Category Archives: Summer Quarter

Summer quarter begins at summer solstice. The Divine Mother waters what the soul has sprouted as new levels of Christ consciousness in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.

VIRGO SUN in Emotional Plane

Virgo Sun Acting on Emotional Body

Download the chart and follow along.

The Virgo Sun brings Divine Justice. It is the right hand of Capricorn, God’s Power in the earth trine. Justice will be delivered upon the left handed path of Capricorn, Taurus rebellion against Divine Law.

How does this play out? It plays out as the law of karma; we reap what we sow. The law states that you are what you think and you will become what you think today. You are today what you thought yesterday. That is to say that the past creates our current state, unless we choose to change the past by positive thinking today. This will change your tomorrows. It is cosmic law.

The Sun is in the 2nd decant of the 4th house of the nation and the American people. It also represents the I AM race of planet earth. We call them the 12 tribes of Israel. America has been described by the ascended masters as the heart of the planet.

The Virgo Sun is intercept in the 4th house by the Nadir at 29 Leo. The Moon in its full moon quarter amplifys the fear of the fallen angels in Pisces. They see the hand writing on the wall. They see the hand of Divine Justice descending upon them for their sins against the Woman and her seed, for their rebellion against the Divine Mother and her Christ children. The princes of this world know the cosmic cycles. They served with the Archangels in Heaven before their fall. They are fully aware of the Ruby Ray cycles of Cosmos.

They know this is the cosmic hour of the second coming of Christ, as Emmanuel with us. They know that the Sun of this solar system is now emerging from the galactic equator into an area of the galaxy that contains increasingly more intense light or photons. They know that Christ is come in the second coming, first in man who rises in the AIR quadrant, the Air Plane to the higher mental body to meet Jesus and his Father descending. This occurs in the etheric plane, our fire bodies. We will first become aware of this in our memory body corresponding to the fire element. This will over time decelerate and spiral into our mental bodies then our emotional bodies, finally in time into our physical world as we know it.

This will allow for God’s people on earth to adjust to the great light that is coming. Many now fear this. Fear in the animal kingdom, that they claim to be from, is a dangerous state to be in or to be around. Shun them. Their fear is imperil. It is the manifestation of the Seven Last Plagues. These, Revelations tells us, are sent into the world as Divine Justice, to force the fallen angels and their civilization, of their one world governance and new economic order, their global economy, the Prophets tell us, ” To Let My People Go”.

Divine Justice is come and needs to be ratified by God’s people in America and the World to ensure a free election so that Americans can freely choose in 2020 whom they serve, God or Mammon. It is man’s dominion in the earth that dictates that they MUST RATIFY God’s will, therefore his Divine Justice while the Sun is in Virgo in the emotional, desire body. Silence is consent.

The Sun will enter the the physical plane in Virgo on Sept 14th at 5:13 pm EDT. Divine Justice will enter the hearts of God’s people, intended to be received by a receptive heart, the heart of man’s Holy Christ Self in the second coming for their salvation or it will fall upon their hearts causing then to fail, for fear of God’s wrath. Revelations teaches God’s people that God’s wrath is delivered in seven bowls or vials. Each is designed to deliver the karma made by the fallen angels throughout the ages upon one of the seven rays, karma made with the seven Archangels. This is NOT the karma of God’s people. It will become so, if we do not separate out to become one people, one nation under one God. It will become our karma if we do not come apart and be a separate and chosen people elect unto God. Revelations chapter 18 verse 4 warns us very clearly come out of their global economy or receive HER karma.

Mankind on Terra has been, since 1975, in the Galactic Alignment of the Sun and its Solar System with the Galactic Equator. We are in the 46th and final year. Helios of the Sun is emerging into an area of the Galaxy where the photons are so much greater than our experiences on Earth for the last 10,000 years. The last time this occurred, 10,000 years ago the continents of MU and Atlantis sank beneath the sea and Antarctic sank beneath the Ice. 10,000 years ago Africa and the people of AFRA were united as one country, one people, one God. And India today was then called Suern and their people the Suerni were in a state of rebellion against their God.

The second coming of Christ will change the face of Terra. Jesus Christ told us 2000 years ago that when he comes, he comes bearing the sword of Divine Justice to divide the real from the unreal, the wheat from the Tares, the righteous from the wicked. He is come to remove from Earth the CAIN Civilization whose mark has been removed and whose time is up. We are told to come out of her, that scarlet woman who rides the scarlet beast or receive her karma. Read chapter 18. It describes the one world economy of International Capitalism and its religion or dogma and doctrine of one world Communism. The Barons of Industry hired Karl Marx to create a PARADIGM to replace Christianity. It is an ideology that throughout history has created a state of socio-economic politics, that denies God. It is the philosophy of the fallen angels who were cast out of Heaven with Lucifer and Satan and the Serpent, in their rebellion against the Father and his Son, Christ.

Things will accelerate rapidly once the SUN enters the physical plane in Virgo, tomorrow. This acceleration is heralding the second coming of Christ. You still have time to prepare him room in your TEMPLE, your four lower bodies. He is coming in Virgo to the Vestal Virgins who have lit up their home’s hearth, in the 4th house that rules in esoteric astrology our conditions in old age. Is your house, your temple lit up? Is there a fire burning on the hearth to welcome him? Is your LAMP lit? Do you have oil in your lamp in September 2020? Will he come and find a warn welcome in a well lit home? Or will you still be tied to the fallen angels and their materialist economy and their atheist ways that are Godless and manifesting extreme hatred of the Christ in the child with their sexual perversions and self hatred of Woman as Mother.

