Category Archives: Winter Quarter

The year began at winter solstice 2024. God’s will is the clock of his design cycling into the four planes of matter as his plan for us unfolds illumining his purpose for each one of us. Your astrology is the karmic debt that must be paid as the price of redemption. As the price is paid this illumination consumes our ignorance of his laws. Obedience to the laws of creation restores Peace within that begets Harmony. This is the fruit of our choices as the soul sits and is God taught, within. The early Christian communities called it Gnosis. They were called Gnostics, the followers of Christ.

Monday January 6th, 2020

Behind the Middle East -The Sun in Capricorn Enters the Emotional Plane

The kettle is boiling. Emotions are explosive and the people are angry. What is behind what is occurring in the Middle East? Furthermore, what is written, as the proverbial “hand writing on the wall“?

The attached chart shows the Suns entry into the emotional quadrant of Capricorn. Capricorn is on the Descendant which is conjunct Mother’s Mars, her chelas, a 17 minute orb. Mother’s chelas at 9 Capricorn 57 minutes is midpoint between Jupiter the Guru and Mercury the Messenger, a 2 minute orb. We are called to serve. We are called to battle, a spiritual battle

The devotee is called to stand on the Ascendant conjunct the Lunar North Node and take their stand in God Harmony to hold the balance for God playing out in events in the Middle East. What is going on in Capricorn? We are called to hold the balance for the initiation of the planet in Virgo, in 2020, in the 33rd year on the path of personal Christhood of the people of the planet under the initiation of their hearts, again in the 33rd year in Virgo that has broken out in IRAQ which is ruled by Virgo. Instead of love’s wisdom elevating the Middle East, the sense of injustice because their hearts are poisoned by the anger and hatred out picturing the outer form of their personalities as taught by Akshobhya Buddha. They are failing the initiation of the heart and have struck out at Saint Germain, hierarch of the Age of Aquarius who is Uncle Sam. They have attacked the US Embassy in IRAQ, with immediate justice the consequence.

What now? The hand writing is on the wall. What does it say?

We have entered the 33rd year in Virgo the Solar Plexus, the seat of our emotions and the records of our past on this dark dark planet. We on the planet are being initiated on the path of personal Christhood and the initiation of our hearts, now in the 33rd year in Virgo. We have two choices. We can get swept up in the returning karmic records of all Ages on this dark planet and re-play them in a final holocaust of great abuse of power and corruption. Unleashing unthinkable things upon mankind as a great global drama escalates opening the astral plane we call hell or Hades. We can easily sit back and get drawn in by just doing NOTHING, because we are vulnerable, anger begets anger, an eye for an eye, as events spiral out of hand and violence escalates. This is the choice of the fire storm of emotions unleashed.

Or, we can take the alternate path.

The path through VIRGO by wisdom’s flame and the perfection of renunciation of the left handed path in Virgo that unleashes the poison of the personality of man as anger and hatred in Capricorn. The soul can choose to take the RIGHT handed path and in loving obedience to the law, determined to stand in VIRGO in the Solar Plexus and pass through events that try men’s souls and enter Cosmic Christ Peace and let the love fires of Taurus consume all war and cries of war; let it consume as the teachings of the everlasting gospel sent out by G.L. and distributed by R.J., that describe, the Lord’s Judgment. The chelas of the Guru stand on the Descendant and invoke the Solar Ring to seal Death and Hell. They anchor Jesus Christ’s Heart Flame of Peace for Judgment. They call for the the sword of peace over the nations in the Middle East. Command war to cease, in the Name of God! Ratify the words of Jesus, “Let all who persist in war be consumed by the fires of peace.” Ratify Jesus call who has anchored his flame of PEACE in the earth, which shall be for judgment, this day.” Ratify his words, ” Let those who persist in their warfare, in their hatred, in their darkness receive that warfare, that hatred, that darkness upon themselves.” “Let them receive the judgment which they have meted upon themselves by their own actions, by their own misuse of the law.”

We are called in the 33rd year in Virgo and all on the planet are subject to this calling, to demonstrate in public (publicly), therefore in the seventh house, ruled by Capricorn, God Power manifest as the right handed path in Virgo, as God Justice for all who in their anger and hatred unleash that hatred as terrorism and anarchy in Taurus, the left handed path in Capricorn (Taurus), rebellion which is happening in Iran, ruled by Taurus. Iran, ruled by Taurus has played out the attack on the United States by attacking her Iraqi Embassy. This was the activity of Saturn Pluto conjunction, 35 minute orb, exact on January 12th. This playing out of the abuse of Power in Capricorn was in rebellion to Christ, in the second coming in man in America, under Uncle Sam. Instead of Capricorn playing out as diplomacy in the 7th house to achieve God Justice by taking the right handed path of Capricorn, in Virgo.

Instead Iran (Taurus) played out in Virgo on the left handed path in Iraq (Virgo) their hatred of God and his Son, come in his sons in America, the symbol to the planet of the second coming in man and the heart of the planet.

We must stand in Capricorn on the mountain in the 7th house with the Goats and face the Pluto Saturn conjunction in the 3rd decant of Capricorn, idealism, and rise to the Christ mind an employ diplomacy to diffuse world tensions that are rising as a barometer.

We do this on behalf of America, and mankind who have been denied the Knowledge of their calling in Christ in the second coming. We stand in the seventh house and invoke the flaming presence of Jesus Christ’s heart flame of Cosmic Christ PEACE to descend as the judgment of all that is not Christ PEACE>

Understand, Psyche (The Watchers) at 1 Capricorn in the 1st decant of Capricorn in the 3rd decant of the 6th house. The Watchers stand conjunct the Galactic Center at 1 Capricorn. They stand to prevent the light bearers from organizing themselves in the 1st decant of Capricorn and delivering a sound renunciation of this attack by Iran and their Iraqi co-conspirators on Uncle Sam and his Son in the sons and daughters of God in America.

Understand it is not what appears to the perception of man’s personalities, outer appearances of the outer mind, the carnal mind, but it is the deep super physical meaning of the playing out of the final battle of Armageddon, the warfare of SPIRIT that is taking place. Do not allow your consciousness to become the silencing of the Lambs. Because that is the sign and signal that comes just before the slaughter of the lambs by the wolves amongst us.

The significance of the Watchers now conjunct 1 Capricorn, the Galactic Center is that the galactic center is a BLACK HOLE. When seen it appears to be a great center of LIGHT. Make no mistake, it is a great concentration of light, of Elohim and of Seraphim. The Class of the Solar Ring, the New Years Class of 1983, New Years Day 1984, taught us about the judgment of evil in the Matter Universe and how they have sealed the Black Holes. Now in the 37th year.

The Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy is sealed by the light of Elohim that has sealed the darkness of this fallen one who has taken this galaxy to his own. The Watchers at 1 Capricorn are practicing GREAT Black Magic, the occult arts to open a hole to tie the people of earth to the fallen one in the Middle East, Abaddon also known as Apollyon at 3 Scorpio, to the Galactic false hierarch whose energy is sealed in the Galactic Center to free that energy, to establish a HARMONIC Convergence between the Middle East and the Galactic Center to unleash the final Battle of Armageddon, as the fallen are gathered in Capricorn to receive the judgment that is being delivered by the Guru, Jupiter and by the Cosmic Christ Maitreya, Saturn as Jupiter and Saturn converge to conjunct at Winter Solstice 2020 in Aquarius while Saturn and Jupiter both conjunct Pluto in 2020.

Mankind has been given a window of time that began at winter solstice 2016 with the elections in America on November 4th, 2016 when we all faced the 28 degree TSQ (Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo). We were given the initiation to choose to be or not to be. Would we choose the Sun or the Watchers at winter solstice through the choices we would make throughout 2017. This window continued at winter solstice 2017, and 2018, and now the fourth and final winter solstice 2019 to determine by our choices this year, in 2020 whether or not we will choose to be…in the Kingdom of God in the Aquarian Age or whether we will individually choose by our memories, our thoughts, our feelings (emotions) and our deeds …NOT TO BE. Many are rejecting the second coming of Christ (Jesus Christ) in man as they reject the love of the Divine Mother who comes in her SONs and Daughters. They are rejecting Uncle Sam come in Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, the Kingdom Age.

Simply, they have rejected the Prince of PEACE, choosing instead the princes of darkness , the Watchers and the Nephilim, Abaddon (at 1 CAP and 3 SCO). They are standing on the Mountain of Initiation in Capricorn and bowing before Satan, rejecting the Cosmic Christ Maitreya, the casual body of Saturn for its electronic belt. They are standing at the Y in the road and choosing to become instead their DWELLER-on-the-Threshold, that is now coming into their consciousness to confront the coming of Christ in Man.

