All posts by Sun Star Lunar Dragon

Sun Enters Leo

The Sun entered Leo last Wednesday, on July 22nd. Download the chart. The Suns entry into Leo will test our souls on the Leo Aquarius axis as to who rules us in the summer of 2020 at the conclusion of the cycles that mark the second coming of Christ in man. We are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy of the last 2000 and the last 200 years and more as we are seeing the precession of the equinox, the cycle of 25,800 years coinciding with the conclusion of the galactic alignment and the birth of Christ in man in the second coming of Christ.

The Sun comes to test the soul to see who rules the soul, Christ or the dweller-on-the-threshold ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter, the Guru and to Saturn, the Father, the Great Guru. We are being measured in the summer of 2020 to identify the chosen who in the ending have prepared for the coming of Christ. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Vestal Virgins in Virgo who have oil in their lamps in the hour of the coming of the Bridegroom.

The Sun is the Father in the Son, the sun behind the sun. The second coming in man manifests as the souls wedding to the Son, who now manifests as the Sun, with the moon beneath their feet (Pisces).

Souls are facing the rigors of the coming changes being imposed on the planet as the solar system emerges from the galactic alignment into the greater light of the galaxy into which we are now emerging into. This light is causing insanity, lunacy in many who have pledged themselves to their dweller upon the mountain with Jesus and his Father, Maitreya where we are called to merge with our personal Christhood in the 33rd year on this path of personal Christhood to deny the old patterns of our dwellers (Pluto) and our ties to the Watchers at 1 Capricorn (Psyche). We stand in Capricorn to face Saturn, the Father of Jesus who uses the casual body of Saturn to initiate the Christ, in the transforming of the soul in the alchemical wedding to her beloved, Christ.

The soul faces in Capricorn Pluto and all the habits and momentums of our moods (moon) that indulges the soul in momentums of escape in Leo entertainments and amusements causing the soul to divert her attention from preparing the seamless wedding garment and keeping our light in our lamps and not squandering it in the hour of the conclusion of cycles and the coming of the light of the second coming.

This light of the galaxy into which we are emerging will transform souls into Christ or into the insanity of Antichrist. All stand in Capricorn to face the judgment of the fallen angels and that which we have created by giving our light to the fallen angels since the Garden of Eden that has formed the energy veil and our dwellers that are at one and the same time both our personal subconscious and the collective unconscious of the planet. This is the psychology of the soul that betrays Christ, one day welcoming the king on Palm Sunday then the next denying him three times in the Garden on Holy Thursday.

All know that there is a profound change occurring on earth in 2020. We see the outer accouterments. We see and hear many pundits and prophets talk of great transformations that are occurring yet out souls sense that the talk and deeds that we are seeing do not align. We sense great darkness is afoot. We also sense and many know that their is a great light manifesting also. Many are beginning to sense and even see a great confrontation between the forces of light and the forces of darkness preparing to converge.

The light is represented by the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Our souls are standing in the shoes of Hamlet in the dark night of the spirit that has followed on our souls dark night as we prepare for the coming of Christ into our temple, the Bridegroom. And with him comes the hosts of heaven. This has been foretold of old as the second coming of Christ in man and the revolution in higher consciousness as man awakens to fulfill the promises of the last 2000, especially the last 500 years of a golden Age of Cosmic Christ Peace of earth when the fallen angels will pass through the harvesting of the Tares, their being bound in the earth and cast out. As the people cut their ties to Babylon the Great’s civilization and their Neocon one world governance and New Economic Order of their one world economy.

Revelations and Daniel describe this coming confrontation and the collapse of their economy. We are told in chapter 18 in verse 4 that we , God’s people, the I AM Race, the 12 Tribes of Israel are to come out of her or receive her judgment. Who is she that is referred to in the Book of Revelations? She is the Church Age, we are called in chapter 20 verse 4 to enter the Kingdom Age. And Revelations is a message to the seven churches of man, the seven perverted states of consciousness of man that denies, abdicates and aborts Christ come into their temples (their four planes of matter consciousness, the four planes of matter, our four lower bodies that allow us to move and breath and live in these four planes simultaneously. These four planes of consciousness are the etheric we call heaven; the mental where the Princes of the air reign denying Christ in man; the Astral or emotional plane of our feeling bodies we call hell and the physical where we call illusion our reality, the seat of all our suffering, the effects of our desiring that plays out in Scorpio as our perceptions that are poisoning us with our passions. Where we satisfy our appetites and desires, destroying all that is purity and true Christ peace. We are, astrology teaches us our own worst enemy. The ascended masters teach, since the opening of the mystery schools by the Mahatmas in 1875 that all these deeds , feelings, thoughts and memories have consciousness and we created it. It is called our Dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness and it rules Pluto.

The second coming is the coming of the judgment of Christ, of our dwellers. We are called to choose to follow the Serpent and Dragon once more (in Eden) or to bend the knee in Capricorn and accept Christ into our temple. Beware the dweller, both personal and planetary (in others) because he mascarades as Christ, he is call Antichrist for a reason. He is come to displace Christ in 2020 and demands entry into your temples claiming to be Christ. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve! You will know him by his vibration.

You need to purify your senses in Leo so that you are nor emotionally dense and if your feeling world has been retarded in areas since your early childhood home and environment that has shaped your emotional body that shapes your physical body even today ,then invoke prayer and fasting, meditation and call upon heaven as Jesus taught us 2000 years ago in the prayer, ” the Our Father”, Command Ye me. Do not come to God as a beggar but come as Christ comes into your temple and listen to the logos as he speaks in your temple as the words coming out of your mouth in prayer and adoration.

