Victory is Won in the Final hour. Guard Consciousness
The sun entered the physical plane in Sagittarius yesterday at 2:28 pm ET. (I use the White House because it represents to America and the World the highest and lowest aspirations of the American people.)
We are concluding the 2nd decade of the 21st century. We enter by numerology the 3rd or Christ decade on winter solstice. The question is will we choose to give birth to Christ or to Antichrist? Each one will answer this in 2020 based on what they bring to the wedding of the soul to…
The soul will determine this by her desires. Her desires are her attachments and her attachments govern her choices. Mercury warned the soul in the solar week of the sun in the emotional plane , our astral body, our subconscious at 27 Scorpio in the 1st decant of the 1st house, see previous BLOG.
Mercury delivered the message to the soul, beware your dweller on the threshold of consciousness. Beware the 1994 mega-conjunction in Capricorn of 7 planets with Pluto at 27 Scorpio square Saturn, 27 Aquarius. We have been tested these last 26 years, since 1994 as to what we are attached to, what we desire…the kingdom of God or the kingdom of man. We have been given the last 2000 years to choose between Mars (desire) and Venus (love) and to prepare to pass the higher initiations by assimilating the causal bodies of Uranus (Aquarian Love, self-less love) and Neptune, the Christ mind over the lower mind, the carnal mind.
We are come to the initiation of our souls upon the mountain with Saturn, the casual body , Maitreya and its electronic belt, Satans. We are come to choose life not death and to return to the Garden, the Mystery School as Christ to take the initiation from Maitreya of sealing our Christhood by casting out the Serpent, we call our dweller on the threshold of consciousness. We are standing on the mountain in Capricorn as the RAMS with the GOATS, the mountain goats.
We are standing on the mountain with our Christ self, the bridegroom along with those who have chosen to bow before Satan (Saturn) and its dialectic materialism of the serpent’s mind and its serpent logic, of the kingdom come in this earth. Jesus told the zealots represented by Simon that his Kingdom IS NOT of this earth. He taught us then that his Kingdom IS COME into this earth through the second coming of Christ in man, at the end of the age. The age he referred to was the Piscean Age, that is just ending. It is by your choice you make at the close of 2019 that will decide whether or not you have come prepared to enter the Aquarian Age of selfless love. Whether or not you will leave off your ties to the kingdom of men, “Babylon” and enter in and be washed clean in the violet flame of all vibrations, feelings, thoughts, and memories of this world and return to our Father’s Kingdom, the prodigal Sons and Daughters.
We are standing on the mountain with those who have bowed down before the Dragon (Serpent), the Red Dragon, Satan, whom Daniel saw spew out of its mouth the four Beasts. Mars is conjunct Apollyon we also know as Abaddon, king of all who have incarnated amongst us since 1939, 5 billion raising our population to almost 7.5 billion. They stand on the mountain as seen by the Prophet Daniel, the GOATS with the RAMS, for the final battle.
We have stood on the mountain at the Y in the road to face and conquer or be conquered by our dweller as taught by the Everlasting Gospel. We came upon the Y in the road in 2018 when the Sun entered Taurus. We have until the Sun enters Pisces in 2020 to slay our dweller. Mercury warns us to not delay because Saturn and Pluto converge as they conspire against your soul. They lust after your soul to harvest the light of your DNA, to extend their life among the living. They are the living dead, whited sepulchers. They live only as parasites, as vampires living off your life blood, the labor of your hearts and hands.
Mercury asks, “where are the RAMS in Aries, Christ who has slain the Serpent at the East Gate” The true Christs and true Prophets who stand with the two Witnesses and the two Messengers on the East Gate, having slain the lesser self. They are called to the South Gate to stand with the Guru, Jupiter to cast out the Dragon over America and the True Church. They are called to take a stand in 2020 with the Guru. What is their story? How will you know them?