Invoke the heart flame of Jesus Christ Peace for the Judgment of all who stand in 2020 on the Mountain and choose the LEFT-Handed_Path in Capricorn…Taurus, as has Iran. Bring down Cosmic Christ Peace…Diplomacy in the 7th house in Capricorn over the Middle East and over America. Less the engines of war are triggered by MARS that has just entered Sagittarius, around January 3rd. Mars will enter CAPRICORN to trigger an incendiary explosion by all gathered in Capricorn to carry out God’s judgment upon themselves as taught by the everlasting gospel. Americas must be sealed by Christ DIPLOMACY. We call it the Monroe Doctrine…that’s another story, yet to be told.

Sun in Pisces in the Physical plane, our physical bodies

Now is a time to purge the grave cloth that binds us to out worn ideas. Winter quarter is in its last 7 days before spring equinox. Spring is upon us shortly. A week today in fact at 5:58 pm ET.

Winter is the time when the divine is en printed on our inner being. It is when we have the urge within ourselves, divinely inspired, to change, to make way, to clear our consciousness to be open to a new spurt of life coming at spring equinox.

These inner changes must be allowed to pass out of our four lower bodies as spring arrives and consciousness wants to burst out with new and re-newed life. Spring arrives with an embrace and and a warmth of heart that brings new life and direction to the soul.

Spring is a time of contrasts where life bursts forth in one, fertile soil while in another the soil was not prepared over the fall and winter and it is full of the rocks of a hardened heart. This heart is not open to the change that is ready to burst out into consciousness. It rejects in fact that pulsating urge in the last week of Pisces. This soul has not found peace in winter only fear of what life will unfold in the spring.

Whereas in one we see the eager embracing of what life has in store, the husband ready for his bride. In the other we see toxins that are boiling inside ready to spring forth as anger and hatred at Equinox and the fields (of endeavor) will produce after their kind. Why is this? It is because whereas man was born equal not all men make their way equally. Some come to the fires of winter and embrace the night side, the Odic force. While others are forced to turn within by the cold snow of winter are left alone with stagnant inner energy. This energy churns and becomes toxic that now in spring becomes a poison.

Spring sees the planting of both kinds of seeds the life sustaining, nurturing seeds and toxic seeds of poison that if not uprooted will poison the land creating a blight. This is the message of the messenger of the Sun that stands with the Sun at 25 Pisces in the physical bodies of the earth and her people having prepared the soil , the fire body of man, the etheric body and filled it with the memory of life itself to bear after its own kind. The difference is the toxic heart is not looking outward in expectancy but is turned in upon herself and is become toxic. This outward springing forth is a cleansing and for many it is embraced as the soul embraces spring cleaning.

2019 The Calm Before The Storm part 2

What follows are a number of excerpts from the document the Calm Before The Storm Part 2. Go to Page The Current Year to download the entire document.

This is part two of The Calm Before the Storm document series.  Part one, The Introduction explained the cosmic cycles providing the backdrop against which the coming events of 2019 will play out as each one decides to be or not to be. This document looks at the overview of the year. What does the year have in store and when.

Now we are come full circle in 2019 in the 36th year of all the cycles given in 1984; the return of Maitreya’s Mystery School (May 31, 1984) and the opportunity given in the 33-year cycle to prepare for the Ascension (April 8th, 1984).  The Maha Chohan told us on February 21st, 1988 during the mega-conjunction at 0 Capricorn that we had begun the initiation of our hearts by the Holy Spirit and that those who assimilate the Guru and the teachings would out picture the cycles of the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter and for some the Christ mastery of the Moon. While those who, under the initiation of their hearts by the Holy Spirit, accommodate the Guru and the teachings would out picture (play out) the Four Horsemen, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The major configurations of the current year are portents of the karma that is come due for transmutation and of the challenges this karma will present the soul in 2019. Taken together with Part Three of the document, the detailed analysis of winter quarter 2019 and we understand the major themes that will play out throughout the seasons as the sun’s ingress of the 12 signs of the zodiac this year.  Understanding what the year portends we are able to apply the law in the initiation of the public demonstration of the law of personal Christhood in Leo in 2019 (11/1/1987).

12/21/2018 – Winter Solstice is at 5:23 pm.  The MC – IC axis of personal karma is at 18 Pisces (M.C.) and Virgo (I.C.). This karmic axis is conjoined the ghosts of our karma made under the eclipse windows of 18 Pisces on 3/8/2016 – a window that lasts till Mar 2020 and the 18 Virgo eclipse of 9/11/2007 – as we faced the opening of the 5th Vial (Rev 16:10) poured out upon the throne of the beast and his kingdom, as the housing boom began to unravel their hold. Add to this the karma of their attack on America on 9/11/2001 with the Sun at 18 Virgo, now we will see the returning karma as their accelerated judgment.

1/5/2019 Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn in 5th house 2nd decant of reformation of our world to accommodate ourselves to give us control or reformation of our inner world and outer world to provide a nurturing environment for the birth of Christ and raising up of women as the feminine principal from which she has fallen. This eclipse is conjoined the star Vega, the Mother and will bring out the divine feminine of the soul or in others the hatred of Mother because her light is intensifying the judgment of evil in the Matter Universe. This coincides with Mars triggering the YOD to Mother’s MC thereby accelerating the usurpation of the Guru and the subverting (reformation) of the Law and the Lawgiver. This is the confrontation with the dweller to become the dweller, or slay the dweller. All mankind is affected. Out of this confrontation will come the 2020 elections to be governed by Christ or America and the church will be ruled by antichrist.  2019 will see the return of our karma with the guru as lawgiver.

1/7/2019 Psyche (the Watchers) enters Capricorn in the 6th house 1st decant.  Now we see the gathering in Capricorn of the leadership of organizations, nations, the status quo and opposition to the status quo, the Law and the Lawgiver…Watchers (0); Mercury (4); Saturn (12); Sun (17); Pluto (20); DSC (25); South Node (27) degrees Capricorn.  Saturn conjuncts Pluto in January 2020 and then Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, followed by Saturn Jupiter conjunction at winter solstice 2020.  We will see a major change in consciousness as we did in the 1920s. All because the Watchers are engaged in Armageddon against the Guru, the Sons of Solitude, today known as the Great White Brotherhood of Light.

3/20/2019 Spring Equinox as the Sun enters Aries in the 7th house second decant.  The faithful declare their independence from the pride and ego of ambition that has driven them in the past and now is driving many to control their environment and livelihoods.  They are willing to sacrifice much to save their live-li-hood.  The Sun enters Aries conjoining Chiron.  Chiron is in the 3rd decant of the 7th house, calling for expiation (balancing) of our karma.  We are called to choose to be in Aries, free from our past conditioning that places on the altar of our hearts the false gods of materialism and its dialectic of lies that are the bricks around the heart that denies the Divine Mother entry to give birth. Allowing the Dragon to send its armies to abort the man-child in the hour of birth (manifest as the current abortion laws being passed, NY, NJ, …). Sun Chiron conjunction

2019 Winter Solstice

In 2019, the cycle of tens tells us that we are at the completion of an era, it is telling us that a finality will occur this year. This is the final stage of the period for which the current generations alive today have endeavored during the opportunity given to them. This is the ending that precedes a new beginning for the called-out ones upon the planet.  Cycles must be completed this year; the lessor self must be emptied so that the soul is ready for the new cycles that will begin in 2020. Between this year of endings and next year (2020) of new beginnings (24 months), mankind especially the 13th Tribe, will begin to pass through a transformation of civilization while they themselves are undergoing a period of self-transformation, the First Resurrection.

            Transformation is anticipated by all. In fact, it is eagerly being anticipated. But like adrenaline or too much caffeine it is often deceptive and misleading. One hundred years ago, in 1919 we stood on the cusp of a new century that promised much. But the self-proclaimed beautiful people became swallowed up in their self indulgence and the hedonism of the roaring twenties which when it crashed (1929) led to poverty, starvation, disease and war that began a genocide that took well over 100 million in an unprecedented, we thought holocaust.

            This last century was itself an ending, an ending of an age (Piscean), a millennium, a century and more.  It was the 10th stage of a greater cycle. While this century is the beginning of a new cycle (Aquarius) of personal freedom that our cosmology laid down for us by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that tells us is of our personal Christhood and of God Government in the new land, America. This is the place prepared through the ages for the fulfillment of the promise of the Ages, the renaissance nation for the renaissance man as promised by the God of Abraham to his people….to come apart and be a separate and chosen people. The Nephilim, with us today as the Illuminati in the Church and the nations are determined to stop this cycle of the mass exodus from the current, modern Egypt called Babylon The Great and the church age (while Pluto is in Capricorn, 2009-2024). This cosmology and the Everlasting Gospel tell us that the Dragon revives the Beast of Rome.