Ask for healing and to be washed seven times in the violet flame, the seventh ray. The violet singing flame is closest in frequency to our physical world and body. The power of prayer is in meditation. That is to say, see what you invoke. Learn what Jesus taught his Apostles and Disciples, long since removed from the churches for fear of loosing control of the people, learn the science of Invocation, the power behind prayer. Call upon the Lord, cry out unto heaven. Speak out loud. Christ is the Logos, the spoken word. It is the fallen angels who have taught us to pray in silence. This is the silencing of the Lambs. And in God’s and in Man’s law, silence is consent. You consent to follow the fallen angels not Christ, as taught by Revelations to the Remnant of the faithful in the seven churches. Come out of her or receive her karma Rev 18:4.

ASTROLOGY of covid-19 The story of a virus

For The Testing Of The Heart On The Virgo Pisces Axis To Find The Solution To A Problem

Download the PDF document on the Current year page or on the Documents page.

Covid-19 or the Lords Judgment winter solstice 2019. To man God’s working through man and events is often described in theological terms as a mystery. That is because God, the real God does not behave in a predictable way often not in the image we have made of him as our anthropomorphic god.

Instead, Jesus told us through John the Beloved, author of the Book of Revelation in Revelations chapter 17 verse 17 that God put into their hearts to do his will, until all that is written is fulfilled.

Revelations teaches us of God’s judgement of evil in the earth, the fallen angels in and out of embodiment. It talks of this judgment as seven trumpet judgments. The seventh trumpet announces the release of seven vials of the last plagues.

COVID is the beginning of seven plagues upon the Illuminati and their councils and hidden associations and societies ruled by Uranus and upon Wormwood and Abaddon and their Locusts. It tells of the judgments as seven plagues upon the Beasts and the Dragon that gave then their power and the four kings released fron the Euphrates River who descend upon the (Far) East where they will raise an army of 200 million who will descend upon the elect.

In the book Saint Germain on Prophecy, Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote that the second coming will manifest as the sound of a nuclear first strike against America during a war that pits Gog against Magog and that God allows this to occur because his people have abandoned him. This is prophecy and will occur unless turned back in 2020 as we face insurrection in America’s cities, representing her chakras, 144. Those cities who have abandoned her God will receive her karma. Revelations tells us, “Come out of Her or receive her karma”. “She” refers to the Scarlet Woman, the Harlot. Revelations describes her as the church, and begins with seven judgments of the seven states of consciousness in the people that are in rebellion against God and his Christ, in man

This article describes the astrology of COVID and describes the story of virus on planet earth. If not from Earth where did it come from and how will we deal with it?

America Today

May 17th, 2020 Sun in Taurus Affecting Our Physical Well-being And Our Comfort-ability.

A new document has been added to Current Year 2020 Page and on the Documents Page.

This covers the current period May 12th to May 20th, 2020. The potential of winter solstice and New Years has been sown, falling upon the rock of Christ or the fertile soil of rebellion.

What is sown will now sprout to be watered this summer under the two lunar eclipses of June 5th and July 5th, as well as the solar eclipse on summer solstice. As those who have received the light in rebellion in 2020 are eclipsed to play out their rebellion and by their words and their works they are judged.

The judgment begins as the Sun enters Virgo in August, as the Seven Last Plagues descend upon this wicked generation who have rejected the love of the Divine Mother ,who having come to take her children to her heart now returns to harvest the chaff that has been separated from the wheat.

This is an auspicious hour. The hour of the marriage of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife. The Holy Spirit comes on May 31st, 2020 to anoint those who have been sealed in their homes, in the upper rooms being God taught in preparation for this anointing. Just as Saint Paul was on the road to Damascus.

The Great Drama is about to change Acts. Now the the final drama between the protagonists and the antagonists as the creative minority emerge from the upper rooms anointed to carry out their destinies opposed by those antagonists that follow a different path, marching to a different tune as we enter the roaring 2020s. Mighty Victory warned us to prepare for this eventuality. Now it is upon us.

2020 Vision Without vision the people perish

The Hand of God Working Through Events & Individuals.

Thursday this week is Spring Equinox. We are in the last days of the Sun in the etheric plane. This is our last chance to grasp God’s will and to prepare to work with God as his Heart, Head, and his Hand in the earth. Because we understand and accept his will and his plan for 2020. Having accepted his will as our own, because we believe , we take as our own the divine debt of destiny. We see in Scorpio, the right handed path of Pisces, God’s Vision and we see his hand playing out in events and through individuals…because he has put into their hearts to do his will until all that is written is fulfilled. Revelations 17:17.

We are in day 5 of the Sun in the physical plane under the influence of the solar hierarchy of Pisces, Jesus and the Ascended Masters. Pisces is in polarity with Virgo, the solar plexus chakra, the karmic axis.

God’s divine plan for 2020, delivered to the planet in Capricorn at winter solstice has been anchoring within mankind’s etheric or memory bodies throughout the winter quarter. We have been aligning with his plan to deal with all gathered in Capricorn and seen playing out in the etheric quadrant of winter’s season. We have been assimilating his energy, his will, his plan or we have responded to the planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, now Pisces as our anger and self-hatred has turned to fear because we have accommodated his energy, taking to ourselves his energy under the influence of our false gods in Capricorn. Carrying out their plan to counter God’s plan in 2020.