This latter applies to MAN also. It is the feminine principle in man that fell in the Garden of Eden. It was this perversion in man that was cast out of heaven’s mystery school called the Garden of Eden. The Greeks captured this in their history now called mythology of the coming of the Greeks and their Pantheon of gods, they called the Olympians, the fallen angels who reside on the 12th Planet as taught by Zachariah Sitchin . The Greeks came and conquered the Mediterranean civilization that was at that time, a Matriarchal civilization, introducing into western civilization the Patriarchal civilization. They tore down woman and even today in the Middle east woman is slave to man, his animal nature introduced into western civilization by the Greeks, servants of the gods, the CAIN civilization, the fallen angels.

History is not what we have been told. It is always written by the victors. Earth has been in constant war since the fallen angels were cast out of heaven into the earth and the Dragon went to war against the Woman and her seed.

The light of the Galaxy we are about to enter, in the days ahead is the light of the Cosmic Virgin. She is come to the harvest of her labors, in giving birth these last 46 years, to the Christ in Man, to separate out the TARES from the Wheat. The Harvest is the second coming. He is come for the JUDGMENT. The judgment is upon all who do not repent and make him welcome. The judgment, Revelations tells us is upon all who take the mark of the Beast in their hand or forehead…to buy and sell.

We are called and chosen to come out and be a separate people, one people, irrespective of race or color, language or creed. We have allowed the Serpent and his seed to divide and conquer us, for far too long. Just look at the state of Christianity…is it still not apparent? Do you still believe the serpent’s lie that you fell for, in the Garden so long ago? That lie was dialectic materialism and it is still rampant today amongst the seed of the wicked. COME OUT OF HER OR RECEIVE HER KARMA.

If you are tied to their global economy, to their fiscal and monetary policies and their paper money, perpetually inflated and without any value……only debt and credit DEBT. If the answer is yes then you are tied and when it collapses as described in chapter 18, hearts will begin to fail, for fear of what is coming upon the Earth. We have entered the roaring 20’s when last here in the 1920’s it ended with the crash in 1929. This will repeat itself in 2029, the 1st of 4 years of the 2nd term of the next President, elected by the people, for the people and most importantly, OF the people, a Christed one. A soul with oil in their lamps, the Lamb’s Wife. One who is come to do God’s will. We have been told by Mother Liberty that the fallen angels will be cast out of North America and that they will flee to Europe to receive their karma. This collapse of their economy will precipitate war across the European – Asiatic continent. God’s people will need to erect a wall of fire across the sub-continents of India and Scandinavia, if they are to remain free.

God has provided his people an alternative path that leads to soul freedom. One people (12 Tribes), one nation, one God. A separate people, united, indivisible, elect unto God. He has called you to come into unity, to come into COMMUNITY. The community of the Holy Spirit and be sealed from what is coming upon the nations. God prepared the wilderness for you, the Woman’s seed. Rise on the wings of the Great Eagle in Scorpio and fly from the Mountain in Capricorn and the office of the Flying Eagle by the authority of the Mother to the Wilderness to be sealed for a time till all that is written comes to pass and we can enter the Dawn of a New Day and the Promise be fulfilled.

This blog can be down loaded as a document from the Current Year page 2020.

Summer Solstice

Eclipsed and Intercept * What We Need to Know

We are seeing in 2020 man’s karma reflected in events. In our lifetime we have seen world population explode. We have seen the one worlders take control of America and the World. Now we are seeing their COVID-19 plan implemented that has created a vacuum in our cities as we were confined to our homes in the spring. The cities were handed over to those following Uranus and Neptune.

But, that’s not all. What we have seen so far is their story playing out according to their plan. Saint Germain, Hierarch of Aquarius has demanded equal time. His chelas and patriots world wide have answered. Now we shall see Divine Justice begin to play out once the Sun of Helios enters Virgo, the Right Hand of God’s Power, Capricorn.

We have seen their karma play out amongst the fallen angels among us as they stand in Capricorn. We have seen the people come to grips with their dwellers since the Sun entered Taurus in the Spring of 2018, 2 years 4 months now.

Now we are seeing in 2020 the Great White Brotherhood, the lineage of the Guru and their chelas confront those who have stood upon the mountain of God at the Y in the road (YOD of Chiron on the apex to Abaddon/Apollyon and to Transpluto Intergalactic Aliens come to Earth for the final battle of Armageddon) . The Masters call this the final judgment of Evil in the Matter Universe.

We are seeing Jupiter conjunct Pluto, 3 times in 2020 (April, June, and November) We the people are being forced to face our dwellers. This we are told is prelude to the fallen angels having to face their dwellers. This is an alarming time as it foretells the crystallizing of karma.

It also foretells the conquering of our Dwellers that the Masters will bind in answer to our calls (Goddess of Liberty 7/4/1996; Maitreya, Six Pointed Star of the Lord of the World). The chelas of the Masters stand in Virgo in the 33rd year on the Path of Personal Christhood. We are witnessing the second coming of Christ in man, in 2020. We are standing on planet earth as our solar system emerges in this year from the Galactic Alignment with the galactic equator, called the Rift, the Womb of the Cosmic Virgin giving birth to Christ upon this planet and particularly in America.