Jesus the Christ the Son of God left us a record, sealed by a judgment so it could not be altered like the rest of his cosmology and teachings by the Illuminati within the Church. This record is the Book of Revelations that tells us that this is the transition from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age that Jesus said would occur at the end of the 2000-year dispensation of the Age of Pisces (Revelations 20:4, the First Resurrection or Transformation). Revelations also tells us that at this time, at the end of the 2000 years, (in the 1990s) that the Fifth Angel would sound (the fifth trumpet judgment), it was then that John saw (in the 1990s) a star fall from heaven unto earth to whom was given the key to the bottomless pit which he opened (at Summer Solstice, June 1997), in Revelations chapter 9:2.  Here it is written, “There arose a smoke out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace. The sun and the air were darkened and there came out of the pit locusts upon the earth”. That is to say, that they came into embodiment in the 1990s; the Illuminati call them the Millennials, whom they are programming within their education institutions, by their mass media and information technologies to be revolutionaries, the long-sought Hitler youth and communist youth. They are programmed to bring in the Illuminati’s brave new world and new economic order of world totalitarianism and the next great holocaust.   

            You can verify this by doing a Google search on world population.  You will find that in 1800 the world population was 1 billion. In 1900 it was1.6 billion and by 1990it was 5.288 billion.  By way of co-measurement in 1940 the population is estimated to be 2.3 billion but with what has been called the Baby Boom it jumps in 50 years, in the span of less than two generations to 5.288 billion.  Beginning in 1990 to November 2018, in the span of one generation the population increased to 7.7 billion, an increase of 2.4 billion.  The United States went from 2.6 million in 1776 to 300 million in 2016.

            We see two great influxes of population.

            First, in the 50 years from 1940 to 1990, world population growth of 3 billion.

            Second, in last 28 years since 1990, world growth has been 2.4 billion

            Who are they, these 5.5 billion?  It is important to note that by the cosmology of the followers of the Law of the One God, the first group was the incarnation of the laggard evolutions and their Atlantean scientists who were responsible for the destruction of the continents of MU and Atlantis. They have gathered in the Middle East and are spread across the nations of the planet for the testing of the Sons of the Law of the One. Whether they will follow Christ and be governed by Christ as their Representatives in the Democracy of God Government as created in the Renaissance Land (America). Or whether they would choose to follow the false gods of materialism of world Capitalism and its religion Communism (dialectical materialism…secular humanism, the doctrine of the church of Satan).  Arnold Toynbee teaches that the populations of every civilization at one point, either spiritualize or they materialize and collapse at its peak, seemingly overnight because they all choose to follow the dominant minority (the first group). See Arnold Toynbee and his studies of the civilizations on the planet.

            Revelations also tells us who the second growth spurt are. They are the locusts, out of the bottomless pit (Revelations 9:3, July 1997).  They include those who are the bottom 10% of the evilest of the evil. They are the four angels loosed from the Euphrates river, come to lead the army of 200 million referred to in Revelations 9:16 (August 21, 1998). They are the legions of Gog and Magog.  They call them the Millennials.

this excerpt can be read in its entirety on the Current Year 2019 page winter quarter Titled “The Calm Before The Storm”.

Message to The Churches – Revelations – Messenger of the Sun

This year 2018 is a year of revelation. Revelation is the final message to the church. It addresses the seven states of rebellion against the one sent, the Mother Teacher, the Guru. It delivers the message to the Remnant in the church, providing them a road map for their Odyssey on their journey home. It describes for the faithful the challenges the rebellious ones will present the soul. As the soul must guard the New Jerusalem, the new etheric body, the seamless solar body being woven to provide the soul the garment to escape earth’s prison, the seat of the soul.  Cosmic Astrology and the Cosmic Clock provide the soul, knowledge to direct love in action in 2018 to navigate the chaos of the rising seas. The rising hatred of the castaways.  We see them midst our youth, they are murder. The twin doves with the scroll in their mouths went forth from Omega in the early 1980’s on New Year’s Eve.  They were given the final call. The school bell rang for the last time. All are called home. We are witnessing the final battle described in Revelations and Daniel and by Gautama Buddha on New Years Eve 1991, “the greatest battle in the history of the world”. This is the end times. We are (about to) entering the period of Daniel’s 70 weeks, the Tribulation.  This is the message of the stars. It is delivered by the Messenger of the Sun, Mercury. It is delivered to the Remnant.  It is delivered to the Remnant that they might navigate by the Stars through the coming storms as a means of making practical the teachings of the Everlasting Gospel. The teachings interpret (are the key to) the message of the stars. Seek the eye of the storm. Recede into the heart of our Mother, Teacher, our Guru, into the light. This is the message of the Stars, of Helios during the (coming) retrograde planets, planetoids, and asteroids (11 retrograde) in 2018.

February 15th was the eclipse of the Sun. The eclipse occurred at 27° Aquarius eight minutes in the seventh house of the chart for the nation drawn at the White House. This bulletin is given as a warning to all about the imminent peril that we face on the road on which we are journeying in 2018 and beyond. The threat is imminent.

[Note! I use the White House to chart (in order to read) the course of the nation as El Morya and the chelas hold the mantle of the Office of President. Also, because the White House is a physical focus of the Great White Brotherhood. The White House represents the office and mantle of the president held by the Christ who rules the church and nation. All astrological daily maps are drawn to this location representing the battle of Armageddon waging upon the streets of our nation and our congregations, the heart of the planet.

The Constitution of the United States, wherein the founding fathers have documented, the union between heaven and earth and without religion directing the hearts of men, the Republic must fall (so believed and so stated the Founding Fathers). The Constitution also wrote that there must be the separation of church and state, meaning that the state may not adopt a human religion as the state religion (organization); in place of our God in whom we trust. This means that this nation under God has rejected the dialectical materialism of the religion of capitalism that is world communism and its manifestation in the four beasts that the prophet Daniel saw coming out of the mouth of the Red Dragon, the fourth of which is the beast of Rome and its model which has been adopted by this Congress and Supreme Court in the interpretation of the separation of church and state, and the law (Civil vs Common). This is the initiation of the Piscean Age and this is the judgment of the coming Aquarian age.

 All must choose and so Jesus gave his Revelations through John the Revelator. Seven messages to the seven churches and to the remnant within each. Revelation teaches of the beast out of the bottomless pit with the seven heads, seven Kings and the beast that makes up the eighth.  These are the seven churches and the eighth to which Revelations has been given as a warning to all who have been called out from the 12 tribes and chosen to be the priests, the 13th tribe under the Knight Commander and his prophets. Revelations is given as a path of initiation and the seven and the eighth points of failure on the path. The points of departure from the Mystery School and the Guru.]

 The threat addressed here is the (im)peril to the soul that is rising from the depths of the astral plane, as the karma in the unconscious is released into the subconscious of the soul and the planet. Our soul came to 2017 and passed through. We stood before Maitreya at winter solstice and again in the Saturn return of the initiation of the heart, at Christmas. We stood before the Cosmic Christ again on New Year’s Day in the evaluation of our temple. All this in preparation for the coming testing of our souls in 2018 when on the path of initiation on the cosmic cross of white fire the soul, Maitreya teaches, must recede into the secret chamber of the heart into the light. Maitreya teaches that this must occur when the soul faces the confrontation with the fallen ones who would crucify the Christ who threatens their worldly rule in church and state. This threat is a severe testing of the soul in this lifetime.

In 2018 we will face the choice to recede into the secret chamber of the heart or to retrograde on the path as the soul will face, up to as many as 11 retrograde solar bodies [planets, planetoid’s and asteroids]. We have been given 33 years on the path of the Ascension in the Guru chela relationship on the path of initiation to return to Maitreya’s mystery school to face the serpent once again. The serpent returned during the precession of the equinoxes prophesied by the Mayan as the confrontation between Christ and antichrist, for who will rule the planet and the church(es), the soul of each one. We stand at the conclusion of the cycles of opportunity in the 22nd step in the 22nd chapter of Revelations for the playing out of the (final) prophecies of our soul’s journey home.

Revelations is given as a roadmap of the initiations that the soul must pass through in the confrontation with the princes of this world and of our church(es), who stand in the doorway and will not let you pass. They offer strong illusion, Serapis Bey tells us, to subdue our souls. This illusion is through the use of witchcraft and black magic as taught by Mother in the Climb the Highest Mountain series, Christ and Antichrist. The illusion manifests, Mother teaches, as the imagination of the heart to pull down the consciousness of the soul from the Cosmic Cross of White Fire into the crucifixion and the path of martyrdom. The Elohim and Maitreya teach that the soul must choose to fasten herself to the Cosmic Cross of White Fire. When in this initiation [on the 14 stations of the cross] with those who refuse to fasten themselves and who offer their alternative for us to follow; the soul must recede into the secret chamber of the heart, into the flame. Maitreya teaches this in his teaching titled, the Six-Pointed Star of the Lord of the World. (see reference # 19, and Part One of Document in this site’s page Current Year, titled Watering the Crop Containing the Blight.).