All life, all energy comes from God. It comes into mater as Mater-realization or as Mother. As this energy materializes it brings forth the Father’s Divine Plan for the Mother’s civilization and culture, the Aquarian Age, a Golden Age of Brotherly Love. This light is intensifying as we emerge in 2021 from the Galactic Alignment into the greater light of the Galaxy that Earth has not seen in over 10,000 years and more.

This light of the Mother is come for the judgment of all that came to the Motherland of MU and tore down the civilization of the Mother, the Mother principle in man, the feminine ray. This light is contacting the darkness in man, the perverted masculine ray in man and in woman, we call Mars. But this Martian energy stems from the astral body of man. It is Uranus that holds the rebellion of the fallen angels cast out of heaven who came into the earth, the Mother Land of Mu we know as Lemuria and all their malicious animal magnetism with which they tore down the feminine principle in man. The hatred of Christ, the Sons and Daughters of God. We know them as the soul of man and earth is the school room of the Divine Mother raising up her children to the full stature of the Bride of Christ, the alchemical union of soul and Christ.

Since the fall of man, in the Garden of Eden, when we took of the knowledge of separation from God, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, we have set up this rebellion, the electronic belt of Uranus as our false gods whom we elect to rule us, Barabbas over Christ.

Now we are come full circle to the second coming of Christ in man when all who have mastered the Christ mastery in Pisces over the water body, the astral plane, during the 2000 year age of Pisces, now stands in the Casual Body of Uranus on the Mountain in Capricorn with the goats who have gathered there to take heaven by storm, demanding eternal life, the reward without the sacrifice.

All that is occurring in 2020 is the playing out of this Great Drama, the prophecy given by Jesus Christ to his servants of what must come to pass, for the time is at hand.

Capricorn is on the 12 o’clock line, God Power. It is where we stand on the mountain and use God’s energy to carry out the plan, God’s plan or the strategic plans of the fallen. We stand having been anointed by God, good karma or we stand appointed, elected or hired because of our negative karma. We have come to balance the latter or to repeat the past, slaves to the powers that be, the princes of the earth.

We are given to stand in Capricorn in 2020 in our mastery of the flow of energy and embody the Mother on the South Gate and under the initiation of the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray we occupy the office of the Flying Eagle in the wilderness. Where we must withstand the flood out of the mouth of the Serpent that has come setting the stage for the roaring 20’s, of the 2020s that Mighty Victory has warned us to understand if we are to withstand this flood come to sweep us away, from Montana and from America.

As Mother and her chelas go, so goes the nation. Moses told us that as long as we uphold the arms (in Gemini) of the Guru in the judgment (in Capricorn) the 12 Tribes and their priests will be victorious on the battlefield, but once the chelas let down the arms of the Guru, the battle goes against the 12 Tribes.

The planets in Capricorn tells us that some in the Organization still can’t or won’t let go of their past habits (Mars South Lunar Node, the Dragon’s Tail). They are failing in their responsibility as elder of the Tribes in service to the Guru and in passing their initiations in Virgo on the path of Personal Christhood and in the initiation of the Heart. We have come to 2020 after 2000 years walking in Jesus Christ’s footsteps in preparation for this confrontation on the Mountain in Capricorn at the end of the Galactic Alignment that was known and taught us by Jesus 2000 years ago so we would be prepared for the prophecy of the coming final battle we call Armageddon.

This battle is the opening of the seven sealed scroll. The seventh seal released seven trumpet judgments. The seventh trumpet sounded and there was released seven bowls of God’s wrath. Seven vials of the last plagues upon all on the mountain in Capricorn who have taken the mark of the beast, who worship the beast and in order to buy and sell.

Revelations tells us that these are the seven last Plagues. They foretell the Doom of Babylon and the destruction of the Harlot.

The prophet Daniel tells us how this will play out. He tells us about the little horn that the Ancient of Days raises up to carry out his will, (Revelations 17:17). The little horn uproots three of the ten horns upon the seven heads of the scarlet beast, that the scarlet woman rides. She is the apostate Christendom who revives the beast of Rome, the New Roman Church. The eighth head, the scarlet beast itself, Revelation 17:11. The Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray tells us that the scarlet woman is the anti-church and its anti-apostles and false pastors, number four. The latter oppose Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days and his Ascended Masters. This is the 12 o’clock line in Capricorn and it is playing out in 2020 as the planets gather to take heaven by storm and with it America, in the most critical of all election years since the declaration of Independence.

We are seeing the I AM Race coming to grips with prophecy. Prophecy requires a price be paid. People are still struggling to let go. They have been offered destiny these last 2000 and 200 years to escape their fate. Yet still they struggle to let go. This is because of the psychology of the soul.

The soul has created its own synthetic self (Darth Vader). We call desires, the source of all suffering. We created our ego, the not self. The ego desires are our passions we call cravings, greed, lust, and covetousness. We have given our power to the beast we created and are required to slay, before we can enter the kingdom. Christianity, the apostate church has taught that Jesus Christ died for us resolving me and you of all responsibility to wash seven times and pay our debts, every jot and tittle.

It is these lies that have blinded us and poisoned our souls so that we believe in our separation from God and his Son, believing there is only one Christ. Ye are Gods and Sons of the most high. Who has beguiled you, ye foolish Galatians.