Cycles are turning and we are witness to the Turning of Worlds. Many are focused on the Covid-19 plan for the 4th Turning, as has been foretold by the apostles of the Great Transformation that was begun by the NEOCONs in America. These apostles of world communism and the Nephilim’s one world order are the authors responsible for rallying the Millennials who they are calling to rise up to bring about their second great rebellion. Their fore fathers rebelled in Heaven under Lucifer, Satan and the Serpent now they have been released from Hades, see Revelations chapter 9.

The Millennials are being called the 13th great generation. Three generations incarnated each century. The Millennials are the 13th beginning in 2000. Therefore the 12 previous generations being referred to began in the 1600s. A Google search on the Illuminati in 1600 tells us at taken from their library titled, “Bloodlines of Illuminati”, that the illuminati are generational Satanic bloodlines which have gained the most power. These bloodlines are described as “Satans elite…”. Ron Howard who directed a film called Secular Sabotage: How Liberals are destroying Religion and Culture…tells us that the Illuminati were formed in the 1600s.

The 1600s corresponds with Saint Germain founding of America as Sir Walter Raleigh founded the Virginia colony in late 1500s. They are in direct opposition to Saint Germain and America. The 13th generation were foretold by Hitler as the Hitler Youth, the 10th and 11th generation.

They have reincarnated Archangel Gabriel tells us, (see the Book of Revelations chapter 9) in his book dictated through his messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Mysteries of the Holy Grail”, to revisit their decision to follow Lucifer. They have reincarnated to be given the opportunity to bend the knee in Capricorn on the mountain of God’s Power and to support the Divine Plan (Capricorn) of the Aquarian Age and support Saint Germain. Jesus told us “for judgment I am come into the earth”. The second coming of Christ in man is to deliver this judgment. The final battle is engaged.

For this reason we have come in the earth at this time. We were given the 15th Rosary so that we could “Live to Set Life Free” by the word incarnate in us by our invocation (firey calls to God about the injustices you see in your life and threatening your nations and people) and by your decrees to the judgement call and to the Violet Flame. By your decrees the Seven Archangels and the armies of Heaven are binding and taking these generations from the planet.

The danger, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood of light tells us (July 1st, 1976) is that we will do nothing. This is the consciousness of the light bearer she calls DOOMSDAY. This is what happened on the planet Maldek, (asteroid belt) they were oppressed by the weight of karma descending upon the fallen angels on that planet and their strategy of “silencing the lambs” and according to cosmic law, “silence is consent” so they became a laggard evolution. Cast off and left behind the evolution of the race of God’s children of Maldek. This evolution left behind came to Earth and with them some of the fallen angels of Maldek. They came to the Mediterranean basin as the Greeks and their gods, destroying by war the matriarchal civilization of the Mediterranean. This is the story of the fall of woman on our planet. It is only one story among many of the fall of the feminine principle in man on Terra.

Uranus, Whats Up With You

Little understood is the US natal chart. Why? Because 1776 was not the birth time of America, it was the time of conception and it foretells the destiny and the karmic debt that the colonists were called to fight for and to defend, with vigilance.

America’s birth time was on April 30th, 1789 in New York City at 1:30 pm LMT. This time has been given us by Morya El. Why does it matter? The 1776 conception chart shows the destiny of every American, to come prepared with oil in their lamps to the second coming of Christ in man. It shows her destiny to bring God Government to America, US conceptual Sun is conjunct the God Star Sirius. The US conceptual ascendant is at 13 Sagittarius inconjunct the conceptual Sun. Indicating that the American people are destined to give birth to Christ who will rule them with a rod of iron. The iron will of the diamond heart disciplined in Cancer to embody the Father in the Son. America is called to defend the freedom and liberty of all nations and people on Terra. The barons of industry and their bankers and financiers conspired against America by dedicating the Illuminati, to defeat God’s plan for both America and the second coming of Christ in man. They hired Karl Marx whose dialectic materialism is the catechism of the religion of Capitalism (Materialism) they called it communism and its socialist policies. America is Atlantis rising once again to raise up the Christ in her people and to defend freedom and liberty in the hearts of the I AM Race worldwide.

Americans have a debt of destiny that must be paid in Scorpio where those who are called to America may receive her inheritance. It is this inheritance the Illuminati and the people of the lie have conspired to steal or swindle from the people of God. They do this primarily by destroying all that is pure in the hearts of this people. It begins in the home in early childhood by affecting the child’s early environment. US natal ascendant is 7 Virgo and her natal sun is 10 Taurus in the 1st decant of the 9th house conjunct Venus, the faithful remnant of the seven states of consciousness to which Jesus delivered the Book of Revelation to John. He saw the ending from the beginning.

In 2020, Uranus enters the 10th degree of Taurus to conjunct the US natal Sun on July 4th, 2020. It will be in the 10th degree for the initiation of this people through April 18, 2021 when it will transit into the 11th degree going back and forth until it moves on, leaving behind the Vestal Virgins without oil in their lamps on February 7th, 2022. This is the defining period for America. Many would see and have even gone so far as to invest in her failure. They have already sold their inheritance.

This period July 4th 2020 to Feb 7th, 2022 will define for the entire planet how the Tribulation will play out and for how long. Daniel describes this coming cycle in chapters 8 through 12. This is the period of the next 12 years. This is the first 12 year cycle of the cosmic clock as the Sun of our Solar System leads us into the great unknown as we emerge from the Galactic Alignment. The Mayans saw this in their cosmic clock they called the Mayan Calendar. It was a BILLION year cycle. Still believe it was a calendar?

What does Uranus foretell? It is the hope of the world, it is the love of Aquarius, the love of God for man. It is foretold as the second coming of Christ in man. The Kingdom Age that we call a Golden Age, ruled by Christ in Leo.