The Eclipse

This eclipse of the Sun on Thursday February 15th, takes place upon the stage of America and the planet against the backdrop of the eclipse of the Moon that occurred on January 31st 2018. The eclipse of the Moon is the eclipse of the Sun of the soul. Kuthumi teaches us, the eclipsing of the SON of the soul. The separating of the soul from the Christ. It is the fallen ones, silencing of the lambs. Kuthumi teaches that you are your Sun (sign) when you are the SON. You embody your Sun when you are the Christ. This, astrology teaches, is the lifelong initiation of every soul. This the Ascended Masters teach is the lifelong initiation of every soul on the journey home from the prison house of being earthbound slaves to the dominant egos (in our midst) who tear down every civilization of the Divine Mother as taught by the historian Arnold Toynbee and By Saint Germain.

The eclipse of the Moon on January 31st was a super blue, blood moon. This means that January saw two full moons, the blue moons. Super means the moon in its orbit was closest to the earth and of greatest influence. The blood moon means that this influence, manifesting on the mirror of the moon mother as blood, describes in Revelations the intensity of the confrontation between light and darkness that the soul finds herself, in 2018. Throughout history the English have come to experience the blue moons as a time of betrayal. We witnessed this in the betrayal of Thomas Becket and Thomas More and the betrayal of Saint Germain in his embodiments. This is a time during which a window has opened that will manifest in thought, word, deed, and feelings over the next six months that will haunt the soul on her journey (far beyond this six-month window) as the ghosts of Hamlet that will continually plagued the soul until they are transmuted by the violet flame or the death of the soul (by Neptune, the pale horse, Death and hell following).

The eclipse of the moon opened a six-month window when the actions, motives thoughts and feelings of the soul will determine what direction the soul will take in 2018. Whether the soul will recede (retrograde +) into the heart into the secret chamber and into the flame. Or whether the soul will retrograde (-) in the face of the confrontation with those who are at war with Sanat Kumara and his chelas the Ascended Masters. The anti-church and her anti-apostles and false pastors, who have incarnated out of the bottomless pit (into America and the Church (es) and have gone to war against Mother and the community and against America. These are the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray and those, Rose of Light has taught us, who are tied to them, still.

The soul finds herself standing on the battlefield between the hierarchy of the Ruby Ray on the right and the false hierarchy the Ruby Ray on the left and must understand what they are perceiving. The soul must invoke illumination’s flame to light the way and God Vision to discern the spirits to know who is who and what is what. To know whether what is being said is the truth or in esoteric astrology is propaganda, the marketing of the(ir) lie (third decant of Aries and of the first house); the spreading (infiltration) of false teachings in the church and the nation. We are taught in the choosing to the right or to the left that we must not choose what seems right, the end of which is death and hell. We are taught to choose life. We are taught to choose light and that our journey into the light will be light. Why this play on words?  Is it?

We stand in the astral sea in our mental body and we are our karma (it is a weight pulling us down). This is the law. We are called out (of our karmic pattern of repeating the past) and are chosen to walk the path that will lead to the filling in of the Office and Mantle of our Christ Self. On the journey of the Odyssey of our soul we face the initiation with many tests till we arrive at the integration of personal Christhood, in the Transfiguration. This integration of the soul occurs on the 22 steps of the Ascension, in Revelations which plays out measured in time on the cosmic clock, for 33 years. When we arrive at the 34th year (2017 & 2018) as Mark Prophet and Mother did, as Jesus did; we stand at the River Jordan before the Guru to be anointed to play our roles on the stage in the final episodes of the great drama as taught by Morya and Mother.

Only the Christ can change the outcome from repeating the past. Saint Germain has told us the destruction of every Golden age and of every activity of the Great White Brotherhood was (is) by dialectical materialism, it is the threat we face today.  It is the lie behind everything we face today. It is the threat Mother and Elohim taught in 1993 that was being released in the January 1994 mega conjunction and that we must re-organize to meet this threat… of change (Remember accelerated learning and PHOTO reading and El Morya’s teaching on the coming technology that we must keep up with the accelerating knowledge and technology and if we didn’t teach our children to engage they would become slaves to the technocrats, remember!). Re-organization itself would become that threat, we call it Reformation, the counter revolution to the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, as taught by Mother. The Reformation of the Organization and the Nation (10 degree Taurus Sun) by the stewards to whom the Torch is passed.  (NOTE! The Reformation of the Age of Enlightenment was called the Age of Reason. It was launched by the Beast of the Illuminati and the Scarlet Woman who rode the beast, the anti-church of Rome. It was called the Reformation, the dividing and conquering of the Church, by the Jesuits). These same players have returned to the stage, it is the same story repeating itself, again.  It is given that now, you who stand upon the stage may finally recede into the heart of the Mother Teacher and standing in the flame, in the light, in the fire of the heart plunge the Sword of Truth into the lie. (See Archeia Aurora, Vials of the Seven Last Plagues.)

We know what dialectical materialism is but do we know what it means. Dialectical states that this is the logic, this is the reasoning used by those proposing (poisoning us with) their propaganda, their marketing of their truth, the lie. It seems right but in the end is death. This is the initiation before the serpent at the gate of Maitreya’s mystery school before the soul enters in the secret chamber of the heart and into the light. This is the initiation of the soul on the path of initiation of personal Christhood, the mastery of the knowledge of absolute good and absolute evil and all of the lies of relative good and evil. This was the initiation we failed long ago in the mystery school and throughout the ages, since. This is the price to be paid to reenter the mystery school, to leave off hiding from Maitreya and enter his heart through the heart of his Messengers as taught by Maitreya and the Goddess of Liberty. (see Mother Mary, August 25, 1991, the person and logic of the black magician who led us from the mystery school.)

The stage is set; the soul stands upon the stage of illusion with her script that is her destiny and must navigate from the River Jordan over the next three years of initiation and testing. The immediate test that each soul faces is the departure from the River Jordan standing at the point in the center before the guru. The soul must choose the angle of God’s consciousness on the 360 degrees that she will take to begin her journey. Will she choose life not death? What direction will she go?

The eclipse of the moon, at 11° 37 minutes of Leo in the sixth house first decant, is the measure of the soul’s achievement in service to the guru. The guru in this case is Guru Ma and the Sun behind the Sun is El Morya, the first ray on the soul’s journey to God mastery with the Chohan’s of the rays. Guru Ma is also the teacher, the Terton (the Mother of all Knowledge) who is the key to entering the heart of Padmasambhava who brings us to the heart of Jesus and the initiations under the hierarchy of the Ruby Ray. The eclipse is at 11°.  Eleven in numerology is revelation, revelation is gnosis. The chart pattern is a basket, the handle is between Uranus at 24° Aries and the eclipse Moon at 11° Leo. The midpoint of the handle is 18° Gemini. This falls in the fourth house, first decant. This midpoint is conjunct the United States Chiron in the US 10th house at 18 Gemini. All the returning karma, the energy rising from the unconscious into the subconscious is contained in the basket. All this energy is playing out through the US Chiron at 18° Gemini by the power elite who control America through their control of the White House. The power elite stand in opposition to El Morya and Saint Germain who hold the office at the head of the government of the people and the sponsorship of the nation, for the gathering of God’s people, worldwide. The eclipse of the Sun of the soul of the people at 11° Leo in the sixth house is the testing of the soul, that will determine who will rule the church and the state. It will determine whether this generation will reform the nation and church so it is unable to contain the light of sponsorship.

Gemini on the midheaven of the nation rules the White House and the executive branch of the US government. Chiron in Gemini in the 10th house rules the conditioning, of those who enter the White House, by the power elite the wealthy in America and around the world who control this office (the 13 families behind the Federal Reserve). Chiron is the measure of this conditioning of those in the White House in service to their masters, in the betrayal of America. This judgment of the betrayal of the destiny of America is now in its 34th year. The judgment having been given in 1988. The fallen ones know the science of the Ruby Ray. Maitreya tells us that they use science and technology to know the cycles and to plan their preemption of the cycles of our initiations. They have put in place their plans to be carried out in 2018 (and beyond) to direct the people through strong illusion to betray [the super blue blood eclipse of the Moon, the Sun/Son of the soul] Morya and Saint Germain and their prophets [Rev 10:7; 11:7].

This great drama is playing out in America and the church through their natal Sun, at 10° Taurus that forms the grand square formed by the Sun 11° Aquarius, the Moon 11° Leo, CUT/USA Sun at 10° Taurus and the midpoint at 11° Scorpio of Jupiter and Apollyon [the Great White Brotherhood  and the pantheon of gods of the Nephilim]. This configuration during the eclipse of the Moon represents the choice of the soul to fasten herself to the Cosmic Cross of White Fire and in the testing of the soul by the Testers, to recede into the secret chamber of the heart, into the flame (Testers, Maha Chohan teaches are the accommodators of the Guru and the path who play out the karma returned by the four horsemen, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and their trigger, Mars). Or to succumb to the Testers who have failed to assimilate the initiations under El Morya and Saint Germain and their messengers in America and the church [see Maha Chohan, Feb 21, 1988, The Mandate of the Holy Spirit, Loves Testing of a Planet and a People Vol 31 No. 29]. The latter, the Testers are playing out their karma delivered by the four horsemen, as pawns of the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray as they are programmed by strong illusion to crucify the faithful (to repress, to suppress the voice of the word incarnate and of the Lamb’s Wife). This programming directs their soul’s motivation and ambition within the organization of the nation and the church.