The planets gathered in Capricorn represent archetypal patterns of man that align with the players in the Book of Revelations. They are also patterns that have played out through these same characters in past reincarnations. In this case over 1800 years ago, during the Diocletian Tetrarchy, the tenth and final persecutions of Christ and the Christians. Mother teaches us that Enoch prophesied that the four angels released from their prison in the Euphrates river would descend on the East and incite them to march and tred under foot God’s elect. Moreover, this karmic pattern tells us that the fourth of the Tetrarchy , Constantine called the Nicean Council, following his brutal persecution of the church and its bishops. He was a pagan roman emperor who led a reign of terror, then called and led the council that created the Apostolic Creed. False teachings of only one Christ separated from the people and targeted the Gnostics who believed in the individualization of the God flame in the hearts of man.

All these arch types are reincarnated and they are amongst us today. They have gathered in Capricorn. Archangel Zadkiel tells us, in the Book Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Summit Lighthouse Publications, that He stands on the west coast of America on the West Gate and looks to the East and gathers the kings and their armies to the Great Day of the Lord.

The law of incarnation is that you are your karma. You are what you think. You have become what you thought. You are today what you thought in the past and you will become tomorrow what you think today. So change your world. You are not slaves. But you are slaves to your own desires.

Sagittarius Gemini axis , I see, I think. What you see you can become, if you are single eyed, single minded having slayed duality. Duality is separation from God. It is the difference between the casual body and the electronic belt of Saturn. One is Maitreya, Jesus’ Father and the other, Satan.

Duality, dual minded, is the choice between the Christ mind and the carnal mind of the soul’s own creation, her synthetic self. A separate creation from God. The soul chooses because she is initiated by Saturn, light and darkness, to choose to become Christ or the synthetic self, Antichrist. Archangel Uriel in the book, Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, teaches that in the end few will choose Christ and remain faithful to the Mother. This is the prophecy given by Mother in 1985 that the fallen angels will change their strategy from attacking the embodied Guru, Teacher to attacking the chelas, stripping them from the Guru and the Path. The Maha Chohan tells us that this is because these latter choose to accommodate the Guru and the Path, the Teachings.

In the election year 2020, Americans are choosing to come apart and be sealed in the forehead and in their homes and communities or to take the mark of the beast and elect to worship the Beast that is revived and animated by the Beast out of the Earth, Corporate, Socialist Capitalism. Others elect to elect Christ from amongst the common people who will stand with Uncle SAM, as Saint Germain sends Merlin back to Camelot to cast out the Black Magicians from North America, as prophesied by the Goddess of Liberty, the Spokes person for the Great Karmic Board.

The battle lines are drawn. The armies of light and darkness gather. The seven bowls of God’s wrath are descending. This is the hour of the harvest of the TARES. It will play out throughout the decade of the 20s.

Come out of her or receive her karma, Rev 18:4. Come apart and be a separate and chosen people, elect unto God, in 2020. One people, one nation, one God.

Elect to walk with God! This is the election year that will define the future offered in the Bible.

Sun in Pisces the Divine Hand in 2020

Sun enters physical plane in Pisces tomorrow. Beginning the final seven solar days in the etheric plane of the planet. People have an innate subconscious sense of foreboding. They sense a super physical hand at play here. They have a sense of the pending debt of destiny come due.

This sense is not shared equally. There are those who know that their time is up. They know that they are no longer in control. The anger they have exposed these last 3 years is turning to fear.

The sun is emerging from the etheric plane as the hand of God extends to a waiting mankind. The hand extends to man delivering God’s Plan for 2020. It is seen playing out in current events and through individuals. The latter can be seen in the six-pointed star that is now beginning to fade in and out. It has been with us for most of the last 90 days since winter solstice. It will continue to play a role through out the spring quarter.

The nations are gathered in Capricorn as their kings have gathered there with the Watchers and the laggard evolution of the planet thinking to play their hand using the forces they have taken to themselves.

Now they are becoming aware that they are not in control. This will become increasingly more obvious as Helios, our Sun enters the mental plane of the planet to fill the mental bodies of mankind with God’s Plan for 2020. As the two opposing forces, light and darkness play out the great drama unfolding.

Mankind’s test is to discern between light and darkness and choose between them. There is a great drama unfolding for the hearts of mankind and the heart of the planet.

We stand in Virgo in the 33rd year on the path of personal Christhood, in the initiation of our hearts by the Holy Spirit. This is the fifth and final year of our inner initiation to master the flame of the heart burning on the altar within the inner temple of man, the 8 petal chakra, the secret chamber of the heart. This is the fifth year of attainment of personal Christhood. This is the year of personal transfiguration.

The six-pointed star of Gautama Buddha is the Herald of the second coming in man, called to stand before the Master at the river Jordan in 2021. People have chosen since the late 80’s to assimilate or to accommodate the Everlasting Gospel, to accept or reject the love of the Guru. Now is the time of the harvest of the fruits that have grown, the talents that have multiplied. Now is the hour of the coming of the Bridegroom. The night is lit up by the lamps ablaze with oil burning brightly, while in others there is no oil and their lamps are dark.

Guard the heart’s fire. Remember the parable of the foolish virgins. To each is come their just reward. To each is come their destiny or their fate.