Uranus is also the harbinger of great hatred and the repression of God in Man, the Father in the Son. This is the rebellion that began in heaven as Lucifer in his pride fell under the spell of Peshu Alga. Cast down, the Serpent made war against the Woman and her seed as they came to earth in the Mediterranean basin and the middle east. They entered the Mediterranean, as Greek mythology tells us, that was the Motherland, a matriarchal civilization and caused the fall of the feminine principal in man. They trained us to be MARS, destroying the dominance of VENUS in man, both male and female.

Uranus rules the realm of fire, the etheric memory of the planet and devaschan, the Elysian fields. It was here that our souls learned to hate and were taught witchcraft. We have been descending in evolution, devolving ever since. Many more continue to de-evolve on the path of rebellion against Jesus Christ and his Father, who are come with our personal Christ into our temples, as is manifest in the hatred of America by this generation who have incarnated since 1939 as the gates of Hades were opened as taught in Revelations. They came launching a population explosion, all the while killing the child in the womb who is the incarnation of Christ in man. Millions have been sacrificed on their altars of lust. As they incarnate increasing the planetary population by 5 billion since 1939. Explain zero population growth and abortion in the light of the rapidly increasing locusts from Hades whose king is Apollyon at 2 Scorpio. He is the Scorpion King and the locusts are the Boomers and the Millennials, but not all. God’s faithful people are now as they were then (1776) , 10 percent of the population. As in the beginning so in the ending. These are the remnant of the faithful within the seven states of mind, the seven churches of the Book of Revelation.

The next BLOG will take a look at Uranus, the White Horse in the Book of Revelation and examine what is the karma of this nation and her people descending upon the planet in the summer of 2020. America is the heart of the planet. As America goes, so goes the planet. Or it is stated as America ‘s people stands with Uncle Sam , our God, the God of Israel, the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, so will go the planet.

It will look at what is this karma descending upon the I AM Race. As God always chastises his people first before he chastises the children of the fallen angels. What is this karma of the 12 Tribes that sold Joseph into slavery instead of killing him outright. How has this karma continued to play out these last 2000 years, these last 200 years, especially these last 20 years. 2020 is a year of accounting as the Saturn Jupiter 20 year cycle comes to a close on the New Economic Order of the One World Governance of the American Illuminati. God sent the Little Horn to up root these three horns amongst the Group of 10. Well I guess you have your homework to do, if you want to know what is required of the law in this hour.

What is the karma of squandering our inheritance these last 20 years in America and the I AM Race these last 20 years, these last 200 years, these last 2000 years? It is Revelations chapter 20 verse 5, because we fail to bend the knee in Capricorn on the mountain with the Serpent, called the Dragon as we stand at the Y in the road and fail to take the hand (YOD) of our God and receive our personal Christ in our temple, to rise up on wings of an Eagle to meet Jesus and his Father Maitreya in the Air, thus the three Emmanuel with us. For the remnant of the faithful this is happening as we speak and will TRANSFORM the world as is being foretold. The difference is it is God’s Kingdom that is coming not the Great Transformation of a one world materialist civilization back to the world as it was before Jesus Christ was sent into the world.

The Mayans, saw it, they prepared to meet the returning Serpent and leave with him in their spaceships as their prophecy foretells. But first, they will destroy God’s people and the planet . They refuse to give it back. These are the Modrids and Vivian and her like sorceresses. They plan to destroy Camelot before they will leave it to the Once and Future King and his Knights and Ladies who are foretold to return to Camelot and cast out these Black Magicians. So we see two futures, two plans, and two peoples.

Who are you betting on winning, why yourself of course. This is the battle of Armageddon and this is the Tribulation. This is the great darkness just before the coming dawn. This is the next 12 years. Are you ready? Start now. Cycles are turning and now is the start of new cycles. Catch the wave, ride it to your destiny. God has forgiven you before you even ask. This is the cycle of the prodigal son and daughter. Wash your karma in the violet flame of freedom and let go and let God, do what he will do. He is come for the judgment of these fallen angels and all who take the mark of the Beast in the hand or forehead.

Sun Enters Leo

The Sun entered Leo last Wednesday, on July 22nd. Download the chart. The Suns entry into Leo will test our souls on the Leo Aquarius axis as to who rules us in the summer of 2020 at the conclusion of the cycles that mark the second coming of Christ in man. We are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy of the last 2000 and the last 200 years and more as we are seeing the precession of the equinox, the cycle of 25,800 years coinciding with the conclusion of the galactic alignment and the birth of Christ in man in the second coming of Christ.

The Sun comes to test the soul to see who rules the soul, Christ or the dweller-on-the-threshold ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter, the Guru and to Saturn, the Father, the Great Guru. We are being measured in the summer of 2020 to identify the chosen who in the ending have prepared for the coming of Christ. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Vestal Virgins in Virgo who have oil in their lamps in the hour of the coming of the Bridegroom.

The Sun is the Father in the Son, the sun behind the sun. The second coming in man manifests as the souls wedding to the Son, who now manifests as the Sun, with the moon beneath their feet (Pisces).

Souls are facing the rigors of the coming changes being imposed on the planet as the solar system emerges from the galactic alignment into the greater light of the galaxy into which we are now emerging into. This light is causing insanity, lunacy in many who have pledged themselves to their dweller upon the mountain with Jesus and his Father, Maitreya where we are called to merge with our personal Christhood in the 33rd year on this path of personal Christhood to deny the old patterns of our dwellers (Pluto) and our ties to the Watchers at 1 Capricorn (Psyche). We stand in Capricorn to face Saturn, the Father of Jesus who uses the casual body of Saturn to initiate the Christ, in the transforming of the soul in the alchemical wedding to her beloved, Christ.

