with the 1st term of President Trump. These are envious of the immortality of the Brides of Christ being won in 2020. They are jealous of the Love of the Father for the Son who is become one with his Bride whom he is taking to be his wife, the Lambs Wife. This was the cause of their rebellion in heaven and still now in their final rebellion before the final judgment that is now eminent.

The Sun in Sagittarius in 2020 is in the 3rd decant of the 7th house. The testings of our souls under our initiation in Sagittarius to fulfill the Divine Plan for this life time and for 2020 is whether we will publicly demonstrate in the 7th house our mastery of our devotion to the God Flame within our hearts to expiate our debts, our ties (7th house), our vibrations so that when the judgment comes it will find nothing in us. Thus the judgment becomes the salvation of the faithful while the judgment of the reprobate.

Mercury, the Messenger of the Sun and of the two Messengers who stand on the East Gate delivers the following message to the Faithful and Reprobate alike, to the just and unjust stewards alike.

Fulfill your responsibility (Scorpio 2nd decant) to implement policies to re-organize the Nation and the church. Fulfill your responsibilities to become Elders striving to fulfill the office of Christ. We stand in the 36th year of striving to fulfill the office of Christ to defend (in Cancer) the Guru (in Capricorn) in the hour when the attack upon the Christ to separate the faithful chelas who have BONDED to the the Guru and multiplied their talents, who have grown fruit upon their vines and produced oil in their lamps to light up a world as the Summit Lighthouse of Love in the organizations final four years coinciding with Christs Mission and the Second Term of President Trump.

Mercury is at 14 Scorpio stating that you must transform yourself to leave behind all carnality, its perceptions that poison the soul with the personality’s passions that are ruled by Mars and amplified and magnified by the Moon pulling down our consciousness below the heart to the lower chakras. This the soul must first do before she can invoke heaven and the Bridegroom for the wisdom of the 4th secret ray on the Path of the Ruby Ray to overcome our perceptions that tie us to these fallen angels at the subconscious and unconscious (Pluto) levels. We must break all ties to the past by invoking illuminations flame which consumes our ignorance which blinds us to the spiritual forces surrounding us and at our command in the Fall of 2020. It awakens the people to the Hidden Hand that has been moving through America and her people since its inception in 1776 and its birth in 1789.

Mercury, the Messengers are midpoint between the Sun and Venus, the faithful chela. By devotion to the Son , the soul is willing to expiate her debts, her ties, and her vibrations that are anathema to her beloved, Christ. All that separates the soul and Christ is cast into the heart flame and the soul washes 7 times in the pool of Bethesda. Thus the soul, Venus in the 3rd decant of the 6th house is able to stand in Sagittarius 2020 and renunciate Abaddon (3 Scorpio) and his Legions out of Hades (10 Cancer) remaining faithful to the Guru in the ending, as in the beginning. The soul is victorious because she uses all her resourcefulness (Scorpio 1st decant) to apply the Teachings in the science of Invocation to Command Heaven (Capricorn on the MC) to renunciate the Pantheon of Fallen Angels under Apollyon (Abaddon), all ties, all debts, all vibrations, perceptions, volition, and desires that would separate us from Christ and his Father, our Guru.

We are called to separate out from all that would cause us to fail our initiations in 2020, in the 6th house of service to the Christ and Teacher and to the Hidden Hand that has stood behind America and the I AM Race from the beginning.

Fall 2020 Play Book


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Owner: Sun Star Lunar Dragon

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-11-2020 13:09

Scorpio Sun Transits Physical Plane.pdf

Fall 2020 Play Book

Scorpio Sun Transit Physical Plane, Earth Element Nov 14th to Nov 21st when Sun enters Sagittarius.

Humans are marionettes. Their genetic programming makes humans a socialistically inclined animal, self-proclaimed. But not all are humans. God created Man in his image and likeness. Meaning to say, Mankind are as Moses told us, created to become immortal Gods. The Individualization of the God Flame. Man, the soul, is created to walk a path under the Divine Mother – Teacher to become the Son, his Sun sign. And to fulfill his destiny in the Second Coming of Christ in Man, to rise in the Air quadrant, the air element, the mental plane as the individualization of the God Flame within his heart. And to meet Jesus and his Father in the Air to take dominion in the earth over these Princes of the Air, the Fallen Angels and their human creation. This God Flame in the heart is a real physical flame, it beats the heart and rises to open the upper chakras until the Crown opens to become a thousand petal chakra spinning as Christ Illumination and we have seen as Buddhic Enlightenment, upon the completion of the Path of Personal Christhood and the 14 tests of the crucifixion that ends in the Resurrection and begins 50 years of walking in the earth as World Teachers with Jesus Christ. This is the promise and the prophecy.

So here we are, November 17th. What in the world is really going on? Many are calling, they are praying, “Oh God, help us“!

Read More. Open Document

Sun’s Transit through Scorpio and Sagittarius in 2020

Will define President Trump’s Second Term

Sun entered Scorpio during a new moon phase that would return to America her karma that will cause the people to decide if they will be ruled by Christ or Antichrist. Whether America will continue to be the Christ nation to which it was founded to fulfill the promise and the prophecy of Jesus Christ or whether it will fall to this generation out of Hades that began to embody in 1990.

Sun’s entry into Scorpio saw Moon conjunct Pluto at 22 Capricorn in the 3rd decant of the 9th house. This is to divide those who stand in Christ illumination versus those who stand bonded to their dweller-on-the threshold of their consciousness-subconsciousness to divide the wheat from the tares. America was founded by dividing the 13 colonies between the Patriots and the Loyalists, a ratio of 1:10 or one out of every ten colonists. So it is in America today. This election is not about majority-minority vote. It is about the vote of Christs People, the I AM Race of the American Israelites, the 12 Tribes of Israel come again in America versus the Amorites come to destroy America, the Promised Land and the Kingdom Age.

Summer Solstice, The Summer of 2020


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Owner: Sun Star Lunar Dragon

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 11-11-2020 20:06

Summer Solstice The Summer of 20201.pdf

Childhood Baggage and Our Condition in Old Age


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Owner: Sun Star Lunar Dragon

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 11-11-2020 20:05

Childhood Baggage and Our Condition in Old Age.pdf

Solar Cycles stepping down Cosmic Cycles to the Planetary Hierarchies, for the guidance, testing, and evolution of the race, "For The Turning of Worlds. The Torch is Passed". -Mother Astrea