God is come in 2020 to begin gathering his own to himself. He has promised his people the seventh angel and his prophets. They have promised to return. Saint Germain has told us that Merlin will get free of his crystal prison and that he would return to cast out the black magicians from Camelot. Black Magicians who even now stand on the mountain of their karma in Capricorn where God has gathered them to the Great Drama that will end in the Great Day of the Lord.

So what is this Great Drama about to play out? It is a matter of Heart. Those who have spent the last 33 years passing the initiations of the heart will know that what is coming upon the earth will deliver them, Freedom. They have seen the star of the Divine Mother rising and have run to meet her. Purifying the feminine ray within them on the way.

Sun in Pisces

Mental Plane 7 to 15 Degrees Pisces

Sun is in the 10th house 3rd decant, idealism. Be true to the God-Reality of your soul’s origin in God. You are created in his image and likeness. Forsake your outer personality and its ego, for Christ. Choose to stand on the higher mental plane in the Christ flame within your heart. Take the road less traveled.

Pisces Sun achieves Christ Mastery in Scorpio as God Vision. Christ Mastery is learnt by experience in Virgo, its polarity, as the soul serves God-in-his fellow man and passes her initiations.

The Pisces is the yellow cross of wisdom, that stems from illumination’s flame. Being true to the soul’s real self instead of her ego, imparts wisdom. Pisces believes, so she chooses to be in the Christ mind, the higher mental plane, not the lower mental plane in Gemini in the 3rd house. The soul chooses God’s will, to be filled with His consciousness…cosmic consciousness.

Filled with illumination’s flame, it consumes the Moon’s influence on Mars, that controls the soul. The feminine principle in man rises over man’s base desires and his animal “carnal” nature. The soul chooses to follow Christ’s idealism in the 10th house. The soul is receptive to the Holy Spirit, to being God-taught.

We are being initiated by the heavenly hierarchy to choose by free will to stand on the higher mental plane in Pisces and sacrifice all lesser desires that are our attachments to material substance or substance of the ego. We are being tested to let go of our struggle to hold on to this substance and to let go and let God cut you free. We stand in a world of duality, God and man; heaven and hell; Christ and Antichrist; love and hate. The sons and daughters of God have been given 2000 years to come apart and be a separate and chosen people. These last 200 years we were given America the wilderness, the promised land for the Tribes of Israel to come out of her or receive her karma. We are standing on the cusp of chapter 18 of the Book of Revelations. These last 20 years have been to test our soul’s to determine who will be faithful. Who will be sealed having surrendered all possessiveness and can stand in the 2nd house of our homelands and trust in God to get through the coming seven last plagues, Revelations 15:1-8.

This wrath of God is upon the Watchers at 2 Capricorn and upon the gods our souls have created out of our own egos and its synthetic selves, the Black Moon Lilith and Pluto our personal and planetary dweller-on-the-threshold of our consciousness. In Pisces and the 12th house we identify this lessor self as the enemy within, our own greatest enemy. It is this enemy that Jesus Christ came to show the way of overcoming it, love’s victory by wisdom’s flame within the heart. The feminine principle in man.

God’s wrath is coming upon the earth to free his people, from themselves, and from the Watchers and Nephilim and the Laggard evolution of this planet. We, our souls have been evolving on this planet, while others have been devolving. We were given the choice of freedom…of the soul by following Christ or follow Mammon and his dialectical materialism. We have been choosing these last 2000, 200, and 20 years. Now we are at the cusp of the Age of Aquarius and time, time, and half times IS UP.

It is written the good will continue to do good, and evill will continue to do bad things. We are called to come apart and be a separate people while the rest of the world has bought into the New Economic Order of the One Worlders. Everyone is choosing. Even in the face of all the hatred of those who have chosen Mammon, rejecting Christ.

The key, Jesus the Christ has taught us is to Call Upon The Lord, in his name. God told Moses that the name of God for all time is I AM. His name is I AM That I AM; Yod He Vav He, Yahweh in english. The fallen angels cursed the Tribes of Israel forbidding them to speak the name of God. It is time, Jesus tells us, to take back our power, the name of God, I AM THAT I AM.

Whatever you ask Him, in Jesus Christ’s name, will be granted …as long as it is asked in divine love not hate or in selfless service to God in man not possessive materialism. Many are and have fallen on this last point believing that all I have is either because I have done it or because God has given it to me because I asked that my desires be fulfilled…in His name. They are blind spiritually and do not see that it was the Satans who fell in Taurus in the 2nd house who gave them their wishes made in Aquarius in the 11th house, as they stood upon the mountain in Capricorn with Saturn, its casual body and electronic belt, the Cosmic Christ, The Father of Jesus, and Satan.

The latter will be tested, as all they have that was ill be gotten will be taken away in the final testing of their soul whether or not they will be like Job or will curse God or his Messenger, as is prophesied.

We are standing, each one in Cancer on the North Node conjunct the Part of Fortune and Hades. Each one is choosing to leave off her and come apart or receive her karma that is rapidly approaching. Jesus tells us through John the Revelator that this will be the 18th Hebrew letter, chapter 18 of the Book of Revelations. It will come through Saturn, the Black Horse, as our karma descends upon the world economy, the new economic order of the one world power elite. If you are tied you will receive her karma.

But, El Morya , the Once and Future King, tells us that the faithful , those whose hearts are aligned with the stars, the Sun of our system, our Being, the Solar Hierarchies of the Sun on each of the 12 starry focal points of God’s qualities in man under which we are being initiated to evolve our soul to transform and transcend from the footstool kingdom to the Kingdom of God, may get hit when the karma descends but IT WILL NOT STICK. Why, because the soul loves. Love is the key, that sets the soul free.