They are those who come to winter solstice, victors in 2019 over their dwellers, their lesser selves and its desires manifest as attachments. They come to defend the Mother and our Mother-Land, America against those on the mountain with Saturn, Maitreya who seek to rule our Church and our Land, Antichrist, your next door neighbor, the person sitting next to you on the bus. Antichrist is the common man who has chosen NOT to follow Christ but the ones who promise to deliver the power to rule, the cost is your soul.
The victors come to the mountain in humility and constancy, the meek, standing on the Path in Virgo in the initiation of their hearts in Leo wearing the mantle of Learning, Illumination and Self-Knowledge sealed for the safe passage of ye all who choose Christ to confront their dwellers and cast him out in Jesus Christ’s name and by the power of the flame within their hearts, the Bride of Christ.
They stand at 2 Aries on the midheaven of Guru MA, bonded to her heart and the heart of Saturn, Maitreya on the midpoint between Chiron, the conditioning of their souls throughout the ages and the 5th house cusp . They have bent the knee and have cut their ties to Abaddon, Apollyon and his locusts, Mars having transmuted by the violet flame all past conditioning by Chiron. They demonstrate in 2019 in public, the 7th house their mastery of Christ over the kingdom of man.
They come to winter solstice having slain their dweller to be filled with the Bridegroom, who is come for his Bride to take her to Wife as the Lambs Wife, on the six o’clock line on the North Gate. They have fulfilled the prophecy and the promise given in 1985 to be Elders of the People to aspire to attain to the Office of Christ to defend the GURU, Teacher, Rabonni. They have fulfilled the promise of Revelations of inheriting the Kingdom.
In 1985, Archangel Michael released the 33 year cycle of the playing out of the prophecies of the Book of Revelations. This was the cycle of 404 months, one month per verse of Revelations. The cycle ended on February 21st, 2019. This was the cycle for the redemption of the Elders who were called to support the Guru Moses and to balance their karma with the Guru and to prepare souls to attain to Christhood to qualify to be Elders to bring the people into the Kingdom Age. They are called to the mountain in 2019 to defend the Guru from those who have failed to balance their karma with the Guru.
These faithful are sealing their bond to the heart of the Guru. We were all given 24 years to bond to her heart and to Maitreya’s, 1985 – 2009. We have been tested since August 2009 to test the bond against our desires and conditioning released from our electronic belts. Many have met the challenges of these years by entering the heart while others have activated their hardness of heart giving power to their dweller.
We came to the end of the 33 year cycle of Revelations in Feb 2019 bonded to the heart of the Guru, Maitreya identified as Saturn. We are come to Saturn at 27 Aquarius in 1994 now conjunct Pluto in 2019 to fulfill the prophecy. We stand in the 26th year in Aquarius of the 1994 cycle that began to prepare us to be the 70 Elders and wear one seventieth of the mantle of the Guru as Teacher. Some have chosen as did Rich Richards, to pursue power and its association with wealth.
Mercury’s message is to be consciously aware, “awake” as watchmen on the wall. To hold back the night …of those who would take heaven by storm (Mother’s midheaven) Mother’s office and authority. The prophecy of January 1994 of Pluto at 27 Scorpio square Saturn at 27 Aquarius during the mega conjunction of seven planets in Capricorn occurred on January 12th, 1994. This was the prophecy of the destruction of the church and the nation if they were not re-organized to give birth to Christ. We were given 46 years of the Galactic Alignment to give birth to the second coming of Christ in man. The cycle ends in 2020 during the conjunction of Pluto Saturn on January 12th, 2020. The soul was prepared on the Path of Personal Christhood since 1987 under the initiation of the heart since 1988 to give birth and slay the dragon that stands before the Divine Mother giving birth to Christ in you. That Dragon is your dweller you created to replace your Christ self. Now you come to the initiation on the mountain to slay the Dragon, Pluto or to stand by while the Dragon makes war against your Christ self, the Lamb. It is written that the Dragon will manifest as our dwellers rally to their king, Abaddon to make war on the Lamb and the Lamb’s Wife, you. In 2020 this drama will play out.