The test is whether the soul will succumb to the pressure of the testing or let go and enter the heart. The Testers come in their logic and reasoning as the betrayers, the clock of betrayers referred to in the Ritual of Exorcism on the 6 o’clock line who usurp the office and subvert the authority of the sons and daughters of God who keep the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant with the 144,000 and the remnant of the seed of the woman. This is the battle playing out in America and the church in 2018; who will rule, El Morya and his messenger or those who have accommodated El Morya and his messengers and Saint Germain and his prophets. The outcome is the survival of the church and the nation.

Mother and Elohim prophesied this in 1993 in advance of the mega conjunction in Capricorn of seven planets within a 9° orb; with Pluto and Saturn square in Scorpio and Aquarius. This configuration we were told was the trigger of either the destruction of the nation and the church or their reorganization under the spiritual leadership of Saint Germain and El Morya and the laws and the code of conduct set forth in preparation for the passing of the torch of the continuity of the word from the guru to her chelas. These chelas are the assimilators of the word, who are the white cube of the church on the North Gate in Cancer and those in Capricorn, Guru Ma and her chelas and the Woman Clothed with the Sun and her Manchild, who keep Maitreya’s mystery school in the Western Shambala on the South Gate.

The Sun at 10° Taurus in the lunar eclipse second house second decant describes the struggle of the soul to make the right choice and to maintain the tie in loving obedience to the heart of the Guru midst the rebellion of those who have accommodated God in this (and many) lifetime and who have become the protagonists used by God to test the souls of the faithful. These accommodators are all who stand outside the circle of oneness with the Guru as the spiritual head of the nation and the church who stand in the grand square in the vortex of the energies within the basket at the mercy of the power elite of the nation and the church. (In God Reality there is only one church of Christ, we are called to come apart (the pioneers), one people, one nation, one God.  We are the 13th Tribe, the Priests, to the Twelve Tribes. There is none other.)

Revelations we are told describes the seven states of consciousness of the church. Revelations also describes the eighth state of consciousness representing the 13th tribe of those in the sixth house called to serve Mother, the community and America. All who stand outside the circle of oneness face the initiation by the false hierarchy of the planet instead of the hierarchy of the Ruby Ray under Maitreya. They risk being crucified by the false hierarchy as taught by Maitreya. The Elohim have told us to not allow this to happen. The risk is too great to the soul to come to Golgotha and be on the cross, to the left or the right. The false hierarchy have determined through strong illusion to cause the soul to reject the Christ upon Golgotha. Mother, Lanello and Archeia Aurora have all stated the prophecy that in the end only a handful will remain faithful to the Guru. The faithful are those who follow the initiation and the teachings of Maitreya and in the face of the confrontation, who recede (retrograde +) into the heart. They are simply not there to be influenced in the outer by the 11 retrograde (-) planets in 2018. Retrograde has a positive and a negative energy, all are choosing the polarity of the energy they will play out in 2018 and beyond, by their words and works, you will know them.

Mars in the eclipse chart is at 3° Sagittarius in the ninth house second decant. Mars at 3° Sagittarius is called in the devotion of the heart to the heart of the guru.  Mars as the word incarnate is called to explore the way (through) by faith, to recede into the secret chamber of the heart. There to enter the flame, the kingdom of God, the consciousness of God. Mars is the unloving boy child and the loving boy child. Mars stands at 3° Sagittarius on the US nadir [3° Sagittarius]. It represents the people and their homeland, at the ranch and America, both places given by Saint Germain to this people, the 12 tribes of Israel and those called to be the 13th tribe as the place prepared to stand their ground in the confrontation between absolute good and absolute evil and when the dust is settled to inherit the earth and rebuild.

Mars stands upon the subconscious of the nation with the unconscious rising into the subconscious in 2018 of this returning karma of the pantheon of gods of the Nephilim and must choose to come apart and be a separate chosen people elect unto our God, in whom we trust [written on our money controlled by the second house in Taurus]. Revelation admonishes us, in Rev 18:4 to come out of her or receive her karma. The ritual of exorcism teaches us that the Scarlet Woman who rides the Scarlet Beast is the false hierarchy the Ruby Ray number four, the antichurch and her anti-apostles and false pastors who subvert the authority of Sanat Kumara and his chelas the Ascended Masters. The map of the stars of the lunar eclipse teaches the soul that if Mars, the unloving boy child rejects the love of the Divine Mother manifest in the Guru Saint Germain and his prophets, in Maitreya and his messengers, in El Morya and his messengers, then the outcome will be Vesta at 7° Sagittarius conjunct Mars in the ninth house.

Vesta is an asteroid, one of the largest pieces of the planet Maldek. It contains the records of the rejection of the love of the Divine Mother and the Ascended Masters and their chelas who were the embodiment of the Divine Mother (and her Manchild) on Maldek. These records are now playing out on the earth in the great drama for the souls of the 12 Tribes and the 13th Tribe of Israel in the earth. History is repeating itself and only the raising up of the Christ (within) can change the fate of the returning karma, now playing out in 2018 the beginning of the final years of the dark night of the soul, leading up to the coming Tribulation.

The Solar Eclipse of Feb 2018, the Prophecy of 1994.

On February 15th the eclipse of the Sun of the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on the planet occurred at 27° Aquarius eight minutes in the seventh house third decant on the cusp of the eighth house. This is the testing of the soul on the path of initiation in the guru chela relationship on the journey of the Odyssey of the soul returning home in the Ascension.  It is under the initiation and testing of Maitreya in the mystery school in the Western Shambala, the heart of the planet, America.

The midpoint between Neptune and Venus is 9° Pisces. This midpoint conjuncts Mother’s Venus in her ninth house representing her chelas who have assimilated the guru, the teachings, and the path. (As taught by Mother and Maha Cohan). It is to eclipse all opposition to the chela that would strip the chela from the Guru, and once again from the mystery school.

The eclipse of the Sun of the I AM Presence of each soul is at 27° Aquarius conjunct the 1994 mega-conjunction’s Saturn. The eclipse triggers the threat to the church and the nation that will destroy them if the prophecy given by the Elohim and Mother in 1993 is not fulfilled. The soul must attain to and hold fast her personal Christhood in the individualization of the God flame. This must occur by the soul standing on the Ascendant at 8° Leo conjunct the Lunar North Node at 14° Leo. The soul must enter the heart during the confrontation with antichrist and recede into the secret chamber of the heart and into the flame, in the individualization (or crystallization) of the God flame. Thus, saving the church and the nation, but above all the individual soul.

Mother told us before her transition that the hour is very late and the responsibility of each soul is to save their own soul; so late and so dire is the hour. The soul must choose in 2018 whom they will follow; whom they will listen to, the guru or those who cry in her name peace, peace, peace when there is no peace.

The south node of the soul of each person stands at 14° Aquarius. The Elohim have told us the south node represents the carnality of the soul, its records, momentums, habits, its propensities, its predilections. The soul stands in the seventh house drawing all to herself, that are like herself. Like attracts like. They come in the Mirror of the Moon Mother to reflect to the soul that which is within, that the soul might bend the knee and repent and be saved. This is the prophecy of Mother Mary at Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje [see the prophecy of the 1990s, A Prophecy of War, page 45, POW Vol 31].

The midpoint of the South Node and the Descendant is 11° Aquarius opposing the lunar eclipse at 11° Leo, of the super blue, blood moon. The eclipse of the Sun of the soul who is standing in the seventh house choosing whom they will follow, either the Ascended Masters who are unlike the soul (who is their karma) calling them to come out of her (the anti-church) or receive her karma or those who are like the soul standing in their own karma that is about to descend upon their heads as an avalanche.

The karma of the 7th house in which they are standing and in which they are about to be engulfed is the karma of the policies (or by-laws) of the organization of the church and the nation that are separating church from state, the people from Saint Germain and El Morya to follow after the civilization of the Nephilim and their dialectical materialism. A civilization without spiritual leadership or a rudder (articles of faith/teachings vs articles of incorporation/covenant once altered by man the covenant is broken) other than those who claim to be the leaders and demand that you follow and that they will lead you to Christ.

Revelations (Matthew 24 the Great Tribulation), tells us to not believe their lie nor follow them for their way is death, and hell, the way of Maldek, they are out picturing the archetypical pattern of the electronic belt of Neptune, the pale horse, and death and hell follows. This is the archetype coming into manifestation of the third antichrist. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in October 1996 at the ranch told us to watch for the coming of the third antichrist and that we, those in attendance and who would hear his dictation, would know him when he comes. You will know him like you know your wife, your son, your friend. Meaning, you will know with certainty, gnosis.