The soul faces in Capricorn Pluto and all the habits and momentums of our moods (moon) that indulges the soul in momentums of escape in Leo entertainments and amusements causing the soul to divert her attention from preparing the seamless wedding garment and keeping our light in our lamps and not squandering it in the hour of the conclusion of cycles and the coming of the light of the second coming.

This light of the galaxy into which we are emerging will transform souls into Christ or into the insanity of Antichrist. All stand in Capricorn to face the judgment of the fallen angels and that which we have created by giving our light to the fallen angels since the Garden of Eden that has formed the energy veil and our dwellers that are at one and the same time both our personal subconscious and the collective unconscious of the planet. This is the psychology of the soul that betrays Christ, one day welcoming the king on Palm Sunday then the next denying him three times in the Garden on Holy Thursday.

All know that there is a profound change occurring on earth in 2020. We see the outer accouterments. We see and hear many pundits and prophets talk of great transformations that are occurring yet out souls sense that the talk and deeds that we are seeing do not align. We sense great darkness is afoot. We also sense and many know that their is a great light manifesting also. Many are beginning to sense and even see a great confrontation between the forces of light and the forces of darkness preparing to converge.

The light is represented by the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Our souls are standing in the shoes of Hamlet in the dark night of the spirit that has followed on our souls dark night as we prepare for the coming of Christ into our temple, the Bridegroom. And with him comes the hosts of heaven. This has been foretold of old as the second coming of Christ in man and the revolution in higher consciousness as man awakens to fulfill the promises of the last 2000, especially the last 500 years of a golden Age of Cosmic Christ Peace of earth when the fallen angels will pass through the harvesting of the Tares, their being bound in the earth and cast out. As the people cut their ties to Babylon the Great’s civilization and their Neocon one world governance and New Economic Order of their one world economy.

Revelations and Daniel describe this coming confrontation and the collapse of their economy. We are told in chapter 18 in verse 4 that we , God’s people, the I AM Race, the 12 Tribes of Israel are to come out of her or receive her judgment. Who is she that is referred to in the Book of Revelations? She is the Church Age, we are called in chapter 20 verse 4 to enter the Kingdom Age. And Revelations is a message to the seven churches of man, the seven perverted states of consciousness of man that denies, abdicates and aborts Christ come into their temples (their four planes of matter consciousness, the four planes of matter, our four lower bodies that allow us to move and breath and live in these four planes simultaneously. These four planes of consciousness are the etheric we call heaven; the mental where the Princes of the air reign denying Christ in man; the Astral or emotional plane of our feeling bodies we call hell and the physical where we call illusion our reality, the seat of all our suffering, the effects of our desiring that plays out in Scorpio as our perceptions that are poisoning us with our passions. Where we satisfy our appetites and desires, destroying all that is purity and true Christ peace. We are, astrology teaches us our own worst enemy. The ascended masters teach, since the opening of the mystery schools by the Mahatmas in 1875 that all these deeds , feelings, thoughts and memories have consciousness and we created it. It is called our Dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness and it rules Pluto.

The second coming is the coming of the judgment of Christ, of our dwellers. We are called to choose to follow the Serpent and Dragon once more (in Eden) or to bend the knee in Capricorn and accept Christ into our temple. Beware the dweller, both personal and planetary (in others) because he mascarades as Christ, he is call Antichrist for a reason. He is come to displace Christ in 2020 and demands entry into your temples claiming to be Christ. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve! You will know him by his vibration.

You need to purify your senses in Leo so that you are nor emotionally dense and if your feeling world has been retarded in areas since your early childhood home and environment that has shaped your emotional body that shapes your physical body even today ,then invoke prayer and fasting, meditation and call upon heaven as Jesus taught us 2000 years ago in the prayer, ” the Our Father”, Command Ye me. Do not come to God as a beggar but come as Christ comes into your temple and listen to the logos as he speaks in your temple as the words coming out of your mouth in prayer and adoration.

Ask for healing and to be washed seven times in the violet flame, the seventh ray. The violet singing flame is closest in frequency to our physical world and body. The power of prayer is in meditation. That is to say, see what you invoke. Learn what Jesus taught his Apostles and Disciples, long since removed from the churches for fear of loosing control of the people, learn the science of Invocation, the power behind prayer. Call upon the Lord, cry out unto heaven. Speak out loud. Christ is the Logos, the spoken word. It is the fallen angels who have taught us to pray in silence. This is the silencing of the Lambs. And in God’s and in Man’s law, silence is consent. You consent to follow the fallen angels not Christ, as taught by Revelations to the Remnant of the faithful in the seven churches. Come out of her or receive her karma Rev 18:4.

Week of Sept 9th, 2019

Sun Tests Man’s Emotional Reactions to Events Unfolding

The Sun entered the emotional plane in Virgo delivering divine justice, our karma. The purpose being to guide the soul in paying her debts of destiny. Holding the soul accountable to balance every jot and tittle. Contrary to common misconceptions and justifications.

The Sun entered to test our emotional body’s control by the Christ mind, the higher mental body on Saturday Sept 7th just after 6 pm EDT. The Moon which exerts itself on unresolved Martian desires, magnetizing then amplifying them while pulling down our consciousness from the higher to the lower mental plane and mental body, entered the first quarter moon on Sept 5th, last Thursday.