By love, through the word incarnate in your heart , you have the power to command Ye Me. Whatever you ask in my name, Jesus Christ, will be grant you . It will manifest to meet your needs and that of those you love. This is the promise and the prophecy…of the age of Miracles that is coming upon the earth.

Spring Equinox 2020

What we have reaped in 2019 will be sown in 2020. Springtime is the time of seeding our world by our winter consciousness. By free will we can choose the way of Christ love or we can continue as we were last year. We are what we think and we become what we thought. So change what you think.

Start a new habit, North Node in Cancer. Change the future ruled by Hades in Cancer. Cast off old outdated ways . Complete your soul’s assignment of this 20 year cycle of Jupiter Saturn this year. Set your goals. Write them down. Create an altar, your private Holy of Holies where only you may go. Affirm your goals daily before the altar. Call to Jesus Christ and his Saints to guide and protect you and to send his angels to guide you to his promised Everlasting Gospel, delivered he tells us by the Seventh Angel through his prophets, Revelations chapter 10.

Christ is not the way of man. He walks the solitary path to the center of the circle. Man walks in circles on the circumference of life with their gods of mammon. We have been told , “come apart and be a separate and chosen people, elect unto God; one nation, one people, one God.

Spring time is a new beginning, new life, renewal. It is the mystery of life. One is taken another is left.

These are the choices mankind is faced with upon the mountain on mankind’s karma in Capricorn. We stand at the fork in the road at 2 Aries on the midheaven of the Guru who has delivered the everlasting gospel and the people are choosing. Leave off, come apart and walk in his footsteps, call to Him, he will guide you. This is the age of miracles. His heart is the heart center, the eye in the storm, Cosmic Christ Peace. From this point in Virgo Pisces, the karmic axis, of the solar plexus chakra, leap into the heart of the Guru.

Revelations tells you that Heaven is more than man has admitted. There are many characters in heaven that only the the solitary soul who takes comes apart and walks in His footsteps will know. We have called them collectively, Saints and Angels, but they are each one a unique Individualization of the God Flame as you are to become, are becoming. Only by walking in his footsteps can you realize your God Identity, your God Reality.

This is why Jesus came. This is why he has sent his Messengers to deliver the everlasting gospel.

Mars ignites a Fire in capricorn

We have entered an intense period from February 16th till Easter. The planet Mars is many things to man. It ranges from men of action to men are from mars, to men of war. More importantly, its esoteric or symbolic meaning is what drives us. Here we must deal with Mars as the god of war. Here is where we are driven to want what another has, even at any cost.

Mars is the Red Horse in the Book of Revelations with the power to take peace from the earth. Mars is also the trigger. Amongst, the Four Horsemen, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as the testers while the fourth, Mars is the trigger. Mars triggers the others to action usually in an inflammatory way.

Mars enters Capricorn on February 16th, 2020. Capricorn is the sign of new beginnings, Divine Intervention and Direction. It is the sign of God power in men’s lives as the power of government and law and order. Typically it is the arm of the law, Saturn the status quo. This year Mars has a different function, seen seldom in a century, sometimes even in a millennium.

In 2020 Mars has entered Capricorn, seat of authority and power, come to trigger the great gathering that has been building in Capricorn since Pluto entered in the fall of 2009. This gathering was last seen following the coming of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It manifest as the 10 persecutions of Christ and his followers beginning with Nero who led the first persecution of Christians to the 10th that began in 292 under Diocletian under the influence of Pluto Saturn Jupiter.

Mars is triggering an intolerance and a bigotry in a generation that worships mammon and his dialectic materialism. The Book of Revelations speaks of this in chapter 13, as the Beast out of the Earth and the Beast out of the Sea. These are monopoly or socialist capitalism and world communism, respectively.

Mars entered Capricorn last Saturday. On Monday it conjunct the Galactic Center at 1 Capricorn. I have determined that the galactic center is at 1 Capricorn while others may believe otherwise. Today, Feb 19th, Mars conjuncts the Watchers at 2 Capricorn squaring Chiron at 2 Aries. Chiron is the APEX to the YOD, the Y in the road for the people on planet earth and in America. They will choose in 2020 to take the HAND of GOD or the hand of the Watchers. Many are taking the latter road as we speak. This is the dividing of the way in America and on the planet. For many their is no going back. For God’s people their is the opportunity and the call, “Come out of Her my people that you do not partake of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues”. These are the coming seven bowls of God’s wrath delivered in chapter 16 of the Book of Revelations.

Mars conjuncts the Dragon’s tail next Monday Feb 24th at 5 Capricorn. These are the lies, the propaganda of Babylon the Great, the Great Dragon over America we know as the Illuminati and their councils within councils within councils, that the Power Elite worship having learnt to idolize these gods in the media entertainment industries and in the universities that have raised this generation of Americans to create a Dark Ages. They are cultivating a dark mentality that was seen in the last century but which if unleashed will make the 20th century pale under the ride of the Pale Horse as Hades follows (Rev 6:8).

On March 20th Mars conjuncts Jupiter. Jupiter represents the Teacher, Raboni, Jesus Christ, the Guru. This conjunction is at 22 Capricorn. It is for the sons and daughters of God to demonstrate God’s Power in Virgo the right-handed path of the Earth signs for Capricorns use of Power, Divine Justice. It is at 22, the Master number, the master over the water element, our feelings, emotions, our desires and their attachments we call possessiveness, lusting after the light, the money supply of a God-Free people. This latter is the left-handed path of all gathered in Capricorn, the use of God-Power…its misuses in Taurus, rebellion against the law.