We will know the third antichrist when he comes. Why? Because we will take our stand for truth and in the confrontation in the mastery of the soul enter the secret chamber of the heart, receding into the flame of our own individualization of the God flame or we will be pulled down by the consciousness of the archetypical pattern of the third antichrist and be crucified. [Study Maitreya’s dictation, the Six-Pointed Star of the Lord of the World].

The faithful soul stands as Venus at 6° Pisces and faces the testing of the soul integrated in Christ during this eclipse window lasting three years ten months. Venus is conjunct Mother’s Venus at 9° Pisces, the midpoint between Neptune and Venus in the eighth house. The soul standing in the bond to the messenger faces strong illusion created by the accommodators to subdue the soul. This is the testing of the soul. To the faithful it is the sign to go within. To those who struggle on the path and in America with ties to the material civilization and being dual minded; they will be torn between the illusion and the promise.

The faithful standing in the Christ mind of Neptune, the causal body (of Neptune) will stand one pointed and invoke the light of the flame of illumination to consume the mists of illusion. These souls stand in the eighth house second decant to fulfill their responsibility (to the Guru, the Ascended Masters) by being true to themselves and able to stand at Venus at 6° Pisces and access all the resourcefulness of their Christ mind in God mastery (Pisces) over Neptunian illusion and the hypnosis of the perversion of etheric body in Pisces [see 6.04 decree the 12 o’clock line perversions] and the human condition of fear and death.

These souls bonded to their Christ recede into the Christ flame in the heart and receive Maitreya and his messenger and work the works of the ages for the judgment of evil in the matter universe. They make the calls, invoking the light on the midheaven standing in the causal body of Uranus in the face of those who reject the love of the Guru for the chela, who out picture the electronic belt of Uranus, the white horse who comes to deliver war.

The faithful recognize the initiation and the testing, they recognize the Testers they know the teachings and the law. They make the calls to eclipse all opposition to the Sun, who is the Christ, the Son standing on the East gate in Aries on the midheaven in the continuity of the word as the spiritual leaders of this church and this nation. They uphold the arms of the guru in the judgment of all who are of the false hierarchy the Ruby Ray who have come to usurp the office and subvert the authority of the rightful heirs, the rulers of the Kingdom. This is the astrology playing out as the causal bodies and the electronic belts of the planets, as the energies vying for the soul, of Christ and antichrist, Uranus and Neptune.

The messenger of the Sun, of the solar eclipse, Mercury at 25° Aquarius stands with the Sun in the third decant of the seventh house calling the soul to wash herself and all her relationships so that the soul can be cut free from all ties that the law dictates and remain tied to all with whom we have ties. We are called to be consciously aware, to make the call and stand in illumination’s flame in the ninth house third decant in the causal body of Uranus, in divine love of the chelas for the Guru. The soul is thereby illumined by wisdom’s flame and is now able to make the call to consume the darkness that would devour our brothers and sisters and those who are struggling in Taurus in the second decant to obey the law and be protected in this confrontation with the accommodators of the word who seek to usurp the authority of the rightful heirs (to govern as Christ).

Mother gave her July 4 address in 1996 and told every Keeper of the Flame that they would stand in the shoes that Hamlet stood in, facing our uncle (people we have close ties with) who usurp the role of Christ and that we would have to choose to be or not to be. We would have to trust in the Lord and work the works of the age. The leap of faith. The soul is called to expiate all that opposes the souls bond to her holy Christ self, to her God reality by those with whom we are tied who pull us this way and that way.

The soul is called to stand in both the lunar and solar eclipses at 11° Scorpio, the midpoint between the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood, Jupiter at 21/22 Scorpio and the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray, Apollyon at 2 Scorpio. The soul stands on this point in juxtaposition between the forces of light and the forces of darkness and must take her stand in America and the church in 2018 during the six-month window of the lunar eclipse so that the soul may stand bonded to her Holy Christ self and I AM Presence, her Sun during the window of the next three years and 10 months as this great drama comes to a conclusion.

The key to this initiation of the soul is Saturn. The electronic belt of Saturn represents the suffering of the soul because she has allowed herself to be divided and conquered and because she has allowed the separation from the guru because she believed the lie. Mother prophesied in 1985, 34 years ago, that we would stand at this point of the juncture on the path when we would have to decide whether we would allow the soul to be stripped from the guru. Mother prophesied this in 1985 following her trial. She stated that the fallen ones would change their strategy from attacking the guru to attacking the chelas. They would now begin in 1985 to strip the chelas from the guru, by the lie (of the serpent in the garden).

In 2018, 34 years later the soul is called to meet this challenge, to make the call as the word incarnate. We are the rightful heirs to the spiritual leadership of this church, the mystical body of Christ to whom the torch is passed. You know this because you are who you are, you know who you are and you command heaven’s intercession.  We command the angels to intercede on behalf of the people of this church and this nation (worldwide) that we keep sacred the trust given to us, this land.

So, Venus stands in the eighth house first decant and calls upon the resourcefulness of her causal body to meet all challenges to her soul, to the church, to the community, and to the nation in 2018. The soul makes the calls to expiate, to transmute all errors against Christ and the Guru in the third decant of the seventh house, of all that divides and conquers the body of Lightbearers by the Satans and the serpent on the East Gate. They (Venus) call for the transmutation of all that opposes Guru Ma and her chelas in Capricorn who occupies the Office of the Flying Eagle and all that opposes the Woman Clothed with the Sun and her Manchild who keep the mystery school in the Western Shambala. We call for the binding of all who would usurp and subvert the office of the continuity of the word who would take us back to Egypt and the worship of the Golden Calf, and their civilization of Babylon the great whore and its dialectical materialism, the beast of Rome, the new roman church, revived by the Dragon.

The soul stands on the North Gate in Cancer (6 o’clock) and makes the calls and invokes illuminations flame to protect the land and the nation and all who embody the Mother, who keep the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant against the Accuser of the Brethren and against Abaddon and his clock of betrayers who have now come forth in the eclipse of the super blue blood Moon betraying the office of the Guru and their own office of Christ whom they have been called and chosen to occupy (as Elders). They have chosen instead to accommodate the office and to usurp that office and subvert the authority of those who have assimilated the path and embody that authority.

The accommodators are standing on the South Node at 14° Aquarius in the seventh house first decant where they defend their policies which are designed to separate the spiritual office and authority from the matter office of the stewards that they might claim that authority as the unjust stewards. Their logic is designed to strip the chelas from the guru and by the threat of persecution force the soul to follow them. Their way is death because they are unable to draw down the wealth of heaven to sustain the church or the nation. Their way is debt, karmic debt the weight of which is descending as an avalanche. (the avalanche of their own karma).

God has provided the means to meet this challenge during the eclipse window, that ends in late 2021, a kite. The basis of the kite is the trine formed by Uranus, Transpluto and Psyche at 29° Sagittarius. The kite forms when we add the sextiles between Transpluto and the Watchers formed by the Nadir – Apollyon conjunction. A second kite is formed to the trine by the sextiles formed by the solar eclipse and Mercury. These kites provide the means to rise above the energies as Eagles. As the soul enters into the secret chamber of the heart in the initiation then into the flame. Therein is the ultimate transformation into the Phoenix, in the individualization of the God flame.

2018, will witness the confrontation between Christ and antichrist. The strategy of darkness is to strip the chelas from the guru. The 9 o’clock line in Libra is the 10th station of the cross when the woman and her seed are stripped of their garments. This is the initiation on the cosmic cross of white fire of the stripping of the soul of the carnal mind and the synthetic self and its carnality under Maitreya. Or under the Nephilim it is the stripping of the chelas of the office they hold and their position or standing in community (10th house or Capricorn). Their strategy is to create a psychological trauma within the soul so as to convince the soul that they can no longer make a difference. This is strong illusion created, Serapis Bey says, to subdue the soul. Helios tells us in his dictation of the judgment of the power elite on July 4, 1991 to not allow the fallen ones to eclipse the Sun of your I AM Presence or the Sun of the soul. The soul must make the call to eclipse all opposition to it’s bond to her holy Christ Self and her bond to the Guru, the lineage of the Guru.

This is the prophecy that Mother gave in 1985 following her trial as the planetary dark forces work against the chelas and with the coming of the initiation of the heart in 1988 and the testing of the assimilation or the accommodation of the path and the guru. God allows the fallen ones to test the chelas. Mother has told staff that many of her chelas fail their initiations in the sixth house of service to the guru and that her chelas, represented by her Mars at 9° Capricorn 57 minutes in her sixth house fail at this point of service to the guru (through desire and self-love).

Sanat Kumara teaches of the soul’s initiation on the path of personal Christhood on the path of the Ruby Ray. He teaches that these initiations of the Ruby Ray are understood by understanding the false hierarchy and the failure of the initiation and its tests described in the ritual of exorcism. This strategy of the fallen ones began in 1985 and now as the soul stands in the 34th year in 2018 on the 9 o’clock line of Libra (on the West Gate) to begin (in the 34th year) the mission of our personal Christ, the woman and her seed are stripped of their garments.