These are the forces exerting an influence on our emotional bodies, vying for our soul’s attention and allegiance, with far different outcomes. The Sun comes to strengthen and nurture the God Harmony of our emotions and test the soul’s command of Cosmic Christ Peace. The oil of peace, the oil in the lamps of the vestal virgins attending the temple of their four lower bodies as the house of God. While the Moon is exerting a magnetic force upon our Martian aggression, argumentation, blaming others while amplifying our anger and feelings of frustration and anxiety as we face the turning tide of events as we are forced to come to grips with sudden changes, life is presenting to us this week.

The Sun is calling us home to let go and enter Christ Peace and pass through unattached, unmoved and unperturbed to engage the heart to discover a heart centered solution where it is a win win solution. On the other hand the Moon in the mental plane is influencing Mars, agitating our minds pulling our consciousness down into the mass consciousness of the lower mental plane, the lower mental body, we call the lower mind in the third house of Gemini.

The Sun works through its principles, Jupiter and Venus, the Guru and chela, the teacher and disciple, the mentor and the intern. Jupiter is in Sagittarius in the 10th house on the yellow cross of illumination or wielded as the volition of the personalities poisoned mind, poisoned by envy and jealousy of the love and devotion of the Guru for the chela, and the mastery demonstrated as the fruits of the acceptable offering. This is the attack on the haves by the proverbial have nots.

The latter are wrought with the Moons influence on Mars, self hatred projected as hatred of others who appear to be gaining this week. The soul engages the Moon’s influence instead of the light of the Sun on the soul and the test of Christ Peace in Virgo. The soul self-retaliates by giving in to Martian aggression and frustration and anxiety, if not challenged will transcend into self condemnation. This denies the soul’s tie to the Sun and her call to rally to the Sun.

The soul is being called in Virgo to balance her books, her karmic debt so that with less weight and density the soul might fly with the Sun to meet her swiftly approaching destiny. So what does the SUN have to say for itself? What is going on this week?

The midheaven is at 5 Sagittarius as the soul in devotion to her God Flame burning in her chest acts within the organization the 10th house 1st decant and calls upon the Lord as she arcs the light from God’s heart and all his representatives, the hierarchy of saints in heaven. This is the mark of the soul in September 2019 who leans upon the Lord and attends the flame of the heart in loving adoration of the God flame burning on heart’s altar.

The soul stands with the guru, Jupiter in the 10th house with an intense awareness, love and gratitude for the guru. This is practically understood as the love for America and Uncle Sam. The soul stands with Jupiter, in his or her footsteps as the Guru carries the chela, the soul as she walks in the footsteps of the Master. As one, they are come to rescue the American people and uphold the Office and mantle of the President of the United States. The 10th house rules the White House and its occupants. God in Rev 17:17 said, “God hath put into their hearts to fulfill his will, to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God Shall be fulfilled.”

Jupiter is over the White House to fulfill Rev 17:17. We are called to invoke God’s will and to bind all opposition to that will, that Office and Mantle, the highest in the land of the New Covenant. We are called to stand with El Morya and his Keepers of the Flame who keep the Office and Mantle for America until El Morya can place that mantle upon Christ come in the second coming and called in the 2024 elections, to take office.

We are called to call upon the hierarchies of Heaven and the Archangels with Michael to place their presence over President Trump, to carry out God’s will to defend America and to rally the people to Uncle Sam, Saint Germain in the election campaigning and defense of America. (see the Series of Summer Solstice and Sun in Virgo documents and the blogs to understand that this is the hour of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, the Great Awakening (Neptune) of the American people and their Enlightenment (Uranus) by illuminations flame blazing upon their hearts. The Sun is come with Jupiter, in the second coming to RALLY the people to the flag, the sign and signal of the God Star. The Sun is come to rally the people and President Trump is the instrument until this people awaken and elect their own in 2024. The elections of 2020 are the stepping stone for the rallying of a people awakening to their God Destiny. He must be protected as the instrument that God has chosen to do his will.

The People are rallying to Uncle Sam in all its symbols, not in the idolatry of person. This is the all-accomplishing wisdom of perfected action to antidote the Moons Personality of the President and the people of their volition that is poisoning their souls with envy and jealousy of what another has.

Jupiter is in polarity to the Part of Fortune, the point of Harmony and Joy as the soul anchors the light invoked on behalf of God’s will in this hour, the harvest cycle of the year for the Turning of Worlds in the face of peoples emotional or rational response to the Sun in Virgo….injustice and its hatred of America and Uncle Sam, Saint Germain who is come to send Merlin to fulfill his destiny as he prophesied.

We are called to bind the dweller on the threshold of President Trump and his family, advisers, Cabinet their Departments and Administrations of government and of the American people and those among them who are called out to Keep The Flame. This is the Part of Fortune at 9 Gemini in the 4th house 1st decant. We are being tested who will bind their attachments to material substance (materialism) and substance of self, vanity of ego.

The binding of his dweller is required so he and all will hear and heed the call, so that he will be the vessel for Uncle Sam to rally his own in a critical hour of the oncoming wave of light. We are called to anchor this light for the Turning of Worlds in America then the Hemisphere, then the planet. People are being given the choice to choose who they serve. It will become a very clear choice and all will consciously choose between life and death, the casual body of Neptune and Uranus or the electronic belts of these planets orbiting the peoples own electronic belts. This is Divine Justice Descending in Virgo in polarity to Neptune in Pisces.