March 23rd, Mars conjuncts Pluto at 24 Capricorn. Pluto represents the dark force in man, Darth Vader that Luke had to slay. In the Judea-Christian tradition of the western civilization we call this the dweller-on-the-threshold. These are the devils we have created that torment man. This is the choice every man, woman, and child must face. Moses told us, choose life not death. Each one must choose in the days ahead to be Doctor Jekyll or Mister Hyde. Revelations is the story of this confrontation within man that Luke Skywalker faced on Tatoowin under his training with Yoda in the cave with Darth Vader.

On March 31st Mars conjuncts Saturn at 0 Aquarius. As Jupiter conjuncts Pluto at 24 Capricorn while Moon conjuncts its North Node at 3 Cancer. The latter is for each soul to decide will he fulfill the promise of Jesus Christ or stand in the final battle foretold by Jesus and bow before the Satans on the Mountain with Jesus’ Father.. Who will walk in Jesus footsteps? These are the ones who will lead his people into the Kingdom Age, the golden age promised for 2000 years.

Finally on April 15th the Dragon wraps its tail around the Watchers at 2 Capricorn. Mankind’s habits and momentums, our possessiveness, our attachments to materialism that threatens to destroy Christianity and America, the spirit in man, the Holy Spirit. It is this configuration that is part of a YOD whose APEX is 3 Gemini, the MC of America’s natal chart for April 30th, 1789. The Ascended Masters teach that July 4th, 1776 is the conceptual chart of America, her destiny. America was born in the garments of the karma of her people. Their Karma with Uncle Sam and their God. This YOD of this conjunction at 2 Capricorn to Apollyon or Abaddon at 3 Scorpio to the Apex 3 Gemini and the point opposite 3 Sagittarius, the USA Ascendant. Tells us that the American people and the I AM Race worldwide, the 12 tribes of Israel, stand at the Y in the road and must choose life, not death because HADES follows. They must take God’s hand going into these elections and choose God’s people to represent then at LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL levels. If they continue to elect fallen angels in embodiment to lead them. God’s people will receive the same karma as is coming upon the fallen angels who rule across the planet with their Laggard evolution from Maldek, the remnants of their planet is the asteroid belt.

What we are seeing here is God’s Timing of His Judgment of the wicked and Salvation from the wicked for HIS People. God is a God of Love and Mercy for his Sons and Daughters made in his image and likeness. The Fallen Angels and their creations, the soulless ones, mechanization man, represented by Psyche (Watchers), Apollyon, Pluto, Chiron, Transpluto, Dragon, Serpent , Satans (Saturn’s electronic belt) and the Black Moon Lilith (castaways, soulless ones) all who have deified evil, known as the separation from God. They dont need or want God. These are out to mark God’s people with the mark of the Beast in the hand or forehead…in order to buy and sell. This is Jesus Christ’s teachings to John the Revelator , Rev 13: 11-18. The punishment for any of God’s people who take the mark of the Beast is Rev 14:11.

We have come to 2020 midst this generation who are rejecting once again, GOD and HIS SON, this time in Man, in His Second Coming, still finding it hard to believe everyone is not like ourselves. We still want to believe in relative good and evil, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Times, times, and a half time is up. Now outplaying triggered by Mars begins the removal of the MASK. Now we will see play out ABSOLUTE GOOD AND EVIL in the decade of the 20s in the final battle for the soul, hearts and spirit of MAN. All are choosing their path in 2020, to the right or to the left AND some are choosing the straight and narrow road to God on the way shown by his Son.

Feb 17th, 2020

The final document for Winter Solstice the Divine Plan for 2020 has been uploaded to the Current Year Page and to the documents page. This document is titled, The Divine Plan 2020 In Conscious Awareness and Thought.

It is meant that you should read this document to open your heart to your higher mind to teach you what is relevant to your soul’s journey in 2020 that you may fulfill your soul’s destiny under the Blue Ray and Seventh Ray Masters, El Morya and Saint Germain in 2020.

Out of Fire comes


The Sun in Aquarius illuminates the shadows within our hearts, stirring up our hardness of heart, feelings of insensitivity and hatred. These feelings come to the fore front to be consumed in the fire of the heart of the Sun, our Son or to repress the heart flame, the Christ Flame as we repress love, the Brotherhood of Man.

The Sun is a consuming fire, when invoked it will consume the bricks of our hardness of heart. Bricks that seal in the Christ Flame within the heart. Invoke the seven rays of the Sun to consume these bricks replacing them with Ruby Ray Bricks. These latter, consume our lunar mood momentums. Our attachments to material substance and the substance of the ego.

Invoke the light of the Sun. Call upon the Lord. Leap into the arms, in Gemini on the 7th house cusp, of the Guru our teacher, our Master. Leap into the heart of the Guru into the secret chamber of the heart, the eight petal chakra on the eighth ray, the Ruby Ray and consume the hardness of heart separating (Saturn) the disciple from the Master.