How are the chelas stripped? The lunar eclipse occurred during the super blue blood Moon at 11° Leo in the sixth house, of the service to the guru. This was the second full moon in January. The first full moon was on January 1st 2018. January 1st marked the 32nd year in Leo of the Cosmic Christ’s evaluation of the temple [of the soul], of all the 12 tribes of Israel and of Jerusalem (Maitreya, 1/1/1987). January 1st marked the eighth station of the cross when the woman and her seed console the holy women. The second full moon, on January 31st marked the eclipse of the Sun of the soul, whether the soul believes the strong illusion of the accommodators of the word whose judgment went forth in 1984 as the judgment of the betrayers of the word, on the first Ray, of power. God power in Capricorn, abused and misused by the soul’s desire for position and status in the community, in esoteric astrology is defined as ambition. This plays out in the third decant of Leo and in the third decant of the fifth house in the solar eclipse occupied by the Watchers (Psyche at 29 Sagittarius) and Saturn at 6° Capricorn.

In the solar eclipse chart the stripping of the chelas from the guru plays out within the soul, on the ascendant. The soul faces the choice to receive her holy Christ self and Maitreya and work the works of the age or to reject the initiation and the holy Christ self and leave off the initiation, as the soul begins the retrograde journey back down the mountain during the increasing number of retrograde planets as we move through the year, till we reach 11 retrogrades.

The soul faces the choice of the relationship to the guru and her holy Christ self or their position and standing in the community or in their profession (Capricorn or 10th house) as the fallen ones deny their position as they deny the Christ of the soul, the Sun. The Satans stand in Saturn at 6° Capricorn in the fifth house third decant of ambition and betray the guru and her chelas as Rich Richards did Thomas More. This is the cult of greed, craving and materialism as the soul makes their choice standing on the mountain with Satan and Maitreya, Saturn.

It is important to understand the relationship between the lunar eclipse of January 31st and the solar eclipse on February 15th. The lunar eclipse occurred in the lunar chart at 11° Leo in the sixth house of service to the guru. In the solar eclipse chart 11° Leo is the midpoint between the Ascendant at 8° Leo and the Lunar North Node 14° Leo. The soul invokes the light to eclipse all opposition to the Sun of the soul (as taught by Mother) or the Sun of the soul is eclipsed by the fallen ones. The soul is deciding to act on the ascendant to be or not to be on the North Node, the individualization of the God flame.

The 11° Leo midpoint is in polarity to 11° Aquarius in the seventh house, the midpoint between the Lunar South Node at 14° Aquarius and the Descendant. 11° Aquarius falls in the seventh house first decant of the soul’s ability to assimilate the inspiration of her holy Christ self and the Guru in dealing with the policies within the organization and the nation.

Additionally, the soul stands in relationship to the Guru and to each other in the community at 11° Aquarius on the midpoint between the personal and planetary dweller on the threshold of Pluto at 20° Capricorn (the dweller of the chelas and the people standing on the Descendant of Guru Ma at 20 Capricorn). This represents those who have been stripped from the guru on the cusp of the seventh house. These are standing in the sixth house of the unjust stewards who have taken to themselves the office and the authority of the Guru. Or rejecting that service as their calling to be an Elder, their calling to defend the Guru) and 2° Pisces the midpoint between Venus and the eighth house cusp. This midpoint just described at 11° Aquarius between the dweller and Venus and the eighth house cusp represents the choice of the soul Venus in the eighth house to call upon the Lord and command the forces of heaven to bind the forces opposing the Guru and her chelas and their office and authority in the church and the nation.

The soul must decide in this initiation to choose between the cult of materialism described in the ritual of exorcism and the individualization of the God flame. The soul must decide which will have dominion in the church and the nation. Remember the eclipse of the Sun of the soul is the eclipsing of the Son of the soul, the separating of the soul from her Christ self, stripping the chelas from the guru. The Guru stands in relationship to our Christ selves, as we attain to the office of Chela.

In the initiation of the heart we are in the station of the cross on the 9 o’clock line in Libra of the stripping of the garments (2/21/1988). This initiation is for the stripping of the soul of the strong illusion of the fallen ones and all outer accouterments that ties the soul to the civilization of Babylon and their cult of greed, craving and materialism. Receding into the light, the soul knows the burden of the light and its joy.

In January 1994 Saturn was at 27° Sagittarius during the mega conjunction squaring Pluto at 27° Scorpio. The eclipse of the Sun (Feb 15th, 2018) occurred at 27° Aquarius in the seventh house third decant where the soul must expiate (transmute) by washing seven times of all desires that ties the soul to the material realm. All ties to the Nephilim and their civilization will manifest in Aquarius as the repression of the Nephilim, of the Christ in you. This is the meaning of the solar eclipse at 27° Aquarius in the seventh house. It is the testing of the bond between the soul and the heart of the Guru for the purpose of bonding to the heart of Maitreya and the safety of the Ark. [See Goddess of Liberty August 10, 1985, the 24-Year Plan].

In the solar eclipse chart, Transpluto at 1° Virgo in the second house of the money supply and the light of the people is where the aliens and their spacecraft and computers are programming the minds of the people in the second house (ruled by Taurus) to rebel. The people are being programed in their astral body with the strong sense of injustice because of the repression of their soul by those who are eclipsed of the Sun of their I AM Presence under the solar eclipse.

This programming is designed to strip the chelas from Guru MA and El Morya and to divide and conquer the community and Nation. Transpluto at 1° Virgo is in opposition to the midpoint between Venus and the Sun at 1° 38 minutes Pisces. This opposition is exact within an eight-minute orb. This opposition to the soul’s union with God reinforces the opposition from the lunar eclipse to the midpoint between the Ascendant and the North Node at 11° Aquarius which is the midpoint between the dweller on the threshold of the self and others and this one degree Pisces (conjoined 2 Pisces) which is the midpoint between Venus in the eighth house cusp as well as Venus in the solar eclipse.

Mother saw this encounter within the community and the nation that would threaten the existence of the church and the nation. She prophesied to us this threat in her July 4 address in 1993 following the coming of the Elohim in the spring.  They came in order to prepare the soul for the coming of the mega conjunction in Capricorn in January 1994 and the Saturn Pluto square at 27° Aquarius to 27° Scorpio that would destroy our church and our nation if the challenge is not met and conquered. To change this prophecy, we need to rise to our Christ attainment by bending the knee in Capricorn. Mark Prophet, Mother and the archangels have told us that in the end few will still be faithful. Every Keeper of the Flame must decide how this prophecy will play out.  They will, Mother said on July 4th, 1996, determine to be or not to be.

The Masters and their teachings and the Bible teach that in the end, if time is not shortened even the elect will be deceived. God is shortening time for the elect as taught by Serapis Bey in the 14-month cycles on the 14 rays of the causal body. The cycles are speeding up, at the same time the cycles are being shortened for the elect. This means that the initiations and the testings are being compressed into shorter time; so that as many will be saved, as can be. The message of the eclipse of the Sun is to wash seven times the soul of their karma, the carnality of the South Node, and the illusion that the soul entertains in Neptune. The soul is being warned to wash seven times of her ambition in the fifth house third decant of the Watchers, Psyche at 29° Sagittarius and Saturn at 6° Capricorn. This ambition is causing the soul to fail their initiations on the mountain of initiation with the Testers, Saturn. As Maitreya is testing our souls, as to who rules? Will the soul rule herself and pass the initiations or coming to the mountain of initiation to be tested, succumb to the illusion and make the choice to rule others without passing the initiation of the Christ dominion over Antichrist?

The soul stands in the shoes of Hamlet as Mother prophesied to the Keepers of the Flame in her July 4 address in 1996, to be or not to be, Christ. And so, the soul stands on the Ascendant at 8° Leo during the solar eclipse conjunct the aliens and their spacecraft, Transpluto in Mother’s natal chart. The soul stands conjunct Mother’s 2nd house cusp, at the apex of her Yod to Mother’s chelas, those who assimilate the path the teachings and the guru at 9° Pisces, Mother’s Venus and those who accommodate the Guru and the teachings at 9° Capricorn Mother’s Mars. The later is the point in the sixth house where the chelas fail their initiations, as taught by Mother.

Mars at 9° Capricorn is conjunct the black moon Lilith in the solar eclipse chart at 10° Capricorn eight minutes with an 11-minute orb. Mother’s Yod (Y in the road) is the message to her chelas to enter into the heart of the guru in order to enter the heart of Maitreya and in doing so recede into the flame in the individualization of the God flame. This Yod indicates the fork in the road for the chelas of the Guru, the choice to assimilate or to accommodate. The decision to assimilate at 9° Pisces is the midpoint in the solar eclipse chart between Neptune and Venus. This is the warning to the soul of the strong illusion used by the fallen angels to subdue the soul. It is also the message to the chelas to enter into the love of the guru for the chelas and the chelas for the guru and in that love receive the Christ self, the Christ mind of the causal body of Neptune and in that mind receive the consciousness of God’s illumination and wisdom to dissolve the illusion.