Sun in Virgo

Helios in Virgo is about Divine Justice. It is about accountability for your karmic debt to life. The soul learns compassion in Virgo as she pays her debts. Some think that they shouldn’t have to and they dodge the bullet so to speak. The wise understand that the debt is long over due and are diligent to “wash seven times” as our Lord admonished us to do 2000 years ago.

As I watch and study the stars and their cycles and apply the Everlasting Gospel, promised by Jesus the Christ 2000 years ago in the Book of Revelations, I see that the increasing intensity is the result of the planets in their orbits. They are gathering in Capricorn for what is being called “the Great Transformation. All is not what it appears.

Some, believe that it is about the world order, a new phase of the NEOCONS New World Order and their New Economic Order. Simply, the revolution of the Proletariat. This is the logical next step in their plans, their designs we have been educated to call the Age of Reason. This is illusion.

Yes, the Illuminati have plans and are monopolizing the air waves to indoctrinate the public to their lies. And as the people believe they give life to the lie that is intended to take hold as they did in Russia, in 1917. So, History is repeating itself.

But, this is only a small part of what is happening. The Stars behind the Sun, known esoterically as the Sun behind the Sun, Elohim, Adonai, El Shaddai and Alpha and Omega, and the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, known as Kartikeya and Ahura Mazda are also moving behind the scenes.

The planets are aligning in Capricorn as the kings and queens, spoken of in the Book of Revelations and in The Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, messenger of the Seven Archangels and the seventh angel spoken of in Revelations chapter 10:7, are BEING gathered to the great day of the Lord.

This is to say that we are emerging from the Galactic Alignment of Helios of the Sun (and the entire solar system…the orbits of the planets) in 2020. We will emerge from the galactic equator, the RIFT, the womb of the Cosmic Mother. She has been in labor these 46 years giving birth on Earth to the Christ in Man (while Humans have been abandoning their God to follow after these gods of old we call today the Illuminati). Humans have been rallying to the Dragon that stands before the Divine Mother giving Birth to devour the manchild, as soon as it is born. America is that manger, because humans have no room in their Inns (temples). Not so Mankind, they have understood the teachings of the Son of Man and they have come to 2019 having received him in their hearts.

We also are witness to the coming of the Guru Jupiter, we have known him of old as Teacher, Rabboni, the Son of Man Jesus Christ. Sent by Our Father,Jupiter is coming for the judgment promised for 2000 years upon these who have been gathered to Capricorn. The outcome is NOT what they are telling you. There is another story that is not based on illusion and deception. It is playing now within the secret chamber of your heart and can be seen by tuning into your heart center. This is the message of the Stars. It is not religion nor doctrine or dogma.

For an alternate future check out the document Titled the Sun in Virgo, the Encounter with the Dweller (personal and planetary). The document is uploaded to Current Year 2019, page.

Saturday August 17th,

The final document in the series on Summer Solstice 2019 called “The Coming Changes, The Omega Cycle” has been added to the Site page, “Current Year 2019”.

Venus stands on US conceptual Sun conjoined transiting Sirius at 14° Cancer to hold the balance for the birth of Christ in the American people and the I AM Race, worldwide. These are those who stand between 29 Gemini and 6° Cancer to form the six-pointed star that Mother tells us is always the sign and signal of the incarnation of the word. The six-pointed star is made up of those in America and the world whose astrology (returning good karma) occupies between 29 Gemini and 6 Cancer, with Uranus, the Black Moon Lilith, the Watchers [Cupid], the Moon and Apollyon at 1° Scorpio, and Transpluto at 1° Virgo.  Venus keeps the vigil through the dark night of the spirit for the birth of Christ in the American people and the I AM Race by standing on the mountain and casting down Satan, the Dragon, the Serpent on the East Gate, and the planetary dweller of all who are tied to the Wicked One through Apollyon, who are the false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray on the North Gate.  Venus upholds the arms of the Guru in the third house in the judgment, as the 12 tribes of Israel meet the challenge of the illuminati, the planetary dweller on the threshold who would destroy the church and the nation.

Pluto stands in the second decant of the ninth house, as the challenge that we face in 2019 on the Odyssey of our souls, as we stand with Maitreya to pass our initiation on the mountain (of God Consciousness or of our karma).  Maitreya teaches us to call upon the sword of the Cosmic Virgin to slay all that assails the birth of Christ within you and the American people and the I AM Race worldwide. We are called to slay the dweller in the third Decant of Capricorn, the true ideal, the ultimate goal of the path, the price to be paid for the resurrection and the ascension.

The current cycles began in 1990 when the dark cycle entered the physical plane.  This is when karma we created began returning immediately into the physical. Since 1990 we have seen a drastic increase in world population, an increase in the national debt, an increase in technology and the control of the people. We have seen an increase in the power of world communism and its threat despite all appearance of its defeat in the late 1980’s. We have seen the dismantling of America, from space to Main Street and Wall Street and of the US military. We have seen the transfer of industry and manufacturing, banking and finance from America to the Third World.

The Guru Jupiter is in Sagittarius.  Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019 for five days at 0° Capricorn. Jupiter leaves Capricorn on December 19th, 2020. Jupiter conjuncts the Watchers on December 4th, 2019. Jupiter conjunct’s the Dragon’s tail on January 6th, 2020. Jupiter conjunct’s Pluto on April 4th, June 30, and November 12th of 2020. Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at winter solstice December 21st, 2020.