1994 – 2020, 26 years, the 1 o’clock line of Aquarius in 2019. On January 12th, 2020 we enter the 2 o’clock line and the end of the Galactic Alignment and the Saturn Jupiter cycle.
Standing on the mountain, we see two parties, one aligned with the hierarchy of light, the other with the hierarchy of darkness. Now in 2020 we will bear witness to the beginning of the final battle. This was witnessed by Daniel and John, both of whom were ordered to seal up the vision until its time was come, at the end of the Age of Pisces. They were sealed, I believe until 2020.
2019 ends with the separating out of the wheat and the tares. We see this in the seat of the soul intercept in the 9th and 3rd houses. See the previous Blog. This is the test of the faithful whether they will defend the Guru. Or believing the lie be sealed in their karma, cut off from the Lord Christ because they have no oil in their lamps.
In 1985, following Mother’s trial the 24 Elders were created by El Morya in February to apply to the office as chela aspiring to the office of Christ to defend the Guru from all attacks. Then at summer solstice Archangel Michael announced the 33 year cycle of the playing out of the prophecies of Revelations involving our souls. In August 1985 we began the 24 year plan announced by the Goddess of Liberty to bond to the heart of the Messengers to bond to the heart of Maitreya, Saturn.
In 1988, during the mega conjunction at 0 Capricorn, the Maha Chohan initiated the cycle of the initiation of our hearts. He stated that those who assimilate the Guru will play out the SUN, VENUS, and JUPITER while those who accommodate the Guru will play out the Four Horsemen, MARS, SATURN, URANUS, and NEPTUNE. Revelations describes these four Horsemen in chapter Six verse 1 – 8, in the opening of the seven sealed scrolls, as the first four seals.
The Horsemen are described as the testers of the faithful who assimilate the Guru on the Path. Mars is singled out as the trigger, the Red Horse.
We stand in 2019 in the initiation of our hearts in Leo, the 32nd year, from February 21st, 2019 to February 21st, 2020. We also stand in the 1994 prophesies now in the 26th year from January 12th, 2019 – January 12th, 2020 in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. This is the axis of the soul, the seat of the soul Aquarius Leo, that is intercept in the 9th and 3rd houses to seal those who believe the lie, in their karma, without oil in their lamps; without a wedding garment; and without the fruit on the vine. This is the prophecy of 1994. It is the dividing of the way.
The 1985 cycle to put on Christ and defend the Guru from those playing out the prophecies of Revelations who have not bonded to the heart of the Guru, completed its first cycle of the clock at winter solstice 1996. We began the second cycle on January 1st, 1997. We began the third cycle of 12 in 2009 and we end this cycle on winter solstice 2020. This date begins the new Jupiter Saturn cycle, 20 years. In the first cycle the 24 Elders are tested to defend the Guru during the first 12 year cycle of the playing out of the prophecies of Revelations. Then in the second 12 year cycle, 1997 to 2009, the years the community ended and the Guru died, the Elders were charged to defend the Guru during the “Time of the Gentiles.” The third cycle, 2009 to 2021, we are called to come as Christ having attained to the office and stand before the Guru to begin our mission, to be anointed by the Guru at the river Jordan in the 34th year on the Path of Personal Christhood in the initiation of the heart.
The 1985 cycle and the 1994 cycle have been to qualify our souls to become the Christ in the second coming of Christ so that when he returns to anoint those who are like him at the river Jordan we will qualify for the Christ Mission of the Second Coming in man. We are being prepared to be one of the 24 Elders to guide the Church and we are being prepared to be among the 70 Elders to be World Teachers. God is preparing his own, for his time is come. The Guru has returned. He stands in Capricorn to gather all who have prepared to this hour.