This Yod in Mothers natal chart represents the strategy of the fallen angels to use the science and technology of the knowledge of the Ruby Ray initiations of the soul against the soul to strip the chelas from the guru. Study the false hierarchies of the Ruby Ray to understand their strategy and to know the cycles of the Ruby Ray of the initiations of our souls. We are told to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We need to know what the fallen ones know about our path of initiation and our cycles of testing. Then we will meet the enemy, knowing our self and knowing their strategy in the moment of our soul’s testing and we can bend like El Morya says, as the reed in the winds of the Holy Spirit and not be uprooted like the mighty oak.

During this window (3 yr. 10 mo.) of the solar eclipse of the Sun, the soul stands at the crossroads of the Yod to choose the path going forward, the right-handed or the left-handed path. The soul also, stands in the initiation and must decide to fasten herself to the cosmic cross of white fire and recede into the heart or to remain and allow the fallen ones to repress the soul, to crucify the soul as taught by Maitreya in his dictation titled, the Six-Pointed Star of the Lord of the World.

The apex of the Yod is formed by the cusp of the third house of the disciple at 25° Virgo in the solar eclipse chart. Standing on the apex in the first decant of the third house, the soul is standing at the fork in the road and must choose which way to go, Uranus on the midheaven at 25° Aries or Mercury at 25° Aquarius in the seventh house. The Yod is about the decision to take the right-handed path or the left-handed path as taught by Mother in the Climb the Highest Mountain Series, Christ and Antichrist.

The teachings about the Yod is that this is the decision point, the choice that seemeth right, but the end of which is death. The soul of the devotee is given the choice to slay the dweller or to become the dweller. In Virgo we can move counterclockwise in this seemingly right path of Virgo through Libra, Scorpio to Mercury in Aquarius. Or in Virgo we can move clockwise through Leo and Cancer to Uranus in Aries. The seemingly right way, counterclockwise leads to death as the soul passes through the fallen ones and their dominance in the fourth fifth and six houses demanding group think and codependency. Moving clockwise the soul arrives at Aries having passed the test in Leo of entering the heart, the secret chamber and receding into the light. The soul then arrives at 25° Aries in the causal body of Uranus in the return current of the love of the chela for the guru and standing on the midheaven calls upon the Lord and arcs the light from the Great Central Sun through the galactic alignment to Helios.

We enter the flame of Helios and the Sun behind the Sun to the center of the galaxy (the galactic alignment 1975-2020) back to the Great Central Sun around which our galaxy revolves and anchors that light in the earth to consume the energy veil and the planetary karma that would destroy the church and destroy the nation and the many souls that could be lost. What good to the soul if she would stand with the Guru (Jupiter) but has not slain her dweller, so is unable to keep the vigil in the garden of Gethsemane.

The Guru stands in spiritual warfare against the chelas dweller, personal and planetary. The soul who has not slain the dweller cannot discern the behavior of the Guru. Once having slain the enemy within, the soul is now able to discern the actions of the Guru on behalf of the greater good and can now keep the vigil.

Mother Mary teaches us about grand trines, for example the water trine, the right-handed path of Pisces manifests God Mastery in Scorpio as God Vision whereas the left-handed path of Pisces manifests as doubt and fear and paralysis in the defense of the Mother and the Mother land in Cancer within the nation and her people and one’s own soul. The issue of clockwise versus counterclockwise is because we stand in the karma of our astrology in the center of our astrological chart which we carry with us everywhere. It revolves around us beneath the Naval counterclockwise and in the earth it seemeth right. But we are standing in the astral sea in the lower mental plane and looking up through the lens of the sea and we see the sky and the Sun (darkly) and when the Sun rises we see it move in action in Aries, moving counterclockwise. In fact, in the sky the Sun rises in Aries on the cosmic clock of the 3 o’clock line and moves clockwise through the signs. We are seeing through a glass darkly. We are seeing through the mirror of the moon mother, as taught by Kuthumi. We are seeing inversely.

This is the relationship of the cosmic clock and the (esoteric) astrological clock of destiny. The soul uses astrology to guide her as to which way to go because the intellect, the serpentine logic and the programming of the mind tells us the way to go and it seemeth right. This is because the illusion they create is strong but Serapis Bey teaches it is designed so to subdue the soul. The fallen angels manipulate the energies to choreograph behaviors and events using witchcraft and black magic to create strong illusion to lead the souls during the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon when the soul is being tested. They subdue the soul through strong illusion to the sleep of death and to the silencing of the lambs as they force the soul to agree to compromise thereby polluting consciousness in the four lower bodies. Therefore, the disciple standing on the third house cusp who must rely upon her soul sense of intuition to pass the test now finds her consciousness polluted by illusion and the reasoning and logic of the serpent; the soul senses are silenced.

The right choice for the soul is the right-handed path that leads to the conscious invocation of illumination’s flame standing as Uranus in the ninth house in the third decant of illumination’s flame calling upon heaven to illumine the soul, to divide the real from the unreal of those standing on Uranus in its electronic belt at 25° Aries in the third decant of Aries, propaganda, the marketing of the lie.

Discernment of spirits and of the truth and the lie come to the soul through the loves fires of the causal body of Uranus the highest love.  Uranus is the love of the guru for the chelas and the return of that love from the chelas to the guru by wise dominion in illumination’s flame. Now the disciple standing on the third house cusp in the soul’s intuition receives illuminations flame as the voice of Christ their Lord, directs through them (in the science of Invocation) the armies of heaven sent to intercede on behalf of the soul to counter the forces arrayed against the soul, the community and the planet.

Standing in the flame of illumination the soul calls upon heaven to eclipse all opposition to the Sun of the Mighty I AM Presence and to the Sun of the soul, the Holy Christ Self. The soul calls for the eclipsing of all opposition from the Testers. This turns back upon these fallen ones all of their karma. The fallen ones stand eclipsed of the light accelerating for their final judgment. The soul calls for the binding of these forces and their witchcraft and their black magic to free the many who follow striving to fulfill their destiny under the clock of their destiny, the astrology of their karma and their testings.

The alternative is to follow the logic of the serpent that shuts out the spirit and creates their own law, civil law to replace God’s law, common law that states that God is above man and above government. Civil law does not recognize God having separated church and state. Civil law defines the exercise of freedom (articles of incorporation) at the whim of those who rule and who apply the law and policy (by-laws) which they change in the night to suit their moods and their plans. This is the way of Babylon the great whore and the beast of Rome, the anti-church. This is the message of Mercury at 25° Aquarius. The message is to sit under your own vine and fig tree and be God taught, to know Gnosis. Then to take the hand of the guru to cross over from Jerusalem to the new Jerusalem and the city foursquare. No soul may cross alone, this chasm. All who cross must take the hand of the guru to navigate the dangers of the serpent and his seed. Because the illusion is like the Mirage in the desert promising salvation but the end is death.

Mercury says choose wisely, what appears right is death. To get to heaven you must come illuminations way and the way of love, the causal body of Uranus in the ninth house third decant of illumination to survive the propaganda and the lies of the strong illusion of those who are deluded and believe the lie. The teachings state to seek God first all else will be yours. The soul is being taught to stand on Uranus on the midheaven and seek God the light of illuminations flame and arc that light and anchor it in the earth to consume the energy veil of this strong illusion threatening our church and threatening the souls of our community, of family and friends and our nations. Then having called upon the light and having eclipsed all opposition to our union in God we receive Maitreya, the causal body of Saturn at 6° Capricorn in the third decant of the fifth house and we receive our holy Christ self in the individualization of the God flame for the true spiritual meaning of ambition, God desiring.

Having achieved union with Christ now the soul works the works of the age as illuminations flame calling upon all the resources of heaven as she stands in Venus at 6° Pisces in the first decant of the eighth house of the resourcefullness of the causal body and of heaven that is available to the soul, one in Christ. This is how to measure the true Christ leadership from those who rule in scarcity selling the land to maintain the ledger to pay the accounts as the well runs dry while they cry peace, peace when there is no peace and in the end is death.

This is the message of the messenger of the Sun, Mercury to the chela.

Cosmic and Planetary Cycles – Astrology Playing Out as Events

This BLOG is where the current astrology and planetary cycles are updated. These follow the Solar clock not the Earth clock.  This will become clear to you as to why as you see that you can be the arbiter of your own destiny as you align your will with that of our Father.  Each year the Sun enters 12 signs, twenty eight solar days in each. Within each ‘sun’ sign the Sun spends seven days in each of the four lower bodies or planes of matter.  The Sun nurtures the soul evolution while consuming the influence of the moon on Martian desires and feelings that register in the subconscious of the lower etheric and mental planes while the Sun registers in the higher planes calling the soul home.  This is karma and reincarnation explained on the Odyssey of the Soul’s journey home. These teachings are those of Master Kuthumi through his messenger Elizabeth Claire Prophet.