The soul stands facing the greatest challenge on the journey home.  The challenge on the mountain with Maitreya at the conclusion of the 20-year journey of self-mastery over the lesser self (dweller) having submitted in Taurus to be governed by Christ on May 28th in the year 2000. We stand in the summer of 2019 watering the crop of Christ Mastery over the Antichrist, the lesser self (our dweller) that declares its independence from God, the doer. We are called in the next 17 months to slay the lesser self and cast the soul upon the rock of Christ in the Transfiguration. We are called to slay the Black Moon Lilith, the soul that rejects the Christ and the love of the Divine Mother. This great drama of the next 17 months will play out as Jupiter transits Capricorn. Come to wage the final battle of Armageddon within the souls of the called-out ones chosen to be the first fruits, in the church, and in America.

These are just a few excerpts from the document, “The Coming Changes”. Major challenges lay ahead, but our God has not left us to face them alone. God stands with his people to meet these coming challenges. He taught us how to call upon him in times of need. He gave us his name , given to Moses, for all time to come, “I AM THAT I AM“. Call upon the Lord in the hour of need. Call upon the Lord in gratitude and strength. Call upon the Lord any hour of the day. And he will send his heavenly legions of angels to defend you and America. CALL UPON THE LORD!

August 15th, 2019

The Woman Clothed with the Sun and Her Man-child Parts 1 through 4 have been added to the Current Year 2019 page.

God is gathering by the six-pointed star of the incarnate Word, those who are prepared to this hour to demonstrate publicly the mastery of the law. God is sending his sons to free his people and to gather the 1 million to his heart, “to sacrifice unto me” and to gather and lead the people through the seven last plagues. Helios has come at summer solstice 2019 to deliver these seven initiations to the Sons of God and the seven plagues to the sons of Belial, the fallen angels.

Astrology teaches us who is Aquarian and what initiations and tests we must all face as we move into the Aquarian Age under its hierarch Saint Germain. Aquarians are ruled by Saturn and Uranus. In cosmic astrology and in the cosmic clock Aquarius is God love, altruistic love, the love of the guru for the chela and the chela for the guru.  Saturn rules the forms and structures that must make way for those of Aquarius. Saturn reveals the pain and suffering we will undergo if we resist or if we fail to give expression to these changes.  The cosmic clock teaches us that Scorpio the 10 o’clock line is ruled by Cyclopea and the Lords of form. This is in contrast to Akshobhya (Virgo) whose wisdom consumes the component of personality, its form.  We know this as the synthetic self of the Antichrist and its poison of anger and hatred of the guru. Saturn rules the form or structure, the organization of society, its organizations, nations, our governments and our economy. Saturn represents the father and the law, the setting of boundaries and limitations. Uranus rules love, the highest level, Aquarian love in esoteric astrology this love is the causal body of Uranus. It is a higher octave of Venus the love of the chela, the divine feminine principle. It is in contrast to self-love, the love of the synthetic self, vanity. Uranus represents the idea and the flame of freedom. The flame that breaks the bonds that imprisons the soul and keeps her earthbound by the grave cloth that embalms the soul keeping her earthbound by attachment to material substance and Kuthumi teaches us that the substance of self is vanity. 

We are standing on the mountain with the mountain goats, the Satans, and the Watchers at 1° Capricorn in the fifth house with the guru Jupiter. Jupiter is in the first decant and the Watchers in the second decant. The sun is engaged in a four-year window for the judgment of the Watchers. This window began at winter solstice 2016 through winter solstice 2019 to carry out the divine plan for the judgment of evil in the matter universe beginning in 2017 throughout 2020, a four-year period of the conjunction of the Sun and the Watchers at winter solstice. There is one and ½ years left. The fourth-year begins at winter solstice 2019 when the Sun of Helios and Vesta is conjunct the Watchers at 0° Capricorn on winter solstice. {cycle 1}

This window of time converges with the YOD formed by the apex at 2° Aries conjunct Chiron conjunct Mother’s midheaven to Transpluto 1° Virgo and Apollyon at 1° of Scorpio. At this YOD we stand at the Y in the road with the guru and must confront our dweller by taking the right-hand path. (See Kuthumi chapter one, The Enemy Within.)  The window standing at the Y in the road began as the Sun entered Taurus in 2018 and lasts until the sun enters Pisces in 2020. This window has two primary phases, the first in 2018, the second beginning in 2019 and ending in 2020 {cycle 2}. This cycle corresponds with the astrological cycle of Neptune at 18° Pisces conjunct the solar eclipse at 18° Pisces, that opened a window from March 8, 2016 through March 2020. {cycle 3}

These three cycles all converge for the greatest testing of our souls probably since the departure from the original mystery school. The cycles will lay the foundation for what will play out beginning in 2021 when we emerge from the galactic equator. This emergence corresponds to the final 3 ½ years of the mission of the Summit Lighthouse.

During this eclipse window conjunct Neptune, from 2016 to 2020 we are being tested by all that is hidden that will be revealed and made plain, but first in our own lives and organization.  It is God’s way, the Elohim have told us, it is the fairness of the law. Abaddon called Apollyon at 1° Scorpio conjunct the nadir represents the return of karma and the playing out of the final drama of Abaddon who Revelations tells us is the king of the locusts that came out of the bottomless pit {Rev 9:11}. The problem astrology reveals is that of avoiding this returning karma, heads buried in the sand as the final drama plays out between absolute good and absolute evil. It was this state of mind that resulted in this destruction of the planets Hedron and Maldek and of the continents of Mu and Atlantis and of the first attempt to bring in the golden age, in Russia in 1917.