The Sun entered Leo last Wednesday, on July 22nd. Download the chart. The Suns entry into Leo will test our souls on the Leo Aquarius axis as to who rules us in the summer of 2020 at the conclusion of the cycles that mark the second coming of Christ in man. We are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy of the last 2000 and the last 200 years and more as we are seeing the precession of the equinox, the cycle of 25,800 years coinciding with the conclusion of the galactic alignment and the birth of Christ in man in the second coming of Christ.
The Sun comes to test the soul to see who rules the soul, Christ or the dweller-on-the-threshold ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter, the Guru and to Saturn, the Father, the Great Guru. We are being measured in the summer of 2020 to identify the chosen who in the ending have prepared for the coming of Christ. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Vestal Virgins in Virgo who have oil in their lamps in the hour of the coming of the Bridegroom.
The Sun is the Father in the Son, the sun behind the sun. The second coming in man manifests as the souls wedding to the Son, who now manifests as the Sun, with the moon beneath their feet (Pisces).
Souls are facing the rigors of the coming changes being imposed on the planet as the solar system emerges from the galactic alignment into the greater light of the galaxy into which we are now emerging into. This light is causing insanity, lunacy in many who have pledged themselves to their dweller upon the mountain with Jesus and his Father, Maitreya where we are called to merge with our personal Christhood in the 33rd year on this path of personal Christhood to deny the old patterns of our dwellers (Pluto) and our ties to the Watchers at 1 Capricorn (Psyche). We stand in Capricorn to face Saturn, the Father of Jesus who uses the casual body of Saturn to initiate the Christ, in the transforming of the soul in the alchemical wedding to her beloved, Christ.
The soul faces in Capricorn Pluto and all the habits and momentums of our moods (moon) that indulges the soul in momentums of escape in Leo entertainments and amusements causing the soul to divert her attention from preparing the seamless wedding garment and keeping our light in our lamps and not squandering it in the hour of the conclusion of cycles and the coming of the light of the second coming.
This light of the galaxy into which we are emerging will transform souls into Christ or into the insanity of Antichrist. All stand in Capricorn to face the judgment of the fallen angels and that which we have created by giving our light to the fallen angels since the Garden of Eden that has formed the energy veil and our dwellers that are at one and the same time both our personal subconscious and the collective unconscious of the planet. This is the psychology of the soul that betrays Christ, one day welcoming the king on Palm Sunday then the next denying him three times in the Garden on Holy Thursday.
All know that there is a profound change occurring on earth in 2020. We see the outer accouterments. We see and hear many pundits and prophets talk of great transformations that are occurring yet out souls sense that the talk and deeds that we are seeing do not align. We sense great darkness is afoot. We also sense and many know that their is a great light manifesting also. Many are beginning to sense and even see a great confrontation between the forces of light and the forces of darkness preparing to converge.
The light is represented by the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Our souls are standing in the shoes of Hamlet in the dark night of the spirit that has followed on our souls dark night as we prepare for the coming of Christ into our temple, the Bridegroom. And with him comes the hosts of heaven. This has been foretold of old as the second coming of Christ in man and the revolution in higher consciousness as man awakens to fulfill the promises of the last 2000, especially the last 500 years of a golden Age of Cosmic Christ Peace of earth when the fallen angels will pass through the harvesting of the Tares, their being bound in the earth and cast out. As the people cut their ties to Babylon the Great’s civilization and their Neocon one world governance and New Economic Order of their one world economy.
Revelations and Daniel describe this coming confrontation and the collapse of their economy. We are told in chapter 18 in verse 4 that we , God’s people, the I AM Race, the 12 Tribes of Israel are to come out of her or receive her judgment. Who is she that is referred to in the Book of Revelations? She is the Church Age, we are called in chapter 20 verse 4 to enter the Kingdom Age. And Revelations is a message to the seven churches of man, the seven perverted states of consciousness of man that denies, abdicates and aborts Christ come into their temples (their four planes of matter consciousness, the four planes of matter, our four lower bodies that allow us to move and breath and live in these four planes simultaneously. These four planes of consciousness are the etheric we call heaven; the mental where the Princes of the air reign denying Christ in man; the Astral or emotional plane of our feeling bodies we call hell and the physical where we call illusion our reality, the seat of all our suffering, the effects of our desiring that plays out in Scorpio as our perceptions that are poisoning us with our passions. Where we satisfy our appetites and desires, destroying all that is purity and true Christ peace. We are, astrology teaches us our own worst enemy. The ascended masters teach, since the opening of the mystery schools by the Mahatmas in 1875 that all these deeds , feelings, thoughts and memories have consciousness and we created it. It is called our Dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness and it rules Pluto.
The second coming is the coming of the judgment of Christ, of our dwellers. We are called to choose to follow the Serpent and Dragon once more (in Eden) or to bend the knee in Capricorn and accept Christ into our temple. Beware the dweller, both personal and planetary (in others) because he mascarades as Christ, he is call Antichrist for a reason. He is come to displace Christ in 2020 and demands entry into your temples claiming to be Christ. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve! You will know him by his vibration.
You need to purify your senses in Leo so that you are nor emotionally dense and if your feeling world has been retarded in areas since your early childhood home and environment that has shaped your emotional body that shapes your physical body even today ,then invoke prayer and fasting, meditation and call upon heaven as Jesus taught us 2000 years ago in the prayer, ” the Our Father”, Command Ye me. Do not come to God as a beggar but come as Christ comes into your temple and listen to the logos as he speaks in your temple as the words coming out of your mouth in prayer and adoration.
Ask for healing and to be washed seven times in the violet flame, the seventh ray. The violet singing flame is closest in frequency to our physical world and body. The power of prayer is in meditation. That is to say, see what you invoke. Learn what Jesus taught his Apostles and Disciples, long since removed from the churches for fear of loosing control of the people, learn the science of Invocation, the power behind prayer. Call upon the Lord, cry out unto heaven. Speak out loud. Christ is the Logos, the spoken word. It is the fallen angels who have taught us to pray in silence. This is the silencing of the Lambs. And in God’s and in Man’s law, silence is consent. You consent to follow the fallen angels not Christ, as taught by Revelations to the Remnant of the faithful in the seven churches. Come out of her or receive her karma Rev 18:4.