We stand in Sagittarius in the final month of the initiation of our hearts by the Holy Spirit in the 32nd year in Leo. This last month, Sagittarius with the Sun in Aquarius, is for Love’s Victory of the initiation of our hearts, of a people who stand in 2020 on the mountain of karma descending at the Y in the road. America and the planet are standing on the mountain as Jesus did with Satan and his Father, at the Y in the road facing the choice to take the right handed path or the left. You know his choice. You know the way, he chose. What road will you take?

We stand in the Yod, 2 Aries, 3 Scorpio and 2 Virgo. We are called to take the hand of God, the hand of our Father, the causal body of Saturn, Lord Maitreya in Capricorn and call upon the Hierarchs of Capricorn, the Great Divine Director and the Seven Archangels. Or we will either ignore them and in our spiritual blindness take the road most traveled. The road that seemeth right.

We stand in Capricorn at the Y , and must take the wave of light at its crest, that will lead to victory. Rejected, opportunity of the Kingdom will pass you by. Shakespeare taught us this lesson about the Tide in the Affairs of Men. So it is today as all are gathered in Capricorn and are choosing the path that leads to their future. The main difference is a matter of heart.

You see in the chart that Jupiter the Guru, Master and Teacher is in Capricorn on the midpoint between the Dragon and our Dwellers, Pluto. The Dragon’s tail is our accumulated past bad habits that define our choices. It has created the accumulated consciousness of the dweller on the threshold. It has become the Dragon that stands before the Divine Mother giving birth to Christ in you, to devour your Christ Self as soon as it is born. It rejects love out of the hardness of its heart. It rejects to do the work of the ages, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and return to the Father’s Kingdom. The cycles of opportunity to create the promise of Jesus to walk after him and do all that he did and more, because he went to the Father. The opportunity in America to create the kingdom of God Government, of the people, by the people, for the people with an economy based on the abundant life, is drawing to a close. Those who are the faithful remnant, the promise is given and can’t be broken, if you keep the law. The meek shall inherit the earth.

Many face the Guru on the mountain of Capricorn thirsty with ambition and the desire to use his light to further their status and position in Community, instead of serving as a just steward. Their dwellers spread their lies in the 3rd decant of the 1st house. Their hearts lust to gather the light , the heart flame of the people and to rule them forcing them to serve the state. In Revelations it is called the Beast out of the Sea, Wormwood. The Dragon over America subverts the authority of the Mother and usurps the office of the Flying Eagle occupied in matter by Guru Ma and her unascended chelas and of the Woman clothed with the Sun and her manchild who keep the mystery school in the community of the Holy Spirit.

Mercury’s message of the Sun at 1 Pisces in the 1st decant of Pisces is to be true to your real self.. Mercury is in the 3rd decant of the 2nd house, be the master of your ship, mastership. Rule yourself, your past. Slay your Dragons, bind your dweller, do not let them rule you. They will deceive you into crossing the line that is drawn for your protection, the law. The line of your protection from all that is descending upon America and the planet.

Your habits and momentums represent your crew , the members of your ship, the Odyssey is the allegorical story of you and your journey home. These momentums and habits are patterns put in place in your psychology to weave a web that entraps your soul to keep you earthbound while the cycles of opportunity pass you by. Cast fear into the Sun, the heart of your SON.

The fallen angels are gathering in Capricorn in 2020 to TAKE HEAVEN BY STORM. The Book of Revelations tells us the Dragon was cast down into the earth, he persecutes the Woman and her seed. Heaven provides her two wings of a Great Eagle to flee to the wilderness for a cycle lasting a time and times and a half time from the face of the Serpent. The Serpent releases out of its mouth a great flood to sweep the Woman away. We see these last 30 years as the rising astral sea. And the increase in population from 5.5 billion to 7.3 billion from 1990 to 2018. The Bible tells us that the Earth rallys to the Woman and her seed by opening up and swallowing this flood. Then, the Bible tells us, the Dragon is angry and now goes to war with the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

This is a prophecy of things to come. The Serpent has cast out of its mouth a great flood that is sweeping the Woman’s seed away. Before many are lost the earth will open up and swallow this flood, the wicked generation.

Mercury’s message to the faithful, Venus, is to remain in the state of fidelity, 2nd decant of the second house in service to the Guru in the 2nd decant of the 6th house. Why? Because Neptune and the Black Moon Lilith, the Castaways are in the 3rd house in Pisces. This represents those who have declared their separation from God, their enmity with God and are using all manner of Media and Marketing to deceive and defraud the American people of a free elections because they don’t want you to oppose them and their agenda. It is written that if the days are not shortened even the Elect will be deceived.

Venus is midpoint between Neptune and Chiron. As Venus stands at the Y in the road at 2 Aries on the Guru Ma’s MC conjoined Chiron. Venus is being initiated and tested on the mountain whether she has come to soul evolution and will take the hand of the Guru. Does she have the gift of the Holy Spirit who has been initiating the heart of the faithful chela for 32 years now, of the discernment of spirits. Can the soul tell who is of the light and who is from darkness, the Black Moon Lilith, the original twin flame of Adam, who sided with the fallen angels Lucifer and Satan against God . We are called to discern and to choose to take the hand of the Guru or the false Guru. This is the great deception.

We have been told to try the spirits. Can you discern Christ from Antichrist? Jesus from his impostors? Morya from his impostors? Uncle Sam, Saint Germain from his impostors? Mother told us of her test. She was able to tell it wasn’t Saint Germain because one hair on his head was out of place. Really? This is the midpoint of Venus to Neptune and Lilith, the Black Moon, the black heart.